• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


5.2 Saran

Berdasarkan kesimpulan yang telah diuraikan di atas, penulis mengajukan saran kepada pustakawan Perpustakaan Umum BPAD untuk melakukan pendidikan pemakai terutama untuk pilar ketujuh dalam hal memiliki kemampuan membangun dan membuat pengetahuan baru.


ACRL (2000). “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education”.

ALA (1989). “Presidential Committee on Information Literacy:FinalReport”.

Arikunto, Suharsimi (2006). Manajemen Penelitian. Cet.7. Jakarta: Asdi Mahasatya.

APISI, Asosiasi Pekerja Informasi Sekolah Indonesia (2007) blogspot.com/>. Diakses 15 Maret 2012

Bhandary, Krishna Mani (2003). “Information Literacy and librarian’s Role”. CILIP, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (2011).

“InformationLiteracy”.<http://www.informationliteracy.org.uk/informa tion literacy-definitions/>. Diakses 15 Maret 2012

Eisenberg, Mike dan Berkowitz, Bob (2008). “What is the Big6™?”.<www.big6. com>. Diakses 15 Maret 2012

Gunawan, Agustin Widya, et al. (2008). Tujuh Langkah Literasi Informasi: Knowledge Managemen. Jakarta: Universitas Atmajaya.

Hadi, Sutrisno (1981). Metode Research. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Penelitian Fakultas Psikologi UGM.

Hancock, Vicke.E (2004). Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning. <http://www.ericdigests.org/lifelong.htm>. Diakses 20 April 2012.

Hasugian, Jonner (2009). Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi. Medan: USU Press.

Kuhlthau, Carol Collier (1987). Information Skills for Information Society a Review of Research: an Eric Information Analysis Product. humboldt.edu/ic/general_competency/kuhlthau.html. Diakses tanggal 3 Maret 2010.

Pendit, Putu Laxmana (2007). Perpustakaan Digital Perguruan Tinggi: Tantangan Peningkatan Kualitas Jasa. <http//www.infolit.com>. Diakses 20 April 2012

Pedoman Penyelenggaraan Perpustakaan Umum (1992), ed. 1, cet 1. Jakarta : Perpustakaan Nasional RI

Samosir, Zurni (2004). Konsep Dasar Ilmu Perpustakaan.<repository.usu.ac.id/bit stream/123456789/1789/1/konsep-zurni.pd>. Diakses 19 Maret 2012. SCONUL (2007). “Information Skills in Higher Education: A SCONUL Position

Paper” Diakses 15 Maret 2012

SCONUL (2007). The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy.

Siregar, Ridwan (2004). Peran Perpustakaan Umum dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. <repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/1789/1/perpus-ridwan2.pdf>. Diakses 19 Maret 2012

Soejono (1999). Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Sugiyono (2002). Metode Penelitian Administrasi. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sugiyono (2008). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Sulistyo-Basuki (1991). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Sulistyo-Basuki (1993). Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Supardi, A (1979). Statistik. Bandung: Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Sunan Gunung Jati.

Sutarno, NS (2006). Manajemen Perpustakaan. Jakarta. Sagung Seto.

Unesco (2007). Information Literacy: An international state of the art report. <http

Yusuf, Taslimah (1996). Manajemen Perpustakaan Umum. Jakarta. Universitas Terbuka.

LAMPIRAN 1 Kuesioner Penelitian



1. Mohon ketersediaan Saudara/i untuk mengisi kuesioner dengan jawaban yang Saudara/i benar.

2. Berilah tanda (X) pada jawaban yang Saudara/I anggap benar .


Status :

1. Apabila Anda harus menggunakan database untuk menemukan informasi mengenai “Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Nilai Akademik Siswa SMA”, kata kunci apa yang akan Anda gunakan dalam penelusuran?


a. Lingkungan Keluarga, Nilai Akademik, Siswa SMA c. Pengaruh, Lingkungan Keluarga

b. Lingkungan Keluarga, Nilai Akademik d. Pengaruh, Nilai Akademik

2. Apabila dihadapkan oleh tugas yang diberikan dosen, apa yang sebaiknya Anda lakukan dalam mencari jawaban atas tugas tersebut?

a. Menjawab asal-asalan

b. Merumuskan kata kunci yang sesuai dengan topik c. Mencari buku dengan judul yang sama persis d. Mencontek pada teman

3. Ketika diberi tugas oleh dosen mengenai “Bencana Alam”, informasi apa yang tidak Anda butuhkan?

a. Jenis-jenis bencana alam c. Ledakan informasi

4. Untuk mencari buku di koleksi perpustakaan, Anda sebaiknya mencari melalui: a. Bibliografi c. Buku cetak

b. Katalog perpustakaan d. Internet

5. Untuk menemukan informasi paling terbaru mengenai penyalahgunaan obat-obatan, Anda sebaiknya menggunakan:

a. Kamus c. Jurnal b. Buku d. Ensiklopedia

6. Bila Anda ingin mendapatkan informasi dari internet mengenai kesehatan gigi, situs manakah yang akan Anda kunjungi?

a. c. www.neurologi_disease.com

b. d.

