• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

D . KEAN GGOTAAN ORGAN I SASI PROFESI 1.Anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)

2. Anggota Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PAPDI)

3. Sekretaris Perhimpunan Kardiologi Indonesia (PERKI) cabang Medan 4. Sekretaris Perkumpulan Gawat Darurat Indonesia (PGDI) cabang


5. Anggota European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 6. Anggota Fellow Indonesian Heart Association (FIHA)

7. Anggota European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI)


Se ba ga i Pe n u lis Ut a m a :

1. Hasan, H., Isnanta, R., ”Hubungan mikroalbuminuria dengan penyakit jantung koroner”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara 2006, Vol. 39 No.3 Suppl.242-5.

2. Hasan, H., “Intervensi Koroner Perkutan”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara, 2005, Vol. 38 No.1, 124-6.

3. Hasan, H.,” Resiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner Akibat Hipertensi”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara 2005, Vol. 38 No. 2.

4. Hasan, H., Tarigan, E., ”Hubungan Kadar Troponin T dengan Gambaran Klinis Penderita Sindroma Koroner Akut”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara 2005, Vol. 38 No. 4.

5. Hasan, H., Leonard, ”Kadar Homosistein Plasma pada Penderita Angina Pektoris Stabil”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara 2005, Vol. 38 No.4.

6. Hasan, H., ”Timing of Intervention/Operation in Valvular Heart Disease” Programme & Abstract Book 12th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association (Cardiology Update) and 6th Interventional Cardiology, Jakarta 24-26 April 2003.

7. Hasan, H., ”Pelayanan Kardiovaskular di Bagian Kardiologi”, Symposium Penyelenggara Ilmu Kardiovaskular dan Perkembangan Penanggulangannya, Medan, 8 Januari 2005.

8. Hasan, H., ”Tatalaksana Faktor Risiko Kardiovaskular” Seminar Kolesterol & Penyakit Jantung Koroner, Medan, 1 Maret 2006.

9. Hasan, H., ”Hypertension with multiple risk factor, why we managed to improve clinical outcome”, Seminar Hipertensi & Koroner, Banda Aceh, Feb. 2006.

10. Hasan, H., ”Management heart failure in 2006”, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT VII) Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-USU, Medan, 2-4 Maret 2006.

11. Hasan, H., ”The role of ARB in heart filure management”, Round Table Discussion, Medan 25 Maret 2006.

12. Hasan, H., ”Olmersatan the newest ARB for cardiovascular”, Round Table Discussion, Medan, 18 Februari 2006.

13. Hasan, H., “Early reperfusion in acute myocardial infarct”, Symposium Cardiac Emergency, Medan, 2 Juli 2006.

14. Hasan, H., “Early Refperfusion in ACS” 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

15. Hasan, H., “Emergency cardiovascular syndrome”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

16. Hasan, H., “Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

17. Hasan, H., “Management dyslipidemia in diabetes tipe II (field study)”, 11th Seminar Management Dyslipidemia in Diabetes tipe II, Medan, 27 Mei 2006.

18. Hasan, H., “Management of acute myocardial infarction in the first minuter” Seminar Cardiac and Pulmonary Emergency Course, Medan 30 Juni 2006.

19. Hasan, H., “Looking for ideal CCB (lercanidipine)”, Simposium Hipertensi dan Faktor Resiko Koroner, Medan, 17 Juni 2006.

20. Hasan, H., ”Peran klinis vitamin E dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit jantung koroner”, Seminar Antioksidan, Medan, 16 Juni 2004.

21. Hasan, H., ”Valiant study for MI Patient” RTD, Medan, 24 Agustus 2005.

22. Hasan, H., ”Resiko penyakit jantung koroner akibat hipertensi”, Symposium the 3nd New Trend on Cardiovascular Management 2005, Medan, 6-8 Juni 2005.

23. Hasan, H., “Approach to chest pain and possible MI”, The 1st Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, 22 Mei 2005.

24. Hasan, H., “Management of acute myocardial infarction in the first minute”, The 1st Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, 20 Mei 2005.

25. Hasan, H., “Cardiogenik Shock”, The 1st Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, 21 Mei 2005.

26. Hasan, H., “Peripheral arterial disease and drug of choice” Forum Ilmiah I Endokrin dan Diabetes Regional Sumatera 2005, Medan, 30 Juli 2005.

27. Hasan, H., “Clopidogrel as adjuvant in thrombolytic in STEMI”, RTD Sanofi, Medan, 13 Agustus 2005.

28. Hasan, H., “Hypertension with multiple risk factor, why we managed to improve outcome”, Seminar di RSU Kisaran, 10 Agustus 2005. 29. Hasan, H., “Risk of coronary disease imposed by hypertension”,

30. Hasan, H., “Resiko kardiovaskular dan pencegahannya”, Ceramah Mantan Bupati se-SUMUT, Medan, 27 Juli 2005.

31. Hasan, H., “Percutaneous coronary intervention”, PIT Interna, Medan Maret 2005.

32. Hasan, H., ”Jantungku Kekasihku”, ceramah kesehatan di Aula Kantor Gubernur, Agustus 2004.

33. Hasan, H., ”Cintailah Jantung Anda”, Ceramah di Kantor Walikota Agustus 2004.

34. Hasan, H., ”Gangguan hemostasis pada uremia”, Tesis Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-USU, 1993.

35. Hasan, H., ”Perjalanan klinis penderita infark miokard akut yang mendapat trombolisis”, Tesis Bagian Kardiologi FK-UI, 1998.

