• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

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26 Tabel Lampiran 1 Sidik ragam luas sayap depan jantan pada tiap perlakuan

Sumber db JK KT F P

Perlakuan 5 0,096 0,019 4,51 0,0007 Galat 182 0,778 0,004

Total 187 0,875

Ket: R2=0,110 CV=3,444; Selang kritis ? 2=0,077; 3=0,081

Tabel Lampiran 2 Sidik ragam luas sayap depan betina pada tiap perlakuan

Sumber db JK KT F P

Perlakuan 5 0,029 0,006 0,72 0.611

Galat 107 0,870 0,008 Total 112 0,899

Ket: R2=0,033; CV=4,366; Selang kritis ? 2=0,054; 3=0,056

Tabel Lampiran 3 Sidik ragam jumlah telur pada tiap perlakuan

Sumber db JK KT F P

Perlakuan 5 24928,850 4985,770 1,08 0.03730 Galat 107 491706,513 4595,388

Total 112 516635,513

Ket: R2=0,040; CV=4,368; Selang kritis ? 2=40,33; 3=42,45

Tabel Lampiran 4 Sidik ragam Fluktuasi (FA) sayap jantan pada tiap perlakuan

Sumber db JK KT F P

Perlakuan 5 0,155 0,0310 6,36 0,0001 Galat 182 0,888 0,0049

Total 187 1,043

27 Tabel Lampiran 5 Sidik ragam Fluktuasi (FA) sayap betina pada tiap perlakuan

Sumber db JK KT F P

Perlakuan 5 0,137 0,027 3,14 0,0111 Galat 107 0,937 0,009

Total 112 1,073

Ket: R2=0,128; CV=78,73; Selang kritis ? 2=0,094; 3=0,119

Tabel lampiran 6 Rata-rata harian suhu udara di lapangan selama penelitian


Rata-rata suhu udara oC/jam pengambilan

08,00-09.00 09.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 Cibodas lereng 34 32.5 31 24 Cibodas lereng 26.5 32 38 37 Cibodas lereng 23.5 33 37 31 Cibodas lereng 34.5 38.5 44 39 Cibodas lereng 38 34.5 27 27 Cibodas datar 36 32 32.5 30 Cibodas datar 26.5 34 33.5 36 Cibodas datar 37 37 35.5 35 Lembang 27 26.5 24 25 Lembang 27 29 24 25

28 Tabel lampiran 7 Rata-rata harian kelembaban udara di lapangan selama



Rata-rata suhu udara oC/jam pengambilan

08,00-09.00 09.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 Cibodas lereng 26 32.5 40.5 64.5 Cibodas lereng 75 64.5 55 55.5 Cibodas lereng 71 65.5 49.5 58 Cibodas lereng 56 51 52.5 53 Cibodas lereng 51.5 59 76 80 Cibodas datar 55 58.5 58 63.5 Cibodas datar 65.5 57.5 56.5 53 Cibodas datar 47 48.5 52.5 56.5 Lembang 65 66.5 71 65 Lembang 65 70 81 81

28 Lampiran 4 Mortalitas Crocidolomia pavonana terhadap dua strain yang berbeda

pada uji lanjutan

Strain Bt Protein Konsentrasi (ppm) Jumlah larva yang diujikan Ulangan Mortalitas (%) 24 JSP 48 JSP 72 JSP Kejajar (25 Mei 2006) Cry 1B kontrol 50 10 0 0 2 5 50 10 0 6 26 8.5 50 10 0 10 22 15 50 10 0 10 26 25 50 10 2 46 80 45 50 10 24 90 98 Cry 1C kontrol 50 10 2 2 6 5 50 10 0 14 34 8.5 50 10 0 6 24 15 50 10 6 52 92 25 50 10 10 54 86 45 50 10 20 70 92 Batu (6 Juli 2006) Cry 1B kontrol 50 10 0 0 0 5 50 10 0 0 2 8.5 50 10 2 14 16 15 50 10 14 60 68 25 50 10 66 84 90 45 50 10 64 90 98 Cry 1C kontrol 50 10 0 0 0 5 50 10 2 4 6 9 50 10 2 6 10 17 50 10 14 42 48 32 50 10 38 92 94 60 50 10 52 92 96

