• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Merujuk pada Gross (2009) yang menjelaskan bahwa dalam sebuah penelitian dibutuhkan kejelasan serta batasan peneliti dalam menempatkan diri (action research). Dengan kata lain, posisi peneliti yang tidak netral dapat memicu kontroversial dalam komunitas ilmiah. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari posisi peneliti dari ketidaknetralan, peneliti mengkombinasikan pembahasan ke dalam dua unsur perspektif yaitu perspektif etic sebagai outsider dan perspektif emic sebagai insider.

Dalam perspektif emic, peneliti secara subyektif memposisikan diri sebagai bagian dari partisipan perempuan (insider) yang menganggap khitan perempuan (female genital mutilation) sebagai suatu bentuk adanya ketidaksetaraan khitan antara laki-laki dan perempuan di Indonesia yang bahkan mengandung unsur kekerasan.

Kontras dengan pandangan emic, peneliti turut memposisikan diri sebagai bagian luar (outsider) yaitu mengubah sudut pandang sebagai partisipan laki-laki guna mempertahankan nilai obyektifitas penelitian. Dengan kata lain, pada penelitian ini diketahui sebanyak lima puluh delapan partisipan memiliki sikap tidak setuju atau menolak khitan perempuan yang mengandung unsur kekerasan yang ditinjau dari sudut pandang agama, sosial, medis, dan hukum.

Dalam perspektif agama Islam, banyak persektif tentang khitan perempuan kendati demikian, tidak sedikit tafsiran teologis dari berbagai agama baik Katolik, Protestan, Hindu, dan Budha maupun Hadits Nabi dalam agama Islam yang dinilai mendukung penerapan praktik khitan perempuan yang masih diperdebatkan kebenarannya. Dalam perspektif budaya, adanya tradisi turun-temurun khitan perempuan dinilai dapat membuat dorongan seksual perempuan tidak melebihi dorongan seksual pada kaum laki-laki. Tidak adanya kepastian dari budaya tersebut yang menunjukkan bahwa perempuan yang dikhitan memiliki dorongan seksual lebih rendah dibandingkan perempuan yang tidak dikhitan, justru budaya khitan dinilai memberikan dampak dan implikasi negatif terhadap tubuh perempuan.

Begitu pula dalam perspektif medis, paling tidak dibutuhkan studi lebih banyak dan lebih ekstensif lagi guna memastikan manfaat khitan perempuan (female genital mutilation). Pada kenyataannya, khitan perempuan justru banyak mendatangkan dampak negatif yang cukup berat, yaitu terbatasnya kemampuan perempuan untuk mencapai kepuasan seksual serta implikasi lain yang dirasakan pada fisik dan psikis perempuan. Sama halnya dengan perspektif hukum, yang diketahui belum adanya sanksi hukuman yang pantas untuk diterapkan bagi masyarakat yang melakukan praktik khitan pada perempuan.

5.3 Saran

Peneliti turut menambahkan saran keilmuan guna memperkaya penelitian ini.

Perlu adanya tinjauan ulang dan analisa oleh peneliti berikutnya yang akan menggunakan teori tahap perkembangan Erikson khususnya pada fase dewasa awal 20 hingga 40 tahun (young adulthood) sebagai acuan teori

penelitian. Peneliti menilai teori Erikson cenderung memaksakan generaliasi kelompok usia antara 20 sampai 40 tahun ke dalam rentang usia yang terlalu jauh yang belum tentu memiliki mental age yang sama. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan tinjauan ulang oleh peneliti berikutnya guna menghindari construct validity menjadi rendah. Salah satunya adalah dengan meminimalisasikan jarak usia agar tidak terlalu berjauhan antara satu sama lain.

