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Dalam dokumen Design and Performance Test of Drifter Buoy (Halaman 126-151)

5.1. Kesimpulan

Ada 3 bagian utama dari drifter yang dibangun yaitu sistem elektronika, perangkat lunak dan wahana. Sistem elektronika dibangun dari mikrokontroler ATMega32, penyimpanan SD/MMC card, transmisi menggunakan modem GSM, GPS sebagai sensor posisi dan kecepatan, DALLAS DS18B20 sebagai sensor suhu. Perangkat lunak dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yaitu perangkat lunak yang ditanamkan di wahana dan perangkat lunak pada pengendali di darat menggunakan komputer. Wahana dibagi menjadi 2 bagian utama yaitu bola pelampung sebagai tempat bagian elektronika buoy dan parasut yang berfungsi untuk mempertahankan posisi drifter dari pengaruh angin permukaan.

Pada area terbuka seperti laut penentuan posisi GPS memiliki error ±4.5 m, sehingga dalam proses pencatatan dan atau pengiriman data drifter membutuhkan selang waktu tertentu. Pada penelitian ini waktu tersebut cukup variatif tetapi secara umum dapat dilakukan setiap 10 menit, menghasilkan kecepatan minimum drifter (arus permukaan) pada lintasan lurus yaitu ±0.75 cm/s. Sensor suhu menggunakan sensor DS18B20 memiliki ketelitian yang cukup baik. Hasil uji kinerja sistem di lapangan menunjukan bahwa drifter hasil rancangan mampu mencatat 95% dan 99% data dengan kecepatan transfer 64 bps. Hasil uji coba lapang juga menunjukan 85% dan 93% sukses melakukan pengiriman data menggunakan jaringan GSM dengan daya yang digunakan sistem ini secara keseluruhan yaitu sekitar 541-544 mW. Nilai Drag area ratio hasil desain penelitian ini sebesar 53.38 lebih besar dari 40 mengindikasikan bahwa drifter yang dihasilkan memiliki kemampuan cukup baik untuk mengikuti pergerakan masa air.

Percobaan lapang menunjukan bahwa data yang dihasilkan drifter cukup baik walaupun sampling rate yang diujikan terlalu cepat, namun dengan pengolahan yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa pergerakan arus di Pelabuhan Ratu dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut daerah tersebut, dengan arah arus yang berbeda pada bagian tengah dan pinggir teluk. Pada bagian tengah teluk, saat air menuju surut terendah


arah arus menuju barat dan kemudian diam pada saat surut terendah, menuju pasang arus berputar menuju utara. Pada bagian pinggir timur teluk, saat air menuju surut arah arus menuju keluar teluk.

Biaya implementasi dari sistem yang dibuat relatif lebih murah dibandingkan dengan implementasi dari sistem drifter yang sudah ada (ARGOS, ORBCOMM dan IRRIDIUM) yaitu sekitar $729.1 dengan biaya transmisi perhari $4.4 untuk pengiriman setiap 5 menit. Sistem ini sangat bergantung dengan sinyal GSM yang ada di area ujicoba, oleh karena itu sistem ini hanya cocok digunakan pada perairan yang memiliki atau ada dalam coverage area dari komunikasi GSM.

5.2. Saran

Desain, dan rancang bangun ini diharapkan terus dikembangkan sehingga mampu mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan drifter pada penelitian ini, seperti ketelitian GPS yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap interval pengukuran. Desain wahana buoy yang lebih baik sehingga memudahkan pengoperasian dan terutama tidak rawan vandalism dan pencurian.

Perancangan dan efisiensi penggunaan komponen sehingga mampu menghemat penggunaan daya yang berpengaruh pada lama operasi setiap buoy dan biaya implementasi, atau menggunakan catudaya yang dapat diisi ulang seperti solar panel. Disamping itu uji coba penggunaan transmisi GPRS juga menarik untuk dilakukan terutama tentang efisiensi dan kehandalannya dibandingkan dengan transmisi menggunakan SMS pada penelitian ini.

Aplikasi oseanografi membutuhkan sensor suhu dengan ketelitian tinggi. Pada penelitian ini digunakan sensor DS18B20 dengan ketelitian 12 bit pada selang pengukuran -55 °C sampai 125 °C. Sebaiknya perlu dicoba sensor dengan ketelitian sama atau lebih namun pada selang pengukuran oseanografi yang lebih realistis yaitu 0 – 45 °C.



