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The invertebrates of indigenous forests in Limpopo province South Africa : diversity, biogeography and conservation.


Academic year: 2023

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Page Figure 3.8: Percentage of earthworms introduced into forests for a) total number of earthworm species and b) total number of earthworm individuals. 106 Figure 4.2: Contribution of each sampled forest in Limpopo province to .. invertebrate diversity where a) is species composition and b) family composition.


  • What is biodiversity?
  • The three levels of biodiversity
  • Estimating global species diversity
  • Invertebrate abundance and diversity
  • Benefits of biodiversity to humans
  • Global species extinction
  • Threats to global biodiversity

Invertebrates dominate all faunal groups in the world, both in terms of numbers of individuals and biomass (Black et al. 2001). The ultimate cause of all these threats to biodiversity is the continued exponential growth of the human population, which began in the last century.


Global forests & biodiversity

For example, the composition of life in the tropical forest canopy is quite different from that of the forest floor. According to Erwin (1988), most of the undescribed species of arthropods in the world will be found in tropical forest canopies.

Forest invertebrate abundance and diversity

Tropical forests contain more diversity than any other environment and most species are invertebrates. Not surprisingly, many forest invertebrate species are unknown to science, as few species of insects and other arthropods sampled in tropical forests can be found in existing collections or in the world literature (Raven 1988; Stork 1997).

Why study forest invertebrates?

According to Primack (2000), ecologists have recognized 14 specific categories of species that are particularly susceptible to extinction and must be carefully monitored and conserved. Because at least six of the 14 recognized categories concern many forest invertebrate groups, such species must be considered at high risk of extinction.


Description of South African forests

Water availability limits the area of ​​South African forests (von Maltitz et al. 2003) and forests are generally restricted to locations with mean annual rainfall greater than 525 millimeters in winter regions and greater than 725 millimeters in regions with. Disturbing factors, especially fire initiation, also have a major influence on forest distribution (Geldenhuys 1994; von Maltitz et al. 2003).

Figure 1.1: Altitudinal distribution of South African forests (from von Maltitz et al
Figure 1.1: Altitudinal distribution of South African forests (from von Maltitz et al

South African forest classification

Elevation and temperature are not important influences on South African forest distribution, since forests occur from sea level to over 2100 metres in altitude (Rutherford & Westfall 1994; Low & Rebelo 1996) and from the snow and frost prone Drakensberg to the hot KwaZulu-Natal coastal plain (von Maltitz et al. 2003). Four of von Maltitz et al.’s (2003) major forest groups (comprising 12 forest types) can be broadly classified as South African Afromontane forests: (1) the Southern Afrotemperate Group, (2) the Northern Afrotemperate Group, (3) the Northern Mistbelt Group and (4) the Southern Mistbelt Group.

South African Afromontane forests

The lack of consensus between classification systems relates to finer subdivisions within Afromontane and coastal forest types (von Maltitz et al. 2003). Because of altitude, latitude and proximity to the coast, temperatures within Afromontane forests are generally low and consistent (von Maltitz et al. 2003).

Table  1.1:  Afromontane  forest  by  province  in  South  Africa.    The  total  area  of  the  Afromontane forest in each province, the proportion of the province area that Afromontane  vegetation  occupies  and  the contribution  to  the total  area of
Table 1.1: Afromontane forest by province in South Africa. The total area of the Afromontane forest in each province, the proportion of the province area that Afromontane vegetation occupies and the contribution to the total area of


Recruitment, growth and mortality, native and invasive species dynamics, and nutrient cycling have been investigated in South African forests (C. J. Geldenhuys 2003, pers. comm.), but these studies all focused on forest flora. Factors influencing the richness of target invertebrates in the forests of Limpopo province are assessed and introduced invertebrate species are also discussed.


  • Northern Mistbelt Forests of Limpopo Province
  • Species vs. morphospecies in biodiversity studies
  • Focal groups vs. target groups
  • Invertebrate collection techniques

As a result, studies of invertebrate biodiversity often focus on a single "core group," a subdivision of a larger group of interest. Success is largely dependent on the vigilance of the forager and yields can be low, especially for widely distributed species (New 1998).


No single method samples all habitats equally and most capture only a limited component of the target species present (Hammond 1995). Because commercial farms, managed plantations or communal lands surround most of the forests sampled, they were mainly conserved to protect natural ecosystems and water catchments.

