• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan



9.1 Langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan visibilitas kontribusi teknis dan keuangan

Australia dalam Program ini akan diizinkan oleh Kemdikbuddan Kemenag. Langkah- langkah tersebut memastikan agar peserta pelatihan dan masyarakat umum menyadari bahwa Australia telah memberikan dukungan bagi program Pemerintah

Indonesia ini –yaitu program Pengembangan Keprofesian Tenaga Kependidikan -

dan sub-komponen-sub-komponennya.

9.2 Satu langkah penting adalah untuk memastikan bahwa logo Kemitraan Pendidikan

Australia Indonesia (Kemitraan Pendidikan) ditampilkan di semua buku manual, materi pelatihan dan bahan-bahan lain, termasuk yang diberikan secara on-line, di televisi dan dalam media elektronik lainnya.

9.3 Lembaga Yang Memenuhi Syarat bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahwa

spanduk Pengembangan Keprofesian Tenaga Kependidikan yang sesuai (yang akan dicetak dan dibagikan kepada semua Lembaga Yang Memenuhi Syarat oleh kontraktor DFAT) akan ditampilkan pada setiap tempat pelatihan. Spanduk pelatihan harus ditampilkan di tempat yang terlihat jelas di tempat pelatihan, lebih disukai jika juga bisa dilihat oleh masyarakat umum.


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Protokol Komunikasi

10.1 DFAT mewakili Pemerintah Australia (GoA) dan Kemdikbud akan menerapkan

prosedur-prosedur yang memastikan bahwa komunikasi antara kedua pihak terjalin secara efektif untuk semua hal yang berhubungan dengan ProDEP (Inisiatif).

10.2 Protokol-protokol komunikasi untuk permasalahan yang terkait dengan manajemen

keuangan, pelaporan resmi, tindak kecurangan dan penanganan keluhan, serta pengadaan barang dan jasa telah dijabarkan dalam Bab-bab terkait di Manual Prosedur untuk Perjanjian Hibah ini.

10.3 Sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Perjanjian Hibah, Kemenkeu berkomunikasi dengan

Kepala Program Bantuan Pembangunan Australia di DFAT untuk semua hal yang berkaitan dengan Perjanjian Hibah.

10.4 Komunikasi antara Kemdikbud dan DFAT untuk hal-hal teknis terkait penafsiran dari

Perjanjian Hibah dan Manual Prosedur ini, atau penerapannya, akan dilakukan pada kesempatan pertama dengan pengiriman email atau surat-menyurat antara DFAT

Counsellor for Education, Scholarships and KnowledgeSector dengan Kepala Pusbang Tendik sebagai Instansi Pelaksana di tingkat Nasional atau dengan Kepala Badan PSDMPK & PMP sebagai Instansi Penanggung-jawab.

10.5 Komunikasi antara Kemdikbud dan DFAT perihal permasalahan manajemen dan

administrasi dapat dilakukan pada kesempatan pertama secara bertemu-muka, per telepon atau melalui pengiriman email antara Unit terkait di DFAT atau Manajer Kegiatan bersangkutan dengan Kepala Pusbang Tendik atau seorang pejabat Pusbang Tendik yang bertindak dengan wewenang dari dan atas nama Kepala Pusbang Tendik.


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Daftar Lampiran

Lampiran 1 Perjanjian Hibah

Lampiran 2 Daftar Kabupaten/Kota yang disepakati

Lampiran 3 Daftar Instansi Pelaksana

Lampiran 4 Konsep Dasar Kerangka Penilaian Kinerja untuk Inisiatif (ProDEP)

Lampiran 5 Konsep Dasar Rencana Manajemen Resiko

Lampiran 6 Formulir Pelaporan Keuangan

Lampiran 7 Formulir Pelaporan Tindak Kecurangan

Lampiran 8 Daftar Isian Penyelidikan Tindak Kecurangan

Lampiran 9 Kerangka Acuan Kerja bagi Pejabat Penanganan Keluhan

Lampiran 10 Formulir Pengajuan Keluhan

Lampiran 11 Ringkasan Laporan dari Status Keluhan Lampiran 12 Formulir Pelaporan per Kuartal

