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In this section I present the cross case-analysis of three participants as well as describe my five day visit of classroom observation to participants. Data collected using the structured questionnaire schedule on teachers’ profile information and the semi-structured interview schedule on teachers’ understanding and practices of assessment is also presented. Three teachers were selected from three different schools as participants. The results from case studies relate to the teachers’ experiences of assessing assessment in technology classrooms.

For each participant a brief description of the teacher’s background profile is provided. The teacher’s profile consists of qualification, teaching experience, the number of years teaching as well as number of years teaching Technology. The description of the school context and teacher’s biography are given in figure 5 and 6.

48 4.2.1 Context of the school

The vertical chevron list was used to represent the information on the context of the participant’s schools.

Figure 5: Context of the school

The participants were three Technology teachers, Bonga, Sipho and Lungi. The pseudonyms were used for ethical purposes to conceal the teachers’ identities. Sipho and Bonga were teaching at township schools. Lungi was teaching in a rural area. Sipho’s school has a well maintained Electrical Technology classroom with three photocopier machines and two


• Taught at a township school.

• School is fairly well resourced with electricity, three photocopier and two computers in the administration block.

• School has laboratory and well maintained library with sixteen computers.

• No overcrowding of learners occured in the classrooms.

• Learners were in their classrooms during lesson times.

• School has well maintained Electrical Technology classroom and buildings.

• The school has two receptionists.


• Taught at a township school.

• School is fairly well resourced with electricity, two photocopier machines and a computer in the administration block.

• School has laboratory and a library.

• No overcrowding of learners occured in the classrooms.

• Learners were in their classrooms during lesson times.

• School has well maintained classrooms and buildings.

• The school has one receptionist.


• Taught at the school situated in rural area.

• School is not well resourced but has electricity, two photocopier.

machine and a computer in the administration block.

• School has laboratory.

• No overcrowding of learners in the classrooms.

• Learners were in their classrooms during lesson time.

• School has well maintained classrooms and buidings.

• The school has one receptionist.


computers in the administration block. Bonga and Lungi’s schools have two photocopier machines and only one computer in the administration block. Unlike Sipho’s school which also have 16 computers in the library, both Bonga and Lungi’s schools do not have computers in the library and there is no library in Lungi’s school, however their schools both have a laboratory. The computers in the library are used by teachers and learners. All three schools have electricity and electricity is installed in all classrooms. The classrooms are neat with well-arranged desks. The desks were arranged in groups in all three schools. Arranging desks in groups helps learners during Technology periods when they work in groups to share ideas.

It also increases their personal involvement, commitment and self-esteem. During lesson times learning and teaching took place in all three schools. All three schools have sufficient classrooms with suitable furniture and there was no classroom overcrowding.

All three schools had well-maintained school buildings; however, Sipho’s school was better in terms of physical resources compared to Lungi and Bonga’s schools. Although Lungi’s school is situated in rural area and has been recently built in recent years but it is still in good condition. All three schools are surrounded by fence which keeps the mischievous individuals away from school. This protects and prevents the school from being vandalised. They have security guards at the gate who are responsible for security in the school. Upon arrival at the school you meet the security guard who will direct you to the receptionist. Sipho’s school has two receptionists. Bonga and Lungi’s school has only one receptionist. The receptionists welcome every individual or individuals who arrive at the school and direct that individual to the relevant office or somebody who could assist that individual.

50 4.2.2 Biography of participants

The vertical chevron list provides a summary of the teachers’ biographies from the questionnaire and interview responses.

Figure 6: Professional development of teachers

Sipho was teaching Grade Nine Technology for the first time in that year. He has no qualification in Technology. However, for five years Bonga has been teaching another subject (not Technology). He has no qualification in Technology. Lungi has been teaching Grade Eight and Grade Nine Technology for a year. She has no qualification in Technology.

All three teachers have never received any professional development in Technology. They have never received training in implementing assessment in Technology. Unlike Bonga and Lungi who at least attended a workshop, Sipho had never attended any Technology workshop. Bonga and Lungi received assistance from the subject advisor as they both


• Teaching exprience-3 months.

• Experience in teaching Technology-3 months.

• Qualification in Technology education -none.

• Professional development in Technology recieved-none.

• Attended workshops in Technology-never.

• Taught Grade Nine Technology.


• Teaching experience- five years.

• Experience in teaching Technology-3 months.

• Qualification in Technology-none.

• Professional training in Technology education-none except assisstance from HOD and subject advisor.

• Attended Technology workshops-ye.s

• Taught Grade Eight and Nine Technology.


• Teaching experience-one years.

• Eperience in teaching Technology-one years.

• Qualification in Technology-none.

• Has also never received any professional training in implementing assessment in Technology except assisstance from subject advisor.

• Attended Technology workshop-yes (once on assessment).

• Taught Grade Eight and Nine Technology.


attended the workshops. The subject advisor visited Lungi’s school to offer his assistance to her in Technology and spend the whole day assisting her. Lungi gained a lot of information from the subject advisor during his visit.