36. Hasan, H., Effendi, D., ”Correlation dispersion QT with hypertrophy left ventricle towards hypertension patients”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

37. Hasan, H., Tarigan, E., ”Relation between the level of troponin T with clinical pictures of patients with acute coronary syndrome”, Majalah Kedokteran Nusantara, 2002.

38. Hasan, H., Acute Coronary Syndrome Implication for Management. The 3rd Symposium On Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, May 2007.

39. Hasan, H., Management of Hypertension Emergencies, The 3rd Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, May, 2007.

40. Hasan, H., Management Non Elevation Myocard Infarct, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) VIII 2007 Departemen Penyakit Dalam FK-USU, Medan, Maret 2007.

41. Hasan, H., Penatalaksanaan MCI pada Pelatihan Keperawatan Dasar ICU, RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan, 20-24 Februari 2007.

42. Hasan, H., CHD in Adult, What should we do? The 4th New Trend in Cardiovascular Management, Medan, June 15-16th 2007.

43. Hasan, H., Recent Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome, The 4th New Trend in Cardiovascular Management, Medan, June 15-16th 2007.

Se ba ga i Pe n u lis Pe m ba n t u :

1. Rinaldi, H a sa n , H ., “Assosiation between hs-CRP and acute coronary syndrome”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

2. Suherdy, H a sa n , H ., “Drug eluting stents (DES) in multivessel disease”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

3. Muchtar, Z., Kasiman, S., Kaoy, I.N., H a sa n , H ., “Primary PCI in STEMI Medan cases”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

4. Sembiring, L.P., H a sa n , H ., “The level of N-Terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP)”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

5. Sitepu, A., H a sa n , H ., “GP IIb/IIIa in primary PCI”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

6. Rey Imelda, H a sa n , H ., “PCI in high risk CHD patient”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

7. Savitri, H a sa n , H ., “Primary PCI in ST elevation myocardial infarction”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

8. Jannus, H a sa n , H ., “Percutaneous coronary intervention in diabetic patients”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

9. Putra Surya H, H a sa n , H ., “Trombus aspiration in primary PCI”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

10. Syahrini, H., H a sa n , H ., “Pericardiosentesis on cardiac tamponade”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

11. Faisal, H a sa n , H ., “Aortic valve replacement in aortic valve endocarditis”, 11th National Congress of Indonesian Heart Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, April 19-22, 2006 Tiara Convention Center Medan.

12. Deli, Sembiring, P., H a sa n , H ., “Homocystein pada penyakit jantung koroner dengan DM tipe 2”, Tesis Bagian Patologi Klinik FK-USU, 2003.

13. Nainggolan Y.D., Ganie R.A., H a sa n , H ., “Penentuan kadar fibrinogen metode clause dengan teknik autorealisasi pada penderita infark miokard akut”, Tesis Bagian Patologi Klinik FK-USU, 2005. 14. Zulkhairi, H a sa n , H ., ”Penatalaksanaan blok total AV dengan pacu

jantung”, Maj Kedokt Indon 2002; 52: 442-6.

15. Tampubolon, Y., H a sa n , H ., “Profile of patients with heart valve disease in Adam Malik general hospital, Medan”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

16. Lubis, F., H a sa n , H ., “Coronary angiography profile in Haji Adam Malik general hospital Medan”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

17. Nasution, S., H a sa n , H ., “Congestive heart failure profile in hospitalized patients at Haji Adam Malik Medan”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

18. Zulkhairi, H a sa n , H ., “Permanent pacemaker in recurrent syncope” 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002. 19. Dirga, M., H a sa n , H ., ”Management of ventricular tachycardia in

acute myocardial infarction”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

20. Rinaldi, H a sa n , H ., “Aggressive controlling risk factor in patient after percutaneous coronary intervention”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

21. Fauzy, M., Lubis, M.Y., H a sa n , H ., “Cardiovascular autonomical neuropathy for those with type 2 diabetes newly diagnosed”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

22. Fauzy, M., H a sa n , H ., “Successful intervention of balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) on severe mitral stenosis”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

23. Gunawan, A., H a sa n , H ., “The management of acute management of acute pulmonary oedema in ischemic heart disease”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

24. Darmadi, H a sa n , H ., “Dilated cardiomiopathy: how to treat?” 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

25. Nasution, S., H a sa n , H ., “Mitral stenosis with thrombus in the left atrium”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

26. Pinem, R., H a sa n , H ., “Mitral valve prolapse”, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

27. Sembiring, L.P., H a sa n , H ., ”Acute coronary sindrome patients profile at the intensive cardiac care unit of Adam Malik General Hospital Medan, 2nd Asean Conference On Medical Science, Medan, Agustus 2002.

