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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted As Partial Fulfill of Requirement to Get Undergraduate (S1) Degree of English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
















Firstly, the writer wants to thank Allah SWT. Due to his blessing and deep mercy, the writer can finish this research. Also, the writer really thanks to our prophet

Muhammad SAW who brings me from the dark into bright life.

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

My beloved parents, there are my mother (Berlian) and my father (Sudiro) who have fought for my life include my education, financial, support, and prayer. My

sisterskhairunNisa and Nabila Shofwa as my partner at home. My only one grandmother (Maropah), thank you so much for your material, support and kindness.

Kakiyus as super hero of my life, no words can describe how good you are.

Also, my beloved uncle Syawal and my aunty SitiAisyah who have supported my education. Then, I want to thank all of beloved family, my beloved teachers, formal or informal teachers, my beloved lectures who have thought me many things and lead

me into better life, especially for may advisors Dr. Jamaluddin, M.Pd.I (first advisor) and HilmaSuryani, M.Pd (second advisor).

I also want to thank you to all of my friends, my classmates (English member class of B 2014) my PPL’s friends and Kukerta’s friends that i can not mention one by one.

Good luck and success for you all!




َقَلَخ ىِذَّلا َكِِّب َر ِمْساِب ْأ َرْقِا ١

قَلَع ْنِم َن ٰسْنِ ْلْا َقَلَخ


ْأَرْقا م َرْكَ ْلْا َكُّب َر َو ٣

ِمَلَقْلاِب َمَّلَع ىِذَّلا ٤

(QS. Al-alaq : 1-4)

1. Recite, bring recitation into existence, beginning with: in the name of your lord who created (all creatures).

2. Created man (al-insan: the generic) from a blood-clot.

3. Recite: (reiterating the first one) and your lord is the most generous, having no counterpart in terms of His generosity.

4. Who taught (the art of) script, by the pen.




By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin all veneration to Allah SWT.

The beneficence and merciful, who has given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance to complete writing this thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program at State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi which is entitled “The Correlation among Self- Concept, Reading Attitude and Reading Comprehension of the Third Semester Students of English Department”.

The writer would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Jamaluddin, M. Pd.I as the first advisor and HilmaSuryani, M. Pd as the second advisor who have given me support, guidance for accomplishing this thesis. Then writer also would like to express many thanks to the following people who provided me helps in finishing this thesis, namely:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as the rector of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. The first vice rector I, II, III of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd.I as a dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd.I as the first dean assistant, Dr. Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, S.Ag, M.Pd.I as the second dean assistant, and Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosyadi, M.Pd as the third dean assistant.






Name : SelviaHastuti

Major : English Education Program

Title : The Correlation among Self-Concept, Reading Attitude and Reading Comprehension of the Third Semester Students of English Department

This study is aimed to find out (1) whether or not there was a correlation between self-concept and reading comprehension, (2) whether or not therewas a correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension, (3) whether or not there were correlations among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. The research design was correlational study. The population and sample of this research was the third semester students of English department at State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. All of them were involved in this research, which consisted 113 students, because the researcher used total sampling. The data were collected by questionnaire to measure the self-concept and reading attitude and test to measure the reading comprehension. Next, the result of correlation between self- concept and reading comprehension was r= 0,061 and categorized very weak. Then, the result of correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension was r= - 0,092. It is negative correlation and categorized very weak. Last, the result of correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension were r= - 0,009. It is also negative correlation which means that dependent variable does not really affect the independent variable. Also, it is categorized very weak.

Key words: correlation, self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension.




Nama : Selvia Hastuti

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Title : Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri, Sikap Membaca Dan Pemahaman Membaca Pada Mahasiswa Semester Tiga Dari Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) apakah ada hubungan antara konsep diri dan pemahaman membaca, (2) apakah ada hubungan antara sikap membaca dan pemahaman membaca, (3) apakah ada hubungan antara konsep diri, sikap membaca dan pemahaman membaca. Populasi dan sampel dari penelitan ini adalah mahasiswa semester tiga jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Semua mahasiswa semester tiga yang terdiri dari 113 mahasiswa terlibat dalam penelitian ini, karena peneliti menggunakan total sampling.

Data diambil melalui kuesioner untuk mengukur konsep diri dan sikap membaca, dan test untuk mengukur pemahaman membaca. Selanjutnya, hasil dari hubungan konsep diri dan pemahaman membaca adalah r= 0,061 dan dikategorikan sangat lemah.

Kemudian, hasil dari hubungan sikap membaca dan pemahaman membaca adalah r= - 0,092. ini memiliki hubungan yang negatif dan dikategorikan sangat lemah. Terakhir, hasil dari hubungan antara konsep diri, sikap membaca dan pemahaman membaca adalah r= -0,009. Ini juga memiliki hubungan yang negatif, artinya bahwa variabel bebas tidak mempengaruhi variabel terikat. Lagipula, hubungannya di kategorikan sangat lemah.

