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001/5, 2009

Ekstraksi Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang Gaya Berat Ber-Rem di Areal Hutan Tusam KPH Pekalongan Barat Perum Perhutani Jawa Tengah =

Oleh Wesman Endom & Marolop

Sinaga. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 15 (6) 1998: 371-384. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

002/5, 2009

Kajian Praktek Pembersihan Tunggak sp. dengan Cara Kimia di HPHTI PT Toba Pulp Lestari Propinsi Sumatra Utara. Oleh: Zakaria Basari. INFO Hasil Hutan 13(1) 2007: 61- 69. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Wood Extraction Using Gravity Skyline With Brake System in the Pine Forest of West Pekalongan Districct, Perum Perhutani

Central Java /By: Zakaria Basari,


Pine forest in Java are mostly found on mountaineus areas. To make down hill wood extraction easier, a study of using Gravity Skyline Cable with Brake System was counducted. The objective of this study is find the real working productivity and cost of the operation.

The result of the study showed that an average working productivy was 0.22 m /trip or 2.27 m /hour. Fixed cost was Rp.3855,00/hour, variabel cost was Rp. 6444,44/hour, and, therefore, the extraction cost was Rp. 3855,70/ m . Keyword: Skyline sistem, pine forest, productivity and cost.

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Salah satu cara untuk mempermudah penanaman bibit pohon pada daerah bekas tebangan di hutan alam adalah dengan cara melakukan pembersihan areal tanaman dari sampah/limbah tebangan

dan pembongkaran tunggak pohon. Cara ini, bagi para pengelola hutan alam/tanaman di luar Jawa masih jarang dilakukan, dikarenakan belum diketahui pemanfaatannya. Sehingga bagi sebagian pengelola hutan ada yang merasakan bahwa limbah tunggak yang masih berada di areal bekas tebangan tersebut dapat merupakan masalah yaitu, di satu pihak jika limbah tunggak bekas tebangan tersebut tetap berada di lapangan akibatnya dapat mengganggu kegiatan kehutanan lainnya seperti untuk kegiatan panyaradan pengangkutan dan penanaman, tetapi di lain pihak jika dilakukan pencabutan/pembersih aspek teknis dan ekonomisnya belum banyak diketahui.

Salah satu solusi untuk memecahkan masalah diatas, perusahaan HPHTI PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) yang berada di propinsi Sumatra Utara, mencoba melakukan teknis pembersihan tunggak secara sederhana, yaitu dengan cara melakukan penyemprotan larutan kimia sehingga diharapkan tunggak akan mengalami pembusukan dan selanjutnya hancur secara alam.

Lokasi perusahaan yang dijadikan sebagai ajang kegiatan penelitian tersebut adalah di wilayah kerja Dinas Kehutanan Kabupaten Toba Samosir. Teknis pem-bersihan/pembusukan tunggak di gunakan dengan alat semprotan ( ) ukuran volume 20 liter. Jenis obat yang di gunakan adalah larutan obat roundup dicampur dengan air (H2O) dan larutan obat Ally.

Tujuan penelitian adalah ingin memberikan informasi tentang teknis dan ekonomis pembersihan/pembusukan tunggak

sp. diareal bekas tebangan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara teknis yang mengalami pembusukan ringan 64%, pembusukan sedang 22% dan yang mengalami pembusukan berat 14%. Produktivitas pembersihan tunggak sp rata-rata mencapai 100 tunggak/jam. Sedang biaya operasi rata-rata sebesar Rp. 848.23/tunggak.

Kata kunci: Hutan, tunggak, teknik pembersihan, .



Eucalyptus .

003/5, 2009

Efektivitas Penggunaan Tirfor dan Katrol Tuas pada Penebangan Jati di Jawa Tengah =

. Oleh/ Maman M. Idris, Zakaria Basari & Soenarno. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 2 (4) 1985: 8-13. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.


Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel P3HH20 =

Oleh/ Dulsalam, Maman M. Idris & Wesman Endom. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan. 15 (3) 1997: 151-161. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Effectivenees of Using Tirfor and Lever Block on Teak

Felling in Central Java By:

Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction By Using P3HH 20

Skyline System. By:

The study of tirfor and lever block effectiveness in teak felling was conducted at the Perum Perhutani (The Forest State Corporation) Unit I Central Java on June 1982 and July 1983. Both felling equipments were used cut the press down to the desired directions.

