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Implementation of Human Resources in Sharia Capital Market Study Group During Covid-19

Implementation of Human Resources in Sharia

efforts to increase the knowledge, abilities and attitudes of organizational members,

Human resource development strategies related to organizational improvement are human resource recruitment, education and training programs, leadership management and member motivation. Based on this strategy, human resource development aims to achieve organizational goals and improve performance and growth. Member training and development is a planned effort by an organization to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of members. Training focuses more on improving the ability to engage in a specific job, while development focuses more on future work.

The purpose of establishing the Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery is to introduce the capital market to the academic community from an early age. The Indonesia Stock Exchange Investment Gallery with those three in one concept in collaboration with the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), universities and securities companies is expected to introduce the capital market not only in theory but also in practice, [9], [10], [11], [12]. In the future, through the IDX Investment Gallery, which already provided real-time information to learn to analyze stock trading activities, it is expected that it can be a bridge to the master of science and its practice in the capital market.

The Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) is the board that manages the investment gallery. The establishment of this organization is an embodiment of the student's caring spirit to participate in gaining knowledge, as well as disseminating capital market information. Until now, the KSPM in Makassar has facilitated the opening of securities accounts and has several educational activity programs such as the Capital Market School (SPM), capital market seminars, and regular discussions.


The human resources of the Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) should be able to provide capital market education to the academic community. However, the quality of the KSPM organization had declined. Due to the lack of educational programs that should be carried out, many academics did not understand the capital market, investment, and practice in the world of stock trading. While the human resources were very sufficient to be able to run the organization, lack of understanding of the capital market caused a lack of integration between each other, producing less in quality. Because KSPM is an organization that changes its management annually.

Human Resource Development Strategy

Human resource management is a science or method of regulating the relationship and role of resources (labour) owned by individuals efficiently and effectively and can be used optimally so that the goals (goals) with the company, employees and society are maximized [13].

Human resources are one of the most important factors, and cannot even be separated from organizations, institutions and companies [14]. Human resources are also a key determinant of the company's development. In essence, the human resources that exist in the organization in the form of humans as a driver to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, the discussion of human resources is about individuals who work as drivers of organizations, institutions and companies and as assets whose abilities must be trained and developed. Human potential involves two aspects, namely aspects of quantity and quality [13].

The human potential will later be reflected in various aspects, one of which is quality which can only be realized by developing human resources. This is necessary because human resources are the most influential factor in life. The ability of humans to influence their nature shows that the position of human resources is very important.

Human resources have strong strategic potential in an organization, meaning that human resources play an important role in carrying out activities to achieve goals. For this reason, human resources have a strong presence in the organization. To achieve better conditions, full management of human resources is required to create quality, loyal and superior human resources.

Human resource development is a process carried out to develop knowledge, skills, and work abilities. Likewise, the competencies developed through training and development, organizational learning, leadership management, and knowledge management for the benefit of improving performance. The challenge to build and sustain competitive advantage is not a short-term challenge, but a sustainable long-term challenge. Therefore, it is important for management to consider that the development and training program is a program that is as long-term and sustainable as these challenges [15], [16]

Human resource development is a continuous effort to improve the quality of human resources in the broadest sense, through education, training and coaching [17].

From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that human resource development is all activities carried out by an

organization to advance its members to master the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to handle current or future jobs. The activities in question are not only in the aspect of education and training but also involve aspects of career and organizational development. Human resource development needs to be carried out in a planned and sustainable manner so that development can be carried out properly and a human resource development program must be established.

Development must aim to improve the technical, theoretical, conceptual and moral capabilities of the resources to achieve optimal results.

A well-formulated human resource strategy will help collect and allocate company resources into a unique entity based on its internal strengths and weaknesses, environmental changes, and anticipated competitor actions [18]). Because of the importance of human resources in implementing and achieving organizational goals, human resource management must pay attention to various aspects such as aspects of staffing, training and development, motivation and maintenance in more detail [4], [16].

A well-formulated human resource strategy will help pool and allocate company resources into a unique entity based on its internal strengths and weaknesses, environmental changes, and anticipated competitor actions. Because of the importance of human resources in implementing and achieving organizational goals, human resource management must pay attention to various aspects such as aspects of staffing, training and development, motivation and maintenance in more detail [4], [16].


The strategy of developing human resources influence the performance of the management of the Capital Market Study Group in Makassar. Human resource management is a very important aspect of the general education process. Therefore, the functions in the management of human resources must be carried out optimally so that the needs concerning individual, company, organizational or institutional goals can be achieved. Human resource development is a very important thing to do because, with the development of human resources, the organization is concerned which means that it has adapted to the environment and development to achieve higher quality human resources. With the development of human resources in the sense of increasingly qualified members, of course, it surely further improves the performance of the organization concerned.


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