Kata kunci: hubungan, konsep diri, sikap membaca dan pemahaman membaca








MOTTO ... v


ABSTRAK ... viii



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Limitation of The Problem ... 5

C. Formulations of The Problem ... 6

D. Objectives of study ... 6

E. Significance of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Concept of Reading ... 7

B. Reading Comprehension ... 8

C. Self-Concept ... 12

D. Reading Attitude ... 14



E. Previous Related Studies ... 15

F. Research Hypothesis ... 17

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Setting of the Study ... 18

B. Method of the Study ... 18

C. Operational Definition ... 19

D. Variable of the Study ... 20

E. Population and Sample ... 20

F. Technique of Collecting Data ... 21

G. Technique for Analyzing the Data ... 25


B. Interpretations ... 32


B. Suggestions ... 37






Table III.1. Total population of study ... . 20

Table III.2. Category of self-concept ... 22

Table III.3. Category of reading attitude ... . 22

Table III.4. Test specification of reading comprehension ... 23

Table III.5. Category of score ... . 23

Table III.6. Reliability of the test ... . 25

Table III.7 Correlational table ... . 26




Appendix I : Validation Table

Appendix II : Descriptive Analysis of Variables

AppendixIII :Correlation Between Self-Concept andReadingComprehension Appendix IV :Correlation Between Reading Attitude and Reading Comprehension AppendixV :Correlation AmongSelf Concept, Reading Attitude and Reading


Appendix VI :The Result of Self-Concept, Reading Attitude andReading Comprehension

AppendixVII : PhotoDocumentation




A. Background of Study

Reading is one of the receptive skills in English that should be mastered, because by reading, the people can get a lot of information. Syaifullah (as cited in Kuning) stated that reading is considered as receptive skill, where the students do not need to produce the language, but they have to read, think, and do the interaction. In modern era, there are many printed and non printed texts that we can read to enhance our knowledge such as newspapers, magazine, books, blog and so on.

Willis (2008) stated that by reading, someone can find the information he /she needs with the specific information. It means that reading is one of the activities that we should do if we want to look for information specifically, get new idea, seek support for our ideas and broaden our ideas. Reading is the way to add our knowledge, enrich vocabulary, improve the pronunciation, and get the needed information.

According to Check (2009, p. 113) reading is a complex phenomenon, consisting of both cognitive and linguistic processes which develop with in a broad socio-economic and cultural context. Reading ability is not only about the ability to decode the written words but also involves other skills such as comprehension and interpretive skills. This means that during the reading process , readers are not passive but continuously construct meaning as they read. It also supported by the statement of Madox (1963, p.76) stated that reading is the most important single in study. It is caused by much reason.

Harmer (2006) lists some reasons that make reading important to be taught. First, it is for language acquisition. It can make the students know the information about language more. Second, reading can be a model of future writing.

The students can inspire the knowledge that they have gotten from reading to write something. Finally, it is for practice in the skill of reading; when reading becomes an


activity that the students usually do, they will have better reading skill. However, although reading is useful for the students, many students think that reading is not an easy activity to do. They still find difficulties in reading activity because of some factors. The factors could be from the readers (background knowledge, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension strategies, comprehension skills and motivation) or from the text (genres, text structures and text features) (Tompkins, 2010). It is difficult for students to read the English text because of they have to think critically about the rule, structure and the meaning that is implemented inside.

There are two reasons why people read, first one is because of hobby and the last one is looking for needed information. But, many students have weakness in reading especially in English text because it is as foreign language for them.

Regarding to reading, the readers can increase their knowledge if they have good reading attitude. Reading attitude is defined as a state of mind, accompanied by feeling and emotions that makes reading more or less probable (Smith as cited in Lestari and Holandiyah).

Unfortunately, many students around the world do not think the same thing, especially for those who use English as their foreign language for example in Indonesia; they still get some difficulties in understanding what they are reading. It makes them lazy to read and they think that there are many way to get new information except reading. Office of Republic Indonesian Library (perpusnas) noted 90% of citizen of Indonesia prefer watching television than reading. If we compare from developed country, it is so low. Whereas head of national library RI Sri Sularsih on the national movement safari program likes to read at Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta states the human resources who like reading are the main key to build a developed country. It means that many people involve in maintaining this country as developing country because they have lack of perception or idea to make their country increasing (para, 4).

Okky Madasari as Indonesian novelist says that it is caused by many factors; 1) reading is not yet being Indonesian life style. 2) There is no access to get


book easily. 3) Educational system in Indonesia does not influence students’ to like reading and 5) the influence of television. Based on explanation above, Indonesian self-concepts is different from developed countries people on reading because the access of getting book is really difficult, so it influences their attitude in reading and automatically they will think that reading is not the only activity in getting information.

A research conducted by Siswati (as cited in Lestari and Holandiyah) in one of the public universities in Central Java showed that 85.9% choose to watch television, 40.3% chose to listen to radio as their source of information while reading was just 23.5%. Another research done by Strauss (2012, p.1) found that Thai L2 students were reluctant to read scientific English books; they choose magazine and fiction English books as their favorite options. They read English text books just to find the information for example technology and traveling book or when an examination pushed them to read an English book. Based on Gilani Research Foundation in Pakistan (2008, p.1), 27% of their respondents read apart from those prescribed in the students’ syllabic and 73% did not read books. This phenomenon is an encouraging indication in a country with low literacy rate.

Besides, self-concept is very important for every human being because it describes how mature we are emotionally. In fact, some people can handle themselves well and the others can not. Also, some experts said that one of the factor who influences students to get high achievement is self-concept. They believe that higher the students’ self-concept, so higher the students’ achievement especially in reading skill because reading is the most important skill in English and studied first, without reading we will not know how to spell, pronounce and write down the word.

The link between reading comprehension achievement and self-concept was important since reader’s self-concept clearly influences their subsequent reading behavior, habit and attitude (Henk & melnick, 1995, p.23 cited in Rider & Colmar, 2004, p.34). The students who feel as bad reader in understanding the text tends to avoid reading activity and it is usually continuity in their mindset. Chapman &


Tunmer (as cited in Hidayad) said “once students have entered the “swamp” of negative expectations, lowered motivation, and limited practice, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to get back on the road to proficient reading.”