Table 2.1:Characteristics of forest patches sampled in this study.  The name, location, size, forest subtype and vegetation characteristics of each forest are given (Geldenhuys & Venter 2002; von Maltitz et al
Table 2.1:Characteristics of forest patches sampled in this study. The name, location, size, forest subtype and vegetation characteristics of each forest are given (Geldenhuys & Venter 2002; von Maltitz et al


  • Millipedes (Class: Diplopoda)
  • Centipedes (Class: Chilopoda)
  • Scorpions (Order: Scorpionida)
  • Web building and ground wandering spiders (Order: Araneae)
  • Terrestrial molluscs (Class: Gastropoda)
  • Earthworms (Class: Oligochaeta)
  • Terrestrial amphipods (Family: Talitridae)
  • Additional taxa

They are nocturnal, secretive invertebrates that spend most of the daylight hours under logs and stones (Miller & Harley 1992). They are the most famous and well-known of all chelicerates, being one of the most common groups of terrestrial animals (Cloudsley-Thompson 1968; Brusca & Brusca 1990) and frequently coming into contact with humans (Leroy & Leroy 2000).


  • Quadrat sampling
  • Line transect sampling
  • Pitfall trap sampling
  • Other sampling techniques
  • Specimen identification

Five quadrats were completed in each of the 11 forests, for a total of 55 quadrats for the study. Five line transects were completed in each of the 11 forests, for a total of 55 line transects for the study.


Biodiversity surrogates

However, knowing the species diversity of a single area, group or time is essentially useless unless it can be compared with other areas, groups or times (Purvis & Hector 2000). In this chapter, I use measures of species richness, diversity, and target evenness as surrogates for total invertebrate diversity in Limpopo Province forests, recognizing that higher mobility invertebrate taxa were not sampled and that they may exhibit different diversity patterns (see section 5.4). .1).

Measuring alpha diversity

In contrast, the modified Hill ratio (E5) is not affected by sample size or species richness (Ludwig & Reynolds 1988). For these reasons, richness and evenness are often presented as separate values ​​alongside diversity indices.

Introduced species

Because of the uncertainties and limitations associated with all measures of species diversity (Ludwig & Reynolds 1988), richness, evenness and diversity indices were all calculated and expressed separately in this study. In this chapter I describe the composition and abundance of invertebrate species in Limpopo Province forests.


  • Calculations of richness, diversity and evenness
  • Comparisons of richness, diversity and evenness
  • Absolute species richness, diversity and evenness
  • Descriptive models - multiple regression analysis
  • Introduced species

One way ANOVAs were used to test for significant differences between regional, forest and target group richness, diversity and evenness. The LSD post hoc test was used to identify significant differences between individual forests and target groups within each forest.


  • Total numbers of species and individuals
  • Regional comparisons of richness, diversity and evenness
  • Comparisons of forest richness, diversity and evenness
  • Comparisons of target group richness, diversity and evenness
  • Absolute species richness, diversity and evenness
  • Descriptive models - multiple regression analysis
  • Introduced species

Post hoc testing revealed the importance of differences in target richness, diversity and evenness between individual forests. Multiple regression was used to determine the biotic and abiotic variables that influenced target species richness in the forests of Limpopo Province.

Table 3.2:Total numbers of indigenous target group families, genera, species and (individuals) sampled in Limpopo Province forests
Table 3.2:Total numbers of indigenous target group families, genera, species and (individuals) sampled in Limpopo Province forests


  • Species composition
  • Regional richness, diversity and evenness
  • Forest richness, diversity and evenness
  • Target group richness, diversity and evenness
  • Introduced species

Druce (2000) recorded three centipede species in the savannah habitat of the Greater Makalali Conservancy, Limpopo Province. In the current study, up to five millipede species were recorded in a single forest area in Limpopo Province (Table 3.7) and a total of seven millipede species were sampled during this study.

Table 3.8:  Comparative  millipede  richness  values  for  relatively  well-sampled forest  sites  in South Africa (National Millipede Database)
Table 3.8: Comparative millipede richness values for relatively well-sampled forest sites in South Africa (National Millipede Database)


This appears to be the case in the current study, where introduced earthworms accounted for most of the earthworm species sampled (Figure 3.8). In the South African context, the invertebrate richness of Limpopo Province forests is high, especially when considering that many of the figures presented are probably underestimated.