7. Ada beberapa strategi penelusuran informasi melalui internet. Manakah yang disebut sebagai strategi Boolean Operation?

a. Penggunaan tanda AND, OR, dan NOT c. Penggunaan tanda (“) b. Pencarian dengan kata kunci d. Potongan kata

8. Ketika mencari database yang sesuai dengan subjek yang Anda cari, database tersebut merekomendasikan untuk menggunakan istilah spesifik. Untuk mengidentifikasi istilah ini, Anda sebaiknya menggunakan:

a. Ideogram c. Kamus

b. Tesaurus d. Search Engine

9. Untuk menemukan dokumen yang sesuai dengan topik yang anda cari, Anda dapat memasukkan sinonim dalam kata kunci penelusuran Anda. Untuk menggabungkan sinonim tersebut, apa yang Anda gunakan?

a. AND c. +

b. NOT d. OR

10. Buku di perpustakaan disusun di rak berdasarkan:

a. Nama pengarang c. Judul

11. Di bawah ini merupakan nama-nama Search Engine (Mesin Pencari), kecuali: a. Google c. Altavista

b. Yahoo d. Scribd

12. Menggunakan Search Engine seperti Google atau Yahoo, Anda tidak akan menemukan:

a. Nomor panggil buku di perpustakaan c. Biografi orang terkenal b. Katalog belanja d. Informasi sebuah perusahaan

13. Untuk mengetahui subjek dari sebuah dokumen, maka bagian dari dokumen yang pertama kali dilihat adalah:

a. Judul dan abstrak c. Isi dokumen b. Daftar isi d. Daftar pustaka

14. Karakteristik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas situs internet antara lain:

a. Tertulis tanggal diterbitkan b. Tampilan dan warna yang menarik

c. Nama dan latar belakang pengarang dicantumkan d. Banyaknya pengunjung situs

15. Dalam mengevaluasi dokumen yang telah diperoleh, maka yang harus dilakukan adalah:

a. Melihat judul dan daftar isinya saja c. Membaca dokumen secara utuh

b. Membaca abstraknya saja d. Membaca daftar pustakanya saja

16. Pada saat menyimpan informasi dalam komputer, bagaimanan cara yang sebaiknya dilakukan untuk memudahkan dalam menemukan informasi itu kembali?

a. Dikelompokkan berdasarkan abjad dari judul b. Dikelompokkan berdasarkan tipe dokumen

c. Dikelompokkan berdasarkan tanggal memperoleh informasi d. Dikelompokkan berdasarkan subjek dari informasi tersebut

17. Ketika menemukan informasi melalui internet, sebaiknya kita:

a. Mendownload informasi c. Mencatat pada secarik kertas b. Mencetak informasi d. Hanya membaca di monitor

18.Bagimana cara yang baik untuk mengkomunikasikan informasi yang diperoleh kepada orang lain?

a. Mendiskusikannya kepada orang lain b. Mengajari orang lain

c. Membuat rangkuman dan memberikannya kepada orang lain untuk dipelajari

d. Menyimpannya

19. Apakah Anda pernah menghasilkan tulisan ilmiah seperti artikel ilmiah, buku, dan lain-lain?

a. Pernah b. Tidak pernah

20.Dari kutipan di bawah ini, manakah yang mencerminkan kutipan dari artikel jurnal ilmiah?

a. Burton ED, Bush RT, Sullivan LA. 2006. Acid-volatile sulfide oxidation in coastal flood plain drains: Iron-sulfur cycling and effects on water quality. Environmental Science and Technology 40:1217-22.

b. Cox DD. 2002. A naturalist’s guide to wetland plants: An ecology for eastern North America. 1st ed. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 194 p. c. Harder B. 2005. Moon’s phases predict water quality at beaches. Sci News

168: 4-5. d. a, b, c benar

21. Bagaimana cara yang baik untuk mempublikasikan tulisan atau karya tulis Anda kepada orang lain?

a. Memilih blog di internet

b. Memilih media cetak seperti koran

c. Menunggu orang lain bertanya tentang ada atau tidaknya tulisan ataukarya tulis Anda

LAMPIRAN 2 KUNCI JAWABAN 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.A




Able to identify a personal need for information Understands:

 That new information and data is constantly being produced and that there is always more to learn

 That being information literate involves developing a learning habit so new information is being actively sought all the time

 That ideas and opportunities are created by investigating/seeking information

 The scale of the world of published and unpublished information and data Is able to:

