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Kompetensi Dasar

Dalam dokumen Lesson Plan SMA KELAS 3 (Halaman 32-37)


B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll). Resmi dan tidak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, alncar dan berteria dalam konteks

C. Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi 1. Tanya jawab tentang passive voice.

2. Siswa mengidentifikasi bagian masing-masing dari kalimat. (S+V+O). 3. Siswa membuat kalimat passive voice dengan berbagai bentuk tenses.

4. Memperhatikan dan menggunakan tata bahasa, kosa kata, tanda baca, ejaan, dan tata tulis dengan D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi bagian masing-masing dari kalimat (S + V + O) 2. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat passive voice dengan berbagai bentuk tenses E. Materi Pokok

Active Voice

A feature of sentences in which the subject performs the action of the verb and the direct object is the goal or the recipient: The mechanic fixed the car.

Passive Voice

A feature of sentences in which the object or goal of the action functions as the sentence subject and the main verb phrase includes the verb to be and the past participle: The car was fixed by the mechanic.

Rumus Paaive Voice adalah sebagai berikut :

1.Present simple S + am/is/are + V3 + O 2.Past simple S + was/were + V3 + O 3. Simple Perfect S + has/have + been + V3 + O 4. Simple Future S + will / shall + be + V3 + O 5. Present progressive S + is being +V3 + O

Subject Verb “ to be” Past Participle Simple Present:

The boy Is Helped by mary

Simple past:

The boy Was Helped by mary

Present continuous:

The boy is being Helped by mary

The boy was being Helped by mary Present perfect:

The boy has been Helped by mary

Past perfect:

The boy had been Helped by mary

Present future:

The boy will be Helped by mary

Past future:

The boy would be Helped by mary

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Metode : Tugas dan resitasi

pendekatan : Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) G. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

a. Kegiatan awal

 Guru mengawali proses pembelajaran dengan salam, berdoa dan mengabsen  Mengkonfirmasi persiapan siswa dalam menerima pelajaran

 Guru memberikan apersepsi pembelajaran kepada siswa  Pemberian informasi tentang topic dan tujuan pembelajaran b. Kegiatan inti


Dalam kegiatan explorasi guru:

 Guru memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi tentang passive voice  Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa

 Memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk mengungkapkan pengetahuan mereka tentang passiv voice

 Memberikan kesempatan pada siswa untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif.


Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:

 Membimbing siswa untuk mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian dari kalimat (S, V, dan O)  Siswa dapat mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif

 Membimbing siswa untuk membuat kalimat pasif dengan berbagai bentuk tenses  Siswa mengerjakan tugas yang berkaitan dengan passive voice


Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:

 Siswa membahas bersama-sama tugas yang telah diberikan

 Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menanyakan hal-hal yang kurang jelas

 Memberikan motivasi kepada siswa yang kurang dan belum bisa mengikuti dalam materi passive voice.

c. Kegiatan Akhir

 Siswa memberikan kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah disampaikan

 Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikut H. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

http://www.belajarbahasainggris.us/2013/11/penjelasan-passive-voice.html 

I. Penilaian

a. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk, dan Contoh. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Penilaian Teknik Bentuk Merubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif sesuai dengan S, V , dan O

Tertulis Essay

b. Instrument Penilaian

Change these active sentences into their passive forms! 1. She watered this plant this morning

2. Mr. Anjas has won the novel writing competition. 3. Nurwahida will invite you to the party

4. My uncle had made some tables.

5. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store 6. They are going to have completed the project before the deadline

7. Akram repaired the car

8. I though Ani was going to make a beautiful dinner tonight 9. She is doing the dishes

10. The father had sacrificed his life for his only son.

Answer :

1. This plant was watered by her this morning

2. The novel writing competition has been won by Anjas 3. You wil be invited by Nurwahida to the party

4. Some table had been made by my uncle

5. The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store 6. The project is oing to have been completed before the deadline

