• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Pembangunan ekonomi pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat, memperluas lapangan pekerjaan dan terciptanya pemerataan pendapatan masyarakat. Salah satu indikator yang dipakai untuk menilai tingkat kemakmuran penduduk suatu wilayah adalah dengan melihat indikator PDRB per Kapita.

PDRB per kapita diperoleh dari hasil bagi antara nilai tambah yang dihasilkan oleh seluruh sektor ekonomi di suatu wilayah dengan jumlah penduduk. Oleh karena itu, besar kecilnya jumlah penduduk berpengaruh terhadap nilai PDRB per kapita. Sedangkan besar kecilnya nilai PDRB sangat tergantung pada potensi sumber daya alam dan faktor-faktor produksi yang terdapat di daerah tersebut.

Tabel 4.3 Perkembangan PDRB Per Kapita Kabupaten Kulon Progo, 2009 - 2013 Uraian 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) PDRB Adh. Berlaku (Juta Rp) 3.286.278 3.547.056 3.867.136 4.196.448 4.641.905 PDRB Adh. Konstan (Juta Rp.) 1.728.304 1.781.227 1.869.338 1.963.027 2.062.182 Penduduk Pertengahan Tahun (Jiwa)* 387.493 388.869 390.207 393.221 394.365

PDRB Per Kapita Adh.

Berlaku (Rp.) 8.480.876 9.121.466 9.910.472 10.671.984 11.770.580

PDRB Per Kapita Adh.

Konstan 2000 (Rp.) 4.460.215 4.580.532 4.790.630 4.992.174 5.229.120

Keterangan : Adh : Atas Dasar Harga

* : Penduduk pertengahan tahun ( 2008-2009) adalah hasil estimasi mundur berdasarkan data SP2010, untuk data tahun 2010 menggunakan data SP 2010, dan tahun 2011-2013 menggunakan angka proyeksi berdasar data SP 2010

PDRB per kapita merupakan sebuah konsep rata-rata per orang dari nilai tambah bruto suatu wilayah. PDRB per kapita berbeda dengan pendapatan per kapita, karena dalam PDRB per kapita masih mengandung nilai pendapatan neto yang mengalir dari


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

atau ke daerah lain/luar negeri, pajak tak langsung neto, dan penyusutan. Tabel 4.3 menampilkan data perkembangan PDRB per kapita di Kabupaten Kulon Progo periode tahun 2009-2013.

Nilai PDRB per kapita Kabupaten Kulon Progo atas dasar harga berlaku sejak tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2013 terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2009 nilai PDRB per kapita atas dasar harga berlaku sebesar 8,48 juta rupiah per kapita per tahun. Pada tahun 2013 nilai PDRB per kapita atas dasar harga berlaku mencapai 11,77 juta rupiah (Tabel 4.3). Kenaikan PDRB per kapita secara riil dapat dilihat dari nilai PDRB per kapita atas dasar harga konstan. Secara riil, PDRB per kapita selama lima tahun terakhir juga meningkat dari 4,46 juta rupiah pada tahun 2009 hingga menjadi 5,23 juta rupiah pada tahun 2013.

4.6 Andil dan Laju Pertumbuhan Sektoral

Andil sektor biasanya digunakan untuk melihat peranan masing-masing sektor terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Andil sektor diperoleh dengan cara mengalikan nilai distribusi persentase atas dasar harga konstan tahun sebelumnya pada setiap sektor dengan laju pertumbuhan masing-masing sektor di tahun berjalan dibagi dengan nilai 100 (seratus). Laju pertumbuhan dan andil masing-masing sektor PDRB di Kabupaten Kulon Progo tahun 2013 dapat dilihat pada tabel 4.4.

Andil masing-masing sektor berkaitan erat dengan peranan dan laju pertumbuhan sektor. Semakin besar peranan dan pertumbuhan suatu sektor maka semakin besar pula andil sektor terhadap pembentukan PDRB.


