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55 Lampiran 1 Etichal clereance


Lampiran 2. Daftar bahan makanan sumber karbohidrat berdasarkan indeks glikemik

IG tinggi IG Sedang IG Rendah

Bahan Makanan Nilai

IG Bahan Makanan Nilai IG Bahan Makanan Nilai IG Kentang Panggang (USA) 78 Pepaya 59 Mi instan 47 Kentang giling (Aus)

83 Pisang 58 Kacang hijau (Philippines)


Kentang rebus, masak (India)

76 Jagung (India) 59 Kacang tanah 14

Semangka (Aus) 72 Melon 67 Wortel 47

Roti tawar 70 Biskuit 69 Apel 38

Nasi putih, kukus 98 Jeruk 42

Donat (Kanada) 76 Ubi jalar (Australia) 44

Jambu 19

57 Lampiran 3 Hasil Analisis ANCOVA perubahan lemak viseral

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Delta Lemak Viseral

Kelompok x SD N

Cookies dan minuman serbuk Galohgor -2.000 7.07107 10

Kontrol .250 .68313 16

Total -.615 4.41884 26

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa Dependent Variable: Delta Lemak Viseral

F df1 df2 Sig.

.052 1 24 .822

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + Sex + Lemak viseral_pre+ Energi_post + Lemak_post + MET+ Kel

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Delta Lemak Viseral


Type III Sum of Squares

Df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared Corrected Model 297.469a 6 49.578 4.940 .003 .609 Intercept 12.355 1 12.355 1.231 .281 .061

Sex .555 1 .555 .055 .817 .003

Lemak viseral _pre 256.742 1 256.742 25.582 .000 .574 Energi_post 1.568 1 1.568 .156 .697 .008 Lemak_post 3.038 1 3.038 .303 .589 .016 MET 5.871 1 5.871 .585 .454 .030 Kel 56.710 1 56.710 5.651 .028 .229 Error 190.685 19 10.036 Total 498.000 26 Corrected Total 488.154 25


Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: Delta Lemak Viseral

Parameter B SE T Sig.

95% Confidence

Interval Partial Eta Squared Lower Bound Upper Bound Intercept 6.929 4.916 1.410 .175 -3.360 17.219 .095 Sex -.431 1.833 -.235 .817 -4.268 3.406 .003 Lemak viseral_pre -.643 .127 -5.058 .000 -.909 -.377 .574 Energi_post -.002 .004 -.395 .697 -.010 .007 .008 Lemak_post .043 .078 .550 .589 -.121 .207 .016 MET .000 .000 -.765 .454 .000 .000 .030 [Kel=1] -3.191 1.342 -2.377 .028 -6.000 -.381 .229 [Kel=2] 0a . . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. 2. Kelompok Dependent Variable: Delta Lemak Viseral

Kelompok x SE 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound Cookies dan minuman

serbuk Galohgor -2.579

a 1.034 -4.742 -.416

Kontrol .612a .808 -1.079 2.303

a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: Jenis kelamin = 1.81, Lemak viseral pre = 8.2885, Asupan energi post = 1541.5931, Asupan lemak post = 64.0385, Aktivitas Kerja postintervensi = 3152.308.

59 Lampiran 4 Hasil analisis ANCOVA perubahan kadar kolesterol total

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Delta Kolesterol total

Kelompok x SD N

Cookies dan minuman serbuk Galohgor -16.3000 51.40698 10

Kontrol -12.5000 27.29591 16

Total -13.9615 37.44274 26

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa Dependent Variable:Delta Kolesterol total

F df1 df2 Sig.

3.094 1 24 .091

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + Kolesterol_pre + MET + Serat_post + Kol_post + Satfat_post + fgorengan_post + Kel + IMT_pre

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Delta Kolesterol total


Type III Sum of Squares

df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared Corrected Model 19500.500a 8 2437.562 2.665 .043 .556 Intercept 867.198 1 867.198 .948 .344 .053 Kolesterol_pre 8186.353 1 8186.353 8.951 .008 .345 MET 794.336 1 794.336 .868 .364 .049 Serat_post 833.903 1 833.903 .912 .353 .051 Kol_post 2719.302 1 2719.302 2.973 .103 .149 Satfat_post 543.393 1 543.393 .594 .451 .034 fgorengan_post 2368.473 1 2368.473 2.590 .126 .132 IMT_pre 195.365 1 195.365 .214 .650 .012 Kel 469.048 1 469.048 .513 .484 .029 Error 15548.462 17 914.615 Total 40117.000 26 Corrected Total 35048.962 25


Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: Delta Kolesterol total

Parameter B SE T Sig.