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Lampiran 2. Contoh data mentah

232943.00:290810,0701.0467S, 10631.1402E,5.77,26.125 232945.00:290810,0701.0492S, 10631.1383E,5.59,26.125 232947.00:290810,0701.0516S, 10631.1363E,5.69,26.125 232948.00:290810,0701.0528S, 10631.1353E,5.72,26.125 232950.00:290810,0701.0553S, 10631.1335E,5.64,26.125 232952.00:290810,0701.0579S, 10631.1315E,5.81,26.125 232953.00:290810,0701.0591S, 10631.1306E,5.85,26.125 232955.00:290810,0701.0617S, 10631.1287E,5.84,26.1875 232957.00:290810,0701.0642S, 10631.1269E,5.62,26.125 232959.00:290810,0701.0668S, 10631.1251E,5.62,26.1875 233001.00:290810,0701.0693S, 10631.1234E,5.49,26.1875 233003.00:290810,0701.0718S, 10631.1216E,5.60,26.1875 233005.00:290810,0701.0742S, 10631.1198E,5.77,26.1875 233007.00:290810,0701.0767S, 10631.1180E,5.66,26.1875 233008.00:290810,0701.0780S, 10631.1171E,5.54,26.1875 233010.00:290810,0701.0804S, 10631.1153E,5.51,26.1875 233012.00:290810,0701.0829S, 10631.1137E,5.44,26.1875 233013.00:290810,0701.0842S, 10631.1129E,5.46,26.1875 233015.00:290810,0701.0866S, 10631.1112E,5.52,26.1875 233017.00:290810,0701.0892S, 10631.1095E,5.38,26.1875 233018.00:290810,0701.0904S, 10631.1087E,5.42,26.1875 233020.00:290810,0701.0929S, 10631.1070E,5.58,26.1875 233022.00:290810,0701.0955S, 10631.1054E,5.48,26.1875 233023.00:290810,0701.0967S, 10631.1046E,5.38,26.1875 233025.00:290810,0701.0993S, 10631.1032E,5.55,26.1875 233027.00:290810,0701.1019S, 10631.1017E,5.42,26.1875 233028.00:290810,0701.1032S, 10631.1009E,5.38,26.1875 233030.00:290810,0701.1058S, 10631.0994E,5.40,26.1875 233032.00:290810,0701.1084S, 10631.0978E,5.58,26.1875 233033.00:290810,0701.1097S, 10631.0970E,5.76,26.1875 233035.00:290810,0701.1123S, 10631.0954E,5.64,26.1875 233037.00:290810,0701.1148S, 10631.0938E,5.46,26.1875 233038.00:290810,0701.1161S, 10631.0930E,5.47,26.1875 233040.00:290810,0701.1187S, 10631.0915E,5.50,26.1875 233042.00:290810,0701.1212S, 10631.0899E,5.39,26.1875 233043.00:290810,0701.1225S, 10631.0891E,5.38,26.1875 233045.00:290810,0701.1250S, 10631.0874E,5.64,26.1875 233047.00:290810,0701.1275S, 10631.0857E,5.53,26.1875 233048.00:290810,0701.1287S, 10631.0848E,5.50,26.1875 233050.00:290810,0701.1312S, 10631.0832E,5.38,26.1875 233052.00:290810,0701.1337S, 10631.0816E,5.57,26.1875 233053.00:290810,0701.1350S, 10631.0807E,5.76,26.1875 233055.00:290810,0701.1376S, 10631.0789E,5.74,26.1875 233057.00:290810,0701.1402S, 10631.0772E,5.53,26.1875 233058.00:290810,0701.1415S, 10631.0765E,5.34,26.1875 233100.00:290810,0701.1440S, 10631.0749E,5.55,26.1875 233102.00:290810,0701.1466S, 10631.0734E,5.49,26.1875 233103.00:290810,0701.1479S, 10631.0726E,5.57,26.1875


Lampiran 3. Metode konversi latitude dan longitude ke UTM

Sumber: http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/UsefulData/UTMFormulas.HTM [ 16 July 2010]

Okay, take a deep breath. This will get very complicated, but the math, although tedious, is only algebra and trigonometry.

