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*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.


Lampiran 2 Uji t-independent

Group Statistics

Kelompok N Mean Std. Deviation

Std. Error Mean

TC_pre Kontrol 12 2.1337E2 6.21659 1.79457

Perlakuan 12 2.1385E2 8.02095 2.31545

TRG_pre Kontrol 12 1.1140E2 3.13688 .90554

Perlakuan 12 1.1508E2 7.30261 2.10808

HDL_pre Kontrol 12 51.3500 2.81885 .81373

Perlakuan 12 50.9708 3.01178 .86942

LDL_pre Kontrol 12 1.4079E2 7.55528 2.18102

Perlakuan 12 1.3933E2 7.39588 2.13501

TC_post Kontrol 12 2.1614E2 5.49175 1.58533

Perlakuan 12 1.3353E2 6.01689 1.73693

TRG_post Kontrol 12 1.1363E2 3.08872 .89164

Perlakuan 12 78.6867 5.02175 1.44966

HDL_post Kontrol 12 49.7842 2.65415 .76619

Perlakuan 12 78.2100 5.01349 1.44727

LDL_post Kontrol 12 1.4362E2 5.66751 1.63607

Perlakuan 12 39.5867 2.75743 .21865


Independent Samples Test Levene's

Test for Equality of

Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df

assumed HDL_post Equal

variances assumed

4.265 .051

-17.359 22 .000 -28.42583 1.63757 -31.82195 -25.02972 Equal

variances not assumed

-17.359 16.717 .000 -28.42583 1.63757 -31.88527 -24.96640 LDL_post Equal

variances assumed

31.489 .056 63.030 22 .000 104.03833 1.65062 100.61517 107.46150 Equal

variances not assumed

63.030 11.393 .000 104.03833 1.65062 100.42058 107.65609

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