Terkait metode pengumpulan data, perlu diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait penelitian ini seperti menambahkan metode wawancara guna memperkaya hasil dan memperdalam analisa tentang sikap jender terhadap khitan perempuan. Dalam khazanah hukum, berangkat dari asumsi bahwa khitan perempuan (female genital mutilation) merupakan bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan, patut dipertimbangkan penerapan sanksi yang lebih definitif terhadap siapapun yang masih mempertahankan tradisi usang.

Terkait penelitian berikutnya, perlu adanya perspektif baru yakni dari sudut pandang jender sebagai aspek pembahasan penelitian. Selain itu, guna menciptakan kesejahteraan perempuan, peneliti turut memberikan saran kepada kaum perempuan agar lebih dapat mempertahankan hak sebagai makluk Tuhan yang sejajar sama halnya dengan laki-laki. Kesejajaran akan menempatkan perempuan dan laki-laki sebagai jenis kelamin yang bebas berkehendak dan menentukan segala sesuatu yang pantas maupun tidak pantas yang akan dikenakan pada diri masing-masing. Guna mendukung hak perempuan, harus dibangun suatu budaya baru yang berlaku baik bagi laki-laki maupun perempuan dengan mengembalikan nilai-nilai seksualitas kepada perempuan.




Albarracin, D., Johnson, T. B., & Zanna, P. M. (2005). International Journal Public Opinion Research. The Handbook of Attitudes. 17(4). 495-496. DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edh109

Amiruddin, M. (2006). Jurnal Perempuan untuk Pencerahan dan Kesetaraan. FEMINISME: ilmu pengetahuan merindukan kebenaran. 48(2). 17-25.

Amnesty International. (2011). The State of The World’s Human Rights. Dikutip, 23 November, 2011, dari http://www.amnesty.org/en

Atmowiloto, A. (2006). Mekar di Bumi: Visiografi 50 Tahun Eko Budianta. Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet.

Bernstein, A. Douglas,. (2010). Essential of Psychology (5th

ed). University of Michigan. Cengage Learning.

Dani, N. D,. (1989). Scientific Attitude and Cognitive Styles. New Delhi: Nothern Book Centre.

Eriyanto., & Aindoble. (2007). Teknik Sampling: Analisis Opini Publik. Yogyakarta: Lkis.

Greiff, S. (2010). Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Atas Nama Budaya, Agama, dan

Tradisi. Dikutip 19 September, 2011, dari


Gross, R. (2009). Themes, Issues and Debates In Psychology (3rd

Ed). United Kingdom: Hodder Education.

Gulo. W. (2000). Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Hayati, N.E. (2006). Jurnal Perempuan Untuk Pencerahan dan Kesetaraan. Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Perempuan. 48(1). 7-15.

Indria, K. & Nindyati, A.D. (2007). Kajian Konformitas dan Kreativitas Affective Remaja. Jurnal Provitae 3 (1), 97. Jakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara.

Istijanto. (2010). Aplikasi Praktis Riset Pemasaran. Jakarta: Gramedia. Lobner, S. (2002). Understanding Semantics. London: Arnold.

Maryati. K. (2006). Sosiologi (3rd

Ed). Jakarta: Erlangga.

Muhammad. H. (2010). Khitan Perempuan. Cirebon. Dikutip, April 4, 2011, dari


Murniati, P. N,. (2004), Perempuan Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Sosial, Ekonomi, Politik dan HAM. Jakarta: IndonesiaTera.

Musyarofah. R., Sari. N. R., & Pemilawati. D. (2003). Khitan Perempuan: Antara Tradisi dan Ajaran agama. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada.

Ontario Consultant on Religious Tolerance. (2007). Debates about FGM in Africa the middle east & far east. Dikutip, Juni 22, 2011, dari


Perloff, M. R,. (2010). The Dynamic of Persuasion: Communication and Attitude in The 21st Century, (4thed). New York: Routledge.

Richards, C. (2011). Young People, Popular Culture and Education. New York: Replika Press.

Riduwan. (2008). Dasar-Dasar Statistika. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Sadli, S. (2002)-1. Jurnal Studi Wanita. Studi Wanita: Pengembangan dan Tantangannya. 1(1). 1-23.

