• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

1. Akbar.Struktur Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. Jakarta: Tersedia di http://bmkg.go.id tanggal 14 September 2009.

2. Bima.Visi dan Misi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. Jakarta: Tersedia di http://bmkg.go.id tanggal 14 September 2009.

3. BMKG.Sejarah Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika. Jakarta: Tersedia di http://bmkg.go.id tanggal 4 Desember 2009.

4. Giancoli, Douglas C. 2001.Physics: Principles with Applications Fifth Edition

(alih bahasa oleh Yuhilza Hanum). Jakarta: Erlangga. 5. Hasan, Yaziz,Sains Fisika.. Jakarta: Poliyama

6. Priyatna.Tugas dan Fungsi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika.

Jakarta: Tersedia di http://bmkg.go.id tanggal 14 September 2009. 7. Rikitake, T.,Earthquake Forecasting and Warning, Center for Academic

Publication, 1981

8. Wikipedia,Cincin Api Pasifik. Jakarta: Tersedia di

http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cincin_Api_Pasifik tanggal 24 Agustus 2009.

9. Yukio Hagiwara,Probability of Earthquke Occurrence as Obtainned from A Weibull Distribution Analysis of Crustal Strain. Tectonophysics, 23 (1974) 313-318.


Lampiran 1. SkalaModified Mercalli Intensity (MMI)

No Skala

MMI Pengaruh dan akibat serta Kerusakan yang terjadi 1 I Tidak terasa

2 II Terasa oleh orang dalam keadaan istirahat, terutama dibangunan bertingkat atau tempat lebih tinggi.

3 III Terasan di dalam rumah, tetapi banyak yang tidak menyadari terjadinya gempa. Seperti getaran truk lewat.

4 IV

Terasa di dalam rumah seperti ada truk berat lewat, atau seperti ada barang berat yang membentur dinding. Benda yang

tergantung bergoyang, sendok dalam gelas menimbulkan bunyi, pintu & jendela berayun, dinding dan rangka rumah berbunyi.

5 V

Dapat dirasakan di luar rumah. Orang tidur terbangun. Cairan dalam wadah bergoyang dan tumpah, pintu berputar buka -tutup, lonceng jam bandul terhenti, atau jalannya tidak cocok.

6 VI

Terasa oleh orang banyak. Banyak orang terkejut dan berlarian. Orang berjalan terganggu. Benda - benda dalam lemari - rak berjatuhan. Lemari roboh, pohon terlihat goyang, plester dinding retak.


Dapat dirasakan oleh sopir yang sedang mengemudikan kendaraanya. Orang berjalan sempoyongan. Lemari tumbang, barang-barang di dalamnya rusak/pecah. Plester dinding rusak & pecah. Terjadi cekungan pada gundukan pasir atau kerikil. Air menjadi keruh. Selokan irigasi rusak.


Mengemudi mobil terganggu. Bangunan kuat mulai ada kerusakan dengan adanya komponen yang jatuh. Menara dan tangki air diatasnya berputar (mengalami torsi), dinding

pasangan tumbang, lereng tanah yang basah dan curam terbelah.

9 IX

Banyak orang panik. Bangunan yang kurang kuat runtuh. Bangunan yang kuat mengalami kerusakan berat. Struktur rangka dan fondasi mengalami kerusakan. Pipa dalam tanah putus, tanah alluvium terbelah, lumpur dan pasir keluar dari tanah.

10 X

Struktur pasangan (tembok) dan rangka rumah rusak. Struktur kayu yang kuat dan jembatan rusak. Bendungan dan tanggul rusak berat. Tanah longsor terjadi. Air sungai atau danau muncrat. Rel kereta api bengkok.

11 XI Rel kereta api banyak bengkok, pipa -pipa dalam tanah rusah berat.

12 XII

Terjadi bencana alam yang besar. Hampir seluruh bangunan hancur, batu-batu dan barang-barang besar dan berat tergeser atau berpindah posisinya. Benda -benda terlempar keatas.

Lampiran2. Data Gempa Bumi Merusak di Pulau Jawa dan Sekitarnya


1. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa – Jepara

1821 Dec 25 The earthquake was felt at Jepara and VII NT

reported on VI - VII MMI scale.

2. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa – Jakarta

1833 Jan 28 The shocks caused damaged on buiding VII-VIII NT

and cracked on walls. No killed and injured was reported.

3. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa – Bogor and Cianjur

1834 Oct 10 A violent shock occured, the earthquake VIII-IX NT

caused heavy damaged on building some of them collapsed a cracked on road between Bogor and Cianjur.

No killed and injured were reported.

4. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa – Mojokerto

1836 Mar 22 At Mojokerto about 60 km west from Su - VII-VIII NT

rabaya a shock was occurred and causing damage and loss to properties.

5. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa – Purworejo

1840 Jan 04 A destructive earthquake occured at VIII-IX NT

Purworejo and caused heavy damage on -buildings,two buildings collapsed. Also felt at Semarang, Demak, S alatiga and Kendal on the north coast of Cen -tral Jawa.

6. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Bogor

1843 May 25 A shock was felt at Bogor and caused VII-VIII NT

damaged on buildings and houses.

7. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Cianjur

1844 Feb 15 The Earthquake hit Cianjur on west Jawa VII-VIII NT

and caused damage on houses.

8. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Kebumen

1852 Oct 15 A moderate Earthquake was felt at Kebu - VI-VII NT

men.his shock caused cracked on walls at several buildings and houses.

9. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Bogor

1852 DEC 20 A strong earthquake caused some build - VIII-IX NT

ings collapse.

10. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Cirebon

1853 Nov 30 A moderate earthquake was felt and VII-VIII NT

caused crack on walls.No further infor-mation.

11. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Semarang

1856 Jan 19 An earthquake was felt at Semarang and VII-VIII NT

caused crack on walls.

12. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Tulungagung

1859 Jul 05 An Earthquake was occurred and some VI NT

13. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Karawang

1862 May 24 A rqather shock was felt at Karawang VI NT

west Jawa, where walls of some houses were fissured.

14. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Banyumas

1863 Aug 13 The strong earthquake caused heavy da- VI- NT

mage on a sugar factory.

15. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Banyubiru

1865 Jul 17 Some buildings and houses suffered con - VII NT

siderable damage caused by an earthqua ke.

16. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Ambarawa

1866 Apr 22 Because of an earthquake, walls of some VI NT

houses and barracks were fissured.

17. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Yogyakarta

1867 Jun 10 In Yogyakarta and Surakarta 372 houses VIII-IX NT

were collapsed and partially colla psed, while only 5 persons lost their lives.

18. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Banyumas

1871 Mar 27 Fissures on the walls of goverments VI NT

buildings and other houses which were caused by an earthquake.

19. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Salatiga

1872 Oct 10 A rather strong shock felt at Salatiga VI NT

and caused in the walls arose fissures.

20. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Ciamis

1873 Feb 05 The walls of numerous buildings got VI NT


21. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Kuningan

1875 Oct 25 The quake felt at Kuningan,Sumedang and VII-VIII NT

Manonjaya. 628 houses damaged and seven people killed.

22. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Kedu

1877 Feb 21 A rather strong shock felt at Kedu and VI NT

Wonosobo in central Jawa an d caused damage on several buildings.

23. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Pasuruan

1889 Nov 04 The quake caused crackes on the walls VI NT

24. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Pati

1890 Dec 12 This quake also felt at Juwana and VIII NT

caused many hauses fall. And several people killed and injured.

25. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Lumajang

1896 Jul 01 The walls of some houses were split. VI NT

26. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Wlingi

1896 Aug 15 At Brangah-Wlingi many public and pri- VII NT

vate buildings/houses damaged.

27. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Tulungagung

1896 Aug 20 The shock caused severe damage on seve - VII NT

ral chinese houses.

28. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Sukabumi

1900 Jan 14 Felt over Priangan,Bogor and Banten. VII GN - 2

Most damage to stone houses was occurr-ed at Sukabumi,but no lives were lost.

29. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Sedayu

1902 Aug 31 Groundslumps were observed,walls were VI GN - 2

distrubed. A series of aftershocks felt during the period 26 Sep-9 Oct and

The haviest one on August 31 accompanied by roaring sound.

30. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Banten

1903 Feb 27 This quake felt over Banten,small VI GN - 2

cracks developed in walls.

31. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Cianjur

1910 Dec 18 Cracks developed in walls at Rajamanda - VII GN - 2

la Cianjur West Jawa

32. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Sukabumi

1912 Jan 21 Cracks developed in the walls at Ca mpa- VI GN - 2

ka Sukabumi-West Jawa. Movable object were thrown down.

33. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Madiun

1915 Dec 01 Nearly all buildings in the sugar Esta- VIII GN - 2

te "Sudono" were cracked. The cemney of the sugar factory toppled down. More or less damage was also done at Maospati and Magetan.

34. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Maos

1916 Sep 09 Most destruction took place in and IX GN - 2

around Maos. About 340 brick stone buildings collapsed completely and many other damage at Maos and Kasugian. Cracks developed in walls, groundslumps in the ground were reported.

A few mud or sand craters were formed where jets of water were spurted through holes or tissures causing the people in panic. Four hundred houses collapsed in Selarang district. Damage to structures and cracks in the ground were also found in various place School buildings were among those most generally and severally damage, d ue in considerable part to unsuitable design to resist shaking. The major destructi on, however, was in a more thickly set tled district, where unfavourable geo -logical conditions and poor structural work in creased the damage.

---35. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Banten

1923 May 12 The shock was felt over west Jawa and VII GN - 2

7.3S - 105.8E south Sumatra as far as Krue. Damage was done at several places,at Pelabuhan ratu a water tower was thrown down.

---36. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Maos

1923 May 15 The shock was felt intensively over IX GN - 2

7.7S - 109.2E westren central Jawa. Destructive effects have been particularly pronoun -ced in and around Maos.

---37. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa

1924 Nov 12 The center was located in a mountainous VIII-IX GN - 2

7.3S - 109.8E region. Damages were generally caused by ground slides.

---38. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Wonosobo

damage was also done to stone buildings outside Wonosobo. Approximately 2250 houses collapsed and in some villages most damages were caused by gr ound-slides. All together about 727 people were killed. The quake loss was esti -mated by the local outhorities at about 61.000 guilders.

---39. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Prupuk

1926 Dec 13 Destructive at Prupuk and Magasari; VIII-IX GN - 2

minor damage at Dubuk tengah,Kaligayan Wonosari, Danurejo,Jembayat,Pakulaut and Kalisosok. A few people were injured.

---40. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Bumiayu

1931 Jan 21 In general damage was corfined mostly VIII GN - 2

7.3S - 108.9E to older structures or buildings with poor material and poor cons truction.

---41. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa

1936 Mar 01 Exact origin unknown. Damage was VII GN - 2

generally done in central and east Jawa The shock was also felt over Bali and south East Kalimantan.

---42. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Yogyakarta

1937 Sep 27 Felt as far east as east Lombok. In ge - VIII-IX GN - 2 8.7S - 110.8E neral south central Jawa was bodly dama

ged and slight cracks in walls were found in east Jawa.The most destructive region was found in Yogyakarta Province At Klumpit one house was torn apart,one people reported killed. At Prambanan 326 brick stone houses collapsed. At Klaten 2200 houses sustained damaged at various places underground pipelines were broken.

---43. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa

1939 Jun 27 Fall of plaster and small cracks in VII GN - 2

6.9S - 108.5E wall in Cirebon residency. More damage was done at Sodomantra,Jepara and Manis kidul.

---44. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa

1939 Aug 11 Rembang and Surabaya were rocked sus - VII GN - 2

6.5S - 112.4E pended object swung. a brick buildings collapsed at Brondong.

---45. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Yogyakarta

1943 Jul 23 The distrubance was most intense along VIII GN - 2

8.6S - 109.9E the southcost of central Jawa,between Garut and Surakarta,a distance of about 250 km . A death of 213 people have been reported and about 2096 persons were heavily injured; approximately 2800 houses were damaged.