On the other hand, Marsh (as cited in Rider & Colmar 2004, p.45) noted that self- concept and academic achievement are reciprocally related and mutually reinforcing.

In other words, we can get high academic achievement by having and maintaining the positive self-concept of ourselves.

Typically, positive attitude and high self-concept towards reading are linked to higher attainment in reading. In contrast, negatives attitude and low self- concept towards reading are linked to lower attainment in reading. Therefore, the students’ need to know how much they are motivated in reading and they reflect themselves towards reading. Self-concept has been recognized as both an important educational outcome and an important factor that contributes to other desired outcomes (Marsh & Yeung, 1997, p.22).

However, numerous studies have examined the influence of affective factors on students’ reading achievement such as motivation (Baker & Wigfield 1999, p.20, Wigfielf & Guthrie, 1997, p.57), attitudes (McKenna, Kear &

Ellsworth, 1995, p.12), expectancies, attributions and learned helplessness (Butkowsky & Willows, 1980, p.45), and self-efficacy (Shell et al., 1995, p.67), (cited in Hidayad).

In addition, Mclnerney et al (1999, p.23) found that there was a hierarchical relations or higher order English self-concept that represent self- concept in listening, speaking, reading and writing ability.

There are some studies that have been conducted by researchers to see the correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement. First, Endang (in Hidayad), in her graduate thesis entitled “The Correlation among the Sixth Semester Students’ Reading Attitude, Reading Strategies, Students’ Self-Concept, and Reading Comprehension Achievement at English Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University”. She interpreted that there


was significant correlation between students’ self-concept and students’ reading comprehension achievement.

Second, a study conducted by Surip (2016) showed that there was a significant correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement. Students’ self-concepts and reading attitude gave significant contribution (44.4%) to reading comprehension achievement.

Third, a study conducted by Hidayad (2015) showed that self-concept gives contribution to reading attitude 15% and reading attitude gives contribution to reading comprehension 84% .

The differences my research from the first research is the writer minimize the problem and choose the variables into three, they are self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. It is same as Surip’s research, but in her research, she only focused on single- parented students as population and sample, while the writer focused on students’ without consideration the background. Also it differs from Hidayad’s research, because it is placed at UIN STS Jambi, which took population and sample on third semester students of English Department.

To sum up, the writer is interested to apply this research at State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Thus the writer conducted the study about the correlation among self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. The writer would like to confirm wheter or not self-concept and reading attitude can affect reading comprehension of the third semester students of English Education Program.

B. Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the writer only focused to look for the correlation among self-concept that the students had without considering another thing, reading attitude of students and reading of the third semester students of English Department at State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, in doing the research, the researcher did not consider about ages, intelligence, background, and gender.



. Formulations of the Problem

The writer formulated the problem of the study into the following questions:

1. Is there any correlation between students’ self-concept and reading comprehension?

2. Is there any correlation between students’ reading attitude and reading comprehension?

3. Are there any correlation among students’ self-concept, and students’ reading attitude to reading comprehension?


Objectives of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of this project are:

1. Whether or not there is a correlation between students’ self concept and reading comprehension.

2. Whether or not there is a correlation between students’ reading attitude and reading comprehension.

3. Whether or not there are correlations among students’ self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension.

E. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes this research can give the exact information among self concept, reading attitude, and reading comprehension. Also, it can reinforce the previous study about self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. It will help the next researcher who wants to analyze about self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension to make it as reference and can make many people realize how important reading is.





A. Concept of Reading

Reading is the most important activity that students should do to get a lot of knowledge, information and enrich vocabulary. Many people say that by reading we can open the doors; it means that by reading we can know about culture, foreign language, story and history from many countries. Reading is a process that people do and connect the background knowledge with information in order to get the point through written form. Nunan (2003, P.63) argues that reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from the text and their prior knowledge to build meaning. It is an active thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skills but also on the student’s experiences and prior knowledge.

In reading process, the students should respond what they have read based on their knowledge or experience to get meaning. Smith (in Ginting as cited In Nenden) mentioned that reading is a process to build an understanding from the written text. In the other words, Linse (2005, P.69) states that reading is a set of skill that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed words.

Reading is an activity to get the message that delivered by the writer through the written words. Students should pay attention to the words or sentences that they read in order to grasp the ideas of the text. In this case, the students read to get experience, acquire knowledge and information from the text. This statement is supported by Kingston (in Sweet and Snow, 2003) reading as a process of communication by which a message is transmitted graphically between individuals. He defines that reading comprehension depends on the reader’s interpretation of the written symbols conveyed by the author, much as in the interpretation of an abstract painting.


Generally, concept of reading is how to know about the content of reading text. Reading is a process to know the meaning of words in sentences and the structure of readings. So, the result of reading process is the person is able to make the essence of reading. Reading gives a very big effect for learning process.

Reading activity is an activity which is the most often done in learning process.

Reading activity is not only concern with reading books, but also reading magazines, newspaper, stories, novels, poems, letters, textbooks, and so on.

Reading activity involves cognitive and affective process. When reading the text, the students refer to prior knowledge and the attitude of that because it will impact the comprehension. Therefore, the students should begin to try the reading activity in stages, from the short text to the long text in order they will be eased to understand. According to Larry A, Harris and Carl B. Smith (as cited in Ro’yali) Reading can be classified into two types of activities, intensive and extensive reading.