Sadli, S., & Bachtiar, I. (2011). Berbeda Tapi Setara: Pemikiran Tentang Kajian Perempuan. Jakarta: Kompas Media Nusantara.

Sarwono, W. S., & Meinarno, W. E. (2009). Psikologi Sosial. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.

Seniati, L., Yulianto. A., & Setiadi. N. B. (2009). Psikologi Eksperimen. Indonesia: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang.

Thomson, Anne. 2000. Critical Reasoning: a Practical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Umar, N. (2010). Argumen Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif Al-quran. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat.

United Nations Population Fund. (2010). Promoting Gender Equality. Dikutip 19 September, 2011, dari http://unfpa.org/gender/practise2.htm#

Waluya. B. (2007). Sosiologi: Menyelami Fenomena Sosial di Masyarakat. Bandung: PT Setia Purna Inves.

World Healtd Organization. (2011). Female Genital Mutilation. Dikutip october 5, 2011, dari http://www.who.int/topics/femalegenitalmutilation/en/index.html

Young, J. (2005). Systemic Practice and Action Research. On insiders (EMIC) and outsiders (ETIC): Views of Self, and Othering. 18(2). DOI:10.1007/s11213-005-4155-8

The Analysis Of Men and Women Attitudes

Toward The Practice Of Female Circumcision

(A Descriptive Study)



Inequality of men and women as well as the violence women are slowly becoming a habit that begins with the creation of social labeling or called constructivisme social. Women were considered female circumcision is one of the form of inequalities the position of men and women in the form of violence. Responding to speculation, this research aimed to look at the attitude of men and women regarding the practice of female circumcision of women considered to be forms of gender inequality.

Research instrument determination is done by make and test gauge attitude Afrigthea Ragieltrinanda’s Scale of Acceptance on Clitoridectomy (ARt-SAC). Art-SAC theory Banaji & amp; Heiphetz (2010) in looking at the attitude of the individual with attention to the three elements of the indicator that is, indicators of cognition (cognitive), affection (affective), and behavior (behavior). ARt-SAC intended to see the picture of the attitudes of both men and women against the phenomenon of female circumcision practices on women. This research uses techniques of coincidence/incidental sampling that is based on the ease of the characteristics found in the field.

The results showed that participants be of 100 sample research, found as many as 58 participants male and female do not consent to the enactment of the khitan in women. While participating, 42 men and women choose to agree the establishment of female circumcision of women. Data analysis in this research are examined via the emic and etic perspectives. Emic perspectives are examined by maintaining the value subyektifitas i.e. putting yourself researchers as part of women as well as victims of the khitans (Insider). Etic perspective is examined by maintaining the value of objectivity that is put myself a researcher as part of men as well as scientific researcher (outsider).

1. Introduction

In fact every human being who is born in the world has the same degree between one another. Just the sex as a differentiator both men and women. But still men and women have the same position between each other. In fact there are still cultural and religious beliefs that still distinguish between men and women. The phenomenon was named in the research is the practice of female circumcision that the enactment of a phenomenon that occurs in women.

The phenomenon of female circumcision of men have in common and familiar didengan by our ears. However, the phenomenon of female circumcision practices and foreign women still rarely heard by our ears. Some of the practice of female circumcision which contain elements of violence against women (Women Reclaiming and Redefining Cultures, 2008). World Health Organiztion (2010) defines female genital mutilation as a form of to include the disposal of some procedures as well as the entire outer female genital and genital organs or pencederaan of women for reasons of culture or the reasons for the other non-therapeutic.

Indonesia community known as female genital mutilation or female circumcision khitan women. Female genital mutilation and the khitan women have different practices. Female genital mutilation is more leads and contain elements of violence, while the khitan women do not practice female circumcision sebrutal as defined by the World Health Organization.