Measuring beta diversity

The beta diversity of site pairs is most easily measured using coefficients of similarity, such as the Jaccard index and the Sorensen index (Southwood 1978; Magurran 1988). Another method of beta diversity investigation is cluster analysis, which can be used when there are a number of sites to be compared.

Species endemism

Endemism can be expressed as a percentage of all taxa present or as the absolute number of endemics in an area (Hawksworth & Kalin-Arroyo 1995). In this chapter I examine invertebrate species endemism in Limpopo Province forests at four levels and characterize the amounts of endemism in the two regions, the three vegetation subtypes and the eleven individual forests.

Limpopo Province forest history in brief

Climate change during this time probably reduced forests in South Africa to a highly compacted Afrotemperate forest archipelago south of Limpopo Province (Lawes 1990, Eeley et al. 1999). Afromontane forests in South Africa likely expanded in response to a more favorable climate (Meadows & Linder 1989; Lawes 1990, Eeley et al. 1999).


  • Site similarity
  • Cluster analysis
  • Species endemism analysis
  • Comparison with Zimbabwean and KwaZulu-Natal forests

Karkloof was chosen because it has the highest number of records and is the best sampled forest in KwaZulu-Natal. Additional KwaZulu-Natal forests were not considered because the list of species would be excessively long and would confuse comparisons.


Site similarity

However, family composition did not reflect these trends and Baccarat was most similar to Soutpansberg at the family level while Swartbos, Baccarat's nearest neighbour, was least similar (Figure 4.3a). At the species level, Roodewal was least similar to the Drakensberg and Ratombo was least similar at the family level (Figure 4.3b).

Table  4.1:  Similarities  in  invertebrate  family  and  species  composition  between  Limpopo  Province  forests
Table 4.1: Similarities in invertebrate family and species composition between Limpopo Province forests

Cluster analysis

Species endemism analysis

The number of endemic species sampled in each forest varied, as did the taxonomic composition of endemics. HANGHPRODENTRATFGLTVBACSWBNAGGRO SoutpansbergDrakensberg Figure 4.11: The number of endemics for each sampled forest, with the total endemics (all levels, l), Limpopo Province forest endemics (regional, local and site levels, o) and 95% confidence limits.

Figure 4.4: Dendrograms for a) all target invertebrate species, b) millipede species and c)  centipede  species  shared  between  forests  using  the  average  linkage  between  forests  and  Euclidean distances
Figure 4.4: Dendrograms for a) all target invertebrate species, b) millipede species and c) centipede species shared between forests using the average linkage between forests and Euclidean distances

Comparison with Zimbabwean and KwaZulu-Natal forests

At the species level, the similarity was strongest between the Soutpansberg and the Northern Drakensberg (Table 4.4a). Also at the species level, the Soutpansberg was more similar to KwaZulu-Natal than the northern Drakensberg.

Figure 4.14:  Dendrogram  for millipede  genera shared between regional forests using the  average  linkage  between  groups  and  Euclidean  distances
Figure 4.14: Dendrogram for millipede genera shared between regional forests using the average linkage between groups and Euclidean distances


Site similarity

If this is indeed the case, Hanglip would be the sampled forest most closely connected to the Drakensberg, and Thathe Vondo would be the most isolated from the region.


However, the extent of centipede endemism in the forests of Limpopo Province is not exceptional compared to other forest areas. A large proportion of the endemic centipedes sampled in the forests of Limpopo Province belonged to the genera Gnomeskelus (39%) and Sphaerotherium (33%).

Table 4.5: The numbers of site and national endemic millipedes in selected South African  forested sites (from Hamer & Slotow 2002)
Table 4.5: The numbers of site and national endemic millipedes in selected South African forested sites (from Hamer & Slotow 2002)

Forest history and invertebrate distribution

Two genera represent all endemic species of earthworms sampled in the forests of Limpopo Province, Parachilota and Tritogenia. Linear regression was used to determine whether distance to Pleistocene forest refugia sites was associated with the number of local endemic species in Limpopo Province forests.


These results indicate that historical processes significantly influence local endemism in the forests of Limpopo province. Linear regression analysis suggests that local endemism in the forests of Limpopo province could be a product of historical processes.


