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Nama : dr. Lisa Yuliyanti

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Sukabumi / 3 Juli 1973

Jenis Kelamin : Wanita

Agama : Islam

Pekerjaan : Dinas Kesehatan Kota Medan

NIP : 197307032006042012

Pangkat/ Gol. : Penata Muda/ III C

Suami : -

Anak : -

Alamat Pekerjaan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU Jl. dr. Mansyur no. 5 Medan

Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-USU RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan

Jl. Bunga Lau no.17 Medan

Alamat Rumah : Jl. Abdul Hamid G. Tabib no. 2A Medan Telepon selular : 08126598469


1. SDN 060834 Medan, Tamat Tahun 1986 2. SLTP Negeri 17 Medan, Tamat Tahun 1989 3. SMU Negeri IV Medan, Tamat Tahun 1992

4. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Tamat Tahun 2002 5. PPDS Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara (2008 - sekarang) di Medan



1. Dokter PTT PEMKO Medan

2. Dokter RSUD Ferdinand Lumbantobing Sibolga


1. Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)

2. Perhimpunan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PAPDI)


1. Yuliyanti L, Lubis A.R, Bustami Z. Jencolic Acid: Laporan Kasus. KOPAPDI XIII Jakarta 2010.

2. Yuliyanti L, Dalimunte A.R, Lubis W, Nasution HH.: Hubungan depresi dengan kadar CD4 pada pasien HIV/AIDS di RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan. Penelitian mini. KOPAPDI XIV Medan 2013.


1. Peserta PIT IX 2008 Departemen Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara, Danau Toba Convention Hall - Medan 17-19 April 2008.

2. Peserta Festschrift Prof. Dr. Harun Rasyid Lubis, Sp.PD-KGH Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara, Tiara Convention Centre Medan, 10 Nopember 2008

3. Peserta Simposium “Update from Clinical to Application in Internal

Medicine”. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) X 2009 Departemen Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Medan 23-25 April 2009

4. Peserta 5th NTCM Symposium “The 5th

New Trend in Cardiovascular Management: Diagnostic and Therapeutics Challenges in Cardiovascular

Diseases Management”, Medan 8-9 Mei 2009.

5. Peserta “The 5th Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine: New Discovery in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine”, Tiara Convention Centre Medan, 15-16 Mei 2009


6. Peserta Symposium On Hypertension: “Dual Approach for Singular Success”, Hotel Swissbell Medan, 27 Juni 2009

7. Peserta Workshop Achieving Ambitious Glycaemic Target in Diabetes: “Stepwise Intensification in Insulin Treatment from Basal to Basal Plus/Bolus”, Medan, 12 Juli 2009

8. Peserta Simposium “Early Correction Anemia in CKD: A Comprenhensive Management Approach”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 24 Oktober 2009 9. Peserta Scientific Weekend “Early Insulin Inisiation, How, When and

What Insulin according to Daily Practice Need”, Grand Swiss Belhotel Medan, 21 November 2009

10. Peserta Roadshow Ilmiah PD PAPDI “Penggunaan Testosteron pada

Aging Male”, Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan, 6 Maret 2010.

11. Peserta Seminar, Workshop Diabetic Complication and Case Study , Hotel Swissbel Medan, 15 Mei 2010

12. Peserta Simposium The 1st Medan Respiratory Care Meeting Annualy MERCY 2010, “Respiratory Evidenced and Respiratory Competence Synergy on Clinical Practice”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 19-21 Maret 2010

13. Pembicara Makalah Bebas Oral/Poster pada Simposium the 11th National Congress of PERPARI, Chest, and Critical Care in Internal Medicine. Palembang, 04 Juni 2010

14. Peserta Simposium Rheumatology Update 2010, Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan, 30-31 Juli 2010

15. Peserta Bakti Sosial Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Massal dalam rangka memperingati Dasawarsa Perguruan Buddhis Bodhicitta, Medan, 17 Oktober 2010

16. Peserta Roadshow “Medical Skill Update (MEDSKUP) Workshop Infection-Immunology”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 30 Oktober 2010 17. Peserta Simposium “Hyperglicemia of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in

Clinical Practice”, Hotel Grand Aston Indonesia, 28 November 2010 18. Peserta Pelatihan Program Pengembangan Pendidikan Keprofesian

Berkelanjutan Ultrasonografi Tahap Pertama bagi PPDS Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK USU dan PUSKI. Medan,


19. Peserta Seminar Penatalaksanaan Hepatitis B & C“Good Doctor for The

Great Liver”, Medan, 19 2011

20. Panitia dan peserta PIT XII 2011 Penyakit Dalam Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional PERPARI. Medan 28-30 April 2011

21. Peserta Simposium The 6th New Trend in Cardiovascular Management, JW. Marriott Hotel Medan, 23-25 Juni 2011

22. Pembicara Makalah Bebas Oral/Poster pada Simposium National Congress PETRI XVII & PERKEDWI/ PKWI XIV “Emerging and Re-emerging

Infectious Diseases : A Local and Global Threat”, Patra Semarang Convention Hotel, 8-10 Juli 2011.

23. Peserta Seminar Sehari Lymphoma Update : Deteksi Dini dan Penatalaksanaan, RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan, 16 Juli 2011

24. Peserta Seminar “Plant Stanol Ester: A Novel Dietary Component in Lowering Cholesterol to Improve Cardio-Vascular Health”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 19 November 2011

25. Peserta Workshop Infection Update IV “Current Challenges Management on Infection”. Medan, 25 Nopember 2011.

26. Peserta Simposium “The New Option of Insulin Resistance Treatment in

Type 2 Diabetes:Pathogenesis, Prevention and Management Diabetic Vascular Complication ”, Hermes Palace Hotel Medan, 20 November 2011

27. Peserta Simposium “Rationale Strategy in the Management of Pancreatic B Dysfunction and Role of Oral Incretin Based Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 29 Januari 2012

28. Peserta Workshop “Cancer Pain Management”, Hotel Grand Aston Medan, 10 Maret 2012

29. Peserta Simposium “Diabetes Update for Excellent”, Hotel J.W. Marriott, Medan 17 Maret 2012

30. Peserta Simposium Medical Skill Upgrade Gastroenterology-Hepatology ( Inflamatory Bowel Disease & Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis – Workshop,

Hotel Grand Aston City Hall Medan, 24 Maret 2012

31. Peserta Simposium The New Direction in The Treatment of Type 2


32. Peserta Roadshow Hipertensi PB PAPDI “The Next Big Target in

Hypertension: Controlling All Key BP Parameters”, Hotel J.W. Marriott Medan, 28 April 2012

33. Peserta Workshop Terapi Insulin “Update on Diagnosis and Management of Comment Clinical Problems”, Dies Natalis 60 Tahun Fakultas Kedokteran USU, Hotel Santika Dyandra Convention Hall, 11 September 2012

34. Peserta Simposium Kongres Nasional XV Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (KOPAPDI XV), Hotel J.W. Marriott dan Hotel Grand Aston Medan, 12-15 Desember 2012

35. Peserta Simposium “The 5th

Endocrinology & Diabetes Forum of Sumatera Region (FEDS-5), Theme: The Endocrine – Metabolic Disease :

Present and Future”, Medan 20 Februari 2013

36. Peserta Mini Symposium: “Gastro Update” Recent Management in Helicobacter pylori Infection, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Hepatic Encephalopathy, Hotel Aryaduta, 20 April 2013.




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