2. Methodology

This research uses an indicator of determining an individual's attitude as a trend in the conduct of evaluation of the attitude object i.e. the practice of female circumcision of women. In this study the attitude leads to the option to agree and disagree.

• Cognitive

Component which includes acceptance of information from the environment through the five senses, process it, recognize the perceived, comparing it with data that has been owned, classify, store in the memory, as well as use it in responding to stimuli. • Affective

Indicators that represent the feelings and emotions of the individual regarding the phenomenon of female circumcision practices on women.

• Behavior

Indicators that represent the assessment of the trend of individual acts describes the object against the attitude that is affected by the past.

2.1 Design

This research uses descriptive research to uncover the phenomenon and analyse the problems of enforcing the practice of female circumcision for women containing elements of violence are still very rare to raised and covered in the environmental community.

Determination of the number of participants in research is based on the opinion of Guilford County (in the senses and Nindyati, 2007)

which describes the criteria for determining the number of samples in a large population, that is, to the amount of not less than thirty samples from the population. As for the number of men and women who became a target of the dissemination of the questionnaire in this research several hundred participants, with details of men as much as fifty participants and the number of women as much as fifty participants.

Sampling techniques used in this research is the technique of taking are not random or non-probability sampling with the kind of shots that sampling/Incidental Coincidence sampling. Coincidence/Incidental sampling is based on the sample determination techniques ease factor, in other words anyone who accidentally met with investigators and in accordance with the characteristics of the sample research, then that person can serve as a sample or the respondent (Riduwan, 2008).

Characteristics of participants in this study i.e. men and women aged 20 to 40 years. In the Lahey (2007), based on the individual stages of Erikson classify each developmental age. Erikson explain individuals aged 20 to 40 years has entered a phase of young adult (young adulthood) i.e. when individuals have been able to think critically (cognitive development), has a sensitivity to the feelings with fellow (emotional development), as well as the standalone can make a decision that leads to the tendency of the behavior (social development). Therefore, the researchers include the criteria of age 20 to 40 years old (young adulthood) with the assumption that the phases of the age is the best phase in determining attitudes

independently, both from the point of view of cognition, emotion, and social behavior

2.2 Implementation

According to Supardi (2007), data processing consists of stages of editing and tabulating stage. In this research stage editting done by using the program Microsoft Excel 2007 and continued with tabulating stage application program using SPSS statistics, 11.8. Data processing starts with the editing process, i.e. perform examination of hundred questionnaires that have been accumulated, then check one by one the best item on the questionnaire research.

From the results of the questionnaire have the editting, answers are complete and not found any incomplete questionnaires. After learning the results, researchers doing the tabulating editting. On the stage of the overall questionnaire diskor tabulating, in accordance with the prescribed scale the scale of ordinal. For the option that indicates approval or consent to the khitan women have a value score. For options that show does not agree or reject the khitan women have a value score. Versa on the option item unfavorable.

2.3 Evaluation

The results showed a 58 (58%) participants were men and women have attitude towards the practice did not agree the khitan imposed on women. Meanwhile, as many as 42 (42%) participants were men and women choose to be agree to the existence of the practice of female circumcision which is imposed on women. In other

words, the majority of participants have the attitude to disagree or cons active against the enactment of a female circumcision of women.

3. Conclusion

It can be inferred that the good and bad, improper and inappropriate about any matters relating to women was formed by labeling social (social constructivisme) which was decided by the men. Related research has been done about the sexual relationship between analysis of men and women against the practice of female circumcision of women (female genital mutilation), it is noted that as many as fifty eight participants have the attitude does not agree or deny the existence of the practice of female circumcision which contain elements of violence inflicted on women.


