• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

The various disciplines that students enrol for are well structured to cater for the distribution of the cultural capital in society and are well aligned with the cultural know-how, competencies and skills that students possess. However, there seems to be an emerging pattern of the interdisciplinary nature of the fields which poses a challenge to the ‘bounded nature’ of fields. The resurgence of mathematical applications in the social sciences is a case in point. This challenges students to embrace other knowledge domains and be reflexive in their approach to learning instead of pigeon-holing their focus and externalising some knowledge domains. We are living in an age where, although we are masters of some, we should also be jacks of all trades. As it is, the study group under investigation has admitted to be poor in mathematics but claims to cope with the mathematical content in statistical applications particularly because the mathematical content is minimal. They are however inclined towards their preference for narratives as an area of their perceived competence, over numbers and symbols.


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