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4.2 Results of the statistical analysis of the variables

4.2.6 Educators’ use and opinions of the ESM and the game

knowledge and thus the educators and their responses to the interventions will now be presented.

curriculum, and that when using the NE tool they found it easy to work with. When asked about using the game 66.7% said the game was easy to use and that the activities were simple and fun. One educator reported that she found it easy because the information was interesting.

A question was asked about having the necessary resources and all educators said that they had everything they needed while one said she had easy access to whatever she might need.

Four out of the six educators felt that there was no setting up to do while one felt that the game required a fair amount of setting up before starting, she felt it took more than 10 minutes to set up. For the ESM education a further question was asked about preparation time for each lesson being manageable and one said it was quick and easy, while the other reported that it would be manageable if there were only 3 lessons a week or less to prepare. The educators involved in the game were asked whether they would use the game outside of a nutrition lesson and all three said yes, with one explaining that it was convenient and learners enjoyed it, while the other two said they would only use it outside a lesson if they had someone around to help supervise. Educators’ responses to effectiveness and general evaluation of the ESM or game

The educators opinion on whether the game or ESM was effective was measured by asking if they thought the learners understood the game or ESM, if they felt it was age appropriate, and whether or not they believe the learners learnt anything by using the NE tool. For both interventions all the educators felt that they learners were able to participate and learn, and all of them agreed that the game or ESM was age appropriate. Three out of the five educators thought that the learners learnt a lot while the other two educators felt that they were able to learn some things. Table 4.23 presents the “general evaluation” section with each question and the responses of either strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree. For the purpose of this study strongly agree and agree will be collated into agree, and disagree and strongly disagree will be collated into disagree. Generally educators found that the ESM or the game useful, interesting and easy to use, they found that the learners enjoyed playing it and were able to learn something. For the ESM two educators requested a more detailed plan on what to do each day with the curriculum and the material however neither of them felt training would have been useful. The educators using the game also found it helpful and effective but some were neutral about making the game more detailed for this age group and others agreed.

Table 4.23: Responses of the educators to each of the questions in the general evaluation section (n=3 for ESM; n=3 for game)

ESM Agree Neutral Disagree Game Agree Neutral Disagree

As an educator, how did you find the material? As an educator, did you find the game helpful?

a. It was very informative 3 a. It was quick and easy to use 3

b. I liked the activities suggested 2 1 b. The learners learnt while having fun 3

c. There was too much information 1 2 c. It was distracting 3

d. It was time consuming 3 d. I didn’t get a chance to use it 3

e. I didn’t get a chance to use it 3

What do you enjoy most about the material? What do you enjoy most about the game?

a. It is easy to use 3 a. It is easy to use 3

b. I don’t have to do a lot of work preparing for it 3 b. I don’t have to preparing anything in order to use it 2 1

c. The learners enjoy it 3 c. The learners enjoy it and it keeps them busy 3

d. The learners are learning something 3 d. The learners are learning something 3

e. I have everything I need for it and so I can use it properly 3

What did you enjoy least about the material? What did you enjoy least about the game?

a. I don’t understand it or how to use it 3 a. I don’t understand it or how to use it 3

b. It requires a lot of preparation time which I don’t have 3 b. It requires watching the learners and I don’t have time 3

c. The learners found it boring 3 c. The learners find it boring and don’t learn anything 3

d. I do not feel like the learners learnt anything 3 d. I could not use it once the original resources are finished 3

e. I don’t have the all the things I need to use it 3

What would you change/improve about the material? What would you change/improve about the game?

a. Nothing, it works well 3 a. Nothing, it works well 3

b. Make it easier to understand and use 1 1 1 b. Make it easier to understand and use 2 1

c. Provide a detailed outline for each day 2 1 c. Make it more detailed for this age group 2 1

d. Have a training session on how to use it before starting 3 d. Make the questions harder 3

Would you recommend it to other educators? Would you recommend this game to other educators?

a. Yes 3 a. Yes 3

b. No b. No