• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Suggestions

Based on conclusion above, the researcher would like to offer some suggestion. Firstly, it is for teacher. The teacher can improve their teaching ability, communicative to their students in order the students do not feel worry in learning reading and use the suitable media to ease students in understanding the text. Second suggestion is for students. The researcher hopes that students more diligent to improve their reading skill through memorizing vocabulary, pronouncing the words, reading the English text and so on. The last reason is for next researcher. If they want to research like those variables, they can develop or improve their research such as adding new variables, using different questionnaire, arranging suitable test and etc.



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(appendix I)

Validation Table

Scale Mean if

Item Deleted

Scale Variance

if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha

if Item Deleted Explanation

item1 145.48 183.028 0.399 0.883 Valid

item2 145.59 176.712 0.597 0.879 Valid

item3 146.59 199.943 0.556 0.895 Valid

item4 145.59 172.328 0.778 0.875 Valid

item5 145.52 185.028 0.409 0.886 Valid

item6 145.19 184.618 0.688 0.884 Valid

item7 145.74 177.353 0.531 0.879 Valid

item8 145.63 173.55 0.787 0.876 Valid

item9 145.89 184.487 0.397 0.883 Valid

item10 145.67 185.154 0.176 0.884 Invalid

item11 145.44 177.179 0.588 0.879 Valid

item12 146.59 180.02 0.399 0.882 Valid

item13 146.89 185.949 0.121 0.885 invalid

item14 145.78 173.949 0.678 0.877 valid

item15 145.63 184.088 0.507 0.884 valid

item16 146.48 189.644 -0.085 0.888 invalid

item17 146.07 178.071 0.535 0.88 valid

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 27 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 27 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

item18 146.48 189.644 -0.085 0.888 Invalid

item19 145.67 185.154 0.176 0.884 Invalid

item20 145.85 183.746 0.397 0.883 Valid

item21 145.85 177.054 0.559 0.879 Valid

item22 145.93 180.379 0.533 0.882 Valid

item23 145.48 183.028 0.299 0.883 Invalid

item24 145.59 176.712 0.597 0.879 Valid

item25 146.59 199.943 0.556 0.895 Valid

item26 145.59 172.328 0.778 0.875 Valid

item27 145.52 185.028 0.123 0.886 Invalid

item28 145.19 184.618 0.238 0.884 Invalid

item29 145.74 177.353 0.353 0.879 Invalid

item30 145.63 173.55 0.787 0.876 Valid

item31 145.89 184.487 0.629 0.883 Valid

item32 146.04 174.806 0.677 0.877 Valid

item33 145.44 177.179 0.588 0.879 Valid

item34 146.59 180.02 0.539 0.882 Valid

item35 146.89 185.949 0.501 0.885 Valid

item36 145.78 173.949 0.678 0.877 Valid

item37 145.63 184.088 0.559 0.884 Valid

item38 146.07 181.148 0.533 0.882 Valid

item39 146.07 178.071 0.535 0.88 Valid

item40 146.04 174.806 0.677 0.877 Valid

item41 146.07 181.148 0.503 0.882 Valid

item42 145.85 183.746 0.397 0.883 Valid

item43 145.85 177.054 0.559 0.879 Valid

item44 145.93 180.379 0.659 0.882 Valid

item45 145.48 183.028 0.699 0.883 Valid

item46 145.59 176.712 0.597 0.879 Valid

item47 146.59 199.943 0.556 0.895 Valid

item48 145.59 172.328 0.778 0.875 Valid

item49 145.52 185.028 0.123 0.886 Invalid

item50 145.93 180.379 0.599 0.882 Valid

(Appendix II)

The Result of Descriptive Analysis of Self-Concept, Reading Attitude And Reading Comprehension

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Selfconcept 113 66 96 78.71 6.084

Valid N (listwise) 113

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

readingattitude 113 44 78 65.34 6.433

Valid N (listwise) 113

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

readingcomprehension 113 16 88 47.83 11.483

Valid N (listwise) 113

(Appendix III)

The Result of Correlation Between Self-Concept And Reading Comprehension



readingcompreh ensionachievem


Spearman's rho selfconcept Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .061

Sig. (2-tailed) . .518

N 113 113

readingcomprehension Correlation Coefficient .061 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) .518 .