Albarracin, D., Johnson, T. B., & Zanna, P. M. (2005). International Journal Public Opinion Research. The Handbook of Attitudes. 17(4). 495-496. DOI: 10.1093/ijpor/edh109

Amiruddin, M. (2006). Jurnal Perempuan untuk Pencerahan dan Kesetaraan. FEMINISME: ilmu pengetahuan merindukan kebenaran. 48(2). 17-25. Amnesty International. (2011). The State of The World’s Human Rights. Dikutip,

23 November, 2011, dari http://www.amnesty.org/en

Atmowiloto, A. (2006). Mekar di Bumi: Visiografi 50 Tahun Eko Budianta. Jakarta: Pustaka Alvabet.

Bernstein, A. Douglas,. (2010). Essential of Psychology (5th ed). University of Michigan. Cengage Learning.

Dani, N. D,. (1989). Scientific Attitude and Cognitive Styles. New Delhi: Nothern Book Centre.

Eriyanto., & Aindoble. (2007). Teknik Sampling: Analisis Opini Publik. Yogyakarta: Lkis.

Greiff, S. (2010). Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Atas Nama Budaya, Agama, dan Tradisi. Dikutip 19 September, 2011, dari


Gross, R. (2009). Themes, Issues and Debates In Psychology (3rd Ed). United Kingdom: Hodder Education.

Gulo. W. (2000). Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Hayati, N.E. (2006). Jurnal Perempuan Untuk Pencerahan dan Kesetaraan. Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Perempuan. 48(1). 7-15.

Indria, K. & Nindyati, A.D. (2007). Kajian Konformitas dan Kreativitas Affective Remaja. Jurnal Provitae 3 (1), 97. Jakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanagara.

Istijanto. (2010). Aplikasi Praktis Riset Pemasaran. Jakarta: Gramedia. Lobner, S. (2002). Understanding Semantics. London: Arnold.

Maryati. K. (2006). Sosiologi (3rd Ed). Jakarta: Erlangga.

Muhammad. H. (2010). Khitan Perempuan. Cirebon. Dikutip, April 4, 2011, dari


Murniati, P. N,. (2004), Perempuan Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Sosial, Ekonomi, Politik dan HAM. Jakarta: IndonesiaTera.

Musyarofah. R., Sari. N. R., & Pemilawati. D. (2003). Khitan Perempuan: Antara Tradisi dan Ajaran agama. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada.

Ontario Consultant on Religious Tolerance. (2007). Debates about FGM in Africa the middle east & far east. Dikutip, Juni 22, 2011, dari


Perloff, M. R,. (2010). The Dynamic of Persuasion: Communication and Attitude in The 21st Century, (4thed). New York: Routledge.

Richards, C. (2011). Young People, Popular Culture and Education. New York: Replika Press.

Riduwan. (2008). Dasar-Dasar Statistika. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Sadli, S. (2002)-1. Jurnal Studi Wanita. Studi Wanita: Pengembangan dan Tantangannya. 1(1). 1-23.

Sadli, S., & Bachtiar, I. (2011). Berbeda Tapi Setara: Pemikiran Tentang Kajian Perempuan. Jakarta: Kompas Media Nusantara.

Sarwono, W. S., & Meinarno, W. E. (2009). Psikologi Sosial. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.

Seniati, L., Yulianto. A., & Setiadi. N. B. (2009). Psikologi Eksperimen. Indonesia: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang.

Thomson, Anne. 2000. Critical Reasoning: a Practical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Umar, N. (2010). Argumen Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif Al-quran. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat.

United Nations Population Fund. (2010). Promoting Gender Equality. Dikutip 19 September, 2011, dari http://unfpa.org/gender/practise2.htm#

Waluya. B. (2007). Sosiologi: Menyelami Fenomena Sosial di Masyarakat. Bandung: PT Setia Purna Inves.

World Healtd Organization. (2011). Female Genital Mutilation. Dikutip october 5, 2011, dari http://www.who.int/topics/femalegenitalmutilation/en/index.html

Young, J. (2005). Systemic Practice and Action Research. On insiders (EMIC) and outsiders (ETIC): Views of Self, and Othering. 18(2). DOI:10.1007/s11213-005-4155-8

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