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The Virtues of Men : an exploration of virtue ethics and its application to masculinity


Academic year: 2023

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Of greater concern, however, is the contemporary movement to depict any traditional, inherited idea of ​​masculinity as toxic and harmful. By encouraging the pursuit of this ideal, a new kind of masculinity can be constructed, which is not limited by the possibilities of the society in which a man finds himself. However, there has been a movement to depict any inherited or traditional idea of ​​masculinity as toxic and harmful.

The assumption she makes is that traditional norms of masculinity are inherently violent and destructive. As noted above, the concept of masculinity as such is problematic, as it is seen as something toxic.

The Aristotelian Origin: The Vir of Virtue

From this, it may be clear why the distinguishing characteristic of the home in the Greek mind was necessity. It is possible that the earlier definitions may be a relaxation of the final definition. This is evident in the double definition of the word "noble" when applied to men.

Rather, he seems to suggest that virtue originates from the non-rational part of the human psyche (Aristotle, 2009:1103a3). Thus, it is necessary to examine the role of reason and intellect in the development of virtue.

The Aquinian Transformation

The Greeks, and especially the Stoics, would have no problem identifying God in the rationality of the universe. Aquinas argues that although it is related to happiness, it is not part of the essence of it. In the intellect, it is knowledge of the essence of a thing, i.e. what the thing is.

Circumstances may not be part of the essence of the action, but it is not unrelated. The two virtues of intellect, that is reason, come in the form of wisdom and science.

Modernity and its Projects

The clear difference lies in the ends of the search for truth and the search for meaning, respectively. In the case of the former, the establishment of truth is the end goal of the activity. Arendt writes specifically that in the wake of the First World War a great disgust developed towards

Worse still, this class of people has no sense of loss of ultimate value standards. Another solution to the loss of authority is to accept the fact that in the absence of authority, evaluations, judgments, and justifications cannot overcome the direct feelings of the individual subject. This solution is only a consequence of the loss of authority and the resulting nihilism (Roodt, 2016:47).

One of the main difficulties in describing this new domain, the so-called society, in relation to the. They have no objection to people living among themselves; that was expected of the members of the policy. The objection is not against labor as such, because it is as necessary as the necessity of the private domain of the Greeks.

Unlike private, which was located in the home, intimate is of the heart. This dignity provides a starting point for man to orient himself in relation to the rest of the world. Rather, it is a demonstration of the hybridization of the two basic ethical principles discussed above.

Modern Man and the Decentring of Masculinity

Laureen Snider (1998:24) writes that it is this loss of purpose that fuels the "man rage" of the late 20th century and beyond. It must be said that none of the authors support this strong division between men and women. We will address the first of the two questions first because it is much simpler.

John Tosh describes an example of this change in 19th century industrialized Britain. 22 It is possible that the author is confusing the use of "man" in pre-Enlightenment texts with the more modern use of the term. In contrast, modern texts often use the term "man" to refer only to males of the human species.

The second factor, the validation of the home, runs counter to the Victorian work ethic. The 'sign', the combination of the signifier and the signified, becomes little more than a human construct. The result of this ambiguity is that the gender of the child can be difficult to determine even long after birth.

The following discussion must therefore be handled carefully, because while a judgment on the legitimacy of the. As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, toxic masculinity is defined by male aggression and dominance. The supposedly hopeful destruction of traditional masculinity also seems to be the cause of the male rage that Snider worries about.

The Virtue of Men Revisited

Instead, a father is involved in raising the child, providing for his physical needs, and protecting the child from danger. It is from the father that the child learns what a man looks like, although the way he or she should respond differs depending on the sex of the child. Accordingly, they participate in the elements of rationality shared by all members of the species.

For man is head of woman, as Christ is head of the church, his body, of which he is the Redeemer. It's tempting to focus on the first half of the quote, where Paul tells women to submit to their husbands. The meanings of the term "chivalry" ranged from heavy cavalry to the polite treatment of women.

This presents an image of a man who is not tied to one or the other end of the male spectrum discussed above. Each of them is associated with the legendary sword Excalibur and later with the Lady of the Lake. He does not receive it as recognition of his power, as happened with the sword in the stone, but through an agreement with the Lady of the Lake.

Mary Wollstonecraft specifically opposed the revival of the chivalric ideal because of the implication of admonishing men to protect women. They are worth the risk to life and limb that a man faces to protect women. By the time the final form of chivalric tradition emerges, women have potential as agents of chivalry.

Virtue Ethics as Playfield of a Viable Male Identity

During the events of the French Revolution, Edmund Burke lamented that the "age of chivalry" was over (as quoted by Dowling, 1982:109). Moreover, the focus on the consequences of actions could risk accepting the maxim that the end (the consequences) justifies the means. Inspired by Hue of Tabarie's account of his capture by Saladin, the text describes the moral qualities of the knight as depicted during the knighting ceremony (Lupack, A. & Lupack, B.T., 2016:4).

For him, the text represented the exact opposite of the chivalric ideal; it is not a display of ideal and virtuous chivalry, but a display of violence and vice. The moral attitude embedded in tradition exists regardless of the external trappings of the era with which it is associated. Strength is subservient to the virtue that lies at the heart of tradition.

As shown in the discussion of the character of Nyneve in Malory's Morte, there is a possibility for women as knightly agents. One lingering question remains: whether Christian influence precludes the pursuit of a chivalric tradition by non-Christians. Especially in the case of an atheist, chivalry, like ethics, will seem somewhat arbitrary and simply another man-made system.

In it is carried the wisdom of the past, which is the result of generations of experience. Most importantly, he expresses the idea that knighthood is not a matter of class or wealth, but rather is conferred on 'anyone who carries out the rules of chivalry of the knights' (as cited by Lupack, A. & Lupack , B.T., 2016:18). It is significant that the founder of The Knights of King Arthur was a minister because the shared principles of chivalry and Christianity provide a perfect starting point for teaching boys the principles of manhood and virtue.


Repeated actions form habits, a set of habits forms character, and through character the quality of a person's life is determined. Men are men in addition to being human: that is, in addition to their human purpose of happiness, they also have a uniquely masculine purpose. He concludes that there is "no reason to believe that epiphenomena are merely social constructions that can be erased by laws or political manipulation"49.

Thus, the accusations of the feminist movement about male violence have some validity. It is clear from history that there is some propensity for violence and dominance among men in general. Since the problem is unrestrained violence, male aggression must be curbed and redirected.

In addition, a knight is instructed to resist injustice – in the modern era, this often means verbal resistance to injustice. It is misguided to think that the ideal of chivalry works against or undermines women in general. Without chivalry to combine virtue and the aggressive masculine tendency, the world became divided between those who can act aggressively and those who cannot.

Lewis (1986:16) asserts that chivalry "offers the only escape from a world divided between wolves who do not understand and sheep who cannot protect the things that make life desirable." Without a properly formed masculine identity, men will find themselves unable to defend the things worth defending. Therefore, we must take steps to protect the things worth protecting: we must train those who can protect against the wolves that kill, steal and destroy the things that make life worth living.


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