Lampiran 13 Formulir Pelaporan Tahunan untuk Inisiatif (ProDEP) Lampiran 14 Format Rencana Kerja Tahunan


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Grant Agreement Deed


the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia relating to the Professional Development for Education Personnel

through Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia A contribution to the Government of Indonesia’s


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1. General Conditions; Definitions...4 2. The Grant...4 3. Implementation Arrangement and Responsibilities...4 4. The Initiative...6 5. Remedies of the Commonwealth...6 6. Effectiveness...7 7. Representative; Addresses...7 Schedule 1. Initiative Description...10 Schedule 2. Initiative Execution...11 Appendix A. Definitions...22 Appendix B. General Conditions...24 Appendix C. Disbursement and Withdrawal Procedures...49 Appendix D. Withdrawal Application Template...57 Appendix E. Indicative Disbursement Plan...59 Appendix F. Clarification Relating to Procurement for the Initiative...60 Appendix G. Performance Assessment Framework for the Initiative...61 Appendix H. Risk Management Plan (RMP) Template...62


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Professional Development for Education Personnel through Australia’s

Education Partnership with Indonesia

A contribution to the Government of Indonesia’s Education Sector Support


Agreement Number 64705


Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Australian

Agency for International Development


Republic of Indonesia, acting by and through its Ministry of

Finance, as represented by the Directorate General of Debt


(“Republic of Indonesia”)

General Introduction

1) This Agreement is made under Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (“Education

Partnership”), the partnership between the Commonwealth and the Republic of Indonesia, representing Australia’s contribution to the Republic of Indonesia’s Education Sector Support Program (“ESSP”). The purpose of this partnership is to assist the Republic of Indonesia to achieve its 2010-2014 Education Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) priorities. Under the Education Partnership, the Commonwealth will provide approximately AUD500million through the following components:

Component 1: Junior Secondary School Construction and Expansion

Component 2: School and District Management (inclusive of the Professional Development System for Education Personnel)

Component 3: Madrasah Accreditation

Component 4: Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership

2) This Agreement is related to the Subsidiary Arrangement between the Government of the

Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia relating to Australia’s Education

Partnership with Indonesia – Contribution to the Education Sector Support Program (ESSP) as signed by the Parties on 14 June 2011 as amended from time to time.


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3) This Agreement represents the understanding of the respective responsibilities and contributions of both Parties with regard only to the provision of Professional Development for Education Personnel (“the Initiative”) of Component 2 of the Education Partnership, as per the Program Design Document approved by the Republic of Indonesia dated 16 November 2010.

It is agreed:

1 General Conditions; Definitions

1.1. The General Conditions (Appendix B) constitute an integral part of this Agreement.

1.2.Unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalized terms used in this Grant Agreement have the meanings ascribed to them in the Appendix A (Definitions) of this Agreement. 1.3.For the purposes of this Grant Agreement, Section 3.12 of the General Conditions is modified

as follows:

(a) the words "and construction sites" are excluded from Section 3.12(b)(i); and

(b) the words "any plants, installations, sites," and “buildings” are excluded from Section 3.12(b)(ii).

2. The Grant

2.1.The Commonwealth agrees to extend to the Republic of Indonesia, on terms and conditions set forth or referred to in this Agreement, a grant of up to one hundred and ten million Australian Dollars (AUD110,000,000) (“Grant”) to assist in financing the Initiative described in

Schedule 1 of this Agreement (“the Initiative”).

2.2.The Republic of Indonesia may withdraw the proceeds of the Grant in accordance with Section I of Schedule 2 of this Agreement.

3. Implementation Arrangements and Responsibilities

3.1.The Republic of Indonesia shall finance all expenses associated with preparation, management and implementation of the Initiative, with the exception of those Eligible Expenses specified in Section I of Schedule 2 to this Agreement.