P = point under consideration F = foot of perpendicular from P to the central meridian. The latitude of F is called the footprint latitude.

O = origin (on equator)

OZ = central meridian

LP = parallel of latitude of P

ZP = meridian of P

OL = k0S = meridional arc from


LF = ordinate of curvature

OF = N = grid northing

FP = E = grid distance from central meridian

GN = grid north

C = convergence of meridians = angle between true and grid north Another thing you need to know is the datum being used:

Datum Equatorial

Radius, meters (a)

Polar Radius, meters (b)

Flattening (a-b)/a Use

NAD83/WGS84 6,378,137 6,356,752.3142 1/298.257223563 Global

GRS 80 6,378,137 6,356,752.3141 1/298.257222101 US

WGS72 6,378,135 6,356,750.5 1/298.26 NASA, DOD

Australian 1965 6,378,160 6,356,774.7 1/298.25 Australia

Krasovsky 1940 6,378,245 6,356,863.0 1/298.3 Soviet Union

International (1924) -Hayford (1909)

6,378,388 6,356,911.9 1/297 Global except

as listed

Clake 1880 6,378,249.1 6,356,514.9 1/293.46 France, Africa

Clarke 1866 6,378,206.4 6,356,583.8 1/294.98 North America

Airy 1830 6,377,563.4 6,356,256.9 1/299.32 Great Britain

Bessel 1841 6,377,397.2 6,356,079.0 1/299.15 Central

Europe, Chile, Indonesia

Everest 1830 6,377,276.3 6,356,075.4 1/300.80 South Asia

Formulas For Converting Latitude and Longitude to UTM

These formulas are slightly modified from Army (1973). They are accurate to within less than a meter within a given grid zone. The original formulas include a now obsolete term


that can be handled more simply - it merely converts radians to seconds of arc. That term is omitted here but discussed below.


 lat = latitude of point

 long = longitude of point

 long0 = central meridian of zone

 k0 = scale along long0 = 0.9996. Even though it's a constant, we retain it as a

separate symbol to keep the numerical coefficients simpler, also to allow for systems that might use a different Mercator projection.

 e = SQRT(1-b2/a2) = .08 approximately. This is the eccentricity of the earth's elliptical cross-section.

 e'2 = (ea/b)2 = e2/(1-e2) = .007 approximately. The quantity e' only occurs in even powers so it need only be calculated as e'2.

 n = (a-b)/(a+b)

 rho = a(1-e2)/(1-e2sin2(lat))3/2. This is the radius of curvature of the earth in the meridian plane.

 nu = a/(1-e2sin2(lat))1/2. This is the radius of curvature of the earth perpendicular to the meridian plane. It is also the distance from the point in question to the polar axis, measured perpendicular to the earth's surface.

 p = (long-long0) in radians (This differs from the treatment in the Army


Calculate the Meridional Arc

S is the meridional arc through the point in question (the distance along the earth's surface from the equator). All angles are in radians.

 S = A'lat - B'sin(2lat) + C'sin(4lat) - D'sin(6lat) + E'sin(8lat), where lat is in radians and  A' = a[1 - n + (5/4)(n2 - n3) + (81/64)(n4 - n5) ...]  B' = (3 tan/2)[1 - n + (7/8)(n2 - n3) + (55/64)(n4 - n5) ...]  C' = (15 tan2/16)[1 - n + (3/4)(n2 - n3) ...]  D' = (35 tan3/48)[1 - n + (11/16)(n2 - n3) ...]  E' = (315 tan4/512)[1 - n ...]

The USGS gives this form, which may be more appealing to some. (They use M where the Army uses S)

M = a[(1 - e2/4 - 3e4/64 - 5e6/256 ....)lat - (3e2/8 + 3e4/32 + 45e6/1024...)sin(2lat) + (15e4/256 + 45e6/1024 + ....)sin(4lat) - (35e6/3072 + ....) sin(6lat) + ....)]

where lat is in radians

This is the hard part. Calculating the arc length of an ellipse involves functions called elliptic integrals, which don't reduce to neat closed formulas. So they have to be represented as series.

