• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


4.2 Saran

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian skrispi yang telah disimpulkan diatas, penulis memberikan saran kepada CV. Mega Rama maupun importir yang lain¸ yaitu sebagai berikut :

Pertama, perdagangan internasional yang dilakukan ketika ekonomi tidak stabil akan menimbulkan situasi yang tidak menguntungkan Importir. Maka untuk mencegahnya disarankan untuk CV. Mega Rama ataupun importir yang lainnya agar mengatur strategi perdagangan untuk bernegosiasi dengan pasar ataupun pihak eksportir ketika mata uang rupiah tidak stabil. Hal ni dilakukan

agar biaya yang sudah diperkirakan dengan memperhitungkan harga modal dan keuntungan tidak berubah di tengah transaksi.

Kedua, disarankan mengikuti isu terbaru atas hubungan Ekportir Cina terhadap Importir Indonesia secara umum. Isu apapun itu akan siap mempengaruhi transaksi yang sudah terjalin beberapa tahun maupun yang akan terjadi.



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Cow Leather Crust Transaction

On this Monday April 5th2010, we the undersigned bellow :

1. Miss. Megahnanda A.K from CV MEGA RAMA located in Surabaya Indonesia, in this matter for and on behalf of the above company, herein after referred to as FIRST PARTY

2. Mr. Ye Yi from HEBEI YUEMA INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO.,LTD. located in China, in this matter for and on behalf of the above company, hereinafter referred to as SECOND PARTY.

Has reached an agreement to implement the Export-Import in accordance with these articles below:

Article 1

The scope of the agreement

SECOND PARTY agrees to sell and deliver to the FIRST PARTY: Cow Leather Crust, with a quantity of 2000 Kgs Quality A and 11000 Kgs Quality B in accordance with Annex I of this Letter of Agreement in the herein after referred to as "Goods" and the FIRST PARTY is willing to buy and pay for "Goods " in accordance with condition of this agreement.

2.1 Total price of “Goods” are delivered in accordance with Article 1 is USD 22080 (Twenty two thousand and eighty United States Dollar )

2.2 Price mentioned in Article 2.1 is a fixed price denominated in United States Dollar with condition CNF price to Surabaya Port Indonesia

Article 3 Time of Delivery

The delivery of "Goods" will be implemented by the SECOND PARTY within7-10 days after FIRST PARTtransfer deposite 50% and offerred the request data of shipping documents toSECOND PARTY.

Article 4 Payment System

Payment of the price of "goods" in accordance with Article 2 carried by Telex Transfer (T / T) with a deposit 50% of transaction value before shipment and 50% remaining after shipment, to:


Article 5 Guarantee

SECOND PARTY guarantee all "goods" delivered under this Agreement are appropriate to specifications and quality that have been agreed with the FIRST PART

Article 6 Penalty

In the event of late delivery of "goods" that exceed the time period stated in Article 3 of this Agreement, then for each day of delay, SECOND PARTY shall pay a penalty of 1% (one percent) of the total price as stated in Article 2.1. maximal up to 10% (ten percent) calculated from the total price in Article 2.1., which can be calculated directly in the Commercial Invoice Document .

7.1 SECOND PARTY will not be charged penalties or be responsible for delays or not

fulfilled the obligations of agreement partially or completely caused by things out of the reasonable control of the SECOND PARTY in this Agreement are hereinafter referred to as the FORCE MAJEURE

7.2 Force Majeure is referred to war, blockade, revolution, strike, riot, commotion, epidemic, fires, floods, explosions, earthquakes, hurricanes, government regulations of import, economic and monetary policies that affect the implementation of agreement obligations 7.3 Delays caused by such Force Majeure by itself will affect the delivery term of "goods". In this

case, the SECOND PARTY shall promptly report to the FIRST PARTY in writing no later than 7 (seven) days after the incident. Force Majeure circumstances must be approved by both parties in writing filed with the provisions of SECOND PARTY to the FIRST PARTY policy considerations and decisions regarding these policies exist entirely in the hands of the FIRST PARTY

Article 8

Additions and deductions

Any additions and deductions from the purpose of the Agreement as stated in Article 1 of this Agreement, may be implemented if there is agreement by both parties and made in the addendum does not exceed 10% of the total amount.

Article 9 Dispute

9.1 Any disputes that may arise in the implementation of this transaction, at the first level will be resolved in deliberation between the FIRST PARTY with SECOND PARTY.

9.2 If the disputes can not be resolved on the deliberation, then both parties can choose an Arbitrage Committee whose members are drawn from a representative of THE FIRST PARTY AND a representative of SECOND PARTY, and one person beyond the two parties who is equally approved, or directly select a fixed domicile and unchanging in the Office of State Court of a certain country in accordance with the later agreement, outside the State Court of China and State Court of Indonesia.

Annex I (One) is an entity that can not be separated from this Agreement.

Article 11 Closing

11.1 This agreement is valid since the signing by the two parties.

11.2 This agreement is made in 2 (double) original fold which has the same legal force by both sides on the day and date mentioned above and each party get 1 (one) document.




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