 Identify a lack of knowledge in a subject area

 Identify a search topic / question and define it using simple terminology

 Articulate current knowledge on a topic

 Recognise a need for information and data to achieve a specific end and define limits to the information need

 Use background information to underpin the search

 Take personal responsibility for an information search


Can assess current knowledge and identify gaps Understands:

 What types of information are available

 The characteristics of the different types of information source available to them and how they may be affected by the format (digital, print)

 The publication process in terms of why individuals publish and the currency of information

 Issues of accessibility

 What services are available to help and how to access them Is able to:

 “Know what you don’t know” to identify any information gaps

 Identify which types of information will best meet the need

 Identify the available search tools, such as general and subject specific resources at different levels

 Identify different formats in which information may be provided

 Demonstrate the ability to use new tools as they become available 3. PLAN

Can construct strategies for locating information and data Understands:

 The range of searching techniques available for finding information.

 The differences between search tools, recognising advantages and limitations

 Why complex search strategies can make a difference to the breadth and depth of information found

 The need to develop approaches to searching such that new tools are sought for each new question (not relying always on most familiar resources)

 The need to revise keywords and adapt search strategies according to the resources available and / or results found

 The value of controlled vocabularies and taxonomies in searching Is able to:

 Scope their search question clearly and in appropriate language

 Define a search strategy by using appropriate keywords and concepts, defining and setting limits

 Select the most appropriate search tools

 Identify controlled vocabularies and taxonomies to aid in searching if appropriate

 Identify appropriate search techniques to use as necessary

 Identify specialist search tools appropriate to each individual information need


Can locate and access the information and data they need Understands:

 How information and data is organised, digitally and in print sources

 How libraries provide access to resources

 How digital technologies are providing collaborative tools to create and share information

 The issues involved in collecting new data

 The different elements of a citation and how this describes an information resource

 The use of abstracts

 The need to keep up to date with new information

 The difference between free and paid for resources

 The importance of appraising and evaluating search results

Is able to:

 Use a range of retrieval tools and resources effectively

 Construct complex searches appropriate to different digital and print resources

 Access full text information, both print and digital, read and download online material and data

 Use appropriate techniques to collect new data

 Keep up to date with new information

 Engage with their community to share information

 Identify when the information need has not been met

 Use online and printed help and can find personal, expert help 5. EVALUATE

Can review the research process and compare and evaluate information and data


 The information and data landscape of their learning/research context

 Issues of quality, accuracy, relevance, bias, reputation and credibility relating to information and data sources

 How information is evaluated and published, to help inform personal evaluation process

 The importance of consistency in data collection

 The importance of citation in their learning/research context Is able to:

 Distinguish between different information resources and the information they provide

 Choose suitable material on their search topic, using appropriate criteria

 Assess the quality, accuracy, relevance, bias, reputation and credibility of the information resources found

 Assess the credibility of the data gathered

 Read critically, identifying key points and arguments

 Relate the information found to the original search strategy

 Critically appraise and evaluate their own findings and those of others

 Know when to stop 6. MANAGE

Can organise information professionally and ethically Understands:

 Their responsibility to be honest in all aspects of information handling and dissemination (e.g. copyright, plagiarism and intellectual property issues)

 The need to adopt appropriate data handling methods

 The role they play in helping others in information seeking and management

 The need to keep systematic records

 The importance of storing and sharing information and data ethically

 The role of professionals, such as data managers and librarians, who can advise, assist and support with all aspects of information management

Is able to:

 Use bibliographical software if appropriate to manage information

 Cite printed and electronic sources using suitable referencing styles

 Demonstrate awareness of issues relating to the rights of others including ethics, data protection, copyright, plagiarism and any other intellectual property issues

 Meet standards of conduct for academic integrity

 Use appropriate data management software and techniques to manage data 7. PRESENT

Can apply the knowledge gained: presenting the results of their research, synthesising new and old information and data to create new knowledge and disseminating it in a variety of ways


 The difference between summarising and synthesising

 That different forms of writing/ presentation style can be used to present information to different communities

 That data can be presented in different ways

 Their personal responsibility to store and share information and data

 Their personal responsibility to disseminate information & knowledge

 How their work will be evaluated

 The processes of publication

 The concept of attribution

 That individuals can take an active part in the creation of information through traditional publishing and digital technologies (e.g. blogs, wikis)

Is able to:

 Use the information and data found to address the original question

 Summarise documents and reports verbally and in writing

 Incorporate new information into the context of existing knowledge

 Synthesise and appraise new and complex information from different sources

 Communicate effectively using appropriate writing styles in a variety of formats

 Communicate effectively verbally

 Select appropriate publications and dissemination outlets in which to publish if appropriate

 Develop a personal profile in the community using appropriate personal networks and digital technologies (e.g. discussion lists, social networking sites, blogs,

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