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A. Conclusion

teacher must set the purpose of discussion in the beginning, so that students will discuss relevant points according to the purpose

b) The second way of setting students to speak is role play and simulation. In role play activities, the students pretend they are in various contexts and have a variety of social roles. The teacher then gives information to the learners

such as who they are and what they think or feel. Role play and simulation have advantages. For one, it is entertaining as well as motivating students.

The second advantage is increasing the self-confidence of hesitant students, because they have a different role and do not have to speak for themselves c) The third activity is brainstorming; in this case students must produce ideas on

a given topic in a limited time. Brainstorming is a one of very effective way to the encourage students to speak up their thoughts and feelings quickly and freely. The good characteristic of this activity is that students are not criticized for their ideas, so students will be open to share new things collaboratively.

d). Fourth and the most favorite is storytelling. The students can briefly summarize a tale or story heard from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell to their classmates. By this activity, the teacher can both explore students’ speaking and entertain the class.

e). The last activity is reporting, which integrates speaking ability. In the class, they report to their friends what they find as the most interesting news. The students can also express their opinion about the news, or tell whether they have experienced anything related to the news worth telling to class. This activity fosters the creativity of the learners as well as their public speaking skills.

In summary, teaching speaking can use a variety of communicative activities, ranging from discussion, role play and simulation, brainstorming,

storytelling, and reporting. By using those communicative methods, the students will have more opportunity to communicate each other based on real-life situations, or to engage in active tasks to promote their confidence, creativity, and speaking ability in the ways that are meaningful and fun for them.

From the explanation above, the types of teaching speaking activity in the classroom, the test which is suitable to be used in teaching speaking by using ICT. It means that the students are taught English in order they are able to speak English. Furthermore, to improve students’ speaking ability, the teacher should using ICT to the learning process. By using ICT as a media of learning activities that emphasize students to learn independently and how to learn by using a tolls of Information and Communicative Technology to make students time efficient in learning and to avoid boredom in the classroom. So by using ICT students can improve their speaking ability.

C. Concept of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology)

Dodi Nandika, Gatot Priowirjanto and h. Soekartawi (2007:11) explain the ICT is a term used to describe an attractive and innovative way to provide lifelong learning with global access to information, learning and support. In this case include communication device or application, include: radio, television, mobile phone, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as a variety of services and the applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning. It is expressed by (Anderson, 2010) that includes many ICT which allows us to receive information and communicate or Exchange information with others, the tools and functions for (capture), interpreting (interpreted), car storing facility (store), and transmitting (sending) information.

On consensus was UNESCO (2011) there is a consensus on the benefits for education through the proper use of integration ICT. The fundamental issue is whether the teachers know how to use ICT effectively in their teaching.

Yves Punie and Marcelion Cabrera (2006:27) explains there are two major perspectives on the role of ICT, namely: (1) ICT for learning and (2) learning by updating the use ICT. While Anderson (2010) points out that the use of ICT in the classroom, Lecture Hall and laboratory teaching throughout the Asia-Pacific region have brought about a change in the way teachers teach and how students learn, citing the opinions expressed by Resta and Patru (2010).

English language is being the most people in now days in the world. The developing of technology has a contribute into development of education, especially in English majority. In the development of education by using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) are the tool to deliver the message in the science to many people begin from print technology and now they are just

used do it by telecommunication to media, voice record on tape, video, television, and CD.

According to Kent “ICT in education point of view refers to “information and communication Technology (ICT) such as computers, communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education (QCA Schemes of Work for ICT in Kent Country Council.


Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is the internet, and variety of generic computer application Fitzpatrick and Davies (2002). Here are some kinds of ICT that used on the teaching process to support learning in the classroom, they are:

1. Electronic Books

Electronic book or e-book is one that utilizes computer technology to deliver multimedia information in the form of a compact and dynamic. In an” e-book can be integrated impressions” sound, graphics, images, animations, and”

movie” so that the information presented is richer than conventional books.

2. E-learning

Various definitions can be found for the” e-learning”. Victoria L. Tinio, for example, states that” e-learning” includes learning at all levels, formal and informal, which uses a computer network (intranet and extranet) for the delivery of teaching materials, interaction, and / or facilitation. For most of the process of

learning that takes place with the help of the Internet is often referred to as online learning.

According to Hartoyo (2012:12) there are some kinds of technologies classify into information and communication technology commonly used in language context, such as:

a. Interactive multimedia

Interactive media is the integration of digital media include combinations of electronic text, graphics, moving images, and sound, into a structure digital computerized environment that allows people to interact with the data for appropriate purposes. The digital environment can include the Internet, telecoms and interactive digital television. Finney (2011:2).

b. Computer

Computer can be utilize with other multimedia learning devices or it can stand alone (a standard PC) and still serves its basic purpose as an electronic medium of language learning. Hartoyo (2012). Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receive information (data) and performing a sequence of logical operations in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of procedural instruction (program) to produce results in the for information or signals based on Oxford dictionary. It is consist of CPU, monitor, keyboard and some other apparatus.