29 Lampiran 5 Larva yang diberi perlakuan Cry B. thuringiensis (a) P. xylostella

(b) C. pavonana


30 Lampiran 6 Analisis probit P. xylostella strain Lembang

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 2) 1b72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -1.915 0.365 -5.243 SLOPE 2.121 0.322 6.595 Variance-Covariance matrix 1b72 SLOPE 1b72 .1333719 -.1132350 SLOPE -.1132350 .1034718 Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1b72 50. 22. 19.312 2.688 .386241 50. 26. 28.043 -2.043 .560859 50. 33. 37.078 -4.078 .741563 50. 47. 43.253 3.747 .865050 50. 47. 47.440 -.440 .948792

chi-square 5.1696 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 1.7232

A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.21944 g(.95)=.40129 g(.99)=1.3518 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than

1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79. We will use only the probabilities for which g is less than 0.5

Effective Doses dose limits 0.90 0.95 0.99 LD50 1b72 7.991 lower 4.481 2.845 upper 11.117 12.419 ---

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 4) 1c72

Not estimating natural response

Maximum log-likelihood -149.60126

parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -1.5408397 .31703222 -4.8601990

SLOPE 1.6274176 .26998757 6.0277500

Variance-Covariance matrix

1c72 SLOPE 1c72 .1005094 -.8231772E-01 SLOPE -.8231772E-01 .7289329E-01


preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1c72 50. 19. 17.824 1.176 .356488 50. 20. 24.947 -4.947 .498942 50. 38. 32.629 5.371 .652573 50. 38. 38.661 -.661 .773213 50. 43. 43.868 -.868 .877354 chi-square 4.8132 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 1.6044 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.24456 g(.95)=.44723 g(.99)=1.5065 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

We will use only the probabilities for which g is less than 0.5

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95 0.99

LD50 1c72 8.84709 lower 4.66761 2.72337


Lampiran 7 Analisis probit P. xylostella strain Batu

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 2) 1b72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -2.7279980 .42241737 -6.4580630 SLOPE 2.8417912 .37460298 7.5861414 Maximum log-likelihood -130.96155 Variance-Covariance matrix 1b72 SLOPE 1b72 .1784364 -.1529800 SLOPE -.1529800 .1403274 Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1b72 50. 15. 16.082 -1.082 .321646 50. 24. 26.479 -2.479 .529571 50. 42. 38.140 3.860 .762806 50. 47. 45.308 1.692 .906166 50. 47. 48.926 -1.926 .978515 chi-square 6.4486 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 2.1495 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.20686 g(.95)=.37829 g(.99)=1.2743 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

We will use only the probabilities for which g is less than 0.5

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95

LD50 1b72 9.11921 lower 5.76651 4.18379

upper 12.33333 13.80037


Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 4) 1c72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -.10317439 .47363411 -.21783564

SLOPE 1.4789809 .46045198 3.2120198


parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -.10317439 .47363411 -.21783564 SLOPE 1.4789809 .46045198 3.2120198 Variance-Covariance matrix 1c72 SLOPE 1c72 .2243293 -.2088450 SLOPE -.2088450 .2120160

Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1c72 50. 40. 42.255 -2.255 .845091 50. 48. 45.521 2.479 .910425 50. 48. 47.761 .239 .955213 50. 49. 48.911 .089 .978225 50. 49. 49.578 -.578 .991558 chi-square 3.1155 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 1.0385 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.55749 g(.95)=1.0195 g(.99)=3.4341 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95


Lampiran 8 Analisis probit C. pavonana strain Kejajar

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 2) 1b72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -3.1787021 .39814947 -7.9836903