192 Converting Latitude and Longitude to UTM

All angles are in radians.

y = northing = K1 + K2p2 + K3p4, where

 K1 = Sk0,

 K2 = k0 nu sin(lat)cos(lat)/2 = k0 nu sin(2 lat)/4

 K3 = [k0 nu sin(lat)cos3(lat)/24][(5 - tan2(lat) + 9e'2cos2(lat) + 4e'4cos4(lat)]

x = easting = K4p + K5p3, where  K4 = k0 nu cos(lat)

 K5 = (k0 nu cos3(lat)/6)[1 - tan2(lat) + e'2cos2(lat)]

Easting x is relative to the central meridian. For conventional UTM easting add 500,000 meters to x.


Lampiran 4. Program MATLAB untuk merubah koordinat degree ke koordinat UTM

function [x,y,utmzone] = derajatkeutm(latitude,longitude) % --- % [x,y,utmzone] = derajatkeutm(Lat,Lon) error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)); % n1=length(Lat); n2=length(Lon); if (n1~=n2)

error('Lat and Lon vectors tidak sama panjang datanya'); end x=zeros(n1,1); y=zeros(n1,1); utmzone(n1,:)='60 X'; % Main Loop for i=1:n1 la=Lat(i); lo=Lon(i); sa = 6378137.000000 ; sb = 6356752.314245; e2 = ( ( ( sa ^ 2 ) - ( sb ^ 2 ) ) ^ 0.5 ) / sb; e2cuadrada = e2 ^ 2; c = ( sa ^ 2 ) / sb; lat = la * ( pi / 180 ); lon = lo * ( pi / 180 ); Huso = fix( ( lo / 6 ) + 31); S = ( ( Huso * 6 ) - 183 ); deltaS = lon - ( S * ( pi / 180 ) ); if (la<-72), Letra='C';

elseif (la<-64), Letra='D'; elseif (la<-56), Letra='E'; elseif (la<-48), Letra='F'; elseif (la<-40), Letra='G'; elseif (la<-32), Letra='H'; elseif (la<-24), Letra='J'; elseif (la<-16), Letra='K'; elseif (la<-8), Letra='L'; elseif (la<0), Letra='M'; elseif (la<8), Letra='N'; elseif (la<16), Letra='P'; elseif (la<24), Letra='Q'; elseif (la<32), Letra='R'; elseif (la<40), Letra='S'; elseif (la<48), Letra='T'; elseif (la<56), Letra='U'; elseif (la<64), Letra='V'; elseif (la<72), Letra='W'; else Letra='X';


a = cos(lat) * sin(deltaS);

epsilon = 0.5 * log( ( 1 + a) / ( 1 - a ) );

nu = atan( tan(lat) / cos(deltaS) ) - lat;v = ( c / ( ( 1 + ( e2cuadrada * ( cos(lat) ) ^ 2 ) ) ) ^ 0.5 ) * 0.9996;

ta = ( e2cuadrada / 2 ) * epsilon ^ 2 * ( cos(lat) ) ^ 2; a1 = sin( 2 * lat );

194 j2 = lat + ( a1 / 2 ); j4 = ( ( 3 * j2 ) + a2 ) / 4; j6 = ( ( 5 * j4 ) + ( a2 * ( cos(lat) ) ^ 2) ) / 3; alfa = ( 3 / 4 ) * e2cuadrada; beta = ( 5 / 3 ) * alfa ^ 2; gama = ( 35 / 27 ) * alfa ^ 3;

Bm = 0.9996 * c * ( lat - alfa * j2 + beta * j4 - gama * j6 ); xx = epsilon * v * ( 1 + ( ta / 3 ) ) + 500000; yy = nu * v * ( 1 + ta ) + Bm; if (yy<0) yy=9999999+yy; end x(i)=xx; y(i)=yy; utmzone(i,:)=sprintf('%02d %c',Huso,Letra); end


Lampiran 5. Data per-10 menit hari pertama (28 Agustus 2010)

