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BOGOR 2012



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50 Lampiran 1 Tahapan ekstraksi protein serisin dari kelenjar sutera tengah

Attacus atlas (Invitrogen 2012)

Tahapan ekstraksi:

- Penimbangan KSA

- Penambahan 1 ml tissue extraction reagent Iper 0,1 g KSA - Homogenisasi dengan mortar

- Sentrifugasi pada 10.000 rpm selama 5 menit

- Supernatan dikoleksi dan simpan pada suhu (-20oC) sebagai protein serisin.

Hasil homogenisasi Supernatan


posterior KSA

51 Lampiran 2 Tahapan ekstraksi protein serisin dari kulit kokon

Tahapan preparasi sampel (Solihin & Fuah 2010):

- Kokon dibersihkan dari floss (serabut kokon) dan sisa pupa, yang selanjutnya disebut kulit kokon

- Kulit kokon dibersihkan dengan air tanpa sabun, kemudian dikeringanginkan - Kulit kokon dipotong-potong sekitar 1 cm2 supaya tidak voluminous

- Kulit kokon yang telah dipotong-potong siap untuk proses degumming.

Tahapan ekstraksi protein serisin: 1. Teknik degumming

- Fisik (Padamwar & Pawar 2004)

- Potongan kulit kokon (1 cm2) sebanyak 0,04 g/ml dimasukkan dalam tabung yang telah diisi DW 150 ml

- Tutup rapat tabung dan masukkan dalam autoklaf

- Autoklaf di setting suhu dan waktunya sesuai yang diinginkan

- Tabung diangkat dari autoklaf setelah proses selesai dan didinginkan dalam suhu ruang

- Isi tabung kemudian disaring untuk memisahkan fibroin dan larutan - Larutan inilah yang disebut larutan hasil degumming yang akan diisolasi

protein serisinnya. - Kimia (Suriana 2011)

Proses sama seperti teknik degumming secara fisik tetapi ditambah basa kuat NaOH pada larutan sebelum masuk autoklaf.

52 2. Isolasi protein serisin

Tahapan isolasi protein (Wu et al. 2007):

- Penambahan etanol dingin (-18oC) sebesar 75% v/v pada larutan hasil degumming yang kemudian disebut larutan mixed

- Larutan mixed kemudian disimpan semalam pada suhu (-25oC)

- Larutan yang selanjutnya di settling pada suhu 4oC selama 72 jam untuk diambil endapannya

- Endapan kemudian dievaporasi pada suhu 50oC dan tekanan 7 mbar untuk menghilangkan etanol

53 Lampiran 3 Tahapan uji tegangan permukaan

Tahapan uji tegangan permukaan:

- Penambahan crude protein serisin dalam DW (ml) yang kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam gelas beaker 100 ml

- Gelas beaker ditempatkan pada tensiometer

- Pengukuran tegangan permukaan sampel dilakukan sampai penarik tegangan permukaan (ring) keluar dari permukaan air, dan nilainya ditunjukkan oleh penunjukkan jarum tensiometer pada angka tertentu dalam dynes/cm.


54 Lampiran 4 Analisis ragam pengaruh kemurnian etanol terhadap rendemen

protein serisin Source DF SS MS F P Sampel 1 0,0006 0,0006 0,04 0,846 Error 4 0,0557 0,0139 Total 5 0,0563 S = 0,1180 R-Sq = 1,07% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---+---+---+

E1 3 1,0233 0,0379 (---*---)

E2 3 1,0033 0,1626 (---*---)

---+---+---+---+ 0,90 1,00 1,10 1,20 Pooled StDev = 0,1180

55 Lampiran 5 Analisis ragam pengaruh rasio volume NaOH 0,1 N dan jenis

spesies ulat sutera terhadap rendemen protein serisin

Source DF SS MS F P rasio NaOH 1 9,22 9,22 1,76 0,242 spesies 1 1350,18 1350,18 258,07 0,000 Error 5 26,16 5,23 Total 7 1385,56 S = 2,287 R-Sq = 98,11% R-Sq(adj) = 97,36% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on rasio Pooled StDev