3.2.In particular, the Republic of Indonesia will finance:

(a) staff, including monthly salaries and associated routine allowances;

(b) staff honoraria, except professional fees for master trainers, trainers, assessors, keynote speakers;

(c) office and office equipment;

(d) other administrative costs necessary for the efficient implementation of the Initiative; and (e) investment and maintenance costs of Information Technology hardware utilised for the


3.3.In matters pertaining to the implementation of this Agreement, the Republic of Indonesia’s Ministry with overall responsibility for implementing the Initiative will be the Ministry of

Education and Culture (“MoEC”) through the Executing Agency, which is the Board of

Education and Culture Human Resource Development and Education Quality Assurance (Badan PSDMPK & PMP).


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critical to the effective implementation of the Initiative. The Republic of Indonesia shall maintain the following institutional arrangement until the completion of the Initiative:

ESSP Governance

(a) The Governance Oversight Group (GoG), co-chaired by the senior representatives of MoEC and MoRA, and comprising senior representatives of the Indonesian Government, the Commonwealth and the European Union, and responsible for policy and strategic oversight of all initiatives undertaken as part of the ESSP.

(b) The Staff Development Technical Oversight Group (SDTOG), which is established within the MoEC’s Board of Education and Culture Human Resource Development and Education Quality Assurance, comprised of relevant technical staff within MoEC, MoF, MoRA, MoHA, Bappenas, the Commonwealth and the European Union, and responsible for (i) work plans and procurement plans, (ii) coordination and approvals of Initiative Reports, and (iii) ongoing management, monitoring and oversight the delivery and output achievements of the Initiative.

(c) Key subjects to be discussed by the SDTOG include:

(i) assessment/review of performance/budget execution and expenditure priorities on the basis of the indicators described in (e.g.) the Performance Assessment Framework (Appendix G);

(ii) Annual review of action plans/budget for the forthcoming calendar year/revenue and expenditure priorities; implementation of the Agreement; (iii) Consideration of audit report(s) and follow up required on audits;

(iv) Regular financial/expenditure reports;

(v) Review/update of Initiative’s risk management plan/strategy, as outlined in Appendix H to this Agreement;

(vi) Monitoring, evaluation and review plans and reports;

(vii) Requirements for additional technical assistance for implementation; (viii) Procurement plans/reports; and

(ix) Progress on other Initiative’s related supports or objectives such as progress on strengthening public financial management and/or procurement systems, technical assistance and implementation support delivered by contractors engaged by the Commonwealth, and development of relevant legislation. (d) Additional consultation meetings may be requested by the Republic of Indonesia or

the Commonwealth on any subject relevant to the implementation of the Initiative.

3.5 The Republic of Indonesia through the Executing Agency shall ensure that the SDTOG established and maintained pursuant to Clause 3.4(b) above is provided at all times with adequate funds and other resources, and staffed by qualified and experienced personnel in adequate numbers, as shall be necessary to accomplish the entity’s functions, responsibilities and objectives.

4. The Initiative

4.1 The Initiative Description is outlined in Schedule 1 to this Grant Agreement.

4.2 To this end, the Republic of Indonesia shall implement the Initiative through the Executing Agency, which is the Board of Education and Culture Human Resource Development and


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Education Quality Assurance (Badan PSDMPK & PMP) at MoEC, in accordance with the General Conditions (Appendix B), and shall cooperate fully with representatives of the Commonwealth including its contractors in implementing their respective activities under the Education Partnership.

4.3 Without limitation upon the provision of Clause 4.2 of this Agreement, and except as the Republic of Indonesia and the Commonwealth shall otherwise agree, the Republic of Indonesia through the Executing Agency shall ensure that the Initiative is carried out in accordance with this Agreement and the Procedures Manual as outlined in Part A, Section VII, Schedule 2 of this Agreement.

4.4 The Parties agree that the implementation of the Initiative under this Agreement will be guided by the following principles:

(a) Implementation will be based on a partnership approach in which joint management of the Initiative is carried out by the Commonwealth and the Republic of Indonesia.

(b) The Republic of Indonesia’s leadership and ownership of the Initiative is maximised.

(c) The Commonwealth’s support through AusAID is aligned to the Republic of Indonesia’s

needs and priorities.

(d) Fairness, transparency, openness, accountability and mutual trust in all dealings.

(e) Focus on quality, sustainability and equitable development that meets the needs of the Republic of Indonesia and beneficiary communities.