c. Internet

Internet can be used as a tool of learning English through E-mail, online video, text and audio record.

d. Television

Television is the other important technological medium used by the English teachers as it attracts by the eyes and ears. The television shown a full audio of visual simulation, dynamic and carry out a higher of realism. Television give linguistics expression along with the facial expression

e. Telephone

This telephone medium has not been widely used for language teaching because of the poor quality of analogue transmissions.

f. Mobile gadget

Mobile gadgets such as smart phone are equips like computer and all of personal of computer.

g. Social interface

Social interface is the facility of the media that can create the interaction with all of the human through the camera that provide in the computer. The students could be communication with the teachers and their friends who far away by this media.

h. Interactive Whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard or IWB, is a large interactive display (such as a touch screen monitor) which is connect to a computer and projector. A

projector projects the computers’ desktop onto the board’s surface, where users control the computer use a pen, finger or other devices.

Based on the definition above, these types of Information and Communication Technology can support the teaching, learning from various aspects in education.

media. With the use of these tools is expected that students can more easily and quickly understand the subject matter.

2. The teacher must prepare students 5 minutes before displaying material, students are asked to prepare books, stationery and other equipment needed, set the seating of students so that all students can see and watch the program or material displayed on the learning CD.

3. During watching a program or subject matter on the monitor screen the teacher provides an explanation or review of the material discussed.

4. So that students understand the material presented is discussed in daily life or by giving video presentations Warsita (2008: 40).

According to Simon there are 3 models of delivery of learning materials ICT based namely:

a. Tutorial

This learning model provides a learning design complex containing learning material, accompanied exercises feedback.

b. Practice and Exercise

In this learning model students are given questions or problems to be solved, then they gives response (feedback) on the answers by using of ICT. This model almost the same as homework given to students, then the teacher gives feedback. However, in learning based on ICT that they use, feedback will be given immediately to each students.

c. Simulation

This learning model presents learning with the system simulations related to the material discussed Wena (2009: 203).

Learning strategies include learning strategies and components learning.

In applying a learning strategy depends on the state of learning, the nature of the material, the type of learning desired.

Learning strategies with regard to learning approaches in manage learning activities to deliver material or content learning systematically, so that the expected ability can be controlled by students effectively and efficiently.

Therefore in the application, there are four aspects as following:

a. Order of learning activities: the order of the teacher in delivering the material or the contents of the lesson to students.

b. Learning methods: to organize subject matter to students so that learning processes occur effectively and efficiently.

c. Learning media: equipment or materials used by the teacher and students in learning activities.

d. The time spent by the teacher and students in completing each step in learning activities Warsita (2008: 25).

Based on the explanation above, to optimize learning activity integrated by using ICT it necessary to be support by middle-higher skill teachers to use ICT in teaching.

e. Hardware can be unreliable leading to breakdowns which cause frustration.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that ICT can lead to many developments in education as it make learning more interactive and easier for both students and teachers. However, there are problems to do with cost and safety and the worry of encouraging children to become dependent on technology whilst they probably use it a lot home as well.

D. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework show that the teaching and learning process will direct students, whether by integrating the type of information and communication

Information And Communication Technology (ICT)


LAPTOP (Video Player)



Students speaking ability English Language


pronunciation Fluency

technology in the teaching process can provide a positive perception or negative perception. The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) increases students’ motivation and their speaking performances. Therefore the teacher must be able to create creativity in teaching so students are motivated to learn.

The conceptual framework show that the teaching learning process will direct students, whether by an applying of ICT in the teaching process can improve the students’ speaking ability.

The use of ICT includes several kinds of media ICT. Using Internet access, Laptop, Video Learning, LCD Projector. From the explanation above the steps of teaching by applying of ICT focuses on the active learners in the learning process.

The implementation of ICT in the learning process, learners not only learn the concepts and principles. But also undergo a process of learning about self-direction, responsibility, and social communication in an integrated manner.

E. Hypothesis

There are two hypothesis in this research. They are H0 (Null Hypothesis) and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis)

1. H0 (Null Hypothesis) there is no significant improvement of speaking ability the students after being taught by applying ICT.

2. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) there is a significant improvement the speaking ability of the students after being taught applying ICT.



This study applied pre-experimental design which focused on quantitative approach with one-group Pre-test Post-test design. In this class sudents was given pre-test, treatment by applying ICT and post-test. The researcher attend to describe the implementation of ICT on the teaching process at the 8th grade student of SMPN 4 Gantarangkeke to find out whether or not effective to improve students’ speaking ability in term of fluency, and pronunciation.

According to Mark Balnaves (2001), a research design is the guidance of how the research constructed and carry out. Based on Creswell (2012: 293) research design can be used to collect, analyze and interpret data. Based on the explanation, the researcher get valid data and finally the researcher come to find the answer of the research problem.

According to (Ary, 2006: 328), a diagram of One-Group Pretest-Posttest design :

Y1 Pre-test

X Treatment ( Independent variable)

Y2 Post-test ( Dependent variable

B. Population And Sample 1. Population

According to Ary ( 2006; 167) Population is the larger group to which the generalization is made. So population includes all students at the second grade of SMPN 4 Gantarangkeke. The school has 3 classes at the eighth grade: VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, all of the three classes was 77.