Jam Menit X Y Jarak v (cm/s)

arah (rad) u v 8 7 660971.2 9221575 0 0 0 0 0 8 17 660745.3 9221520 235.6901 39.28168 -2.8999 -38.1398 -9.40242 8 27 660625.1 9221536 121.5947 20.26578 3.0089 -20.0877 2.68073 8 37 660504.7 9221554 121.9228 20.32046 2.9911 -20.0908 3.046417 8 47 660423 9221561 82.09659 13.68277 3.0597 -13.6370 1.118721 8 57 660302.2 9221566 121.4068 20.23447 3.0958 -20.2132 0.926577 9 7 660221.8 9221558 80.97108 13.49518 -3.0420 -13.4283 -1.34207 9 17 660100.8 9221549 121.5243 20.25405 -3.0687 -20.2002 -1.47579 9 27 660021.9 9221533 80.45597 13.40933 -2.9440 -13.1484 -2.63257 9 37 659904.9 9221498 122.5634 20.42723 -2.8450 -19.5355 -5.96956 9 47 659826.7 9221475 81.37674 13.56279 -2.8621 -13.0365 -3.74145 9 57 659748.8 9221454 81.02998 13.505 -2.8724 -13.0186 -3.59165 10 7 659669.6 9221440 80.82828 13.47138 -2.9718 -13.2777 -2.27605 10 17 659590.3 9221427 80.62767 13.43795 -2.9786 -13.2599 -2.18017 10 27 659512.4 9221409 80.12173 13.35362 -2.9168 -13.0177 -2.97645 10 37 659472.3 9221405 40.56408 6.760681 -3.0395 -6.7254 -0.68932 10 47 659433.6 9221395 40.33366 6.722277 -2.8794 -6.4926 -1.7423 10 57 659396.7 9221378 40.71885 6.786475 -2.7050 -6.1499 -2.86956 11 7 659326.8 9221337 81.3141 13.55235 -2.6124 -11.6984 -6.84202 11 17 659256.3 9221298 80.50272 13.41712 -2.6376 -11.7491 -6.479 11 27 659191 9221250 81.23884 13.53981 -2.5107 -10.9337 -7.98623 11 37 659160.1 9221224 40.13831 6.689718 -2.4465 -5.1376 -4.28459 11 47 659119.6 9221228 40.64813 6.774689 3.0568 -6.7504 0.573684 11 57 659001.1 9221242 121.6184 20.26973 3.0271 -20.1369 2.316399 12 7 658970.8 9221215 40.54738 6.757897 -2.4169 -5.0597 -4.47975 12 17 658892.4 9221202 80.26443 13.37741 -2.9862 -13.2163 -2.06979 12 27 658852.9 9221196 40.47822 6.74637 -2.9687 -6.6458 -1.16049 12 37 658852.9 9221195 0.184001 0.030667 -1.5741 -0.0001 -0.03067 12 47 658852.7 9221195 0.263273 0.043879 -2.3677 -0.0314 -0.03067 12 57 658774.7 9221199 40.31531 6.719218 3.0913 -6.7107 0.337595 13 7 658774.9 9221199 0 0 -0.0053 0.0000 0 13 17 658774.9 9221199 0 0 1.5675 0.0000 0 13 27 658738.8 9221216 39.82879 6.638131 2.7119 -6.0348 2.765108 13 37 658718.7 9221249 0 0 2.1133 0.0000 0 13 47 658718.9 9221249 0 0 0.7736 0.0000 0 13 57 658748.8 9221276 40.43505 6.739175 0.7309 5.0178 4.498632 14 7 658749 9221276 0.176803 0.029467 -0.0057 0.0295 -0.00017 14 17 658774.7 9221307 40.17357 6.695595 0.8769 4.2821 5.147333 14 27 658801.4 9221337 80.27647 13.37941 0.8381 8.9496 9.945486 14 37 658799 9221377 40.68169 6.780282 1.6320 -0.4145 6.767599