(f) The strategic orientation of policies and strategies. (g) The effective and efficient use of Initiative’s resources.

(h) A commitment to joint monitoring and evaluation within an agreed performance assessment framework.

(i) Ensuring the pace of implementation is appropriate and responsive to the absorptive capacity of the Republic of Indonesia and appropriate capacity building measures are implemented.

(j) be based on the Republic of Indonesia’s sectoral policy and plans as detailed in National Education Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) 2010-2014 as may be amended from time to time.

5. Remedies of the Commonwealth

5.1.For the purpose of Section 4.02(a)(vii) of the General Conditions (Appendix B of this Agreement), the Additional Events of Suspension consist of the following:

(a) The policy on Professional Development for Education Personnel, as referred to in Education Ministerial Regulations related to recruitment, selection, preparation of school principals and competency development for school principals and school supervisors, has been amended, suspended, abrogated, repealed or waived so as to affect materially and adversely the ability of the Republic of Indonesia to perform its obligation under this Agreement;

(b) Six months after the date of this Agreement, the Republic of Indonesia has not provided to the Commonwealth a Tax Letter, satisfactory to the Commonwealth and confirming that the Eligible Expenses will be exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT), which has been adopted by the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with Section 2.07 of the General Conditions; and

(c) The Republic of Indonesia is aware of an alleged misuse of the proceeds of the Grant involving fraudulent or corrupt behaviour as defined in Schedule 2, Section VI Part D:


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satisfactory to the Commonwealth to remedy the situation.

6. Effectiveness

6.1.For the purpose of Section 7.01(a)(ii) of the General Conditions (Appendix B), the Additional Conditions of Effectiveness consist of the following:

(a) ESSP governance arrangements in relation to this grant component, comprising the Governance and Oversight Group (GoG) and the Staff Development Technical Oversight Group (SDTOG), have all been duly established in a manner acceptable to the Commonwealth and the Republic of Indonesia has advised the Commonwealth, in writing, of the names, positions and contact details of the members of each; and

(b) The School and District Management: Education Personnel Professional Development Procedures Manual, in form and substance satisfactory to the Commonwealth, has been duly adopted by the Republic of Indonesia, pursuant to Schedule 2, Section VII Part A: Procedures Manual, of this Agreement.

6.2.The Effectiveness Deadline is the date ninety (90) days after the date of this Agreement, or such later date as the Commonwealth may specify in writing to the Republic of Indonesia.

7. Representative; Addresses Republic of Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia’s representative is the Director General of Debt Management. The Republic of Indonesia’s address is:

Directorate General of Debt Management Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Frans Seda Building 2nd floor,

Jl. Dr. Wahidin Raya No. 1 Jakarta 10710, INDONESIA Facsimile Number: (62-21) 3846635

Commonwealth of Australia

The Commonwealth’s representative is the Head of AusAID Indonesia.

The Commonwealth’s address is:

The Head of Australian Assistance for International Development (AusAID) Indonesia Australian Embassy

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C15-16 Jakarta Selatan 12940, INDONESIA Facsimile Number: (62-21) 2550 5582


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EXECUTED AS DEED [insert] on the [number] day of [month] in the year of 2013 in two (2) originals in the English language, both of the texts being equally authentic.

Signed for and on behalf of the

Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Australian Agency for International Development in the presence of

………. (Signature of witness) ……… (Name of witness) ……… (Title) ……….

(Signature of FMAs.32B Delegate)


Name of FMAs.32B Delegate


Title of FMAs.32B Delegate

Signed for and on behalf of the Republic of Indonesia acting by and through the Ministry of Finance in the presence of


(Signature of witness)

Ayu Sukorini Director of Funds,

Directorate General of Debt Management


(Signature of witness)

……… . . .

(Name and Title of witness)


(Signature of witness)

……… . . .

