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1. Bagi Ibu Bekerja

Untuk mengurangi tingkat work family conflict, ibu bekerja diharapkan dapat menggunakan kombinasi strategi coping yang berfokus pada masalah (problem based coping) dan berfokus pada emosi (emotion based coping). Problem based coping dapat dilakukan dengan mengambil tindakan untuk memodifikasi, menghindari atau memperkecil sumber konflik, seperti memperkerjakan pembantu rumah tangga atau meminta bantuan dari anggota keluarga lain untuk menjaga anak saat sedang bekerja, membuat skala prioritas, produktif dan efisien dalam bekerja, mengatur jadwal kerja agar dapat menjalankan peran di keluarga, dan bijak dalam menggunakan peraturan perusahaan. Sedangkan, emotion based coping merupakan strategi yang dilakukan secara pribadi dengan mencoba menghilangkan perasaan tidak nyaman akibat konflik. Emotion based coping dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan hobi atau kegiatan yang dapat menyenangkan diri, melibatkan orang lain dengan mencari dukungan sosial dari teman maupun keluarga, dan mengkomunikasikan kondisi yang dialami dengan pihak keluarga maupun pihak organisasi (rekan kerja dan supervisor).

2. Bagi Instansi

Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa subjek penelitian memiliki perceived supervisor support dan work family conflict yang tergolong sedang, maka disarankan agar perusahaan dapat meningkatkan perceived supervisor support dan mengurangi tingkat work family conflict pada ibu bekerja. Perusahaan dapat

menerapkan kebijakan dan kegiatan yang ramah bagi keluarga, seperti mengadakan kegiatan refreshing khusus untuk karyawan maupun bersama keluarga. Melalui kegiatan tersebut, diharapkan karyawan merasa memiliki quality time bersama keluarga. Perusahaan juga dapat menerapkan kebijakan pengaturan waktu yang fleksibel. Misalnya, apabila dalam satu hari karyawan meminta ijin untuk mengurus anak atau urusan rumah tangga selama 1 jam, maka pada hari berikutnya karyawan harus mengganti waktu 1 jam yang hilang dengan menambah 1 jam kerja. Kebijakan pengaturan waktu yang fleksibel juga dapat dilakukan dengan cara supervisor bersedia mengubah jadwal (jam kerja, jam lembur, libur, cuti) dengan bawahannya agar bawahannya dapat mendapatkan kesempatan yang sama. Misalnya, supervisor dan bawahannya dapat mengatur waktu cuti secara bergantian. Melalui kebijakan ini, karyawan diharapkan dapat menyeimbangkan tanggung jawab pekerjaan dan keluarga dengan lebih baik sehingga dapat mengurangi tingkat karyawan wanita yang sering ijin untuk cuti maupun datang terlambat karena adanya urusan keluarga. Agar peraturan tersebut dapat berjalan dengan baik, supervisor dapat mendukung dengan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk menggunakan kebijakan tersebut. Dengan begitu, karyawan akan merasa supervisor mendukung dan membantu dalam menyeimbangkan peran pekerjaan dan keluarga.

3. Bagi Penelitian Selanjutnya

Dalam penelitian ini, data tidak terdistribusi normal. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat memperbanyak jumlah subjek agar sebaran data semakin merata dan menghasilkan data yang dapat mewakili populasi normal.

Penelitian selanjutnya juga diharapkan dapat melakukan kontrol terhadap variabel-variabel yang dapat mempengaruhi hubungan antara perceived supervisor support dan work family conflict dengan melakukan penelitian pada konteks subjek yang lebih spesifik. Penelitian selanjutnya juga diharapkan dapat memperbanyak kriteria subjek dengan menambahkan batasan usia subjek dan usia anak subjek sehingga memiliki data work family conflict yang tergolong tinggi.


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A. Permohonan Ijin Adaptasi Skala Work Family Conflict 1. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com>

Kepada: dawn_carlson@baylor.edu 5 Mar 2018, jam 12.30

Subjek: ask permission to use scale Dear Professor Dawn S. Carlson,

My name is Yosia, i'm an undergraduate student at Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I'm currently working on my thesis about work family conflict. Based on your research with K. Michele Kacmar and Larry J. Williams in 2000, i found that your scale already divided work family conflict into two directions (work interference with family and family interference with work) with three forms (time, strain, and behavior), and i'm interested to use your scale as my measurement. May i use your scale and adapt it to Indonesian language? I will use the scale only for my research study and will not sell or use it with any compensated or curriculum development activities. I will also include the copyright statement on my thesis.

If these are acceptable, please indicate so by replying to me through this email: yosievangelista17@gmail.com

Thank you for your attention and your kindness, i'm really looking foward for your answer.


Yosia Evangelista Emanuella Sugiarto

Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

2. Carlson, Dawn <Dawn_Carlson@baylor.edu> Kepada: Yosia Evangelista

6 Mar 2018 jam 22.13

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale

You have permission to use my scale and adapt to your language for the purpose of your research study. Best of luck with your thesis.

Dr. Carlson Dawn S. Carlson, Ph. D. Professor of Management Baylor University

3. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com> Kepada: dawn_carlson@baylor.edu

13 Mar 2018 jam 21.49

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale

Thank you for your prompt reply and thank you for giving me permission to use your scale. May i ask some questions about your scale? For my thesis i will only use the three dimensions of work family conflict (time WIF, strain WIF, and behavior WIF). Can i calculate the three dimensions of work family conflict together and become a total score of work family conflict? Because i found in your research that the six dimensions of work family conflict were calculated separately.