28. Lardo, S., H a sa n , H . ”Kardiomiopati”, Medikal, Jurnal Kedokteran dan Farmasi No.6, tahun ke XXX, Juni 2004.


1. 18th Weekend course on Cardiology, Jakarta, September 2006.

2. The 8th International Meeting on Respiratory Care Indonesia (RESPINA 2006), Jakarta, September 2006.

3. World Congress of Cardiology 2006 in Barcelona, Spain, September 2006.

4. European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC), “Coronary pressure to improve multivessel PCI” Organised by the “Cardiovascular Research Center, Aalst, Barcelona, September 2006. 5. European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC), “Improving

the management of dyslipidemia: translating treatment benefits into clinical practice”, Barcelona, September 2006.

6. Seminar Kesehatan “Cintai jantung anda”, Medan, Agustus 2006. 7. Symposium Thyroid Update, dalam rangka ulang tahun FK-USU 54,

Agustus 2006.

8. Seminar ilmiah, ”Penyelesaian Sengketa Medik Dokter dan Pasien”, dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-54 USU, Agustus 2006.

9. Seminar Osteoporosis, dalam rangka ulang tahun FK-USU 54, Agustus 2006.

10. Pertemuan Perhimpunan Intervensi Kardiovaskular Indonesia (PIKI) ke-2, Semarang, Juli 2006.

11. Kongres Nasional PETRI XII, PERPARI VIII, PKWI IX, Medan, Juli 2006.

12. The 2nd Symposium on Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, Medan, Juli 2006.

13. The 6th Jakarta Nephrology and hypertension course, Jakarta, Mei 2006.

14. Echocardiography mini course in conjuction with 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, Medan, April 2006.

15. Nurse mini course in conjuction with 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, Medan, April 2006.

16. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Indonesian Heart Association, Medan, April 2006.

17. China Interventional Therapeutics 2006 in conjuction with TCT at CIT & EuroPCR at CIT, Beijing, China, April 2006.

18. PIT VII 2006, Departemen Penyakit Dalam FK-USU, Medan, Maret 2006.

19. Singapore live 2006, Singapore, February-March 2006. 20. Launching symposium Olmetec Medan, Januari 2006.

21. 15th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology 57th Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India, Mumbai, India, December 2005.

22. Pelatihan Kedokteran Keluarga Modul A,B,C, dan D, Medan, Agustus-September 2005.

23. Symposium Infection Update II 2005, Medan, Agustus 2005.

24. 1st Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics (AICT), Singapura, Agustus 2005.

25. Forum Ilmiah Pertama Endokrin dan Diabetes Regional Sumatera, Medan, Juli 2005.

26. The 3rd New Trend in Cardiovascular Management (NTCM), Medan, Juni 2005.

27. The 1st symposium, “On critical care & emergency medicine”, Medan, May 2005.

28. Angioplasty Summit 2005 TCT Asia Pacific, Seoul, Korea, April 2005. 29. PIT VI 2005 Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-USU, Medan, Maret


30. KONKER PERKI X dan The National Symposium Cardiometabolics, Batam, Februari 2005.

31. Singapore Live 2005, Singapore, January 2005. 32. Singapore live 2004, Singapore, March 2004.

33. Seminar PERKI Cabang Sumatera Utara, Medan, Januari 2005.

34. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress 2004, Munich, Germany, September 2004.

35. European Society of Cardiology (ESC) congress 2003, Vienna, Austria, September 2003.

36. 16th weekend course on cardiology, Jakarta, Oktober 2004.

37. The 10th National congress of Indonesian Heart Association, Bali, February 2004.

38. The 13th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Heart Association, Bali, February 2004.

39. 14th Asian Pacific congress of cardiology 2004, Singapore, January 2004.

40. 16th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology, Bali, Indonesia April 18-21, 2007.

41. China Interventional Therapeutics 2007, Beijing, China, March 29– April 1, 2007.

42. 3rd Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutic with Malaysian Cardiovascular Interventional Symposium 2007, 11-14 Juli, Kuala Lumpur.


1. 1985 : Piagam Penghargaan Bupati Aceh Utara dalam Rangka Peresmian Pabrik Pupuk Asean (AAF) oleh Presiden RI.

2. 1998 : Piagam Penghargaan dari Ketua MPR RI dalam Rangka Sidang Umum MPR 1998.

3. 2006 : Piagam Tanda Penghargaan Bakti Karya Husada Dwi Windu dari Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 464/MENKES/ SK/VI/2006.

4. 2007 : Piagam Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 Tahun dari Presiden Republik Indonesia sesuai Keppres. RI No. 011/TK/TAHUN 2007 tanggal 24 April 2007.

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