1. Intensive reading means reading shorter text to extract specific information.

This activity this likely more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail. It is used to gain a deep understanding of a text, which is important for the reader. The process of scanning takes a more prominent role here than skimming; reader is trying to absorb all the information given, for example: reading dosage instruction for medicine.

2. Extensive reading deals with a longer text as a whole, which requires the ability to understand the component part and their contribution the overall meaning, usually for one’s own pleasure. This is a fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding. For example, reading a newspaper, article, short story and novel.

B. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is where the students can understand what they have been read from the written text or form. To get the meaning as well, the


students should know the vocabulary, the structure of the word (it is happened in the past or in the future) and the type of the text. Burton (1982, p.98) said that we cannot do well in comprehension without a large of vocabulary, for the passage and question involve a range of word much wide than that a daily conversation.

Furthermore, he says that the learner must have an adequate vocabulary because a large vocabulary is very important in learning language. This is reflected in the idea that reading comprehension as the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language (Snow, 2002, p.11). In accordance the theory above, Kingston in Israel (2005, P.20) argues that reading comprehension is a process of communication by which a message is transmitted graphically between individually. It means that reading comprehension is an interaction between the author and the reader through written text and it can be understood based on the reader’s ability.

Reading comprehension activity is an Activity which Aims to obtain deep information and understand of what is being read. To be able to understand the content of a material well, reading comprehension skills are also required. This skill is influenced by three elements, they are the reader, the text, and the activity.

First, the reader means a person who is doing reading. If he or she has good attitude in reading, he or she will easily understand what he or she read. Second, it is about the text, it should be matched by his or her grade. Finally, the purpose of reading activity. Some people do reading activity because they want to add their knowledge and another one do that activity to look for the needed information.

Reading activity can process our mind to think critically to get the meaning from the written language. Grabe and Stoller (2002) defined comprehension as processing words, forming a representation of general main ideas and integrating it into a new understanding. It means that comprehension is an understanding when the reader can relies on the particularly of the main ideas of the text and constructs into a new understanding in accordance with their own understanding. They also state that the idea of reading is also do with purposes,


experiences, strategies, skills, and even attitude towards reading. In other words, reading comprehension is the reader’s ability to understand what has been read.

the student who is still lack of his/her attention to comprehend about reading passage they may not be motivated to read it including the purpose of the context. Students with good comprehension will use strategies in reading, because it can help them to understand the text.

There are some components of reading comprehension which should be focused by readers in comprehending reading text. King and Stanley (1989) stated that there are five components that may help the students to read carefully:

a. Finding main idea, the central thought; the topic sentence of a paragraph. One paragraph just has one main idea. Main idea is always in the beginning or the end of paragraph. Main idea helps the reader to understand not only the ideas but also their relative significance, as expressed by author.

b. Finding factual information that describe from the text. It is the part of the reader must know. We can find the factual information in every paragraph. It requires reader to scan specific details. The type of question can be about the reason, purposes, result, comparison, means, identities, times, and amount in with most of the answer can be found in the text.

c. Finding meaning of difficult word or unknown vocabulary is the word that difficult to be understood. Because the writer does not always use commonly word. We can find the difficult word in every paragraph or sentence. The important thing is needed in reading is understanding.

d. Finding reference, the word that represents another word. It is used to avoid repeated word. It also makes the reader interest to read. We can find in the beginning, the middle, or the end of sentence. Reference words are usually short and very frequently pronoun such as: it, she, he, they, this, etc.

e. Finding restatement, the way to say something again or to say something in different way but still has the same meaning. The kind of question test, which


use to measure the reader’s ability in analyzing the relationship of idea within single sentence.

However, the students should know how far their ability in comprehending the text because there are many levels of reading comprehension.

Davis (2006, p.65) divides reading comprehension level into literal, interpretive, critical and creative level.

1. Literal level of comprehension The lowest level of understanding, involves reading the lines, or reading and understanding exactly what is on the page. In this case, the reader just only read what is on the page, and the level of understanding is still low. Readers only give the answers directly about the facts and details of the information based on the text they read.

2. Interpretive level of comprehension The second highest level of understanding, it requires students to read between the lines. At this level, student must explain figurative language, define terms, and answer interpretive or inferential questions. Inferential questions require the students to infer, or figure out, the answer. Asking students to figure out the author’s purpose, the main idea or essential message, the point of view and the conclusion are examples of inferential question. In here students be able to respond the questions, find out what the right answer and able to make a conclusion.

3. The critical level of comprehension. It one of the two highest levels of understanding. It requires students to read beyond the lines. The students must judge the passage they have read. It means that readers should have critical thinking of what they read.

4. The creative level of comprehension it is the highest level of understanding.

As with the critical level of comprehension, the student must read beyond the lines. The student must often make judgment about other actions to take. It can be define that in creative reading, reader should think as they


read. In making a judgment, the reader should use their imagination in order to think out of the line.

Based on the explanation above, there are many levels of reading that should be mastered in order to be a great reader. It is very important for students to categorize their level of reading in order they can be motivated to increase their level.

The students need an effort to understand the text that they have read because it can help them to do the English test that is given and get higher score.

C. Self-Concept

Self-concept is in which someone know about himself well such as ability, disability, emotion, and so on. According to Hurlock (1978, p.6) self-concept is a description of a person about himself that includes the physical, psychological, social, emotional, aspiration, and achievement he has achieved. Huitt (1998) suggested that self-concept is the general view we have of ourselves, while self-esteem refers to how we measure or value particular components of self-concept.

