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Chapter Four: The Environment for Contracting NGOs in South Africa- Case Study of the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA)

5.2 Recommendations

The review of literature shows that contracting is a complex and long-term exercise, which requires both the government and NGO sectors to have realistic expectations about their capacity and efficiency in delivering services.

Unrealistic expectations can be damaging to the credibility of NGOs involved in contracting, and may in the long run destroy their credibility and financial sustainability.

South Africa, like some other developing countries, particularly Brazil, has been influenced by the trends towards contracting set by the advanced industrial countries, and concerns about reducing the scale and scope of the state. However, conclusions drawn from the experience of first world countries in relation to contracting should be treated with great caution by developing countries. This implies that developing countries, including South Africa, should first evaluate their structural conditions before they can implement policies informed by experiences from developed countries. As Hassen argues, decisions regarding what to contract out and what to keep in-house are often based on whether a service is deemed 'core' or 'non-core's. Core services are those for which government has a constitutional obligation or strategic reason for delivering. Non-core services are not mandated by the constitution (Hassen, 2000: 22).

My research has suggested that contracting, if used carefully is a viable palliative to the existing funding shortage facing NGOs, and can, more importantly, extend services to the majority of South Africans. Consideration of many of the issues addressed in this dissertation could help both government and NGOs to embark on a process of introspection and work towards forging a new delivery partnership.

~ Further development of government capacity to monitor the performance of servIce providers. Continuous evaluation and monitoring will strengthen institutional capacity and financial constraints facing both parties;

~ Clear guidelines for NGOs to tender for government contracts;

~ Establishment of an advisory committee made up of representatives from various sectors (government, non-profit sector, community representatives and private business). This committee should be asked to advise both parties about ongoing developments in contracting out and effective mechanisms to deliver services efficiently;

~ Government networking with organisations that have a valuable record of contracting out;

~ Regular documentation and research on partner satisfaction with the performance of contracted NGOs. Contractual penalties for non-performance should be enforced.

Furthermore, the findings from the work of Dollery and Wallis (1999), 'Administrative Constraints on Policy Making in the New South Africa' are recommended in addressing the problem of state and NGO incapacity. A first recommendation is the adoption of a contractual partnership emphasising performance monitoring, managerial responsibility, out-put rather than input evaluation, and other restructuring strategies. This approach was successfully implemented in New Zealand, where contracts included performance agreements between departmental heads and their portfolio ministers, contracts between funders and purchasers, purchasers and providers, as well as funders and regulators.

(Dollery and Wallis, 1999: 8)

Administrative capacity could be built through educational programs. Dollery and Wallis (1999:9) maintain that scarce public administrative skills should be concentrated in those areas where they can yield the greatest social benefits. The role of the state in South Africa should be limited to performance of core functions or other areas not addressed by private (profit or non-profit) organizations. Already, some NGOs such as AFRA and Mvula Trust are working in collaboration with the government departments, DLA and the DWAF respectively to improve service delivery in rural areas.

It seems evident that unless NGOs take the lead in pressuring the government to make necessary policy changes on the procurement procedures, and government shows itself willing to respond to this pressure, the opportunity that currently exists to forge new delivery partnerships is likely to be lost. The dYnamics of the current trends of contracting out are complex and cannot be done justice in a brief study. Further research on this field is recommended because the full potential of NGOs in contracting for development has not yet been explored.


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