Besides that, i found about the scale in the appendix B section there are more than 10 items about time-based work interference with family. May i ask which 10 items are correct about work family conflict? These are the items that i copied from your research journal in the appendix B section.

Time-based work interference with family (10 items) Existing Items

3. My work me from my family activities more than I would like.

4. On the job I have so much work to do that it takes away from my personal interests.

9. The demands of my job make it difficult for me to maintain the kind of relationship with my spouse and children that I would like.

10. My work takes up time that I’d like to spend with family/friends.

12. My work often interferes with my family responsibilities. 18. I often bring work home to do on the evenings and weekends.

22. The time I must devote to my job keeps me from participating equally in household responsibilities and activities.

New Items

1. I feel I don’t have enough time to fulfill my responsibilities at home due to time I have to spend on my career.

2. I feel guilty for spending too much time at work and not enough time with my family.

3. I have to miss family activities due to the amount of time I must spend on work responsibilities.

Time-based work interference with family (10 items)

2. Due to my family responsibilities, sometime others in the organization have to pick up the slack (i.e., stay late, travel).

3. The stress from my family life interferes with my work life. 4. I feel rushed at work so that I can go home to my family.

5. Because I am often stressed from family responsibilities, I have a hart time concentrating on my work.

6. Tension and anxiety from my nonwork life often extend into my job. 7. Due to all the pressures at home, sometimes it is hard for me to do my job well.

That's all my questions,

Thank you for your attention and your kindness, i'm really looking foward for your answer.


Yosia Evangelista Emanuella Sugiarto

Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

4. Carlson, Dawn <Dawn_Carlson@baylor.edu> Kepada: Yosia Evangelista

14 Mar 2018 jam 02.50

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale Yosia,

The final set of items are found in TABLE 2 (page 260) and have three items for each of three dimension for wfc and fwc. While they are separated out here by dimension I rarely use them that way. I almost always simply use them by direction so that the wfc (all 9 items and three dimension) are used together by averaging them. Same with the 9 items for the family to work direction.

Please DO NOT use the items from Appendix B but the ones in TABLE 2.

Dr. Carlson

Dawn S. Carlson, Ph. D. Professor of Management

H. R. Gibson Chair of Organizational Development Hankamer School of Business

Baylor University One Bear Place 98013 Waco, TX 76798-8013 phone: 254-710-6201 fax: 254-710-1093

e-mail: Dawn_Carlson@Baylor.edu

5. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com> Kepada: dawn_carlson@baylor.edu

21 Mar 2018 jam 13.58

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale Dear Professor Dawn S. Carlson,

Thank you so much for your concern and explanation Sincerely,

Yosia Evangelista Emanuella Sugiarto

Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

6. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com> Kepada: dawn_carlson@baylor.edu

10 Jul 2018 jam 20.57

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale Dear Professor Dawn S. Carlson,

It’s me again, Yosia. I'm an undergraduate student at Psychology Department

of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Four months ago, I asked your permission to use and adapt your work family conflict scale for my research study and you gave me permission. I have finished the try out and I want to ask about some things.

First, I want to ask how to calculate the reliability of work family conflict scale in the right way? Should I calculating by each dimension or with a total score? Because i found in your research (internal consistency page 263) that the six dimensions of work family conflict were calculated separately. I have already calculated in two ways, and I found the calculation results of reliability with each dimension is smaller than the calculation result of reliability with the total score. This is the result: WFC (total score) = 0.818 and WFC (dimensions): time-based = 0.622; strain-based = 0.788, and behavior-based = 0.537. May I calculate it with the total score?

Second, what should I do if there is an item that have total item correlation (rit) value below 0.30? Should I use it or eliminate it? I have already calculated using SPSS and when I calculated by each dimension, I found that one item from time-based WFC has total item correlation (rit) value = 0.28 and one item from behavior-based WFC has total item correlation (rit) value = 0.169. But, there's no problem if I calculated with the total score.

That's all my questions,

Thank you for your attention and your kindness, I really looking forward for your answer.


Yosia Evangelista Emanuella Sugiarto

Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

7. Carlson, Dawn <Dawn_Carlson@baylor.edu> Kepada: Yosia Evangelista

18 Jul 2018 jam 01.19

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale

I generally do not calculate the overall (18 items) but by direction WFC (9 items) and FWC (9 items). From time to time I use the different sub

dimension but in reality that is rare because I don’t usually want that kind of

detail. So try it using the different directions (not dimensions). The scale has been widely used in this way.

8. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com> Kepada: dawn_carlson@baylor.edu

18 Jul 2018 jam 22.24

Subjek: RE: ask permission to use scale

Thank you for the reply and all your assistance, i really appreciate your help. Sincerely,

Yosia Evangelista Emanuella Sugiarto

Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia

B. Permohonan Ijin Adaptasi Skala Supervisor Support 1. Yosia Evangelista <yosievangelista17@gmail.com>

Kepada: dan.ganster@colostate.edu 5 Mar 2018 jam 13.43

Subjek: ask permission to use scale Dear Professor Daniel C. Ganster,

My name is Yosia, i'm an undergraduate student at Psychology Departement of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I'm currently working on my thesis about supervisor support. Based on your research with Linda Thiede Thomas in 1995, i found that you developed social support scale from Shinn (1989) into supervisor support scale, and i'm interested to use your scale as my measurement. May i use your scale and adapt it to Indonesian language?

I will use the scale only for my research study and will not sell or use it with

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