The purpose of the study is to find out the effects of tirfor and lever block on log damages in felling actives. The study was carried out in a three locations with different slopes i.e. 0 10% and 11 30%.

The result indicates that on the 11-30% slope, the tirfor reduces 5.25% log damages compared with that of the lever block. It is conclude that in sloped areas tirfor is more efective then lever block.

An investigation of productivity and cost PF log extraction by using P3HH 20 skyline system was carried out at Segaranten sub Forest Distric, Sukabumi Forest Disrict, Unit III Perum Perhutani West Java, in 1995 . The objective is to try out the skyline system made by Forest Products and Forestry Socio-Ekonomic Research and Development Centre and to know its producivity and cost. Data on Spesification of skyline system, the size of extracted logs, working times, fuel and oil consumption and labor wages were collected. The results are as follow:

1. Simple skyline system made by forest product and forestry Socio-Economic research and Development centre showed promising result in extracting logs up hill.

2. Logs volume extracted varied from 0.061 to 0.308 m /trip with an average of 0.141 m /trip.

3. The productivity of P3HH 20 Skylines system ranged between 0.575 and 5.508 m /hour with an average of 1.856 m /hour.

4. Average cost of log extraction by using P3HH 20 Skyline system was Rp. 9.51/ m

5. Average cost of log extraction by using P3HH 20 Skyline system was cheaper than that by using Koller 300 skyline system i.e : Rp. 9,531/ m and Rp. 33,322/ m , consecutively.

6. It is suggested that carriage and brake mechanisms be improved. Keywords: Productivity, cost, log extraction, skyline system.

Loading and unloading works are intermediary activities in the logging operation. The logs after being felled/cut down in the forest will be of economic values when they cannot be brought to the inherent processing industry. Light-weight and small-size logs favor manual work in their handling as long as man power is available. Heavy-weight and large-size logs, however, necessitate an auxiliary heavy-duty equipment, since the manual work is sometimes no longer effective for loading-related operation, e.g. hoisting, placing, regulating their position, etc. the unloading of such as logs, conversely, turns out to be easier, but can pose a dangerous threat. Therefore, cautious care is necessary.

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 005/5, 2009

Produktivitas dan Biaya Alat Muat Bongkar Exp-2000 =

Oleh Wesman Endom, Zakaria Basari & Ishak Sumantri. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (1) 2003: 67-81. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.


In dealing with loading/unloading problems as such particularly in plantation forest, a special equipment that is simple in design has been devised, called as Exp-2000. The equipment, which is powered by 11-HP's diesel engine, can also perform the skidding-operation. The overall cost in devising the Exp-2000' equipment was Rp. 50,000,000. The trial test as performed on the m / hour the equipment revealed the following results:

1. The average loading and loading productivities were consecutively 9.54 m per hour and 13.18 m per hour.

2. Cost of loading as well as unloading was Rp. 1.597,48 per m

3. The average skidding productivity was 0.5053 m hm/hour with skidding cost at Rp. 30.160 per m

4. The skidding cost might be reduced to Rp. 21.165 per m and concurrently the productivity increased to 2.25 m per hour, if the more powerful diesel engine, e.g. 25 HP were used.

Keywords: Log loading/unloading, equipment, productivity, cost.

The Exp-2000 is a multipurpose equipment designed for use in logging operation, especially for loading and skidding of logs. In the first trial conducted in 2001, the productivity of Exp-2000 turned out to be very low i.e. 0.872 m hm/hour. The investment cost of Exp-2000 was about Rp. 67.5 million so the cost of operation was Rp. 28,736.25 per hour. After improvement in the performance bas been improved: skidding productivity was increased to 3.293 m .hm/hour and production cost of was reduced Rp. 8,725.29 per m .