Self concept concerning to material is the opinion of person about everything he has, both in respect of property and body shape. Then, self concept concerning to social is someone’s feeling about his interaction with another, loving, respecting and needing each other. After that, self concept concerning to emotional is someone’s feeling and knows what type he or she is such as happy, sad, glad, brave, coward or etc. Self concept concerning to moral is someone’s perspective about another such as honest, clean, obedient and so on. Finally, Self concept concerning to cognitive is someone’s opinion about his or her intelligence in academic achievement and solving the problem. So, self-concept is someone’s opinion about her or he based on his perspective.

Mulyana (2001, P.7) states that self concept is our view of who we are, which is obtained through the information that other gives us. William James and Gilmore in Mudjiran (2007, P.133) defined self-concept is someone’s opinion or


understanding about himself includes physical or mental ability, mental or physical achievement, or material he belongs to. Self concept is formed through someone’s experience and socialization in her/his life.

According to Leonard and Supardi (2010, P.333) self concept is not a factor brought from birth but it is formed through individual experience in dealing with others. It is influenced by some factors, such as perception, comparison, effect and identification from others. Because of other’s perspective, it can influence someone to think and evaluate about her or himself. Self-concept strongly influences individual attitude, which is someone will behave based on self concept he/she belongs to (Rakhmat 2007, p.104).

Also, Self-concept was a powerful factor in developing the temperament of all students. William D. Brooks and Philip Emmert in Rakhmat (2000) divided the self-concept into two forms, positive and negative. The positive self-concept is classified into students who are able to solve the problem, confidence, keep trying to be better, accept the praise so so, and realize that many pro-contra about something in life. Contrary, the negative self-concept is classified into students who feel unaccepted in the social life, don’t know themselves well, too flat, very sensitive, responsive, hypercritical.

There are two factors that influence the self-concept, internal factors such as physical state (gender, name and nickname, physical appearance), practical ability (age, creativity, and dream). Lastly, external factor, such as another’s perspective, tribe, family, friend and so on.

The students who have positive self-concept will open up about what they think and feel, for example when students learn English, they know the importance and advantage of English in modern era, their ability in English, it makes the students interested to learn more. While the students’ with negative self concept will think that they have no competence, and unconfidence such as the students feel stupid, disability, and prefer keeping calm in learning process. Thus, self-concept really


influences the students in learning process (Chapman ET al. 2000 as cited in Rider and Susan 2005).

Children with higher self-concept generally perform better at reading than those with negative self-concepts. Burns, Roe, and Ross (1996, p.17) pointed out several ways to help readers build high self-concept. First, the teacher should assist the students to feel accepted in every possible way. For instance, accept the students’

contribution to reading activities even if it is not clearly stated. Second, the teacher provides activities that are simple enough to guarantee satisfactory completion as to help the students feel successful. Third, the teacher should avoid comparing students with peers. But, the reading progress is compared with their prior work. So, the students self concept can be influenced by teacher’s role.

D. Reading Attitude

Reading attitude plays a prevital role for readers in order they can enjoy the reading activity and get the point from what they have read. Beers (as cited in Mortini) stated students with a positive attitude toward reading see reading as a way to connect personally with a text. It means that they will look for many ways in order to get sources to read, such as going to library, buying books at store, searching from the internet and have small group discussions. Usually, the students who like reading will know the good authors and it makes them easily decide what to read. They define reading as “a way to go to new places”, “a way to be in another world”, or

“something that creates a movie in mind”. In other words, the students who have positive attitudes towards reading see reading as an interesting activity, They are more willing to get involved in reading activity and more persistent on finishing the reading and really enjoy it. They also believe that reading is a way to get much useful information that they need to enrich their knowledge and vocabulary. While the students with negative attitude think reading as boring activity and prefer avoiding it.


Positive attitude leads on effective learning. A Mathewson model shows that reading attitude determines the willingness on reading (McKenna et al, 1995).

Meanwhile, negative attitude lowers down the progress of learning. Students with negative reading attitude tend to leave reading activity before finishing it, whereas, students with positive reading attitude acquire better reading ability than those of negative reading attitude (McKenna et al., 1995;Walberg and Tsai, 1995). Negative attitude in reading is in which the students only read when they really need information for their studies for example: for assignment. Students reading attitudes can enhance both their comprehension skills and learning experiences. Reading attitude is construed from three factors, i.e., beliefs on the outcomes of reading, normative belief and specific experiences on reading (McKenna et al., 1995).

The influence of reading attitude on reading ability becomes stronger since students pile up all the experiences they gain in reading activities and eventually influence their reading perception (McKenna, 1995) which is varied among other students (Briggs, 1987). Thus, reading attitude is very important for students because it can enrich vocabulary, have wider perception, get new information, and add knowledge, it is caused why the students who have positive attitude in reading can get higher reading achievement and also academic achievement. Yamashita (2013) said the more text L2 learners read, the more input they obtain.

E. Previous Related Studies

Some studies have been conducted to see the relationship related to self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement. Anshar, Ansofino, and Sumarni (2013) showed that self concept affects learning outcome. The percentage of variable influence of self -concept and self learning on Learning Outcomes IPS Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 2 Tigo Pasaman Nagari is equal to 88.9 %, while the remaining 11.1 % is explained by other variables that are outside


the study. Also, a study proves that reading attitude contributes to reading comprehension achievement. The study was conducted by Mortini (2015) reading attitude, reading comprehension achievement and writing achievement it was found that there is correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement r= 0,939. Also, the correlation between reading attitude and writing achievement is r= 0,541. So, the reading attitude contributes to the reading comprehension achievement 91,1%, and reading attitude towards writing achievement is 56, 4%.