Biodiversity indicators and invertebrate studies

This substitution method requires good evidence that changes in species richness are reflected at other taxonomic levels (Balmford et al. 1996). In addition, few studies have been conducted using this method with terrestrial invertebrate groups (Pik et al. 1999).

Land classes as surrogates for species’ distributions

Environmental proxies are usually discrete land classes, but can also be continuous variables (Lombard et al. 2003). The land classes used in this study were those proposed by von Maltitz et al. 2003), which includes environmental data (climate and soil) and species of plants, birds, mammals, frogs and reptiles into land classes.


  • Individual taxa as indicators of species richness
  • Higher taxa as indicators of invertebrate species richness
  • Morphospecies as indicators of formal (true) invertebrate species richness
  • Vegetation classification as a surrogate for invertebrate species’ distributions

Cumulative species richness (S) of Limpopo province forests was calculated for each target group and for all target groups together (total target species richness). Second, the relationship between total invertebrate morphospecies and true species richness and between morphospecies and true species richness of each group was.


  • Individual taxa as indicators of species richness
  • Higher taxa as indicators of invertebrate species richness
  • Morphospecies as indicators of formal (true) invertebrate species richness
  • Vegetation classification as a surrogate for invertebrate species’ distributions

These results suggest that both the genus and family levels can be used as reliable surrogates for invertebrate species richness. Sheldonia(3) . Figure 5.5: Distribution of native species across families and genera in all forests of Limpopo Province for a) earthworms and b) molluscs.

Table 5.2: Summary of the relationships between total target invertebrate species richness  (total  S)  and  the  richness  (S)  of  each  taxon  investigated
Table 5.2: Summary of the relationships between total target invertebrate species richness (total S) and the richness (S) of each taxon investigated


  • Individual taxa as indicators of species richness
  • Higher taxa as indicators of invertebrate species richness
  • Morphospecies as indicators of invertebrate species richness
  • Vegetation classification as a surrogate for invertebrate species’ distributions

Compared to past classification systems, the relative success of von Maltitz et al.'s (2003) classification system as a surrogate for the distribution of invertebrate species becomes apparent. Although the classification of von Maltitz et al. 2003) was relatively successful as a surrogate for the distribution of invertebrate species and their uses.

Table 5.7: Summary of significant correlations in taxon richness across sites in various habitats (Significant correlations: P < 0.05), listed in order of decreasing proportion of significant positive correlations
Table 5.7: Summary of significant correlations in taxon richness across sites in various habitats (Significant correlations: P < 0.05), listed in order of decreasing proportion of significant positive correlations



Uses of and threats to South African forests

As a result of various abuses, forests have recently become increasingly fragmented (Midgley et al. 1997). Forests are now considered one of South Africa's most vulnerable vegetation types (von Maltitz et al. 2003).

South African forest conservation

The conservation of protected but isolated forest areas depends on the conservation of species within the forests and ecosystem processes operating within and between islands (Midgley et al. 1997). Ecologists cannot prioritize conservation efforts wisely without first identifying key species and processes (Barbier et al. 1994).

Table  6.1:  Area  and    proportion  of  different  forest  types  conserved  in  southern  Africa  (Low & Rebelo 1996)
Table 6.1: Area and proportion of different forest types conserved in southern Africa (Low & Rebelo 1996)

Limpopo Province forest conservation at present

Hanglip Nature Reserve High intensity recreational use, socio-cultural use Roodewal Nature Reserve Conservation limited sustainable use Goedehoop Bioreserve Socio-cultural use. Thathe Vondo Nature Reserve High intensity recreational use, low intensity recreational use, socio-cultural use.


Invertebrate species diversity – major findings


Figure 1.1: Altitudinal distribution of South African forests (from von Maltitz et al
Figure  2.1:  Distribution  of  forests  studied  in  Limpopo  Province  and  associated  forest  subtypes (modified from Geldenhuys &amp; Venter 2002)
Figure 3.1:  Sampling frequency of target  groups  in  Limpopo Province forests, expressed  as  the  percentage  of  the  total  number  of  indigenous  target  group  individuals  sampled  (parentheses indicate the number of individuals sampled)
Figure  3.3:  Target  group  a)  richness  S,  b)  diversity  N1  and  c)  evenness  E5  of  the  Soutpansberg and Drakensberg regions and 95% confidence limits


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