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B. Related Study

Reviewing related studies is an important aspect for researchers when conducting the current study. The first advantage is that it can help researchers to expand research in different locations, subjects or object. In addition, it can help researchers to find literature related to research. In addition, reviewing related studies can also help researchers to avoid plagiarism in terms of designs and findings from previous researchers. There are several researchs that are relevant to this study. It is described in the following paragraph :

A study is conducted by Abdullah and Yunus (2019), about the level of motivation to read English books across genders and teacher’s perception on students’ reading motivation in Malaysian classroom. The subject of the study was 60 students aged 10 years old and 10 English teachers from a co-ed school of School K in Johor Bahru. The participants were 20 students randomly selected from 10 with average academic achievement students and 10 with above average academic achievement students: 10 males and 10 females equally. The design for this research is a mixed method with the combination of the quantitative and qualitative approach. The result analysis indicated that female students have a higher reading motivation to read English books than male students.

Next study was conducted by Mc. Geown et.al, (2011), this study is about examining sex differences in reading skill and reading motivation, investigating whether these differences could be better accounted by sex or gender identity. It completed a reading comprehension assessment, reading motivation questionnaire and a gender role questionnaire. The result showed that while there were no sex differences in reading skill or extrinsic reading motivation, girls had significantly higher intrinsic reading motivation. However, responses to intrinsic motivation were better explained by gender identity than sex. In addition, a feminine identity was more closely associated with many different aspects of reading motivation than a masculine identity.

Then A study was conducted by Muliati (2017), about investigating the factors that motivate the fifth semester students in reading and knowing what types of reading materials interest the students. It was a descriptive study using qualitative

approach with case study design. The data were collected through questionnaire and interview which analyzed quantitatively. The result of the study showed that the fifth semester students of IAIN Palangka Raya have only acquired an average level of reading motivation. This can be rooted from a low level of competency regarding their prior knowledge and experience in reading. The students’ tendency to ditch reading difficult materials and the high level of work avoidance, recognition, and compliance, shows that students are mainly motivated by extrinsic motivation. The result of reading interest also discovered that the students found non-academic related materials more interesting than the academic ones. There was a quite gap in difference between the male and female reading interest, yet the types of reading for pleasure materials dominate for the other types for both genders.

Next study is conducted by Willoughby (2010), about examining the different factors that motivate girls and boys to read, the effects of gender stereotypes, preferences for certain types of materials. The subject of study was students from the literacy tutoring program at a private college in western New York. The result showed that boys and girls have similar reading preferences but varies from person to person, not gender. It implied that students need opportunities to choose texts not based on gender, but their own preferences and interests.

Next related research is by Yuliandari (2016) which is tried to find out reading motivation of students in English Department Faculty of Humanities Jember University of academic year 2015-2016. This research uses two types of data, which are qualitative and quantitative data. The data were taken by two methods, first is data are collected with deliver questionnaire into 42 freshmen

student using MREQ (Motivation of Reading in English Questionnaire) then the participants are interviewed to get deeper information, the interview used semi structured interview. The result of this research shows that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations have contribution in motivating learners to read in English.

The next research is according to Murniasih (2013) the objective of this study is to see the correlation between student‟s motivation in reading and their reading speed in second semester of Department of English Education Syarief 19 Hidayatullah Jakarta academic year 2012/2013. This research using quantitative method the writer used correlational study by Product Moment Correlation technique or Pearson‟s Correlation Product Moment technique this correlation study usually used to find out the significance of the correlation between two variables. The result of this research is there is correlation between student‟s motivation in reading and their reading speed.

The next study is from Mehdi Gridi (2006) about Reading motivation in students of English as a foreign Language. This research aims to investigating reading motivation in second year students of English as a foreign language at the teachers‟ training school of Constantine (ENS). In this research, the researcher used quantitative as a method and deliver 30 statements of questionnaire to a total number of seventy-one participants in second year students of English as a foreign language at the ENS of Constantine at the end of the academic year 2005-2006. The questionnaire was derived from the original motivation for reading questionnaire (MRQ) developed by Guthrie and Wigfield (1997) and a modified version of the same questionnaire adopted by Mori (2002).

Next , this research chooses the Pilot Study as a respondent. The question starts with the questions related to learners general experience with English and reading as a course and the rest of question can be divided into three main categories: the first category concerns readers habits in reading, the second category that deals with social setting of reading and the last category is student‟s feelings, opinions and expectations about reading and reading activities. The result from the questioner is motivation to read in English as a foreign language in students of English in the second year at the ENS of Constantine is a multifaceted construct.

The next is the study from Saniago Dakhi and Irma Soraya Damanik from Universitas Kristen Indonesia, 2018. This study is about the student’s motivation in reading English text at SMA 55 South Jakarta in English reading class. This study conducting a systematic procedure of survey. It aimed to explore what type of motivation that the students have in reading English class. The result of this study is, there are eleven indicators influencing the student’s motivation in reading English.

The next previous study is done by Kathrine Torres from St. John Fisher College, 2010 about the factors that affect students’ motivation and how they differ across grade levels. This study focused on three students in grades first, third, and eighth, and the factors that influence their motivation to read. The researcher collected the data from the teacher and students’ interviews, observation and students questionnaire about their motivation in reading. The findings show that these students not only read for different reasons but also display different levels of

motivation and behaviors during reading activities. Another major finding was that giving students’ choices and allowing for group discussion motivates students.

Then, the next study is by Mohammad Khoirul Manan from Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang, 2017. This research explains the correlation between students’ motivation in reading English textbooks and their achievement in reading comprehension. This research used the correlation method and quantitative approach. The instruments of this research use questionnaire and test.

The questionnaire was to measure students’ motivation in reading English textbooks, and thetest was to measure their reading comprehension. The result showed that there was a positive significant correlation between students' motivation in reading English textbooks and their achievement in reading comprehension.

The next study is by Prof. Ala H. Oda Mohsen R. Abdul-Kadhim Department of English College of Education University of- Basra, 2017. This study investigates the relationship between gender and reading comprehension achievement at college level. This study follows Barrett’s Taxonomy in dividing reading comprehension into several levels (Literal, Inferential, Critical, and Appreciative), It compares the achievement of the two groups of gender (males and females) on each of the four levels of reading comprehension in order to see the relationship between gender and reading comprehension. The result of the study shows that there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups of gender on three levels of reading comprehension (literal, inferential, and appreciative), but for the“critical level,” females are outperforming males to a

statistically significant level. The study suggests the need for future studies about the relationship between gender and reading comprehension but with larger sample and wider context (more than one context) as well as different methodology especially different test forms.

The last previous study is by Hakan Ulper from Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 2011.38 In this study, the reading issue was handled effectively. This study uses a questionnaire as the instrument, this instrument distributed for primary and high school students. The outcome of this research is such factors as teachers, family members, friends, books, environment, and activities had a diagnostic affect on students in terms of awakening their willingness to read.

Based on the studies above, there are n that provide a relationship with the three variables. there is only the correlation between gender and reading comprehension or the correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension. But none of them specifically discuss the three variables about motivation and gender on student reading comprehension. Then some of the research samples above are college students or public-school students. While the sample in this study were students at Islamic schools with different environments, curriculum, and different teaching methods.

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