(Name and Title of witness)

…... (Signature)

Robert Pakpahan

Expert Staff of Minister of Finance on State Revenue

with Full Mandate as

Directorate General of Debt Management


Manual Prosedur Edisi Pertama Versi 2.0 – Juni 2014 114

Initiative Description

The objective of the Initiative is to assist the Republic of Indonesia to deliver on its Education RENSTRA (Strategic Planning) target of improving quality of basic education, through capacity improvement of school officials. The Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (“Education Partnership”) will

support development of the system that will enable Indonesia’s principals, district officials and supervisors to access Professional Development as one of several activities under the Education Partnership that aim to support achievement of this objective. This Grant Agreement represents the largest investment. At the end of the Initiative, the change expected is that management of school and Madrasah is improved. The following Outputs will be delivered by the Initiative:

Output 1. The professional development system is operational and accessible in all

provinces to school and madrasah principals, supervisors and education officials.

Output 2. School and Madrasah principals, supervisors, education officials in

approximately 250 districts enrol and participate in professional development.

Output 3. At least 15% (fifteen percents) of participants are included from the Islamic

Education Sector.

Output 4. Professional competencies of school and Madrasah principals, supervisors

and education officials have improved as the result of professional development under this Initiative.


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Schedule 2

Initiative Execution

Section I. Withdrawal of the Proceeds of the Grant Part A. General

1. The Republic of Indonesia may withdraw the proceeds of the Grant in accordance with Part B of this Section, Appendix B: General Conditions and Appendix C: Disbursement and Withdrawal Procedures and such additional instructions as the Commonwealth may specify by notice to the Republic of Indonesia to finance the Eligible Expenses as set forth in Table 1 in Clause 2 below.

2. The following table specifies the categories of Eligible Expenses that may be financed out of

the proceeds of the Grant (“Grant Category”) and the allocation of the maximum amounts of

the Grant to each Grant Category:

Table 1: Eligible Expenses for the Professional Development for Education Personnel 2013 to 2016

Grant Category Maximum Amount

allocated (in AUD)

To cover the costs of specific inputs required to deliver outputs of the Initiative

I. Implementation of professional development for education personnel (Principal Preparation Program / PPP, Continuing Professional Development / CPD for School and Madrasah Principals, Supervisors’ Support Program to School and Madrasah Principals, Education Capacity Development for Local Government)


II. Management and Operating Costs for the central management team at MoEC (through the Board of Education and Culture HRD and Education Quality Assurance / Badan PSDMPK & PMP), including accommodation, transportation and per diem costs related to implementation, monitoring and evaluation activities of the Initiative.


III. Procurement of training materials and resource packages for professional development activities that are a part of the Initiative


IV. Procurement of services to support web-based learning, MIS and M&E systems


TOTAL AUD110,000,000

Part B. Withdrawal Conditions; Withdrawal Period

1. The Republic of Indonesia will open an Australian dollar denominated Special Account (SA) in the Central Bank of the Republic of Indonesia. This SA shall be opened solely for the purposes of receiving the Grant, and shall not contain funding from any other source or for any other purpose.


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replenishment. An indicative disbursement plan, which might be changed from time to time, is set out in Appendix E of this Agreement. Changes to the indicative disbursement plan must have the prior written approval of the Commonwealth, and shall be made through an exchange of letters between the Republic of Indonesia and the Commonwealth.

3. The Commonwealth will pay the Republic of Indonesia an initial advance of twenty million Australian Dollars (AUD20,000,000) which may be requested through several withdrawal applications. The ceiling of the Special Account is outlined in Clause 4.6 of Appendix C (Disbursement and Withdrawal Procedures) of this Agreement.

4. The local currency equivalent of the Grant will be calculated on the basis of the exchange rate on the date of transfer of the funds by the Commonwealth.

5. The grant amount will also cover any transfer fee incurred for the transfer of funds from the

Commonwealth’s account to the Republic of Indonesia’s account.

6. The MoF will immediately acknowledge receipt of the funds, in writing, to the Commonwealth and the local currency equivalent.

7. Any interest income attributable to the Grant may be utilised by the Republic of Indonesia solely for the implementation of the Initiative and in line with the Eligible Expenses.

8. Any interest income attributable to the Grant will be reported to the Staff Development Technical Oversight Group (SDTOG) on an annual basis.

9. Detailed conditions governing withdrawals of the Grant are set out in the Appendix C of this


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