N 113 113

(Appendix IV)

The Result of Correlation Between Reading Attitude And Reading Comprehension



readingcompreh ension

Spearman's rho readingattitude Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.092

Sig. (2-tailed) . .331

N 113 113

readingcomprehension Correlation Coefficient -.092 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) .331 .

N 113 113

(Appendix V)

The Result of Correlation Among Self Concept, Reading Attitude And Reading Comprehension


Control Variables selfconcept readingattitude

Readingcomprehension selfconcept Correlation 1.000 -.009

Significance (2-tailed) . .929

df 0 110

readingattitude Correlation -.009 1.000

Significance (2-tailed) .929 .

df 110 0

(Appendix VI)

The Result of Self-Concept, Reading Attitude, And Reading Comprehension

No Respondents Self -Concept

Reading Attitude

Reading Comprehension

1 R1 80 63 46

2 R2 73 70 60

3 R3 79 65 74

4 R4 89 77 44

5 R5 74 59 34

6 R6 75 68 34

7 R7 81 69 42

8 R8 69 59 44

9 R9 79 73 40

10 R10 81 63 40

11 R11 76 62 88

12 R12 83 47 43

13 R13 66 53 70

14 R14 73 64 44

15 R15 69 61 43

16 R16 77 65 32

17 R17 74 67 24

18 R18 72 70 16

19 R19 85 62 46

20 R20 79 67 36

21 R21 80 69 36

22 R22 80 72 32

23 R23 68 70 40

24 R24 79 70 36

25 R25 82 58 32

26 R26 77 65 26

27 R27 82 66 42

28 R28 66 67 48

29 R29 72 74 48

30 R30 83 60 35

31 R31 73 74 63

32 R32 80 59 35

33 R33 80 53 50

34 R34 76 69 60

35 R35 85 59 63

36 R36 81 62 50

37 R37 76 69 30

38 R38 77 67 55

39 R39 75 73 33

40 R40 82 68 45

41 R41 89 71 63

42 R42 96 70 40

43 R43 87 60 63

44 R44 81 67 50

45 R45 82 66 40

46 R46 68 68 65

47 R47 75 63 53

48 R48 81 54 55

49 R49 78 71 48

50 R50 81 67 55

51 R51 78 74 53

52 R52 77 68 48

53 R53 79 75 48

54 R54 79 63 50

55 R55 73 64 45

56 R56 83 68 60

57 R57 85 58 50

58 R58 80 69 48

59 R59 82 78 50

60 R60 68 52 33

61 R61 86 61 43

62 R62 87 64 38

63 R63 74 60 50

64 R64 71 58 48

65 R65 78 70 45

66 R66 75 65 35

67 R67 69 70 38

68 R68 78 63 53

69 R69 77 63 50

70 R70 80 70 38

71 R71 90 60 50

72 R72 78 60 50

73 R73 80 60 38

74 R74 75 63 43

75 R75 74 74 40

76 R76 79 75 40

77 R77 96 72 38

78 R78 69 70 38

79 R79 82 62 75

80 R80 88 59 53

81 R81 73 66 45

82 R82 76 64 43

83 R83 83 66 43

84 R84 82 65 55

85 R85 86 61 55

86 R86 86 65 60

87 R87 87 60 45

88 R88 87 70 55

89 R89 82 73 38

90 R90 76 70 53

91 R91 82 64 50

92 R92 72 72 58

93 R93 77 75 50

94 R94 77 64 45

95 R95 77 77 50

96 R96 75 63 55

97 R97 75 68 68

98 R98 87 67 45

99 R99 85 68 60

100 R100 78 75 40

101 R101 67 71 58

102 R102 80 60 35

103 R103 77 70 60

104 R104 91 66 45

105 R105 83 71 55

106 R106 67 66 60

107 R107 75 66 45

108 R108 80 66 50

109 R109 82 77 60

110 R110 80 65 45

111 R111 81 44 65

112 R112 69 52 70

113 R113 83 50 65

(Appendix VII)

Photo Documentation

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