2. Sample

In this research, the sample was taken by purposive sampling technique which researcher selected one class. The sample of this study was VIII A of SMPN 4 Gantarangkeke which consisted of 25 students, because based on the data and interview that i got from the teacher that the class was never Applying of ICT on the learning and teaching process. This class has intend has a good motivation especially in learning English but they are still low in speak up and the teacher also recommend to doing a treatment to the class VIII A.

The researcher use purposive sampling because the researcher using a pre-experimental design, which is the sample taken in pre-pre-experimental design only one group and therefore the proportion of the sampling follows the criteria of sampling pre-experimental design.

C. Variable

The research variable is basically everything in the form of what is determined by the researcher to be studied so that information is obtained about it.

The conclusions are drawn on the end result (Sugiyono, 2018: 38).

There were two variables in this research namely independent and dependent variable:

1. Independent variable was An Applying ICT on The Teaching Process is independent variable.

2. Dependent variable refers to the English teaching, especially the improvement of Students’ Speaking Ability.

From the explanation above, they must be classified as independent and dependent variable are uses to conduct quantitative research.

D. Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher used speaking test and recording as the instrument.

1. Test

According to Arikunto (2010) test is means of collecting information, but when compared to other tool this test is more formally because it is full restrictions.

There are two kinds of the test in this study, there are pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was intended to measure the students’ speaking ability before the treatment given.

While post-test was to measure students’ reading ability the treatment given.

2. Recording

According to (Bhopal, 2017) examiners record the students test to back up your speaking skill performance. In this case, the researcher using recording as an instrument of the research is analyze to find out whether or not there is the improvement before and after giving the treatment and do the evaluation. Recording

During the study, the research was conduct a pre-experimental teaching process at SMPN 4 Gantarangkeke. The researcher will be using an ICT on teaching English process of experimental class. The researcher use ICT to know the progress of students’ achievement in speaking skills. Each meeting took 1 hour and 40 minutes and the students have to taught step by step through several techniques, including simulation and role play. The following are the details of each meeting in experimental teaching. Giving the treatment in the class by following steps below:

a. The First Meeting

The teacher will explain about the material and give some question related to the topic. The teacher is giving the opportunity for the students to ask question about things that have not been understood about the material or topic.

The teacher show a picture by using ICT trough LCD Projector as a media, The

teacher ask such as “what do you think about this picture?”. And then let the students to mention what are in their mind when they see the picture. After that, the researcher will explain more about the types, generic, and function of descriptive text. And then teacher give the student’ home course about descriptive text in term of describing thing around us.

b. The Second meeting

In this meeting, before starting the learning process, the researcher give the simulation like showing the short video about the conversation related to the material of describing things. The researcher ask the students about the material have done, and ask trying to giving feedback before check their assignment.

After the teacher doing a feedback, teacher asked the students to collecting their assignment. Teacher will ask the student in front of the class to read aloud his assignment, and the teacher will analyze the vocabulary and pronunciation of student.

c. The Third Meeting

In this meeting, the teacher is giving some instruction about what will be done, the teacher will show a picture by using ICT trough Power Point as a media. Teacher will explain to students how to describe the people based on the slide presentation. Teacher read the descriptive test and the students follow the teacher who read the test. Teacher chose the students to read aloud the text, and correcting the students pronounce if they get wrong. After that teacher and

students make conclusion of the material, do the reflection and give a feedback on the teaching and learning process..

d. The Fourth meeting

In this meeting, the teacher will show the video Learning from the Internet, and ask the students to pay attention on the video. The teacher will explain how to describe people and give the students example. The students are asked to make a descriptive test about describing people, and they will describe the people who beside them. After that, teacher will ask the students speak up about the result their test in front of the class. The other students are asked to respond the test. The students and teacher make conclusion the material, do a reflection and giving a feedback on the teaching and learning process.

e. The fifth Meeting

In this meeting, before starting the class, the researcher asked students to mention some vocabularies related to the animals. The researcher will show the students some picture about animals, and conversation video that related about describing animals. The students asked to analyze the text behind the picture.

After showing picture and analyze the text, teacher will divide the students in some group. The students will do cooperative to make conversation about describing animals which mention the expression of descriptive test, and present the result in front of the class. The students and teacher make conclusion the material, do a reflection and feedback on the process of teaching and learning.

f. The sixth meeting

In this meeting, the teacher will have to asked student to search the material from the internet about descriptive text in term of the tourism place and then bring it to the class. The teacher will explain the material about describing tourism place, and the students are asked to read and write the unfamiliar word in the test in their exercise book. The teacher will give an opportunity to students to asking if they get wrong. After that the students are asked to make a descriptive text about tourism place in their village such as, Eremerasa, Bissappu waterfall, Erbol, and Marina beach. After that the students will present the result of their assignment in front of the class, and the other students will respond each other. The students and teacher make conclusion the material, do a reflection and feedback on the teaching and learning process.


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