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Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai data histopatologi bagian tubuh yang terinfestasi oleh Norileca indica, penyebaran dan siklus hidup Norileca indica di Indonesia.


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Bruce, N. L. 1990. The Genera Catoessa, Elthusa, Enispa, Ichtyoxenus, Idusa, Livoneca and Norileca n. Gen. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), Crustacean Parasites of Marine Fishes with Description of Eastern Australian Species.

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Carvalho-Souza, G. F. D., J. R. D. S. Neto, F. T. Aleluia, I. A. Nascimento. 2009.

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de Lima, J. T. A. X., S. Chellappa and V. E. Thatcher. 2005. Livoneca redmani (Isopoa, Cymothoidae) e Rocinela signata Schloedte & Meinert (Isopoda, Aegidae), Ectoparasite de Scomberomorus brasiliensis Collette, Ruso &

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El-Shahawy, I. And A.Y. Desouky. 2010. Myripristis murdjan (Beryciformes : Holocentridae) a new host record for Cymothoa indica (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae). Acta Adriat 51 (1) : 107.

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Neeraja, T., G. Tripathi and U. Shameem. 2014. Occurance of The Isopod, Norileca indica (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) on Bigeye scad, Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch) off Mumbai Coast, India. Indian J Fish 61 (1) : 49.

Parker, D and A. J. Booth. 2013. The Tounge Replacing Isopod Cymothoa borbonica Reduces The Growth of Large Spot Pompano Trachinotus botla. Mar Biol 160 : 2943.

Raja, K., R. Vijayakumar, V. Karthikeyan, A. Saravanakumar, K. Sindhuja, A.

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Ravichandran, S., G. Rameshkumar and K. Kumaravel. 2009. Variation in The Morphological Features of Isopod Fish Parasites. World J. Fish &

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Rameshkumar, G., S. Ravicandran and K. Sivasubramanian. 2013. Invasion of Parasitic Isopods in Marine Fishes. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 1 (2) : 88

Rameshkumar, G. And S. Ravicandran. 2013. First Occurance of Norileca triangulata (Crustacea: Isopodaa: Cymothoidae) From Indiam Marine Fishes. J. Parasit. Dis : 2

Rameshkumar, G and S. Ravichandran. 2014. Problem Caused by Isopod Parasites in Comercial Fishes. J Parasit Dis 38 (1) : 138.

Roux, O and F. Conand. 2000. Feeding Habits of The Bigeye Scad Selar crumenophthalmus (Carangindae), in LA Reunion Island Waters (South-Western Indian Ocean). Cybium 24 (2) : 176-177.

Silalahi, U. 2010. Metode Penelitian Sosial. PT. Refika Aditama. Bandung. Hal.


Smit, N. J., N. L. Bruce, K. A. Hadfield. 2014. Global Diversity of Fish Parasitic Isopod Crustaceans of The Family Cymothoidae. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 3: 189; 193; 194.

Thatcher, V. E., J. L. Silva, G. F. Jost and J. M. Souza-Concelcao. 2003.

Comparative morphology of Cymothoa spp. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) from Brazillian fishes, with the description of Cynmothoa catarinensis sp. nov.

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Thatcher, V. E., G. S. De Araujo, J. T. A. de Lima and S. Chellappa. 2007.

Cymothoa spinipalpa sp. nov. (Isopodaa, Cymothoidae) buccal Cavity parasite of the marine fish, Oligoplites saurus (Bloch and Scheider) (Osteichthyes, Carangidae) of Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Revista Braslleira de Zoologia 24 (1) : 238-239.

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Williams, L. B., E.H..Williams, Jr and A. K.M Bashirullah. 2006. Isopodas (Isopodaa: Aegidae, Cymothoidae, Gnathiidae) associated with Venezuelan marine fishes (Elasmobranchii, Actinopterygii). Int. J.

Trop. Biol, 54 (3) : 175.

Bagian tubuh Norileca indica Betina. A. Chepalon bagian dorsal, B. Chepalo n bagian ventral, C. Antena dan Antenula, D. Maxila, E. Mandible, F. Pleotelson, G. Uropod, H. Pleopod, I-0 : Pereopod ke 1-7. Scale bar A, B, C, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O : 0,05 mm. D, E, F : 0.1 mm

Lampiran 1










Bagian tubuh Norileca indica jantan. A.Chepalon bagian dorsal, B. Chepalon bagian ventral, C. Pleotelson, D. Mancas, E-K. Pereopod 1-7. Scale bar A, B, C, D, I, J, K : 0,05 mm. E, F, G, H : 0,1 mm.

Lampiran 2








Bagian tubuh Norileca indica jantan. A.Chepalon bagian dorsal, B. Chepalon bagian ventral, C. Pleotelson, D. Mancas, E-K. Pereopod 1-7.

Scale bar A, B, C, D, I, J, K : 0,05 mm. E, F, G, H : 0,1 mm.

Lampiran 3

Data Pemeriksaan Ikan Selar (Selar crumenophthalmus)


Bagian tubuh Norileca indica jantan. A.Chepalon bagian dorsal, B. Chepalon bagian ventral, C. Pleotelson, D. Mancas, E-K. Pereopod 1-7.

Scale bar A, B, C, D, I, J, K : 0,05 mm. E, F, G, H : 0,1 mm.

Lampiran 4

Data Perhitungan Prevalensi Norileca indica yang Menginfestasi Ikan Selar (Selar crumenophthalmus)


Bagian tubuh Norileca indica jantan. A.Chepalon bagian dorsal, B. Chepalon bagian ventral, C. Pleotelson, D. Mancas, E-K. Pereopod 1-7.

Scale bar A, B, C, D, I, J, K : 0,05 mm. E, F, G, H : 0,1 mm.

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