SLOPE 2.7158288 .32943728 8.2438418

Maximum log-likelihood -132.18097

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -3.1787021 .39814947 -7.9836903 SLOPE 2.7158288 .32943728 8.2438418 Variance-Covariance matrix 1b72 SLOPE 1b72 .1585230 -.1273624 SLOPE -.1273624 .1085289

Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1b72 50. 13. 5.910 7.090 .118195 50. 11. 13.562 -2.562 .271248 50. 13. 25.800 -12.800 .516005 50. 40. 36.852 3.148 .737034 50. 49. 45.350 3.650 .906993 chi-square 27.614 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 9.2048 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.75013 g(.95)=1.3718 g(.99)=4.6208 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95

LD50 1b72 14.80592


Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 4) 1c72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -2.5355368 .37703421 -6.7249516

SLOPE 2.5664928 .32836751 7.8159158


parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -2.5355368 .37703421 -6.7249516 SLOPE 2.5664928 .32836751 7.8159158 Variance-Covariance matrix 1c72 SLOPE 1c72 .1421548 -.1195081 SLOPE -.1195081 .1078252

Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1c72 50. 17. 13.770 3.230 .275405 50. 12. 23.694 -11.694 .473889 50. 46. 35.214 10.786 .704289 50. 43. 43.122 -.122 .862442 50. 46. 47.938 -1.938 .958760 chi-square 25.090 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 8.3632 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation:

g(.90)=.75822 g(.95)=1.3866 g(.99)=4.6706 "With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95


Lampiran 9 Analisis probit C. pavonana strain Batu

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 2) 1b72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -5.1955955 .55161392 -9.4188985

SLOPE 4.6506807 .47891475 9.7108737

Maximum log-likelihood -80.622575

parameter standard error t ratio 1b72 -5.1955955 .55161392 -9.4188985 SLOPE 4.6506807 .47891475 9.7108737 Variance-Covariance matrix 1b72 SLOPE 1b72 .3042779 -.2587504 SLOPE -.2587504 .2293593

Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1b72 50. 1. 1.295 -.295 .025893 50. 8. 9.564 -1.564 .191287 50. 34. 30.398 3.602 .607969 50. 45. 45.209 -.209 .904186 50. 49. 49.683 -.683 .993666 chi-square 2.9674 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity .99

Index of significance for potency estimation: g(.90)=.02869 g(.95)=.04074 g(.99)=.07036 Effective Doses dose limits 0.90 0.95 LD50 1b72 13.09691 lower 11.93673 11.71627 upper 14.34842 14.60885 ---

Intercepts and slopes unconstrained. Preparation is ( 4) 1c72

Not estimating natural response

parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -4.5479414 .46039058 -9.8784416

SLOPE 3.7351913 .36941910 10.110986

Maximum log-likelihood -85.933938

parameter standard error t ratio 1c72 -4.5479414 .46039058 -9.8784416 SLOPE 3.7351913 .36941910 10.110986 Variance-Covariance matrix 1c72 SLOPE 1c72 .2119595 -.1653745 SLOPE -.1653745 .1364705


Chi-squared goodness of fit test

preparation subjects responses expected deviation probability 1c72 50. 3. 1.318 1.682 .026363 50. 5. 8.132 -3.132 .162641 50. 24. 25.958 -1.958 .519150 50. 47. 42.930 4.070 .858607 50. 48. 49.093 -1.093 .981861 chi-square 8.0217 degrees of freedom 3 heterogeneity 2.6739 A large chi-square indicates a poor fit of the data by the probit

analysis model. Large deviations for expected probabilities near 0 or 1 are especially troublesome. A plot of the data should be consulted. See D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), pages 70-75.

Index of significance for potency estimation: g(.90)=.14486 g(.95)=.26490 g(.99)=.89231

"With almost all good sets of data, g will be substantially smaller than 1.0, and seldom greater than 0.4."

- D. J. Finney, "Probit Analysis" (1972), page 79.

We will use only the probabilities for which g is less than 0.5

Effective Doses

dose limits 0.90 0.95

LD50 1c72 16.50413 lower 12.55348 11.08991

upper 21.79639 24.79901

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