---46. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa

1950 Jun 19 Destructive in and around Gresik. VII GN - 2

6.2S - 112.5E felt slightly in south Kalimantan and as far west Jawa

---47. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Malang

1958 Oct 20 Seriously damaged to houses in Malang VII-VIII GN - 2

9.5S - 112.5E area. Earth fissures at various places Mag : 6.70 and landslides in the mountainous re -Depth : 100Km gion. Eight person lost their lives.

---48. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Tulungagung

1960 Oct 10 The quake was strongly felt at Tulung VI-VII GN - 2

8.0S - 112.5E agung ,where people were aweken ed by by creaking of buildings and where plaster cracked and fell. The shock was felt as far west as Baturetno in Surakarta and as far east as Tunggul in Besuki. This earthquake was widely felt in southern east Jawa over an area of about 15.000 square km.

---49. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Campur darat

1961 May 07 Damage to brick buildings at Campur VI-VII S.I

8.5S - 112.0E darat and Kebonagung Tulung agung. Reports indicated that the macroseismic area extended as far west as Banyumas Central Jawa and as far as Besuki in east Jawa.Evidences indicated that the tremor had a maximum intensity of VII at the immediate vicinity of the center The shock also felt at Jatisrana -Sura-karta,Klaten,Maos,Malang and Klakah to the north the macroseismic area was limited by a mountain range Kendeng, however some places like Demak and Watu belah to the north of the mountain range felt this tremor as inten sity II. The great macroseismic extent suggested that the quake was deep seated. In the vicinity of the center small damages were caused to old structures lime morter.

---50. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Wlingi

1962 Des 21 Cracks on the walls in Southern east VI E.2

00h44m20s UTC Jawa. The shock was felt as far East 9.0S - 112.0E as the Island of Bali. A moderate tre -Depth : 64Km mor was felt in Wlingi and neighbouring

places in Kediri and also felt in most places in Madiun area. A large number people in Madiun and Kediri residence felt the quake and its intensity was high enough to cause some panic in public places, like school and markets. Macroseismic and instrumental data in -dicated that the tremor was of tectonic nature and deep focused.

---51. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Ponorogo

1963 Jun 27 The earthquake caused slight damage in IV-V E.I

11h46m58s UTC Ponorogo. The shock was felt in central 8.3S - 112.2E and eastern Jawa. The western most Depth : 180Km place was Jogyakarta and to the east was Besuki which detected the tremor and both places reported intensity II.

---52. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Labuan

1963 Dec 16 The earthquake caused slight d amage in V E.I

02h45m35s UTC Labuan where cracks are developed in 6.2S - 105.4E walls. A large number of people felt Mag : 5.0 the quake and its intensity was high Depth 55Km enough to cause some panic among the

people in Jakarta, however no damage was reported by this shock.

The synchronome pendulum of the Meteoro logical Service was in disorder.

as Kotabumi in South Sumatera as inten -sity II. The shock was also felt in Priangan as intensity II - III.

---53. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa - Malang

1967 Feb 19 The place worst hit was Dampit, VIII-IX E.I

22h14m55s UTC a district just situated to the south 8.5S - 113.5E of Malang,according to questioner Mag : 6.2 reports 1539 buildings were wrecked, Depth : 80Km 14 people were killed, 72 people were injured. Next to Dampit was Gondang according to a report 9 people were killed, 49 people were injured, 119 bu-ildings collapsed completely and other 402 buildings were cracked. 5 mosques were ruined. More attentions should also be paid to Trenggalek where 33 woo den houses were reported cracked and some houses have been moved some what. In Besuki the eastern most district of East Jawa, the intensity was of t he order of III to VI MMI,in Tanggul buil dings sustained small damage only. The shock was felt to the west as far as Banyumas (Cilacap), in to the north a chain of hills in western east Jawa from a sort of barrier to the propaga -tion of the seismic waves.No report was received about a high sea waves.

---54. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Sukabumi

1969 Nov 02 A relative strong earthquake was felt V E.I

18h53m06.6s in southern west Jawa. In the Bogor 06.5S - 107.1E area suspended objects swung by the Mag. : 5.4 shock, in Campaka where the intensity Depth : 57 Km was highest, the only known structural

damage were cracks produced in the walls of some poor erected buildings. The shock was also slightly felt in Ja -karta. In the south Bogor area an after shock seemed to be felt one hour later. In Sukabumi a poor constructed brick building was reported collapsed for this earthquakes.