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

Tabel 4.4 Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Andil Sektor PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo, 2013

Lapangan Usaha Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (Persen) Andil Sektor (Persen) (1) (2) (3) Pertanian 1,81 0,48 Penggalian 11,89 0,11 Industri Pengolahan 2,23 0,31 Listrik, Gas, Air Bersih 6,28 0,04

Konstruksi 9,59 0,54

Perdagangan, Hotel & Restoran 5,78 1,02 Pengangkutan & Komunikasi 3,57 0,33 Keuangan, Real Estate & Jasa




Jasa-jasa 8,69 1,67

PDRB 5,05 5,05

Sumber: BPS Kabupaten Kulon Progo

Dari tabel tersebut di atas, dapat diperoleh gambaran bahwa pada tahun 2013 sektor jasa-jasa memberikan andil yang besar dalam mendukung pencapaian laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Andil sektor jasa-jasa di tahun 2013 sebesar 1,67 persen, diikuti oleh sektor perdagangan, hotel, dan restoran lalu sektor keuangan, real estate, dan jasa perusahaan dengan andil masing-masing 1,02 persen dan 0,55 persen.


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013


4.1 The 2013’s GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency

Definition of Gross Regional Domestic Product according to

the field of business or sector production is the sum of gross value added generated by all operating units of economic activity in a region at a specific time period. Thus GRDP Data can be used to describe the ability of a region or regions to manage natural resources and other production factors. In this publication is presented based on the value of GRDP at current prices and at constant prices.

GRDP at current prices illustrate the added value of goods and services are calculated using the prices in each year, while GRDP at constant prices shows the added value of goods and services are calculated using the prices in a given year as a base year, which is used in the calculation of the year the basis of 2000 GRDP at constant prices are used to determine the economic growth of a region from year to year. Meanwhile, the GRDP at current prices is used to indicate the magnitude of the economic structure and the role of economic sectors.

a. At current prices

Kulon Progo Regency value of GRDP at current prices in

2013 increased to 4.6 trillion rupiah from 4.2 trillion rupiah in 2012 Thus, Kulon Progo value of GRDP in 2013 increased by 445 billion dollars compared with the value of GRDP in the year 2012 The following table shows the trend value of GRDP Kulon Progo during the last five years.


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

Along with the increasing economic activity in Kulon Progo, the value of GRDP from year to year increase. Figure 4.1 above, gives an overview of the development of value-added GRDP at current prices over the last five years. In 2013 the increase in the nominal amount of GRDP at current prices is the largest compared to previous years.

The increase in the value of GRDP at current prices in 2013 is supported by the increase in gross value added in all sectors of the economy. The agricultural sector is the sector that has the largest gross value added amounted to 1.06 trillion rupiah. The sector is supported by the largest gross value added in the food crops sub-sector amounted to 614.9 billion dollars. Gross value added is the second largest sector services with a value of 1.05 trillion dollars are contributed from the large sub-sectors of general government is 922.83 billion dollars. Subsequently followed by trade, hotels and restaurants with an added value of 801.75 billion dollars mainly from wholesale and retail trade sub-sector amounted to 714.81 billion dollars.

Value of GRDP based on current prices, not reflect the real rate of economic growth of a region. This is because the current price is still an element of rising prices of goods and services produced during the year 2013 (inflation at the producer level).

3,286 3,547

3,867 4,196 4,641

Figure 4.1 GRDP Trend Kulon Progo Regency at Current Market Prices, 2009-2013 (Trillion Rupiah)


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

b. Constant Market Prices

GRDP Kulon Progo based on constant prices 2000 (ADHK

2000) showed an increase in productivity of economic output in 2013 Kulon Progo value at constant prices GRDP is the value of all goods and services produced in the year 2013, the value comparable to the value / price of goods in 2000 GRDP at constant prices in 2013 amounted to 2.062 trillion dollars, an increase compared to the year 2012 which stood at 1.963 trillion dollars. Compared to the year 2012, there was a growth rate of 5.05 percent. Economic growth rate in 2013 was higher than in 2012, which reached 5.01 percent.

The increase in the value of GRDP at constant prices in 2000 are supported by the increase in the value of GRDP in all sectors of the economy. Sectors with the largest value of agricultural productivity by 526.8 billion dollars. The value of the agricultural sector is supported by the value of the food crops sub-sector of 323.50 billion dollars. The second largest sub-sector is the services sector with a value of 410.36 billion dollars were backed by sub-sector of general government 342.38 billion dollars, while trade, hotels and restaurants sector is the third largest recorded value is 367.29 billion dollars. The sector is supported by a majority of wholesale and retail trade sub-sector amounted to

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 ,7 2 8 1 ,781 1,8 6 9 1 ,9 6 3 2 ,0 6 2

Figure 4.2 GRDP Trend Kulon Progo Regency at Constant Market Prices, 2009-2013 (Trillion


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

329.1 billion dollars. Electricity, gas, and water is a contributor to the sector with the smallest value is only equal to 13.66 billion dollars.

