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19th August, 1954. ;ales and


Academic year: 2023

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Dogs :ere 10rr::ed sho1·t days in temperatures to avoid.., the risk of lung fl'O:Jting; the only symptom.ns produced .1ere . occasic;i ~ l cou-hs short from bronchial irri..ation. The weather during the period was settled Hith temperatures bet\leen zero and -20 ° F. Ice conditions reported us no fast ice in two .. ilec north of the Base and then heavy pack cr.maolidnted in the ho:=-1zone . Ice was reported bF:fasted in t1ie Bavs and around the island's shores and then five-tenths piled up at the limit of visibility.

Clarke a~d Standring were relieved from Vie~ Point Hut on 18 July by Lewis and Mottershead. He remained in occupation until the end of the month. Fall~la.nd Islands Denendencies Survey The attached report for the period 16th ~Tuly to 25th August hus received from the Governor of Fa).kland Iolande and is circulated for the information of members of the Cornmitt~e . Clarke and Standring are relieved at Vie\1 Point Hut o:i July 18 by Lewis and Hottershead \7ho remained in occupation until the end of the month.

The fast and deep, soft snow made moving difficult for the first few days of the journey, and the party had to stay in bed for two days because of t:Salea. In the first;; country the Directorate of Colonial Studies will complete the compilation of the 1/200,000 hole. Lcc'tures are given in various parts of the Bri ti Oh Islands as follows:-.

LRWB completed its service with the Survey r-.t the end of September, ending its work hns since then paused in four. Plankton i·uns muc1o alor.g the shore produc cd ini:;ercsting roaul tSo A dctailod map oi' th. 34;took a consideration:.:ole runoun"t of t.ime out results, except in 'the case of the recording volt meter (ryind speed). wore unsa.tisf'uctory oecc.use of oeccric"'. l fc: results.

Sno 1flake f'ixa t jons wns unde1·tc.1:en whenever possiolo and 106 pllo't oulloon nscents 1complete successfully. Konaidernoly the highest ~ha.n the lowest .nimu for several months of last year. ugust nnd lecst during July and Sopte.r.oar. The bypass route previously used in April 2016 was developed at Beehi vc Nun. from where the depot part joined, and. Russell und Victory Glaciers to Pitt Point. finished there; there was insufficient time to complete the mriinlnnd co~.st survey.

Some outlines of: the ice sheet and geological company visits to a number of outcrops on James Ross Island. Progress was made during the year during the conquest of the British territory. The schedules are maintained despite the base not being powered; The SCCNGs were completed during the year.

The enclosed annual report for 1953 has been received from the Governor of the Falkland Islands and is being sent for information.

S', 'fta ~

The w1..o.thcr was gom::rally cloudy with sn.Jw, rnin, or d1'ift on must days and stI'ong to gale-force winds of the. north or north- oc.ot. The ice in Bransfield Strait varied between one tenth and nine tenths. A number of Terns cmd Skua.s hcv ... rL:turne:d and peng.tlti.s wur, first observed nt .. i'hc. ice cream is reported still font to the Islr-n

Northeastern and southwestern areas with rough snowstorms and temperatures that hardly fluctuate for most of the month. Four clear, calm, sunny days at the end of &cptc.mbcr· \7erc very vrelcomc and enjoyed by oll. The Peltier channels were in constant motion and ranged from water to nine-tenths of coverage. Sc.v1.;ral repair ro.d maint1..nancc joos v1cre co-operated, including public transport, outboard motors and sledding equipment.

The main slodgc l'arty (Turner, To.ylor, Lcv11nx·d onCl Standring) r0turn to the Bar;-.; on the 6th October havin('. Pedurscn Nunutal•. Geological v;orlc wac carril.d from nt Cape Lon ing and at Pl)durscn Nunat:::.lc.,. 5th Oktobt.r and r1..yortcd killing,;d a number of seals and naving sto1'cd th1..m above Duse Bay tidal cro.c:: and at Suw.ni t Pc.ss.

Four elem· calm sunny days at the end o:!' &c:vtcmbOI' we1·c very welcome and everyone enjoys, Paclt ice in Ncumoyor o.nd. Pel t1e1· Channc13 was under constant movement and vr rled from open water to nine-tenths cover. Mnin group of sleds (Turner, Taylor, LcpJ,.ord and Standring) returned to B1.H:1..: on October 6th they covered a total distance of 362 milc.s.

The geological world: wo.c carried out t Cope Lon( ing and in Pedersen Nunatc.k, On the return trip the party took the local for a r1eck to rest the teams, Tho do~s had mos m. Bo.su on September 25 for to occupy View Point Hut and to hunt auuls in Duse Bay. Mott1.rohc.:ad and Kunncy returned on the 9th keeping mctc.orologico.l. oboc. •vations daily, mode a f'ix nnd co. ue.ht o. nwn'bc.r of sc.als.. Clo.1·ku, Bl'ookf'icld, Kenney and Precious r re of mnlw " short survey trip and Taylor oncl Mottershead arc to try the dogs fc. cding in v:huli.;.

Taylor has i•cportt.d that he is making some progress with his :!'rictionc.l work and ..t ..equipment ic pr•oving snsatisfactory. l{cru1cy at added f'urtho;.:r de;toil to the local oui·vey bot·.-:uc.n slcd~c journcyc.


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Supporting documents attached as:  Attachment 1: Official invitation or acceptance letter from the conference organizers which indicates the title of the invited lecture or accepted

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