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Korban: Definisi Hukum dan Perspektif Sosial

Dalam dokumen Potret Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (Halaman 71-75)


B.2. Korban: Definisi Hukum dan Perspektif Sosial

Secara bahasa, istilah yang digunakan terhadap korban juga bervariasi. Korban atau victim

adalah istilah yang berlaku umum. Namun, kini di sebagian dokumen, yang digunakan adalah istilah survivor alias penyintas.

Pengertian korban menurut Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power tahun 1985 adalah:7

1. “Victims” means persons who, individually or collectively, have sufered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional sufering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in violation of criminal laws operative

4 Rena Yulia, Viktimologi Perlindungan terhadap Korban Kejahatan (Yogyakarta, Graha Ilmu : 2010), hal. 103.

5 Maharani Siti Sophia, Perlindungan Korban Kejahatan dalam Pespektif Keadilan Res toratif dalam Jurnal Perlindungan Vol. 1 No. 1 tahun 2011 Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban, 2011.

within Member States, including those laws proscribing criminal abuse of power.

2. A person may be considered a victim, under this Declaration, regardless of whether the perpe- trator is identiied, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted and regardless of the familial rela- tionship between the perpetrator and the victim. The term “victim” also includes, where appro- priate, the immediate family or dependents of the direct victim and persons who have sufered harm in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization.

Kemudian, pengertian korban’ menurut draft UN Convention on Justice and Support for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power yang disusun World Society of Victimology8, adalah:

Article 1 Deinitions (1) ‘Victims’ means natural persons who, individually or collectively, have sufered harm including physical or mental injury, emo tional sufering or economic loss or violations of fundamental rights in relation to victimizations identiied under ‘scope’. (2) A person is a victim regardless of whether the crime is reported to the police, regardless of whether a perpetrator is identiied, apprehended, prosecuted or convicted and regardless of the familial relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. The term ‘victims’ also includes, where appropriate, the immediate family or dependants of the direct victims and persons who have sufered in intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization.

Bila diperhatikan, pengertian victim pada draft UN Convention lebih luas daripada pada De kla- rasi tahun 1985. Korban pada draft UN Convention adalah semua orang atau kelompok yang menjadi korban viktimisasi. Apapun bentuk viktimisasinya. Sedangkan pada Deklarasi 1985, korban dibatasi hanya yang ter kait dengan tindak pidana ataupun penyalahgunaan kekuasaan (abuse of power).

Pengertian yang lain tentang korban dari European Union Council Frame work Decision of

15 March 2001 onthe standing of victims in criminal proceedings (2001/220/JHA) adalah: (a) “victim” shall mean a natural person who has sufered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional sufering or economic loss, directly caused by acts or omissions that are in violation of the criminal law of a Member State.

Selanjutnya, korban juga memiliki beberapa kategori. Misalnya korban terorisme. Letscher, Staiger dan Pemberton (2009) menyebutkan bahwa korban terorisme terbagi menjadi:9

Primary Victims:

1. Those who are killed by terrorist kidnappers, hostage-takers, gunmen or bombers;

2. Those who are injured, mutilated, or mentally tortured by terrorists but are ultimately released or liberated;

3. Those who are wounded or die in a counter-terrorist rescue operation at the hand of terrorists or armed irst respondes;

4. Those who become mentally or physically handicapped or die (in suicide) in a causal sequel to one or several terrorist even in which they were involved or of which they were direct witnesses. Secondary Victims:

1. Those close to persons in the four categories of primary and direct victims: family, dependants, friends and colleagues;

8 http://www.worldsocietyofvictimology.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Draft-Convention.pdf

9 Assisting Victims of Terrorism Towards a European Standard of Justice Editors: Letschert, Rianne, Staiger, Ines, Pemberton, Antony (Eds.)

Perspektif dan Perkembangan Pemahaman Terhadap Korban dan Viktimisasi

2. Those whose names appear on “death list”

3. Those who have otherwise a well-founded reason to fear that they might be a victim in the future; 4. Those irst responders to acts of terrorism whoe become traumatized and experience “burn-out” 5. Those who experience income loss or property damage due to acts of terrorism;

6. Those whose normal lifestyle is changed by terrorist threats and counter-terrorism measures. Primary Victims dalam pengertian di atas bermakna orang-orang yang mengalami pende- ritaan, apakah penderitaan isik maupun mental, emosional, kerugian ekonomi yang diakibatkan oleh suatu aksi terorisme. Secondary victims bermakna keluarga atau kerabat atau para perespon dari suatu aksi terorisme.

Beberapa negara memiliki deinisi yang berbeda-beda juga tentang victim. India misalnya, mendeinisikan victim sebagai: “a person who has sufered any loss or injury which is caused due to com- mission or omission of an act for which the accused has been charged. It includes the victims guardian or legal heir.” United Kingdom (UK) mendeinisikan victim sebagai: ”a person who has sufered physical, mental, or emotional harm or economic loss which was directly caused by criminal conduct and a close relative of the person whose death was caused by criminal conduct”. Kanada mendeinisikan victim

sebagai: “a person who in relation to the ofence, sufers a physical or mental injury or economic loss as a result of an act or omission that forms the basis of the ofence, sufers signiicant emotional trauma and is an individual against whom the ofence was perpetrated or a spouse, sibling, child or parent of the individual”.10

Australia mendeinisikan victim sebagai: “a person who has sufered injury or harm as a direct result of a criminal ofence, whether or not the injury or harm was foreseeable by the accused a family member of a person who has died as a direct result of criminal ofence commited against that person; or the person is under 18 years of age or is in incapable of managing his or her own afairs because of mental impairment. Sementara Brazil mendeinisikan victim sebagai: “a person or abstract entity who is injured by criminal conduct which is pursuant to the deinition of the crime”.