In addition, a study was conducted by Surip (2016) among self concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement of single parented students.

The results of this study revealed that there was a positive correlation between students’ self-concept and reading comprehension achievement and between students’ reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement. There was also a correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension achievement. Students’ self-concepts and reading attitude gave significant contribution (44.4%) to reading comprehension achievement of single parented students.

Besides, in Hansford and Hattie’s research, it revealed that there was relationship between the various self-measures and measures of performance/achievement 0.21. It was weak category and positive correlation. Also, in Setyani’s research, it was found that there was correlation between self-concept and cheating intention of students at SMA N 2 Semarang. It showed that correlation rxy= -0,464, with significant score 0,000. It means that there was negative and enough correlation which was very significant between self-concept and cheating intention or the higher positive self-concept, so lower cheating intention of students or contrary. Also, a study conducted by Hidayad (2015) showed that self-concept gives contribution to reading attitude 15% and reading attitude gives contribution to reading comprehension 84% .


The differences this research from the previous researchers are: 1) it is placed at UIN STS Jambi, exactly the third semester students of English department at UIN STS Jambi. 2) There are three variables inside, self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. 3) All the population will be involved in this research because it is total sampling and 4) there is no consideration about the background, ages, intelligence and gender.

F. Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis related to above formulation of the problem on this study are:

Hypothesis Ha:

1.There was a correlation between self-concept and reading comprehension.

2.There was a correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension.

3.There were correlations among self-concept reading attitude and reading comprehension.

Null Hypothesis Ho:

1.There was no a correlation between self-concept and reading comprehension.

2.There was no a correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension.

3.There were no correlations among self-concept reading attitude and reading comprehension.

X1 Y

X2 X1= self-concept X2= reading attitude Y= reading comprehension





This chapter described about the methodology of research. It focuses on the place, the method of the study, operational definition, variable, population and sample, technique of gathering data, and the last one is technique for analyzing data.

A. Setting of The Study

This study took a place of the third semester students of English education program of Tarbiyah Faculty at State Islamic university Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi that is exactly at Muaro Jambi.

B. Method of The Study

This research used descriptive quantitative, because the writer represented the correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension by numbers. According to Tatang (as cited in Hendri 2016) that quantitative research include descriptive research, which describe something with statistics or figures and analyzed to answer the formulation of the problem.

In this research, the writer applied the correlational design in order to find out about the relationship among three variables. In addition, Henriwtch (as cited in Hidayad) stated that the goal of correlation research is to find out whether one or more variables can predict other variables. This research was conducted by using correlation type to determine the degree among three variables, without making any changes and manipulation of the data. This type of research was to examine the data from the correlation among self concept (X1), reading attitude (X2) and reading comprehension (Y). Correlation research allows us to find out what variables may be related. However, the fact that two things were related or correlated did not mean there was a causal relationship.


C. Operational Definition

There were three variables of the study that need to be defined operationally in order to avoid misinterpretation. Those variables were self concept, reading attitude, and reading comprehension. Firstly, Self concept is the idea that you have about yourself include physical, social and psychology that is caused by the past experience and social interaction. It was the emotional sum of the positive and negative feelings that we attach to our life experience (DeMoulin, 1998, p.25).

Secondly, Reading attitude. There are two kinds of attitude in reading, they are positive and negative attitude. Positive attitude can influence the students to read a lot because they realize the important of reading, such as getting new or needed information, having wider perception and so on. Meanwhile, the negative attitude makes the students lazy to read because of some reasons:

a. The students have poor vocabulary

b. The students have lack of knowledge about English c. The students get some difficulties in pronouncing the word

d. The students think that reading is not the only one of activity of getting information

According to an extensive and in-depth review of literature by Reeves (2002), there is considerable agreement among contemporary researchers that reading attitude is defined by three components: cognitive (personal, evaluative beliefs), affective (feelings and emotions), and cognitive (action readiness and behavioral intentions). Finally, Reading comprehension. The comprehension of reading really depends on the attitude of students. The affective side of learners was probably one of the very biggest influences on language learning success or failure (Oxford, 1990, p. 140). She also adds that the term affective refers to emotion, attitudes, motivation, and values. That statement get stronger and stronger when Wixon and Lipson (cited in Kear) stated that one of factors affecting reading performance is students’ attitude him/herself towards reading. Then, on the other


hand, Richek, Litst & Lerner (1989) reveal that reading attitude strongly determines the base of successful instruction.

D. Variable of the Study

1. Independent Variable (X)

There were two independent variables of this study; they are self concept (X1), and reading attitude (X2).

2. Dependent variable (Y)

The dependent variable of this study was reading comprehension.


. Population and Sample

1. Population

In this research, the writer took the students of the third semester of English Education Program at State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi in academic year 2017/2018 as the population. According to Furqon (2001, p.135), “population is objects that has characteristic to be researched”. There were 4 classes of third semester. III A class consisted of 27 students, III B class consisted of 28 students, III C consisted of 28 students and class III D consisted 30. So, the total number of students was 113.

Table III.1. Total population of the study

No Class Number of students

1 2 3 4


27 28 28 30

Total 113

(Source: attendance list of the third semester students)


2. Sample

LoBiondo-Wood and Haber (1998,p.250) described a sample as a portion or a subset of the research population selected to participate in a study, representing the research population. The writer used total sampling to take sample because it includes the entire population. Thus, the researcher took four classes which consist of 113 students as a sample to analyze.

