• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

The findings of this study serve to reveal the existence and occurrences of sexual harassment at the University of Venda, the consequences of sexual harassment upon the victims and the University learning environment in general, how the students and the university can collaborate in preventing sexual harassment and create a safe environment for both students and staff strategies that can be used to promote speaking out against sexual harassment. It is hoped that these findings can contribute to more attention given to preventing sexual harassment on campuses.




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I, Siduna Bongai, a student in the School of Human and Social Sciences, Institute of Gender and Youth Studies at the University of Venda, am hereby conducting a research on Assessing Student Sexual Harassment at A Rural University in South Africa. This research study is being conducted in the University of Venda campus which is situated in Thohoyandou in the Limpopo province of South Africa.

The best response is the one that you think is the most appropriate to your circumstance. Try to complete at a time when you are least likely to be distracted and not to spend much time on any one question, as your first thoughts are usually the best.

There are no financial or non-financial personal benefits to be given for participating in this research but however, the study results from this research will be used for academic assessment at the above mentioned university hence can also be used as a platform for conducting relevant studies in this area for the improvement of sexual harassment awareness and prevention campaigns in the nation. The information you give will be used for the purposes of this study only and will be kept safe for confidentiality reasons. Also for sake of clarity, the participation in this research is voluntary, as you have the right to withdraw from participation if ever you feel so.

Thank you for your participation, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions pertaining this study.

Cell: 0783653998

Email: sbongai87@yahoo.com

Name (please note: do not provide real name(s))……….

Signature……….. Date………

Section A: Background information (Please tick where appropriate)

1. Gender Male Female

2. Level of study Post

graduate Under graduate

3. Sexual orientation Heterosexual Homosexual Bi-sexual

Section B:

(Fill your responses in the provided spaces below the questions)

1. What is your perception regarding sexual harassment?






2. Do you know the university’s sexual harassment policy? Please explain your answer.






3. What is the common type of sexual harassment among students? Please explain your answer.






4. Does awareness of the university’s sexual harassment policy reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment? Please explain your answer.







5. Where does sexual harassment occur in the university?





6. Do some student groups experience sexual harassment more than others? Please explain your answer.







7. What are the contributory factors of sexual harassment? Please explain your answer.








8. What are the effects of sexual harassment on students?








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