196 14 47 658816.8 9221413 40.40038 6.733397 1.1147 2.9660 6.044954 14 57 658834.7 9221449 40.38943 6.731572 1.1064 3.0149 6.018692 15 7 658850.1 9221530 82.99465 13.83244 1.3824 2.5911 13.58759 15 17 658859.8 9221569 40.46587 6.744311 1.3276 1.6242 6.545822 15 27 658871.5 9221607 40.18572 6.69762 1.2739 1.9595 6.404558 15 37 658854.6 9221684 80.74153 13.45692 1.7875 -2.8929 13.1423 15 47 658844.2 9221723 40.28564 6.714273 1.8313 -1.7295 6.487696 15 57 658852.8 9221762 40.45306 6.742176 1.3561 1.4365 6.587373 15 7 658859.3 9221842 80.90828 13.48471 1.4899 1.0894 13.44064 15 17 658863.7 9221883 40.40347 6.733912 1.4628 0.7259 6.694678 15 27 658892.7 9221958 80.75264 13.45877 1.2036 4.8311 12.56181 15 37 658933.7 9222028 80.98053 13.49676 1.0383 6.8527 11.62769


Lampiran 6. Data per-10 menit hari kedua (30 Agustus 2010)

Jam menit X Y Jarak sudut rad) kec cm/s) u v

7 0 665025.6 9220715 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 10 664886.5 9220563 206.59 -2.31 34.43 -19.41 -28.44 7 20 664724.6 9220376 247.56 -2.28 41.26 -20.37 -35.88 7 30 664588.6 9220221 206.36 -2.29 34.39 -17.59 -29.55 7 40 664426.8 9220034 247.53 -2.28 41.26 -20.31 -35.91 7 50 664281.3 9219886 207.49 -2.35 34.58 -22.80 -26.00 8 0 664086.3 9219671 290.52 -2.31 48.42 -26.85 -40.29 8 10 663938 9219527 206.83 -2.37 34.47 -24.51 -24.24 8 20 663754.9 9219361 247.39 -2.41 41.23 -32.40 -25.50 8 30 663607.1 9219218 206.26 -2.37 34.38 -24.30 -24.32 8 40 663462.5 9219070 206.60 -2.35 34.43 -22.54 -26.03 8 50 663328.9 9218915 205.33 -2.28 34.22 -16.57 -29.94 9 0 663229.4 9218785 163.98 -2.22 27.33 -8.79 -25.88 9 10 663114.7 9218615 204.78 -2.17 34.13 -4.89 -33.78 9 20 662994.7 9218447 206.49 -2.19 34.41 -7.69 -33.54 9 30 662898.7 9218313 164.82 -2.19 27.47 -6.25 -26.75 9 40 662789.7 9218192 163.28 -2.30 27.21 -14.81 -22.83 9 50 662676.6 9218074 163.78 -2.33 27.30 -16.98 -21.38 10 0 662589.1 9217988 122.82 -2.37 20.47 -14.27 -14.68 10 10 662517.9 9217889 122.07 -2.20 20.34 -4.80 -19.77 10 20 662439.5 9217745 163.89 -2.07 27.32 4.26 -26.98 10 30 662336 9217619 163.86 -2.26 27.31 -11.50 -24.77 10 40 662230.7 9217494 163.77 -2.27 27.29 -12.38 -24.32 10 50 662110.7 9217382 164.55 -2.39 27.43 -20.67 -18.03 11 0 661973.9 9217229 205.41 -2.30 34.24 -18.35 -28.90 11 10 661832.6 9217080 205.38 -2.33 34.23 -21.03 -27.01 11 20 661734.2 9216948 164.63 -2.21 27.44 -7.83 -26.30 11 30 661639.6 9216816 163.17 -2.19 27.19 -5.98 -26.53 11 40 661569.3 9216715 323.63 -2.18 53.94 -10.11 -52.98 11 50 661488.9 9216573 163.41 -2.09 27.23 2.91 -27.08 12 0 661432.1 9216465 121.93 -2.06 20.32 4.04 -19.92 12 10 661366.6 9216362 82.56 -2.14 13.76 -0.79 -13.74 12 20 661324.2 9216294 80.63 -2.13 13.44 -0.24 -13.44 12 30 661281.7 9216181 120.58 -1.93 20.10 11.19 -16.69 12 40 661260.1 9216103 81.37 -1.84 13.56 10.44 -8.66 12 50 661221.9 9216032 80.67 -2.06 13.44 2.35 -13.24 13 0 661211.9 9215993 40.33 -1.82 6.72 5.40 -4.01 13 10 661166.4 9215928 79.67 -2.18 13.28 -2.53 -13.04 13 20 661136.1 9215902 39.53 -2.44 6.59 -5.62 -3.44 13 30 661120.9 9215865 40.18 -1.96 6.70 3.24 -5.86