Dari deinisi korban di berbagai negara tersebut, ada beberapa benang merah dan persa- maan antara lain:

1. korban adalah disebabkan oleh suatu kejahatan; 2. menderita secara isik, psikis, emosional, dan ekonomi;

3. keluarga korban, apakah pasangan hidup, anak, orang tua dan kerabat adalah juga bagian dari korban.

Batasan tentang korban dalam UU Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Per lindungan Saksi dan Korban jo UU Nomor 31 Tahun 2014 juga masih terbatas pa da korban kejahatan. Korban disebutkan sebagai orang yang mengalami pen de ritaan isik, mental, dan/atau kerugian ekonomi yang diaki- batkan oleh suatu tindak pidana. Padahal, viktimisasi (victimization) alias aktiitas yang me nim- bul kan korban adalah tidak terjadi semata-mata karena kejahatan belaka, namun juga akibat ke- ce lakaan transportasi, kecelakaan kerja, akibat bencana buat an manusia (human made disaster) atau pun bencana alam (natural disaster) dan sebab-sebab lain di luar kejahatan.

Korban yang dipahami selama ini antara lain terdiri dari (Waluyo, 2012:11–12):

1. korban perseorangan: adalah setiap orang sebagai individu yang men dapatkan penderitaan, baik jiwa, isik,materiil maupun non materiil;

menjalankan fungsinya yang menimbulkan kerugian berkepanjangan akibat dari kebijakan pemerintah, kebijakan swasta, mau pun bencana alam;

3. korban lingkungan hidup: adalah setiap lingkungan alam yang di da lam nya berisikan kehi- dup an tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, manusia dan masyarakat serta semua jasad hidup yang tumbuh berkembang dan kelestariannya sangat tergantung pada lingkungan alam ter se but yang telah mengalami kegundulan, kelongsoran, banjir dan keba karan yang ditim bulkan oleh kebijakan pemerintah yang salah dan per buatan manusia, baik individu maupun masyarakat yang tidak ber tanggungjawab;

4. korban masyarakat, bangsa dan negara: adalah masyarakat yang diper lakukan diskriminatif, tidak adil, tumpang tindih pembagian hasil pem bangunan serta hak sipil, hak politik, hak ekonomi, hak sosial, hak budaya tidak lebih baik setiap tahun.

Selain deinisi secara hukum, pemaknaan sebagai korban juga dapat dilakukan secara so- sial. Seseorang dianggap sebagai korban atau bukan korban adalah tergantung pada bagaimana pemerintah, masyarakat atau bahkan media menyikapinya. Alias, tergantung bagaimana orang mengons truksinya. Jaco Bar khuizen (2007) menyebutkan, victims are socially constructed, it is not sui cient that persons claim the status of victims without suicient social acknowledgement (social cons truction of reality) (Kirchhof and Morosawa, 2009).

Selain peran pemerintah dan masyarakat, pihak yang juga signiikan dalam mengonstruksi siapa korban adalah media massa (dalam segala bentuk nya). Davies, Francis dan Greer (2007) menyebutkan:

The role of news media in constructing and (mis)representing victims of crime and victimization. While the media do not necessarily tell us what to think, they can tell us what to think about. They are of fundamental importance to those who would promote a particular view of crime victims and victimization, or seek to challenge or change existing views. They are a key site where policy-makers seek to secure popular acceptance and legitimacy of new measures afecting victims of crime, and groups espousing competing values, interests and beliefs struggle to secure ‘ownership’ – and, with it, political power – of various victim-related issues and debates. The ‘problem of crime’, as many have pointed out, is a socially constructed problem. What we mean by this is that, since most people have little irsthand experience of crime and victimization, we are reliant on other sources of information for much of our knowledge about it. Few of these are more important than the media. Media representations inluence what the issues of crime and victimization ‘mean’ to people. They help to socially construct these issues by presenting particular ‘views of reality’. There is no necessary connection, however, between what is presented in the media and what is happening ‘in the real world’. The issues of crime and victimization, then, are highly mediatized issues. On this basis, it is our contention that any comprehensive sociological exploration of crime victims and victimization must engage with the media and media representation. For a failure to engage with the media in analyses of this nature is a failure to acknowledge one of the key sources through which the concepts of crime, victim and victimization are given meaning in contemporary society.

Liputan media yang begitu masif terhadap kasus Jessica-Mirna (kasus es kopi Vietnam yang diduga berisi sianida pada 6 Januari 2016) di Jakarta Pu sat adalah salah satu contoh, bagaimana kuatnya cengkeraman media dalam membentuk opini di masyarakat. Pakar maupun masyarakat sedikit banyak ter pengaruh dan menciptakan opini sendiri-sendiri tentang peradilan Jessica yang

Perspektif dan Perkembangan Pemahaman Terhadap Korban dan Viktimisasi

berpotensi melanggar asas praduga tak bersalah (presumption of innocence).

Dalam dokumen Potret Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (Halaman 71-75)