3 3 3 3. 3. 3 3 3 3 3 3 006/5, 2009

Peningkatan Produktivitas Kerja Alat Muat-Sarad Serbaguna Exp-2000 Hasil Perbaikan =

. Wesman Endom,

Semedi Tohdjaya & Yayan Sugilar. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 21 (3) 2003: 277-289. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

The Increase in Productivity of The Exp-2000 Multipurpose Leader-Skidder Equipment Oleh/By:

In loading operation, the performance of Exp-2000 has been improved by increasing productivity from 3.293 m /hour to 34.705 m /hour and decreasing the cost from Rp. 5,315 per m to Rp. 828,03 per m . It means that the implementation of a new improved Exp-2000 is promising both technically and economically due to higher productivity compared to that of using animal (buffalo) and conventional skyline system previously developed by the Research and Development Center for Forest Product Technology, Bogor-Indonesia. Keywords: Multipurpose loader-skidder, loading, skidding, productivity, and

improved performance.

A study on productivity and cost of log skidding using agricultural tractor with auxiliary equipment was carried out at a mangium forest plantation in Bogor. The study aimed at gathering technical and financial information about of log skidding using agricultural tractor with auxiliary equipment. Data on skidded log length and diameter as well as skidded working time and cost were collected.

The result revealed the for agricultural tractor with simple auxiliary equipment, could produce approximately 3 logs/trip and 2.075 m .hm/hour. Agricultural tractor with winch could perform a better skidding productivity i.e. 2.32 m .hm/hour. However, cost of log skidding using agricultural tractor with simple auxiliary equipment was of log slighty lower than that of winch attachment. It is recommended that auxiliary equipment of agricultural tractor for log skidding be improved. Beside that, log skidding in areal were manual skidding is not possible, the use of agricultural tractor with auxiliary

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007/5, 2009

Produktivitas dan Biaya Penyaradan Kayu dengan Traktor Pertanian yang di Lengkapi Alat Bantu =

. Oleh Sukadaryati, Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 23 (4) 2005: 283-297. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Productivity and Cost of Log Skidding

equipment is one potential alternative.

Keywords: Agricultural tractor, productivity, cost, simple auxiliary equipment, winch

008/5, 2009

Pengeluaran Kayu dari Petak Tebangan Menggunakan Hasil Rekayasa Alat Model Exp-2000. Oleh: Wesman Endom, Zakaria Basari, Sumedi Tohdjaya & Yayan Sugilar. Prosiding Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 179-192. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bogor..

Pengeluaran kayu dari petak tebangan ke pinggir jalan angkutan atau ke tempat pengumpulan sementara (TPn) merupakan kegiatan pengangkutan yang bersifat minor. Kegiatan ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan penyaradan. Sekalipun bersikap minor tetapi peranannya dinilai penting dengan alasan: (1) Pengeluaran kayu dari hutan melalui proses penyaradan dan pengangkutan perlu secepatnya dilakukan, karena kayu cepat menurun kualitasnya bila lama tertimbun di hutan. (2) Mudah terkena serangan jamur biru, bubuk basah, bubuk kering atau serangan penggerek lain, (3) Kegiatannya perlu memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, sosial dan pendidikan disamping aspek teknis dan ekonomisnya sendiri. Oleh karena itu, pengeluaran kayu harus mendapat perhatian serius.

Sebagai antisipasi kendala lapangan antara lain mengurangi beban kayu saat cara manual penyaradan dan mengurangi kesulitan saat diperlukan pengadaan tenaga kerja, maka dirancang rekayasa alat Exp-2000 sedemikian rupa, sehingga yang pada mulanya dibangun hanya untuk muat/bongkar, kemudian diperbaiki dan dapat difungsikan sebagai alat sarad. Alat ini cukup sederhana dilengkapi dengan mesin diesel bertenaga 11 PK. Hasil uji coba sebagai berikut:

- Produktivitas muat rata-rata 3,986 m .m/jam, sedang biaya muat sebesar Rp. 5,315/m ,

- Produktivitas bongkar rata-rata 5,025 m .m/jam sedang biayanya sebesar Rp. 4,216/m

- Produktivitas penyaradan rata-rata 0,8721 m .hm/jam sedang biayanya sebesar Rp. 24,294/m .