95% Confidence

Interval Partial Eta Square d Lower Bound Upper Bound Intercept 65.179 64.654 1.008 .328 -71.229 201.587 .056 Kolesterol_pre -.538 .180 -2.992 .008 -.918 -.159 .345 MET -.002 .002 -.932 .364 -.006 .002 .049 Serat_post -1.416 1.483 -.955 .353 -4.546 1.713 .051 Kol_post .116 .067 1.724 .103 -.026 .258 .149 Satfat_post 1.245 1.616 .771 .451 -2.163 4.654 .034 fgorengan_post 14.351 8.918 1.609 .126 -4.464 33.166 .132 IMT_pre 1.024 2.216 .462 .650 -3.651 5.699 .012 [Kel=1] -11.773 16.440 -.716 .484 -46.459 22.912 .029 [Kel=2] 0a . . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. 2. Kelompok Dependent Variable: Delta Kolesterol total

Kelompok x SE 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound Cookies dan minuman

serbuk Galohgor -21.207

a 11.727 -45.949 3.536 Kontrol -9.433a 8.669 -27.724 8.857 a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: Kadar Kolesterol Total preintervensi (mg/dl) = 248.9615, Aktivitas Kerja postintervensi = 3152.,308, Asupan serat USDA post = 12.9862, Asupan kolesterol post = 193.3204, Asupan lemak jenuh post = 17.7931, frekuensi gorengan post = 1.0346, IMT pre = 23.7471

61 Lampiran 5 Hasil Analisis ANCOVA perubahan kadar trigliserida

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Delta Trigliserida

Kelompok x SD N

Cookies dan minuman serbuk Galohgor -23.600 74.903 10

Kontrol -17.937 96.492 16

Total -20.115 87.258 26

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa Dependent Variable: Delta Trigliserida

F df1 df2 Sig.

.367 1 24 .550

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups.

a. Design: Intercept + TG_pre + IMT_pre + MET2 + Serat_USDApost + fgorengan_post + Lemak_post + Kel

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Delta Trigliserida

Source Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Partial Eta Squared Corrected Model 103209.639a 6 17201.606 3.751 .012 .542 Intercept 263.296 1 263.296 .057 .813 .003 TG_pre 31087.123 1 31087.123 6.778 .017 .263 IMT_pre 7579.237 1 7579.237 1.653 .214 .080 MET 283.839 1 283.839 .062 .806 .003 Serat_post 19840.680 1 19840.680 4.326 .051 .185 fgorengan_post 27682.356 1 27682.356 6.036 .024 .241 Lemak_post 3609.426 1 3609.426 .787 .386 .040 Kel 87143.015 19 4586.474 Error 200873.000 26 Total 190352.654 25 Corrected Total 103209.639a 6 17201.606 3.751 .012 .542 a. R Squared = .542 (Adjusted R Squared = .398)


Parameter Estimates

Dependent Variable: Delta Trigliserida

Parameter B SE T Sig. 95% Confidence Interval Partial Eta Squared Lower Bound Upper Bound Intercept 217.185 105.144 2.066 .054 -3.714 438.084 .192 TG_pre -.011 .004 -2.657 .016 -.019 -.002 .282 IMT_pre -1.386 3.066 -.452 .657 -7.826 5.055 .011 MET 48.634 18.081 2.690 .015 10.646 86.621 .287 Serat_post -.412 .163 -2.532 .021 -.755 -.070 .263 fgorengan_post 1.511 .848 1.781 .092 -.271 3.294 .150 Lemak_post -9.317 4.072 -2.288 .034 -17.873 -.761 .225 [Kel=1] -61.645 30.674 -2.010 .060 -126.089 2.799 .183 [Kel=2] 0a . . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant. 2. Kelompok Dependent Variable: Delta Trigliserida

Kelompok x SE 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound Cookies dan minuman serbuk

Galohgor -58.051

a 22.374 -105.056 -11.046

Kontrol 3.594a 16.836 -31.776 38.965

a.Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: Aktivitas Kerja postintervensi = 3152.308, Asupan serat USDA post = 12.,9862, frekuensi gorengan post = 1.0346, Kadar Trigleserida preintervensi (mg/dl) = 211.8462, Asupan lemak post = 64.,0385, IMT pre = 23.7471.

63 Lampiran 6 Hasil analisis ANCOVA perubahan kadar HDL

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable:Delta HDL

Kelompok x SD N

Cookies dan minuman serbuk Galohgor -7.600 5.561 10

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