F. Technique of Collecting Data

There were two instruments of collecting data that was used by the researcher. First, questionnaire was used to find out the students’ self concept and reading attitude. Finally, the writer applied a test to find out the students’ reading comprehension.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher measured self-concept of students by using questionnaire developed by Robson (1989). It consists of 30 items (e.g., “I have control over my life,” “I feel emotionally mature,” “I can like myself even if others don’t”). The items are based on seven components of self-esteem, according to theoretical and empirical information reviewed by Robson (1988).

The SCQ (self concept questionnaire) had been proven to have good reliability (Cronbach’s α of .89). Ata (2005) report that SCQ had very high internal consistency, ranging from .94 to .97 (as cited in Mercy and Oluwatosin). In the previous research, this questionnaire was used to measure male and female international kho-kho players of 12th south Asian games the undergraduate students in Nigeria, and etc from the ages 16-30. It contains positive and negative statement and each of statements had response four scale 1 for Strongly Disagree, 2 for Disagree, 3 for Agree and 4 for Strongly Agree. To know


whether the students have positive or negative self-concept, the researcher calculated the score that students got and then categorized it as the table below:

Table III.2. Category of self-concept Self-


Category Positive (>60) Negative (30-60)

Next, to measure students’ attitude in reading, the researcher used 22 items of questionnaire adopted from Yamashita. It was used for undergraduate students in Japan especially at Nagoya University. Then, it was categorized into two categories, negative and positive and each of statements had response four scale 1) Strongly Disagree 2) Disagree 3) Agree 4) Strongly Agree. To know whether the students have positive or negative attitude towards reading, it was matched with the table below:

Table III.3. Category of reading attitude Reading


Category Positive (>50) Negative (22-50)

Those questionnaires were translated into Bahasa Indonesia to ease the students in comprehending the items. This referred to what Malhotra (as cited in Surip) pointed out that in conducting questionnaire, the language used and context of the questions must all be familiar to the respondents. Bahasa Indonesia version had been checked by advisor, after having the feedback and revising it, the questionnaires were implied.


2. Test

The writer gave test for the students of third semester of English education program at UIN STS Jambi to measure the student’s comprehension in reading. It was multiple choice test and consisted of 40 items with 10 passages. The test was put into trial before it is given to the subject of study.

Table III.4. Test Specification of Reading Comprehension

No Indicators Number of Question Number

of Items

1 Facts 1,2,3,12,13,14,21,22

,23,24,25,26,28,29,3 0,31,34,36,37,39,40.


2 The essential information 4,5,9,10,11,16,18,19 ,27,


3 Topics of paragraphs 8,32. 2

4 Main ideas 15,20 2

5 Synonyms/vocabulary mastery

6,7,17,33,35,38, 6

Amount 40

After that, the score will be categorized based on the category below:

Table III.5. Category of score

Reading Comprehension


Excellent (80-100) Good (70-79) Sufficient (60-69) Poor (50-59) Very Poor (0-49)


a. Validity

1. Content validity

According to Azwar (as cited in Wulansari 2010) a test or instrument can be categorized with high validity if it operates as its function or gives the expected result through that measurement. In this study, the writer applied content validity and used formula product moment to check the test. The content validity was intended to look for the suitability between test and the goal of the test in order to be able to measure the students’ ability in reading. So, in designing the test, the writer had considered many things in order to achieve the goal. First, the writer made sure what to look for in applying the test, in order the test could be achieved well. Second, the writer matched the test with the students’ level, the structure of English, and so on. Last, the researcher matched the test with the syllabus of lecturer who is teaching the reading. To check the content validity of reading test, the researcher use Validator. The reading test 40 items was valid from 50 items because the score of corrected item total correlation is ≥ r table. The r table is obtained from the level of significance 5% and two tailed, then df=N-2=25. It obtained r table 0,396. So, in this study, the researcher refers to literal and interpretive level of reading comprehension, because the students study both of them. The complete result of validity can be seen in appendix I.

2. Readability

The writer analyzed the readability of passages by using readability test.

The writer used 2 passages on 12 grade, 6 passages on 13 grade and 2 passages 14 grade in making test. The passages was arranged for students who are 20-21 years old.


b. Reliability

The researcher conducted the try out in order to find out the reliability of the instrument of reading comprehension test by using SPSS 22. There were some categories of reliability which can describe how high and low it is.

Table III.6. Reliability of the test

Coefficient Reliability Interpretation 0,80 < r11 ≤ 1,00 Very high 0,60 < r11 ≤ 0,80 High 0,40 < r11 ≤ 0,60 Moderate 0,20 < r11 ≤ 0,40 Low -1,00 < r11 ≤ 0,20 Very low

(Guilford, 1956, p.145)

Guilford said that the rule of thumb of reliability is <0,60. That means the test is reliable if the value is more than 0,60 or above. To check the reliability of the test, the writer used SPSS 22 application for windows and the result as table below:

Reliability Statistics


Alpha N of Items

.884 50

Based on the table above, it shows that the reliability of reading comprehension as dependent variable of this study is 0,884 and categorized very high.

G. Technique for Analyzing the Data

1. Descriptive analysis

The writer applied the descriptive analysis to describe the data and analyze it. This analysis was important to find out; 1. How the students’ self concept was,


2. How the students’ reading attitude was and 3. How the students reading comprehension was. The writer calculated the frequency of self concept and reading attitude wheter it is categorized as positive or negative self concept or not, and positive and negative reading attitude or not.

