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A. Kunci Jabawan Tugas Teori I

Perintah Tugas 1 : Tulislah bentuk –ed dari kata kerja beraturan (regular verbs) dan kata kerja tak beraturan (irregular verbs) dibawah ini besera artinya.

No Simple Form Simple past (-ed form) Meaning

1 start started memulai

2 wait waited menunggu

3 hit hit memukul

4 write wrote menulis

5 shout shouted berteriak

6 cut cut memotong

7 meet met bertemu

8 hope hoped mengharapkan

9 hop hopped meloncat

10 help helped menolong

11 sleep slept tidur

12 step stepped melangkah

13 tape taped membalut, merekam

14 tap tapped menepuk

15 rain rained hujan turun

16 run ran berlari

17 whine whined merengek

18 win won menang

19 explain explained menjelaskan

20 burn burnt membakar

21 swim swam berenang

22 aim aimed bermaksud

23 charm charmed mempesonakan

24 cram crammed memasukkan dgn paksa

25 tame tamed menjinakkan

26 choose chose memilih

27 ride rode naik, menunggang

28 remind reminded mengingatkan

29 begin began memulai

30 occur occurred terjadi

B. Kunci Jabawan Tugas Teori II

Perintah Tugas 2 : Lengkapi kalimat menggunakan Simple Past Tense dari kata kerja tak beraturan yang telah disediakan. Gunakan tiap kata kerja hanya satu kali.

Take Hurt Feed

Fall Hear Steal

Bite Feel Leave

Drive Get Ride

Lend Forget draw

1. Clarissa walked to school two days ago. Rebecca drove her car. Alison rode her bicycle. Sandy got the bus.

2. When Allan slipped on the icy sidewalk yesterday, he fell down and hurt his back.

His back is very painful today.

3. I didn’t have any money yesterday, so my roommate lent me enough so I could pay for my lunch.

4. The children had a good time at the park yesterday. They fed the ducks small pieces of bread.

5. Alice called the police yesterday because someone stole her bicycle while she was in the library studying. She’s very angry.

6. Dick left his apartment in a hurry this morning because he was late for school. That’s why he forgot to bring his books to class.

7. The children drew pictures of themselves in art class yesterday.

8. I have a cold. Yesterday I felt terrible, but I’m feeling better today.

9. Last night I heard a strange noise in the house around 2:00 a.m., so I got up to investigate.

10. My dog isn’t very friendly. Yesterday she bit my neighbor’s leg. Luckily, my dog is very old and doesn’t have sharp teeth, so she didn’t hurt my neighbor.

C. Kunci Jabawan Tugas Teori III

Perintah Tugas 3 : Lengkapi dialog berikut ini. Gunakan kata-kata di dalam kurung.

Berikan jawaban singkat untuk pertanyaan jika perlu.

1. A: (you, go) Did you go to class yesterday?

B: No, I didn’t. I (stay) stayed home because I (feel, not) didn’t feel good.

2. A: (you, sleep) Did you sleep well last night?

B: Yes, I did. I (sleep) slept very well.

3. A: (Tom’s plane, arrive) Did Tom’s plane arrive on time yesterday?

B: Yes, it did. It (get in) got in at 6:05 on the dot.

4. A: (you, stay) Did you stay home and (study) study last night?

B: No, I didn’t. I (go) went to a new movie, The Valley of the Vampires. A: (you, like) Did you like it?

B: It was okay, I guess, but I don’t really like horror movies.

5. A: (Mary, study) Did Mary study last night?

B: No, she didn’t. She (watch) watched TV.

6. A: (Mark Twain, write) Did Mark Twain write Tom Sawyer? B: Yes, he did. He also (write) wrote Huckleberry Finn.

7. A: (the children, go) Did the children go to the zoo yesterday?

B: Yes, they did. And they (have) had a wonderful time.

8. A: (you, eat) Did you eat breakfast this morning?

B: No, I didn’t. I (have, not) didn’t have enough time. I was late for class because my alarm clock (ring, not) didn’t ring.

D. Kunci Jabawan Tugas Teori IV

Perintah Tugas 4 : Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan simple past dari kata kerja tak beraturan yang telah disediakan.

Spend Meet Find

Read Go Begin

Speak Lose Eat

Shake Hold Cut

Drink Keep shut

1. Rodo drank a cup of coffee before class this morning.

2. We ate a delicious dinner at a Mexican restaurant last night.

3. When it began to rain yesterday afternoon, I shut all of the windows in the apartment.

4. Christ hurt his finger when he was fixing his dinner last night. He accidentally cut it with a sharp knife.

5. I don’t have any money in my pocket. I spent my last dime yesterday. I’m flat broke.

6. Jessica didn’t throw her old shoes away. She kept them because they were comfortable.

7. I read an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.

8. Jack lost his pocketknife at the park yesterday. This morning he went back to the park to look for it. Finally he found it in the grass. He was glad to have it back.

9. Peter was nervous when he held his baby in his arms for the first time.

10. I met Jennifer’s parents when they visited her. She introduced me to them.

11. Yesterday I called Jason on the phone. He wasn’t home, so I spoke to his sister.

12. When I introduced Tom to Ryan, they shook hands and smiled at each other.

E. Kunci Jawaban Tugas Teori V

Peintah Tugas 5 : Buatlah kalimat Simple Past Tense dalam bentuk kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang telah disediakan (Jawaban setiap siswa berfariasi).

1. Teach

Positive : She taught English yesterday.

Negative : She didn’t teach English yesterday.

Interrogative : Did she teach English yesterday?

2. Put

Positive : I put some books on the table two hours ago.

Negative : I didn’t put some books on the table two hours ago.

Interrogative : Did you put some books on the table two hours ago?

3. Catch

Positive : He caught a cat in the garden last Sunday.

Negative : He didn’t catch a cat in the garden last Sunday.

Interrogative : Did he catch a cat in the garden last Sunday?

4. Succeed

Positive : We succeeded to win the game last week.

Negative : We didn’t succeed to win the game last week.

Interrogative : Did we succeed to win the game last week?

5. Emotional

Positive : He was an emotional person.

Negative : He wasn’t an emotional person.

Interrogative : Was he an emotional person?

6. Beautiful

Positive : The beautiful woman sang a song in the party.

Negative : The beautiful woman didn’t sing a song in the party.

Interrogative : Did she sing a song in the party?

7. Smart

Positive : Andi was a smart student.

Negative : Andi wasn’t a smart student.

Interrogative : Was Andi a smart student?

8. Computer

Positive : I bought a new computer last month.

Negative : I didn’t buy a new computer last month.

Interrogative : Did you buy a new computer last month?

9. Classroom

Positive : The students studied English in the classroom.

Negative : The students didn’t study English in the classroom.

Interrogative : Did they study English in the classroom?

10. Newspaper

Positive : My father read a newspaper this morning.

Negative : My father didn’t read a newspaper this morning.

Interrogative : Did he read a newspaper this morning?


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