4.2 Economic Growth

In 2013 Kulon Progo economy has improved. Kulon Progo economic growth rose to 5.05 percent from 2012 which was recorded at 5.01 percent. This was driven by positive growth and strengthened in all sectors. Economic growth rate in 2013 was the highest since the last five years. Figure 4.3 gives an overview of the economic growth rate during 2009 to 2013.

In 2012, the agricultural sector grew 4.38 percent. In the year 2013, the growth rate of this sector slowed growth rate of 1.81 percent. Slowdown in this sector due to a decrease in productivity of food crops as a result of rampant land conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural land. It is very closely related to the construction of the mega project is being conducted in the area of Kulon Progo, including the manufacture of ports and airports in the district Temon. The food crops sub-sector, subsector plantation, livestock sectorand its results, as well as the forestry sub-sector experienced a slowdown in growth in 2013,but the slowdown, not to show negative growth. Meanwhile, the fisheries sub-sector still show high growth by 6.35 percent due to an increase in the production of fishery products is influenced by



4,95 5,01 5,05

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 4.3 Economic Growth Rate Kulon Progo, 2009-2013 (Percent)


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

weather factors that support for catching fish in the sea.

The impact of the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 ago still feels for the people of Kulon Progo to 2013. Materials eruption of Mount Merapi in the form of sand and rocks carried by the flow Progo have an impact on the increase of sand and stone quarrying activities in the area of Kulon Progo. In 2013, the rate of economic growth in the mining and quarrying sector Kulon Progo is still quite high, reaching 11.89 percent. The high growth rate of this sector is dominated by the increase in sand production times. This is because the excavation of sand at this time not using manual labor alone but had to use engine power to suck up sand from the river so that the volume of excavation of sand production has increased very significantly.

The manufacturing sector grew by 2.23 percent in the year 2013, the growth rate of this sector is supported by the increase in the volume of production of some export products such as tea, craft products agel, wigs, and sugar crystals. The increase in sales volume of water and electric power causes the power sector, gas, and water supply in 2013 grew by 6.28 percent. The construction sector grew by 9.59 percent, slightly up compared to the growth rate recorded in 2012 reached 9.35 percent. Construction of roads, infrastructure improvements, and other physical infrastructure to encourage high growth in the construction sector.

Along with increased production in the mining and quarrying sector, as well as the increasing manufacturing businesses coupled with the widespread construction / building impact on promoting growth in trade, hotels, and restaurants in the area Kulon Progo. In 2013 the rate of growth of this sector of 5.78 percent, look began to increase growth than in 2012, which grew by 5.28 percent.

A policy of PT KAI to impose ticket sold in accordance with the number of seats that have an impact on the decrease in the number of passengers using rail transport modes. Similarly, the road transport, the number of people who switch to using private vehicles such as motorcycles or private cars cause road transport


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

sub-sector also decreased. This has an impact on the growth of the transport and communication sector grew by only 3.57 percent. The financial sector, real estate, and business services in 2013 has grown quite rapidly by 8.74 percent in 2012 after only able to grow only 5.00 percent. This is supported by the growth of the banking subsector grew very significantly by 17.43 per cent in 2012 which is only a sub-sector grew by 3.20 percent.

The role of the services sector in 2013 in promoting economic growth Kulon Progo is still quite high at 8.69 percent. The high growth in the services sector, predominantly supported by the growth of government services subsector grew by 9.31 percent, while private services subsector grew by only 5.67 percent.