2. Statistical analysis a. Normality test

The researcher used the normality test to determine whether the data set is well-modeled by a normal distribution and how to compute how likely it is for random variable underlying the data set to be normally distributed. After that, the researcher decided it whether it distributes normal or not by referring to the rule.

b. Correlational analysis

After the researcher used normality test which produce not normal of data and normal of data, the researcher will use non parametric test from Spearman’s rho. There are two criteria of correlation, positive and negative correlation. Positive correlation means that one variable influences another variable and negative correlation means that one variable is contrastive from another variables. Then, the researcher categorized it with the category of correlation as table below:

Table III.7 Correlational table Rxy Correlationl level 0,00-0,199 Very weak

0,20-0,399 Weak 0,40-0,599 Enough 0,60-0,799 Strong 0,80-1,000 Very strong

(Ridwan, 2003, p228)





A. Finding of the Study

1. Descriptive analysis

The researcher tries to give the general information about self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension. Also, the researcher describes it.

Sugiyono (2004) stated that descriptive analysis is used to analyze data by describing data that has been collected as it is without intending to make conclusions that applied to the public.

a. Self concept

Based on the result of questionnaire, the researcher finds out that among 113 students from English department, all of them have positive self-concept (100%). Every students has score more than 60 and it can be categorized positive self-concept, because the category of positive self-concept is for students who have score >60. The mean score of self-concept is 78,71. The complete calculation can be seen in appendix II.




positive nagative


b. Reading attitude

In this section, there are two categories in reading attitude, positive and negative. Trough the result of questionnaire that is given to third semester students, in which there are 113 student and it has mean score 65.34. It means that most of them have positive attitude in reading. There are 110 (97) students who have positive attitude and 3 (3%) have negative attitude.

Mostly, they realize that reading is important to expand the knowledge, have the modern state of mind, getting information, even the future career, because English is as lingua franca and used by at least a quarter of world’s population. The complete calculation can be seen in appendix II.

c. Reading comprehension

In this section, the researcher gives the test for the students that relates to reading skill. There are five categories in reading, excellent for students who get score 80-100, good for students who get score 70-79, sufficient for students who get score 60-69, poor for students who get score 50-59 and very poor for students who get <49.

Based on the result of the test, there is only 1 (1%) student categorized as excellent, 4 students as good (3%), 15 (13%) students get sufficient, 31 (27%)




positive negative


students get score poor and 62 (55%) get score very poor. It means that mostly of total number have low in reading and the mean score shows 47,83.The complete calculation can be seen in appendix II.

2. Statistical analysis a. Normality test

This test is carried out to check whether the data is normally distributed or not. In measuring the data, the researcher uses the SPSS 22 for windows and then adjusts it with the indicator of the normality test. Therefore, if the significance value is higher than 0,05, it means the data is normally distributed. In the other hand, if the significance value is lower than 0,05, so it is not normal. Because the sample is ≥50, so the rule of significance score in normality test is using Kolmogorov-smirnov. The result of the data that has been calculated by SPSS 22 for windows shows the significance score for self-concept is 0,190, in which is >0,05 and can be concluded that data is normally distributed.

1% 4%


55% 27%

very good good sufficient poor very poor


Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

selfconcept .073 113 .190 .984 113 .191

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Meanwhile, the significance score of reading attitude is 0,200, it shows that data is >0,05 and can be concluded that data is normally distributed.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

readingattitude .070 113 .200* .969 113 .009

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Last, the result of reading comprehension, in which the significance score is 0,003, it means that the data is <0,05 and concluded abnormally distributed.

Based on the explanation among three variables, the data shows that one of them/reading comprehension is abnormally distributed.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Readingcomprehension .107 113 .003 .982 113 .143

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

a. The correlation between self-concept and reading comprehension After checking the normality of test by using SPSS 22 for windows, the result showed that the data from self-concept is normally distributed and reading comprehension isabnormally distributed. Then, the researcher continues the test with non parametric test to find out the correlation between self-concept


and reading comprehension. Based on the calculation from SPSS 22, the result of self-concept and reading comprehension by N=113shows that significant value is 0,518>0,05 and concluded not significant. Meanwhile the correlationcoefficientvalue is r=0,061 and categorized very weak. Thus, although there is correlation 0,061 from N=113, unfortunately it is not significant because the significant value is higher than 0,05. It is positive correlation, means that more positive self-concept of students, higher achievement the students get in reading comprehension or contrary.The complete calculation can be seen in appendix III.

b. The correlation between reading attitude and reading comprehension After checking the normality of test by using SPSS 22 for windows, the result showed that the data from self-concept is normally distributed and reading comprehension isabnormally distributed. Then, the researcher continues the test with non parametric test to find out the correlation between self-concept and reading comprehension. Based on the calculation from SPSS 22, the result of self-concept and reading comprehension by N=113shows that significant value is 0,331>0,05 and concluded not significant. Meanwhile the correlationcoefficientvalue is r=-0,092 and categorized very weak. Thus, although there is correlation-0,092 from N=113, unfortunately it is not significant because the significant value is higher than 0,05. It is negative correlation, means that the more positivestudents’ attitude in reading, lower achievement the students get in reading comprehension.The complete calculation can be seen in appendix IV.

c. The correlation among self-concept, reading attitude and reading comprehension.

The result shows that significant score is 0.929<0,05. Meanwhile, the correlation score among variables shows r= -0,009 and categorized very weak.


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