---55. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Bantar Kawung

1971 Jun 16 The shock was generally felt in western VII-VIII E.I.+S.I. 14h44m22.5s Central Jawa. The Place worst hit was

07.2S - 109.1E Buaran, about 6 km west of Bumiayu, Mag. : 5.2 further in Bantar Kawung and Jipang, Depth : 35 Km respectively some 12 and 17 km west of

Bumiayu most brick buildings suffer ed considerable.

In the effected area 1377 buildings sus tained damage, wooden houses generally resist shaking but some poorly cons-tructed buildings slanted toward east or west and some collapsed completely. Eventhough only one person was reported killed and 6 injured. The damage might be due to old structures made of brick which are not well cemented without re inforcing iron rods and the unconso -lidated river deposite may large be responsible.

---56. ORIGIN TIME East Jawa

1972 Nov 04 Southern Blitar - Trenggalek area expe- V - VI E.I

08.4S - 112.2E in the morning. Gandusari reported a Mag. : 6.0 fairly strong shock as intensity V - VI Depth : 126 Km MMI. The tremor caused cracks in the

walls of brick buildings and great num -ber of people were awakened from their sleep. The shock was felt as far as Yogyakarta - Surakarta border and this far extended felt area strengtened the shock to be deeper than normal.

---57. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Sumedang

1972 Dec 19 At 21 h 47 m LT of December 19 th,1972 V E.I

14h47m00.0sUTC the Sumedang area experienced a tremor 06.9S - 107.8E of moderate. Strength and was slightly Mag. : 4.5 shallower than normal as indicated by Depth : Very- the small area affected.

Shallow The quake caused slight damage to old brick buildings and panic among the people. In Cibunar, Rancakaleng and Pa -saribu villages the same quake was felt fissures were observed.

--- ---58. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Pelabuhan Ratu

1973 Nov 26 In Pelabuhan Ratu the quake was felt as V E.I

08h51m12.8Sutc intensity III - IV MMI.

06.8S - 106.6E At Citarik and Cidadap villages, where Mag. : 4.9 the intensity was highest the only Depth : 62 Km known structural damage were slight

cracks produced in the walls of old brick buildings and fall of plaster. Ground crack and groundslides were ob -served.

---59. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Banten

1974 Nov 09 This quake caused people awakened. VI E.I

19h10m55.2sUTC In Leuwiliang - Southern Banten, one 6.5S - 105.3E stone building collapsed and cracks we -Mag. : 6.1 re developed in walls on some houses. Depth : 51 Km The shock was felt as far as Lampung

and Pringsewu in South Sumatera and in Jakarta was felt by some people.

---60. ORIGIN TIME Central Jawa - Purwokerto

1976 Feb 14 Almost all people were awaken from IV E.R

20h31m49s UTC their sleep due to earthquake and sound 7.2S - 109.3E from the building/houses. The shock was Mag. : 5.6 also felt at Ajibarang, Kedungbanteng, Depth : 22 Km Tegal, Brebes, Pekalongan, Magelang and

Semarang. No damage reported.

---61. ORIGIN TIME West Jawa - Tasikmalaya

1979 Nov 02 In Tasikmalaya and surroundings the VII E.R

15 53 03.5 quake caused 163 houses and buildings 7.66S -108.25E collapsed, 1430 houses seriously dama-Mag. : 6.1 ge : one meeting hall, 24 school bu-Depth : 62 km ildings damage, 3 mosques collapsed and

29 seriously damage and 159 newstand severely damage.

In Garut most old and poor construction stone houses collapsed, many permanent houses cracked on walls. 10 people kil-led, 12 seriously injured. Cracks on ground in east-west direction were ob-served. The quake was accompanied by a Roaring sound from under the ground. Unnormal sea tides was observed 2 days before the quake occured in Pameungpeuk

1980 Apr 16 In Singaparna many houses cracked on V-VI E.R 12 18 20.6 walls but in Tasikmalaya itself only

8.08S - 108.8E some houses cracked.

Mag. : 5.8 In Garut and surroundings the poorly Depth : 84 km constructed houses cracked on walls,

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