By looking at the growth of each sector can be concluded that mining and quarrying, construction, finance, leasing and services company, the services sector as well as electricity, gas and water supply sector growth rate is above the average rate of economic growth Kulon Progo. While four other sectors achieved growth below average economic growth of Kulon Progo. (See Table 4.1)

Table 4.1 Economic Growth Rate Kulon Progo according to Business Field, 2013

Growth Above Average District Growth in The Lower Average District Business Field Growth

Rate Business Field

Growth Rate (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Mining and Quarrying 11,89 1.Trade, Hotels, and

Restaurants 5,78 2. Construction 9,59 2. Transportation and

Communication 3,57 3. Finance, Real Estate,

and Business Services 8,74 3. Processing Industries 2,23 4. Services 8,69 4. Agriculture 1,81 5. Electricity, Gas,and

Water 6,28


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

4.3 Economic Structure

Economic structure of a region illustrates how dependent a region on the production capabilities of each sector of the economy. In economic structure can be described quantitatively by calculating the percentage of gross value added role of each sector to the total GRDP value.

The economic structure of Kulon Progo in 2013 showed that the three economic sectors, namely agriculture, services sector, as well as trade, hotels, and restaurants are still the leading sector for the economy in Kulon Progo. This means that these three sectors is still the dominant sector in Kulon Progo.

The dominance of these sectors to the total GRDP formation Kulon Progo Regency which amounted to 62.78 per cent. The agricultural sector accounted for 23.87 percent holding, the services sector is 22.64 percent, and trade, hotel and restaurant sector by 17.27 per cent. Then four other sectors gives the total role reached 35.42 percent. While the twosectors withthe smallest role is mining and quarrying and electricity and water sector with the contribution of each of 0.94 percent and 0.86 percent (<5 percent).

Table 4.2 Role of Sector GRDP Kulon Progo by Industrial Origin at Current Market Prices, 2009-2013

Business Field Contribution

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Agriculture 24,11 23,16 23,68 23,48 22,87 2.Mining 1,05 0,70 0,82 0,87 0,94 3. Processing Industry 15,10 15,52 14,31 13,96 14,01 4. Electricity, Gas, and Water 0,86 0,88 0,87 0,85 0,86 5. Construction 5,77 5,90 6,19 6,43 6,70 6. Trade, Hotel, and Restaurant 16,40 16,56 16,97 17,05 17,27 7. Transportation and

Communication 10,55 10,13 9,92 8,95 8,46

8. Finance, Real Estate, and

Business Service. 6,24 6,36 6,15 6,09 6,25

9. Services 19,92 20,77 21,10 22,31 22,64 GRDP 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

By looking at the contribution of each sector of the economy can be seen anywhere sectors that have a significant role in the economy of a region.

In Figure 4.4 above illustrates the percentage distribution of the magnitude of each sector Kulon Progo GRDP in 2013 Over the last five years, the structure of the economy Kulon Progo showed no significant shift in the sector. Table 4.2 shows the shift in contribution of each sector from 2009 through 2013.

4.4 The Role of Economic Sector Group

Nine economic sectors included in GRDP can be grouped into three (3) major groups, namely: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Called the primary sector, where output is still dependent on natural resources (agriculture and mining-excavation). Sectors whose input is derived from the primary sector secondary sector called. Which includes the secondary sector is the manufacturing sector; electricity, gas and water supply; and the construction sector. Other sectors, namely: trade, hotels, and restaurants; transport and communications; financial sector, real estate and business services; and the services sector are grouped into the tertiary sector.

During the period 2009-2013, the economy Kulon Progo Agriculture; 22,87

Mining and Quarrying; 0,87

Processing Industries; 14,01

Electricity, Gas, and Water; 0,86 Construction; 6,7 Trade, Hotels,and Restaurants; 17,27 Transportatioan and Communication; 8,46

Finance, Real Estate & Business Services;


Services; 22,64

Figure 4.4 Structure of GRDP at Current Prices Kulon Progo, 2013 (Percent)


PDRB Kabupaten Kulon Progo 2009-2013 / GRDP of Kulon Progo Regency 2009-2013

indicated a shift of economic structure. Seen that the group of primary sector are likely to experience a downward trend in contributions. Along with this, contribution of the secondary sector groups and the tertiary sector groups shows a rising trend.

The role of the third sector groups to the GRDP formation Kulon Progo always changes from year to year. From Figure 4.5 indicates that from 2012 to 2013 the role of the primary sector declined from 24.35 percent to 23.81 percent. Meanwhile, the contribution of the secondary and tertiary sector tends to increase. Contribution of the secondary sector rose from 21.24 percent to 21.57 percent and the contribution of the tertiary sector rose from 54.40 percent to 54.62 percent.

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