Lampiran 7. Script MATLAB untuk merubah ke dalam format KML.

function pwr_kml(name,latlon)

%makes a kml file for use in google earth

%input: name of track, one matrix containing latitude and longitude %usage: pwr_kml('track5',latlon) header=['<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0"><Placemark><descript ion>"' name '"</description><LineString><tessellate>1</tessellate><coord inates>']; footer='</coordinates></LineString></Placemark></kml>'; fid = fopen([name '.kml'], 'wt'); d=flipud(rot90(fliplr(latlon))); fprintf(fid, '%s \n',header); fprintf(fid, '%.6f, %.6f, 0.0 \n', d); fprintf(fid, '%s', footer); fclose(fid)


Lampiran 8. Script MATLAB untuk pengolahan data ke kecepatan dan arah arus %format data input--- %----latitude,longitude (UTM) , Jarak

%--- %scrip ini menghasilkan Gambar Stickplot dan Pasut

% Komponen U, V, kecepatan dan Arah load datautm; clc lat=manual210(:,1); lon=manual210(:,2); jarak=manual210(:,3); kec=jarak/6 ; r=zeros();arahb=zeros(); for l=2:length(lat) arahb(l)=atan2(((lon(l)-lon(l-1))),(lat(l)-lat(l-1))); arahw(l)=atand(((lon(l)-lon(l-1)))/(lat(l)-lat(l-1))); end kec=kec'; [u,v]=pol2cart(arahb,kec); t=1:length(lat); subplot(2,1,1) axis([-10 60 -20 20]) [h] = stickplot(t,u,v,0); grid on subplot(2,1,2) axis([0 19 0 200]) plot(pasut(1:12,1),pasut(1:12,2));grid on figure quiver(lat',lon',u,v); grid on


Lampiran 9. Grafik Pasang Surut selama uji coba lapang (dermaga Pelabuhan Ratu ) 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 15 18 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 Jam Lokal T in g g i P a s u t (C m )


Lampiran 12. Overview sensor suhu DS18B20.

Description Data Sheet

The DS18B20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit to 12-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and lower trigger points. The DS18B20 communicates over a 1-Wire® bus that by definition requires only one data line (and ground) for communication with a central microprocessor. It has an operating temperature range of -55°C to +125°C and is accurate to ±0.5°C over the range of -10°C to +85°C. In addition, the DS18B20 can derive power directly from the data line ("parasite power"), eliminating the need for an external power supply.

Each DS18B20 has a unique 64-bit serial code, which allows multiple DS18B20s to function on the same 1-Wire bus. Thus, it is simple to use one microprocessor to control many DS18B20s distributed over a large area. Applications that can benefit from this feature include HVAC environmental controls, temperature monitoring systems inside buildings, equipment, or machinery, and process monitoring and control systems.

Key Features Applications/Uses

 Unique 1-Wire Interface Requires Only One Port Pin for Communication

 Each Device has a Unique 64-Bit Serial Code Stored in an On-Board ROM

 Multidrop Capability Simplifies Distributed Temperature-Sensing Applications

 Requires No External Components

 Can Be Powered from Data Line; Power Supply Range is 3.0V to 5.5V

 Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (- 67°F to +257°F)

 ±0.5°C Accuracy from -10°C to +85°C

 Thermometer Resolution is User Selectable from 9 to 12 Bits

 Converts Temperature to 12-Bit Digital Word in 750ms (Max)

 User-Definable Nonvolatile (NV) Alarm Settings

 Alarm Search Command Identifies and Addresses Devices Whose Temperature is Outside

Programmed Limits (Temperature Alarm Condition)

 Available in 8-Pin SO (150 mils), 8-Pin µSOP, and 3-Pin TO-92 Packages

 Software Compatible with the DS1822

 Applications Include Thermostatic Controls, Industrial Systems, Consumer Products, Thermometers, or Any Thermally Sensitive System  Agricultural Equipment  Audio Equipment  Automotive  Climate Control  GPS Devices

 Hard Disk Drive

 Medical Equipment

 Set-Top Boxes

Dalam dokumen Design and Performance Test of Drifter Buoy (Halaman 126-151)

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