• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


5.2 Saran

1. Diperlukan regulasi (PERDA) yang dapat mendukung keberadaan KKLD Pulau Pasi untuk menunjang pemanfaatan sumberdaya yang berkelanjutan.

2. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan dengan pengambilan data yang lebih banyak sehingga memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih baik.

3. Diperlukan kerjasama yang baik antara seluruh pihak (masyarakat, pemda dan investor) dalam pengelolaan KKLD Pulau Pasi.


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1.1 Background

Indonesia is in the centre of the Coral Triangle, which has the world’s highest coral reefs biodiversity. Besides its biodiversity, coral reef has important role in the coastal area. The coral reefs and the associate are natural richness. This is not only due to Indonesia’s geographical location around the equator where the Pacific and Indian Oceans mixed, but also by the complex currents, seascape and ecosystems. For example is Selayar, South Sulawesi, which is one of the major fishing grounds.

However, the attentions of coral reef in the Selayar Islands are low. The government and local people were not serious in the management. This poor management mainly caused by minimum of technology, low skill and poor government policies. Increasing population and economic development are causing increased pressure and unsustainable use of marine resources (over- exploitation).

One of major tools to manage the coral reefs is develop the zoning system. It is important to make the zoning so that sensitive areas can be protected from destructive activities as well as intensive utilization in coastal can be sustained. Zoning in conservation area is a model of space utilization through the establishment of functional boundaries conformed to the resource potential, carrying capacity and ecological processes that take place as a unified ecosystem. Specifically, MCA designed to give permission to using the resources. But the use of certain zones arranged in a suitable allocation in order to reduced conflict of space utilization (Dermawan et al. 2007).

The Pasi Island was the administrative part of Kepulauan Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi Province with the geographical position 6o5’ - 6o13’ Latitude and 120o23’ - 120o27’ Longitude has an area about 388.78 hectares and 29.5 km coastline, located in adjacent to West of Selayar Island (PPTK UNHAS 2007). This island can be reached by sea for 20-30 minutes with the traditional ships (jarangka).

Coral reefs in the Pasi Island are very susceptible to disturbance. Coral mining, blast fishing, cyanide, and other destructive fishing are the common threats that can disrupt coastal and marine environmental conditions.

To anticipate those problems, it is required an appropriate management. One of the natural resource protections that may be applied is protected area management at sites with high biodiversity or with unique natural phenomena. Such protected areas, known as Marine Conservation Area (MCA). Marine Conservation Area (MCA) or Kawasan Konservasi Laut (KKL) ensures sustainable use of marine organisms and their ecosystems. Furthermore MCAs preserve genetic sources.

In some places, the MCA has proven to be effective tools for the protection of marine biodiversity and for management of sustainable resource, such as fisheries and tourism. There are two impact of marine conservation area. Firstly, there is strong evidence that “no-take-zone” area has a greater supply of fish, bigger fish size and diverse of composition species (commercial fish species are larger in size) than other area of catches. But the direct impacts of fisheries benefits are much harder to prove on the field and therefore of the various studies that have been implemented. Most models indicate that the fishery can really have benefit from a marine conservation area and it’s also shown that sustainable of fishing can be maximized if less than 30% of habitat is fully-protected from fishing activities (Roberts & Hawkins 2000).

The functions of Marine Conservation Areas are intended to maintain the brood stocks. A marine protected area is expected to be a source of seed, spawning ground, and as a nursery grounds of juvenile (small fish) as well as a provider of adult fish to the surrounding area (Dahuri 2004; Tulungan et al. 2002)

There are some researches about the impact of marine conservation areas in the Indo-Pacific region based on the state. In Indonesia, inside protection area shown that biomass and average size of fish species that are larger than the surrounding reserves area in North Sulawesi (Blongko and Kakorutan) (McClanahan et al. 2006); In Papua New Guinea, the protection area shown that biomass and average size of fish species that are larger than the surrounding area in the protection of traditionally managed (Muluk and Ahus) (McClanahan et al.

2006); In Philippines, the biomass of predator size increased eight times in the area of protection. In the area of catches, the average density and species diversity of large predators also increased (Russ and Alcala 1996 in Roberts & Hawkins 2000); In Hawaii, The fish stocks is 63% more in the no-take-zone area (Grigg 1994 in Roberts & Hawkins 2000). In Kenya, the commercial fish species (groupers, snappers, and emperors) was recorded 10 times more in the fully protected area of Marine National Park Kisite than in the protection area where the fishing is allowed (Watson & Ormond 1994 in Roberts & Hawkins 2000).