Dewasa ini penggunaan teknologi tepat guna di bidang kehutanan merupakan suatu alternatif. Di hutan produksi P Jawa yang bertopografi berat, teknik pengeluaran kayu bulat dengan cara manual adalah tidak efisien. Oleh karena itu diperlukan alat bantu tepat guna. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba di beberapa tempat di hutan P Jawa mulai dari tahun 1976-2000, beberapa alat bantu yang dipandang secara teknis, ekonomis dan ergonomis layak digunakan dalam pengeluaran kayu bulat yaitu dengan sistem kabel. Alat sistem kabel tersebut diantaranya: (1) Unimog, (2) Sistem kabel layang gaya berat ber-rem (GSS), (3) Sistem kabel layang P3HH20, (4) Sistem kabel layang Iwafuji 115, dan (5) Alat serbaguna exp 2000.

Produktivitas kerja Unimog tipe 411 rata-rata mencapai 2,93 m /jam dan Unimog tipe 406 rata-rata 3,18 m /jam. Produktivitas sistem kabel layang gaya berat ber-rem rata-rata mencapai 2,27 m /jam dengan jarak bentangan kabel 300 m. produktivitas sistem kabel layang P3HH20 rata-rata mencapai 1,96 m hm/jam dan Iwafuji rata-rata mencapai 33,33 m hm/jam. Sedang produktivitas alat serba guna expl

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 009/5, 2009

Perkembangan Teknologi Sistim Kabel pada Kegiatan Pengeluaran Kayu Bulat di Hutan Pegunungan Pulau Jawa. Oleh: Zakaria Basari. Prosiding Seminar Hasil Penelitian Hasil Hutan Bogor, 19 Desember 2002: 220-232. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

2000 rata-rata sebesar 6,44 m /jam. Biaya operasi dari masing-masing alat rata-rata adalah Rp. 21,057/m , Rp. 3,855,70/m , Rp. 25,235/m , Rp.16,879/ m dan Rp. 6000/m .

Kata kunci: Produktivitas, biaya operasi, unimog, sistem kabel layang.


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010/5, 2009

Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengeluaran Kayu dari Hutan Tanaman dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di KPH Pekalongan Barat =

Oleh/ : Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (1) 2006: 77-88. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Productivity and Cost of Log Extraction Using P3HH24 Skyline System in Plantation Forest of West Pekalongan Forest District.


A study on productivity and cost of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was carried out in plantation forest of West Pekalongan Forest District. The objective is to find out the productivity and cost, as well as various operational aspects of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system. The study results revealed that:

1. Operating P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction in plantation forest of West Pekalongan Forest District was running well.

2. Extracted log diameter ranged from 20 to 51 cm with an average of 36 cm while the average number of logs per turn varied from 1 to 3 logs with the volume varied from 0.040 to 0.500 m / turn with an average of 0.163 m /turn.

3. The productivity of log extraction varied from 1.527 to 5.656 m /hour with an average of 2.519 m /hour while an average cost of log extraction was Rp.15,713/ m .

4. Compared to local standard cost of log extraction, the cost of log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was cheaper and, therefore, it was feasible to be applied. 3 3 3 3 3

5. In the forest areas having slopes of 15% and up, it is recommended to use P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction.

Keywords: Plantation forest, P3HH24 skyline system, productivity, cost.

Log extraction in plantation forest with relative smaller log dimension needs specific attention. The centre for forest products research and development had engeneered P3HH24 Skyline System designed for log extaction for that specific forest condition. The research objective was to obtain technical and financial information of using P3HH24 skyline system for log extraction in hilly plantation forest. The results showed that volume of wood and working time ranged from 0.012 to 0.144 m with an average of 0.046 m and from 77.0 to 215.8 second/turn with an average of 161.0 second/turn, respectively. The productivity varied from 1.665 to 8.018 m /hour with an average of 3.562 m /hour while the average cost was Rp. 16,300/m . Log extraction using P3HH24 skyline system was economicaly feasible with pay back periode = 1.39 year; NPV = Rp.75,175.045; IRR=66.4%; and B/C ratio=1.51.

Keywords: Plantation forest, P3HH24 skyline system, log extraction, productivity, cost.

