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2.4 YouTube

2.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of YouTube

YouTube as a learning medium has advantages and disadvantages, according to Jallaludin (2016), the following are the advantages of YouTube:

a. In the world of education, YouTube can help provide learning videos in the teaching process that are useful for students to gain new knowledge from any side.

b. Students can access this site anytime and anywhere.

c. YouTube provides an opportunity to learn more for all students, especially for those who do not have the opportunity to go to school.

d. There are many sources of learning from skilled people that students can learn from.

e. YouTube is a huge classroom for learning and teaching which can save users time and budget.

f. YouTube has become an important learning resource, and is easily recognized by videos.

g. YouTube is an entertainment house that provides all kinds of entertainment.

h. YouTube is a huge digital library.


From the advantages of YouTube above, the disadvantages of YouTube are as follows:

a. Not all videos on YouTube are reliable, so YouTube users must be even more careful in choosing which videos to watch.

b. Can build individualism, its mean that Youtube can make users addicted. It makes users who access YouTube addicted and enjoy their own world thus making users less interactive.

c. Some of the content in the videos may not be suitable for age groups, many videos are bad, such as uncensored clips or sexual harassment that is not suitable for young people.

d. To access YouTube requires an internet connection, so we cannot access YouTube if there is no internet connection.

e. YouTube videos have ads, this can sometimes irritate users.

2.4.3 YouTube as Media for Laerning English

The use of YouTube as a learning medium can make the situation in the teaching and learning process more enjoyable, and can generate interest in learning for students (Mujianto, 2009). Many learning videos are available on YouTube, these videos can make students more interested and motivated in learning. YouTube can be a useful medium for English language learners both inside and outside the classroom. Jallaludin's research shows that YouTube can influence students to develop English language skills.

When using YouTube as an English learning medium, students can learn directly with native speakers. And students can find a variety of accessible

English learning videos, therefore YouTube is a rich source of material and can motivate students to be interested in learning English.

2.4.4 YouTube for Lesson Speaking

Teachers must be able to provide interesting learning activities so that students are happy and enjoy learning English for speaking skills. For this reason, learning process activities must use something different to attract students' attention, one of which is by utilizing technology.

Thus the use of YouTube can be an alternative for teachers in learning English. Because YouTube is a well-known platform for internet users that has many videos that users can watch, one of which is educational videos such as videos that use English.

To develop speaking skills, students must obtain information about language structure and discourse genres, speaking skills, and communication strategies that enable learners to manage communication (Thornbury, 2012).

Authentic video material provided on YouTube is very useful for students as long as the teacher can choose appropriate and relevant material. Learning to speak using YouTube can include knowledge of the language system. Therefore, it is an opportunity for teachers to use YouTube as a medium in learning English to improve students' speaking skills.

In addition, the use of YouTube videos in teaching speaking increases motivation to learn in speaking classes in that way. YouTube videos provide pictures and audio so that they can help students practice pronunciation, enrich their vocabulary and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing sentences


while speaking and by watching YouTube videos. also subconsciously helps students learn grammar automatically (Syafiq, et al., 2021). Also with YouTube videos that provide pictures and audio so that they can help students practice pronunciation, enrich their vocabulary and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing sentences when speaking. Apart from that, watching videos also unconsciously helps students learn grammar automatically (Despita. (2021).

Abrar and Jaya (2022) also stated that the nature of video, which provides images and audio at the same time, can help students practice their pronunciation and make it easier for them to find ideas in producing sentences while speaking.

As well as other researchers also revealed that YouTube videos that provide moving images, audio, and subtitles at the same time can help students in their pronunciation, develop their vocabulary, and help them generate sentence ideas for speaking English. Besides, by watching videos, they can subconsciously understand English grammar better. The more often they watch videos, it can also help them to practice their fluency in speaking English (Lengari, 2022).

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the use of YouTube for speaking skills can be an effective alternative to use in learning English for speaking skills, because it can help students master vocabulary, grammar, learn pronunciation, and help fluency.

2.4.5 The Criteria for Choosing Videos on YouTube

The use of videos provides useful input in learning English. First, video communicates meaning better than other media. That is, videos present language in context in a way that cassettes cannot. And by using video, students can see

who is speaking, what is being said, where the speaker is, what they are doing, and so on. So all these visual clues can help students understand what they are watching. Second, video is a positive exploitation of technology (Woro Widiastuti, 2011).

Therefore (Woo, et al., 2007) said that teachers can focus more on choosing videos that are appropriate and relevant to students' needs. This means that the teacher must pay attention to the video first and then assess whether the video is suitable for students and whether the video can increase students' learning motivation Furthermore, the selected videos should offer many communicative situations as well as describe different cultures and life situations of the speakers.

In selecting YouTube videos, according to Berk (2009), teachers are given three general criteria in selecting videos available on YouTube including: (1) student characteristics that include prominent socio-demographic characteristics:

age or grade level, gender, ethnicity, and language dominance; (2) the videos that teachers are not allowed to use in their pursuit are videos that contain graphic violence, obscene language, nudity, sexuality, thick blood, racial and ethnic groups, and drug use; and (3) video structure, which includes technical content including duration, context, visuals, and the number of characters who play a role in the video.

With that, teachers must select and adapt the videos they choose to the needs of students, the characteristics of the students, and also the learning objectives.


2.4.6 How to Use YouTube in Teaching English

Using YouTube videos in the classroom can be beneficial for teachers and fun for students. Students were more involved in visually motivating activities and were more likely to concentrate while watching videos than reading walls of text in books or notes.

And also, scientists agree that learning to speak a foreign language is by

"interacting". The most effective approaches for this are collaborative learning and teaching of communicative languages. Teaching a language in a communicative context is centered on situations when communication is necessary. Students will be given the chance to interact with one another in the target language by using this strategy in the EFL lesson. In other words, EFL instructors need to provide a setting in the classroom where spoken language is encouraged through authentic activities, real-world communication, and significant assignments. This can take place when students work together in groups to complete a task or reach a goal.

For this reason, teachers can use several learning strategies such as group discussions, role playing, and reporting, using YouTube video learning media. As in research Riswandi (2016), including using group discussion learning strategies;

(1) students in pairs are given the task of watching a video played by the teacher, (2) while watching students are asked to record important points in the video for video playback twice. (3) students are given time to discuss with their partners, (4) students will present the results of their discussions in front of the class. and the last stage, other students gave comments and suggestions to their friends'

appearance, after students gave comments, then the teacher gave feedback and the teacher gave an evaluation of the learning process.

In addition, in Anggraini's research (2021) using reporting learning strategies and discussion groups as follows: (1) students are arranged in pairs, (2) students are then given the task of watching videos that are played three times by the teacher, (3) while watching In the video, students are allowed to take notes about the vocabulary they find in the video, (4) After watching the video, students are allowed to discuss with their partners regarding the YouTube video they have watched, (5) Next they are asked to make a text about the content of the video and then present it in front of the class without reading the text.

Meanwhile, in the research of (Ariyanto, et al,. 2012) they applied several activities to the learning process, namely: (1) students were arranged into eight groups, each group consisting of four students, (2) video material was packaged in power points, with the topic of descriptions of things, (3) students are shown a video that describes animals, this aims so that students have many examples to explore their ideas when speaking, (4) then students are asked to make monologues related to videos, this aims to make students more ideas and opportunities to practice speaking and make students speak more fluently.

Teachers can implement and develop several activities that have been affectively carried out to improve students' speaking skills in learning foreign languages.

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