Some research on the importance of conservation areas for economic interests, particularly in the development of fisheries have been conducted in various countries. For example: Increasing of egg is up to 10 times and the abundance of fish is up to 2-9 times in marine conservation areas, respectively. The increases of average size and diversity species of fish in marine conservation areas are 33-300% and 30-50%, respectively. Then, the increase of fish catches outside the nature reserve is 40-90% (Sumardja 2002).

The research by PPTK Hasanuddin University (2007) found that the condition of coral reefs around the Pasi Island can be categorized as enough. The average percentage of life coral cover is 29% where 10 (ten) of existing observation stations are mostly in good condition with total area about 408.36 hectares. In 2007, The Local Government had been initiated Pasi Island as MCA (KKLD) with SK. BUPATI No. 3. A/2009, regarding the establishment of MCA Kepulauan Selayar Regency. Although it have been initiated but have not formed the management zones. This then became the attention of researcher to be developed both in terms of area, boundary and zoning system.

1.2 Problem Identification

The determination of Pasi Island as a marine conservation area is a wise decision in efforts to conserve marine and coastal resources. The previous research was only able to provide recommendations on the suitability Pasi Island as a marine conservation areas but it has not been defined the zoning of MCA.

The wide of marine conservation areas depends on the availability of seascape that existed. The most important is that area can divide into zoning system so that the management will be better. In addition there are no limitations

in scientific area. Some argue that conservation areas should notice to the integrity of the ecosystem to be protected. The United Nations (UN) give an example of the width of reserves area is about 1 000 hectares (IUCN & EUROPARC 2000). a.

The problems to be examined in this study are: b.

Expected MCA could be included the whole of the Pasi Island. c.

The absence of zoning system in MCA Pasi Island.

Limited data and actual information about the biophysical conditions around the Pasi Island as a basic to develop the MCA zones.

1.3 Objectives of Research The objectives of research are: a.


To design the multiple uses zone of marine conservation areas in Pasi Island. To determine the map and boundary area of marine conservation areas in Pasi Island.

1.4 Advantages of Research

This research has advantage to provide input for the development of MCA Pasi Island both of the potential of coral reef resources, MCA boundary and zoning system. As a result this research assists to Local Government in the preparation of management plans and regulations to support the existence of the MCA Pasi Island.

1.5 Scope of Research

This research was conducted on the Pasi Island, Kepulauan Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The scope of this research is to design the zoning system on MCA Pasi Island. Observations were conducted through a ecologies and social aspects which consist of the percentage of live coral cover, abundance of fishes, other important information from local communities and the spatial mapping zones.

1.6 Framework of Research

Marine conservation area is one of the models of marine and fisheries resource management. It is expected to be able to give assurance to the coastal communities. One of functional of marine conservation areas is as habitat

protection areas and species. Thus, MCA is expected to serve as a "bank" of fisheries resources that can support the improvement and sustainability of income communities, especially for fishermen.

The Pasi Island has been recommended to serve as MCA which is proposed based on the research by PPTK UNHAS and COREMAP II Selayar but the width area of MCA need to be improved and need to be divided into zoning system. The width of marine conservation areas are expected 20-30% of existing coral reefs cover. Hence, the width of conservation area could provide protection or maximum protection for many species and populations in large numbers (Jones 2007). Establishment of zones is expected to assist in the conservation area management planning, regulation and supporting tools in order to optimize the existence of MCA. Development of MCA should consider the ecological conditions and aspirations of local communities who used the resources.

Figure 1 Framework of research.


MCA Map; Multiple uses zoning of MCA;

The boundary

PROCESS: Revise of program zoning based on new field study for overlay

VERIFICATION: Fixing Semi permanent program with condition local, Aggregation of information about stakeholder perceptions INPUT: Biophysics and Social Data, Map INITIAL DESIGN: Data and information for early program of MCA core


2.1 Overview of Pasi Island

Pasi islands located in the administrative area of Bontoharu Sub-district, Kepulauan Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi Province with geographical position 6o5’ - 6o13’ LS and 120o23’ - 120o27’ BT, and located on the Western of Selayar Island. This island is ± 1 km from the Selayar Island and can be reached by sea trip during the 20-30 minute with traditional boats. The island is composed of 3 (three) villages, they are Bontolebang, Bontoborusu and Kahu-Kahu with an area of ± 2335 ha (BPS 2009) and a long coastline of ± 5.29 km.

Based on survey results PPTK Hasanuddin University (2007), the condition of live coral at Pulau Pasi is 29% or it can be said "fair." Pasi Island has 66.62 ha

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