7. The car was repaired by Akram

8. I though a beautiful dinner was going to be made by Sally tonight 9. The dishes is being done by her

c. Rubrik penilaian : No


Nama Aspek yang dinilai

contet Accuracy Grammar Function Total

1 Kurniawan 20 20 20 20 80

2 Muh. Andre rocha 20 20 20 20 80

3 Nurwahidah

4 Rina Hafsari 20 20 20 20 80

5 Resky Tenriani 6 Ririn Wulandari

7 Syahriani 20 20 20 20 80

8 Wawan Pratama Putra

9 Devi Safira 20 25 20 20 85

10 Resky Dwiyanti 20 20 20 20 80

11 St. Rahimah 12 Muh. Rezky Latief

13 Rayani 20 20 20 20 80

14 Muh. Dandi Saputra 15 Aulia Utami

16 Rini Azis 20 25 20 20 85

17 Muh. Reza B 18 Fitri

19 Muh. Reza A

20 Muh. Bachrun Syarqiy 21 Muladhy

22 Indah Sari 20 20 20 20 80

23 Ervina 15 20 20 20 75

24 Rizah Ulkhazanah 20 25 20 20 85

25 Muh. Wahyu Ardiansyah Usman

26 Muh. Anjas Saputra

27 Adiba Kanza Az-Zahra 20 20 20 20 80

28 Nur Aisyah

29 Annisa Rahim 15 20 20 20 75

30 Daniel Ayomi 31 Muh. Akram

Jumlah skor maksimal : 4 x 25 =100

Penilaian : jumlah skor perolehan : skor maksimal x 100

Makassar, 15 September 2016

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Ir.H.Moch Harun Gani Minarti Rawan Dayat, S.Pd


Satuan Pendidikan : SMA SOMBAOPU Kelas/ Semester : XII/ 1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Topik : Asking and Giving Agree and Disagreement Pertemuan ke- : 14

Alokasi Waktu: 2x 45 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehiidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

3.1. Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional ( to get thing ddone) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancer dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang memberikan tindak tutur, mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/ tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat.

C. Indikator

1. Menggunakan dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui 2. Merespon dan mempraktikkan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui 3. Mengidentifikasi berbagai macam ekspresi untuk menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat menggunakan dan mempraktikan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui 2. Siswa dapat merespon dan mempraktikkan tindak tutur menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui 3. Siwa dapat mengidentifikasi berbagai macam ekspresis untuk menyetujui atau tidak menyetujui E. Materi Pokok

Agreement means accepting someone’s idea. It is an expression that people usually use to state their aggreing about the idea given

Disagreement means refusing or declining someone’s idea. It is an expression that people usually use to state their disaggreing about someone’s idea.

Showing agreement Disagreement

I agree with you I don’t agree

I do I totally disagree

That’s a good idea Your opinion was in complete contradiction to…

That’s sound good I refuse

I approve of it I have different opinion

I agree to do so I don’t think so

I don’t have any objection to it I’m not sure

I am with you I have different opinion

That is true I am sorry. But I disagree with you There is no doubt about it I cannot agree with your idea

Sure I am not sure about that

I am of the same opinion I am of different opinion I have the same opinion That is not always true

Andre : What do you think about math?

Rahma : Actually, It is very easy to learn, do you think so?

Andre : I don’t think so. I have troubles when I study about it. I always get bad score. Rahma : If you will get good score, you have to practice exercise every day.

Andre : I am with you. But I don’t have friends to discuss together.

Rahma : You can join with me if you want to learn about it. Please come to my house if you have free time to learn math. Andre : Okay, I agree. By the way, my friends say that they can learn math without practice the questions

Rahma : That’s true. But not all of people can do it. Practice it more important, than remember of pattern. Andre : You are absolutely right.

Dialogue 2

Danu : It was cool to know he was chosen as leader in our class!

Kafka : I’m with you. He is so smart, polite and of course he is kind to everyone.

Danu : But I really wonder, can he solve the problems in our class? As you know, many teachers gave up handling it, so sad!

Kafka : I’m sure he can. Trust me! Danu : I hope so.

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Metode : Role Play

pendekatan : Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Dalam dokumen Lesson Plan SMA KELAS 3 (Halaman 32-37)

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