011/5, 2009

Pengeluaran Kayu dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 di Hutan Tananam KPH Sukabumi =

Oleh/ : Sukadaryati & Dulsalam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 24 (2) 2006: 157-169. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Log Extraction Using P3HH24 Skyline

System in Plantation Forest of Sukabumi Forest District. By

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012/5, 2009

Produktivitas dan Biaya Pengangkutan Bibit pada Medan Sulit dengan Sistem Kabel Layang =

. Oleh/ : Wesman Endom, Yayan Sugilar & Silvanus Suprapto. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 25 (1) 2007: 1-14. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

013/5, 2009

Uji Coba Alat Kabel Layang P3HH24 untuk Mengeluarkan Kayu Pinus Hasil Penjarangan di Areal Berbukit =

. Oleh/ : Sukadaryati. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan 26(1) 2008: 57-69. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Productifity and Cost of Seedling Transportation on Heavy Terrain Using Skyline Cable System


Trial of P3HH24 Skyline

for Extracting Pine Logs of Thinning Activity in Hilly Area By

This study examined performances of the improved equipment, namely Semanggi-I, in conveying seedling around the heave terrain. Result indicated that Semanggi-I performed better than the first prototype. Semanggi-I could convery approximately 5,000 - 6,000 seedling.hm/hour wich is twice as much the productivity of prototype-I. Although the fix and operating cost of Semanggi-I is somewhat higher than the first prototype, the average trasportation cost of Semanggi-I is only Rp. 7/seedling which is about half of the cost when using prototype-I.

Keyword: Forest and land rehabilitation, field constraints, seedling transportation, skyline system.

The extraction of pine logs of thinning activity in plantation forest area is usually caried out manually by manpower. However, it is inefficient to be applied in hilly areas or in the field with difficult topography. Therefore, the trial of P3HH24 skyline for extracting pine logs of thinning aktivity was caried out in those areas. During the trial, any difficulties were observed and tried to be solved. The paper aimed to provide technical and financial information in the

using of P3HH24 skyline to extract pine logs from thinning activity.

The result showed that the productivity in extracting logs are ranging from 0.674 to 1.458 m /hour with an average of 0.950 m /hour and the cost is Rp.81,030/m . Futher analysis showed that P3HH24 skyline was not economically fesiable to use in extracting log of thinning activity in plantation forest of RPH Kalirajut.

Keywords: Skyline, thinning, pine, productivity and cost.

Log extraction in undulating forest areas needs special attention. Forest Products Research Centre has made improvement on P3HH20 skyline system designed for extracting log on undulating area. The equipment consists of three main parts such as power machine unit, wire rope and its auxillary and carriage intended to guide log movement. At the firs time, the capacity of the equipment was only 0.308 m /round trip. In 1998, the equipment was improved and then in 1999 was tried to extract logs in forest plantation of PT Inhutani II, Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. The coice of the location was done purposively. The objective is to prove whether the impoved P3HH20 skyline system is suitable for extracting log in plantation forest area having undulating terrain. The research results showed that:

1. The use of improved P3HH20 skyline cable system for log extraction in plantation forest Pulau Laut provides promising suitability with still relatively low productivity.

2. Log diameter extracted ranged from 17 to 43 cm with an average of 23 cm while log length extracted ranged from 8 m to 12 m with an average of 11 m.

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Uji Coba Pengeluaran Kayu di Hutan Tanaman Pulau Laut dengan Sistem Kabel Layang P3HH24 yang Disempurnakan =

Oleh Dulsalam & Djaban Tinambunan. Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 20 (4) 2002: 313-331. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan. Bogor.

Log Extraction Trial in Plantation Forest Pulau Laut Using Improved P3HH20 Skyline

3. Log volume extracted varied from 0.026 to 0.309 m /round trip with an average of 0.160 m /round trip.

4. Effective log extraction productivities ranged from 1.404 to 2.810 m / hour with an average of 1.980 m /hour while the total log extraction productivities varied from 0.485 to 1.080 m /hour with an average of 0.885 m /hour.

5. The average of log extraction cost was Rp. 23,572/m .

6. To increase log extraction proctivity, it is suggested that further improvement on ballast and endless cable need to be done, as well as further trial in field operations.

Keywords: Log extraction, skyline system, productivity, cost, plantation forest.

One of more productive log extraction techniques on hilly area is a skyline system. Skyline system observed in the study by using a 115 HP of Isuzu yarder. The objective of the study was to measure its work productivity, extraction cost and ecological aspect.

The system productivity was evaluated by calculating skyline productivity on each line, its extraction cost consisting of fixed and operational

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