NaOH Mean ---+---+---+---+-

R1 16,0200 (---*---)

R2 18,1675 (---*---)


15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev spesies Mean ---+---+---+---+ S1 4,1025 (---*---) S2 30,0850 (---*--) ---+---+---+---+ 8,0 16,0 24,0 32,0

56 Lampiran 6 Analisis ragam pengaruh konsentrasi NaOH terhadap rendemen

protein serisin Source DF SS MS F P kode spl 5 64,452 12,890 13,00 0,004 Error 6 5,950 0,992 Total 11 70,402 S = 0,9958 R-Sq = 91,55% R-Sq(adj) = 84,50%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---+---+---+---

N1 2 5,865 0,262 (---*---) N2 2 6,780 0,424 (---*---) N3 2 8,740 2,065 (---*---) N4 2 7,395 0,445 (---*---) N5 2 11,690 0,339 (---*---) N6 2 11,840 1,061 (---*---) ---+---+---+---+--- 5,0 7,5 10,0 12,5 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals Individual confidence level = 99,27% kode spl = N1 subtracted from: kode spl Lower Center Upper ---+---+---+---+-

N2 -3,049 0,915 4,879 (---*---) N3 -1,089 2,875 6,839 (---*---) N4 -2,434 1,530 5,494 (---*---) N5 1,861 5,825 9,789 (---*---) N6 2,011 5,975 9,939 (---*---) ---+---+---+---+- -5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0 kode spl = N2 subtracted from: kode spl Lower Center Upper ---+---+---+---+-

N3 -2,004 1,960 5,924 (---*---) N4 -3,349 0,615 4,579 (---*---) N5 0,946 4,910 8,874 (---*---) N6 1,096 5,060 9,024 (---*---) ---+---+---+---+- -5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0 kode spl = N3 subtracted from: kode spl Lower Center Upper ---+---+---+---+-

N4 -5,309 -1,345 2,619 (---*---)

N5 -1,014 2,950 6,914 (---*---)

N6 -0,864 3,100 7,064 (---*---)


-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0 kode spl = N4 subtracted from: kode spl Lower Center Upper ---+---+---+---+-

N5 0,331 4,295 8,259 (---*---)

N6 0,481 4,445 8,409 (---*---)


-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0 kode spl = N5 subtracted from: kode spl Lower Center Upper ---+---+---+---+-

N6 -3,814 0,150 4,114 (---*---)

---+---+---+---+- -5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0

57 Lampiran 7 Rendemen protein serisin pada optimasi 1

Suhu (oC)

Waktu (menit)

Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon

tanpa AFB (%)

Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon dengan AFB (%) 110,00 30,00 5,708 6,196 110,00 50,00 7,691 8,356 120,00 30,00 7,511 8,154 120,00 50,00 9,565 10,326 115,00 40,00 7,776 8,436 115,00 40,00 6,667 7,274 115,00 40,00 6,487 7,077 115,00 40,00 5,824 6,372 115,00 40,00 7,185 7,861 122,07 40,00 8,605 9,264 107,93 40,00 5,352 5,877 115,00 54,14 8,596 9,380 115,00 25,86 7,883 8,789

58 Lampiran 8 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 1

tanpa penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 6.86113 0.37166 18.461 1.63e-06 *** blockB2 -0.18302 0.41549 -0.440 0.67501 x1 0.63077 0.26281 2.400 0.05329 . x2 1.03483 0.26281 3.938 0.00765 ** x1:x2 0.01788 0.37164 0.048 0.96318 x1^2 0.73738 0.28263 2.609 0.04017 * x2^2 0.10691 0.28263 0.378 0.71826 Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . .

Residual standard error: 0.7433 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.8242, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6485 F-statistic: 4.69 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 0.04099

Analysis of Variance Table Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.0341 0.0341 0.0618 0.81199 FO(x1, x2) 2 11.7481 5.8741 10.6327 0.01066 TWI(x1, x2) 1 0.0013 0.0013 0.0023 0.96318 PQ(x1, x2) 2 3.7609 1.8804 3.4038 0.10281 Residuals 6 3.3147 0.5525 Lack of fit 3 1.4129 0.4710 0.7429 0.59355 Pure error 3 1.9018 0.6339

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

-0.3693974 -4.8088952 Stationary point in original units: time temp 36.30603 90.95552 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] 0.7375092 0.1067817 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.99989949 0.01417747 [2,] -0.01417747 -0.99989949

59 Lampiran 9 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 1

dengan penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 7.45845 0.40999 18.192 1.78e-06 *** blockB2 -0.13608 0.45835 -0.297 0.7766 x1 0.64606 0.28991 2.228 0.0674 . x2 1.08982 0.28991 3.759 0.0094 ** x1:x2 0.00300 0.40997 0.007 0.9944 x1^2 0.82984 0.31178 2.662 0.0374 * x2^2 0.07261 0.31178 0.233 0.8236 --- Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . . Residual standard error: 0.8199 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.8137, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6274 F-statistic: 4.368 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 0.04792

Analysis of Variance Table Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.0082 0.0082 0.0122 0.91578 FO(x1, x2) 2 12.8388 6.4194 9.5484 0.01366 TWI(x1, x2) 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.99440 PQ(x1, x2) 2 4.7736 2.3868 3.5502 0.09607 Residuals 6 4.0338 0.6723 Lack of fit 3 1.8466 0.6155 0.8443 0.55369 Pure error 3 2.1872 0.7291

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

-0.3757147 -7.4965849 Stationary point in original units: time temp 36.24285 77.51708 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] 0.8298440 0.0726094 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.999998038 0.001980896 [2,] -0.001980896 -0.999998038

60 Lampiran 10 Analisis ragam titik pusat optimasi 1 terhadap rendemen

protein serisin Source DF SS MS F P sampel 1 0,949 0,949 1,64 0,236 Error 8 4,631 0,579 Total 9 5,580 S = 0,7608 R-Sq = 17,01% R-Sq(adj) = 6,64%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev +---+---+---+---

O11 5 6,7878 0,7363 (---*---)

O12 5 7,4040 0,7847 (---*---)

+---+---+---+--- 6,00 6,60 7,20 7,80

61 Lampiran 11 Rendemen protein serisin pada optimasi 2

Suhu (oC) Waktu (menit) Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon tanpa AFB


Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon dengan AFB

(%) 110,00 30,00 5,388 5,848 110,00 50,00 4,923 5,349 120,00 30,00 7,253 7,874 120,00 50,00 12,034 12,991 115,00 40,00 10,160 11,022 115,00 40,00 9,075 9,901 115,00 40,00 9,426 10,283 115,00 40,00 9,252 10,123 115,00 40,00 8,697 9,515 122,07 40,00 10,540 11,348 107,93 40,00 4,399 4,831 115,00 54,14 9,075 9,903 115,00 25,86 6,649 7,413

62 Lampiran 12 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 2

tanpa penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 9.34250 0.24250 38.526 2.04e-08 *** blockB2 -0.05095 0.27110 -0.188 0.85711 x1 0.96854 0.17148 5.648 0.00132 ** x2 2.20792 0.17148 12.876 1.35e-05 *** x1:x2 1.31148 0.24248 5.408 0.00165 ** x1^2 -0.79415 0.18441 -4.306 0.00506 ** x2^2 -0.99062 0.18441 -5.372 0.00171 ** Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . .

Residual standard error: 0.485 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9782, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9564 F-statistic: 44.92 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 9.991e-05 Analysis of Variance Table

Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.157 0.1572 0.6683 0.444885 FO(x1, x2) 2 46.497 23.2484 98.8475 2.556e-05 TWI(x1, x2) 1 6.880 6.8799 29.2518 0.001651 PQ(x1, x2) 2 9.860 4.9298 20.9604 0.001963 Residuals 6 1.411 0.2352 Lack of fit 3 0.644 0.2146 0.8393 0.555541 Pure error 3 0.767 0.2557

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

3.374335 3.348060 Stationary point in original units: time temp 73.74335 131.74030 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] -0.2293262 -1.5554372 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.7576786 -0.6526279 [2,] -0.6526279 0.7576786

63 Lampiran 13 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 2

dengan penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 10.166877 0.264077 38.500 2.05e-08 *** blockB2 0.004915 0.295225 0.017 0.98726 x1 1.017511 0.186734 5.449 0.00159 ** x2 2.360736 0.186734 12.642 1.50e-05 *** x1:x2 1.404000 0.264062 5.317 0.00180 ** x1^2 -0.845349 0.200820 -4.209 0.00563 ** x2^2 -1.129685 0.200820 -5.625 0.00135 ** --- Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . .

Residual standard error: 0.5281 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9776, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9552 F-statistic: 43.66 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 0.0001085 Analysis of Variance Table

Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.108 0.1079 0.3870 0.556763 FO(x1, x2) 2 52.859 26.4296 94.7584 2.89e-05 TWI(x1, x2) 1 7.885 7.8849 28.2697 0.001800 PQ(x1, x2) 2 12.208 6.1040 21.8849 0.001752 Residuals 6 1.673 0.2789 Lack of fit 3 0.839 0.2797 1.0056 0.498209 Pure error 3 0.834 0.2781

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

3.036414 2.931730 Stationary point in original units: time temp 70.36414 129.65865 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] -0.2712658 -1.7037682 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.7741088 -0.6330525 [2,] -0.6330525 0.7741088

64 Lampiran 14 Analisis ragam titik pusat optimasi 2 terhadap rendemen

protein serisin Source DF SS MS F P sampel 1 1,793 1,793 5,95 0,041 Error 8 2,412 0,301 Total 9 4,205 S = 0,5491 R-Sq = 42,64% R-Sq(adj) = 35,47%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---+---+---+----

O21 5 9,322 0,541 (---*---)

O22 5 10,169 0,557 (---*---)


9,00 9,50 10,00 10,50 Pooled StDev = 0,549 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of sampel Individual confidence level = 95,00% sampel = O21 subtracted from: sampel Lower Center Upper -+---+---+---+---

O22 0,0460 0,8468 1,6476 (---*---)

-+---+---+---+--- -0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

65 Lampiran 15 Rendemen protein serisin pada optimasi 3

Suhu (oC)

Waktu (menit)

Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon tanpa AFB (%)

Rendemen protein dalam kulit kokon dengan AFB (%) 110,00 30,00 0,446 0,487 110,00 50,00 0,483 0,528 120,00 30,00 0,719 0,781 120,00 50,00 0,738 0,801 115,00 40,00 0,273 0,299 115,00 40,00 0,230 0,252 115,00 40,00 0,244 0,266 115,00 40,00 0,242 0,264 115,00 40,00 0,251 0,275 122,07 40,00 0,695 0,759 107,93 40,00 0,352 0,388 115,00 54,14 0,451 0,508 115,00 25,86 0,515 0,573

66 Lampiran 16 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 3

tanpa penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.271592 0.020589 13.191 1.17e-05 *** blockB2 -0.059012 0.023017 -2.564 0.042687 * x1 -0.004256 0.014559 -0.292 0.779857 x2 0.126611 0.014559 8.697 0.000128 *** x1:x2 -0.004612 0.020587 -0.224 0.830168 x1^2 0.143656 0.015657 9.175 9.44e-05 *** x2^2 0.163920 0.015657 10.470 4.46e-05 *** ---

Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . .

Residual standard error: 0.04117 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9764, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9528 F-statistic: 41.41 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 0.0001265 Analysis of Variance Table

Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.002865 0.002865 1.6901 0.2412894 FO(x1, x2) 2 0.128368 0.064184 37.8587 0.0003958 TWI(x1, x2) 1 0.000085 0.000085 0.0502 0.8301681 PQ(x1, x2) 2 0.289878 0.144939 85.4916 3.896e-05 Residuals 6 0.010172 0.001695 Lack of fit 3 0.009170 0.003057 9.1479 0.0509345 Pure error 3 0.001002 0.000334

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

0.008616798 -0.386077421 Stationary point in original units: time temp 40.08617 113.06961 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] 0.1641787 0.1433969 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.1116648 -0.9937459 [2,] 0.9937459 -0.1116648

67 Lampiran 17 Analisis response surface methodology (RSM) pada optimasi 3

dengan penambahan AFB

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.294658 0.020772 14.185 7.67e-06 *** blockB2 -0.058656 0.023222 -2.526 0.0449 * x1 -0.003864 0.014688 -0.263 0.8013 x2 0.136470 0.014688 9.291 8.80e-05 *** x1:x2 -0.005250 0.020771 -0.253 0.8089 x1^2 0.160672 0.015796 10.171 5.26e-05 *** x2^2 0.177177 0.015796 11.216 3.00e-05 *** --- Signif. codes: *** . ** . * . 5 . .

Residual standard error: 0.04154 on 6 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.9797, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9594 F-statistic: 48.32 on 6 and 6 DF, p-value: 8.084e-05 Analysis of Variance Table

Response: yield

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) block 1 0.00228 0.002277 1.3194 0.2944183 FO(x1, x2) 2 0.14909 0.074545 43.1960 0.0002739 TWI(x1, x2) 1 0.00011 0.000110 0.0639 0.8088926 PQ(x1, x2) 2 0.34886 0.174428 101.0751 2.395e-05 Residuals 6 0.01035 0.001726 Lack of fit 3 0.00913 0.003043 7.4514 0.0665894 Pure error 3 0.00123 0.000408

Stationary point of response surface: x1 x2

0.005734926 -0.385038919 Stationary point in original units: time temp 40.05735 113.07481 Eigenanalysis: $values [1] 0.1775840 0.1602642 $vectors [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.1533750 -0.9881681 [2,] 0.9881681 -0.1533750

68 Lampiran 18 Analisis ragam titik pusat optimasi 3 terhadap rendemen

protein serisin Source DF SS MS F P Sampel 1 0,001346 0,001346 4,80 0,060 Error 8 0,002245 0,000281 Total 9 0,003590 S = 0,01675 R-Sq = 37,48% R-Sq(adj) = 29,66%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---+---+---+---

O31 5 0,24800 0,01589 (---*---)

O32 5 0,27120 0,01757 (---*---)


0,240 0,255 0,270 0,285 Pooled StDev = 0,01675 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Sampel Individual confidence level = 95,00% Sampel = O31 subtracted from: Sampel Lower Center Upper --+---+---+---+---

O32 -0,00123 0,02320 0,04763 (---*---)

--+---+---+---+--- -0,020 0,000 0,020 0,040

69 Lampiran 19 Kurva standar marker bobot molekul pada separating gel

12,5% dan stacking gel 4%

Rf marker = [panjang marker pada gel : CBB]

Dimana: Panjang marker diukur dari garis atas separating gel

CBB adalah batas akhir running elektroforesis (ada di bawah separating gel)

Log BM adalah log bobot molekul marker.

y = -1,177x + 1,998 R² = 0,978 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 0,00 0,50 1,00 L o g B M Rf marker Kurva Standar log BM Linear (log BM)

70 Lampiran 20 Perhitungan bobot molekul sampel

Bobot molekul sampel dihitung dari persamaan linier kurva standar (Lampiran 19). Persamaan linier kurva standar:

Y = -1,77x + 1,998 Dimana: Y = log bobot molekul sampel

71 Lampiran 21 Kromatogram analisis asam amino dengan hidrolisis asam

72 Lampiran 22 Kromatogram analisis asam amino dengan hidrolisis basa

73 Lampiran 23 Analisis ragam uji tegangan permukaan larutan dengan kadar

protein serisin berbeda

Source DF SS MS F P Kode sampel 2 111,740 55,870 167,61 0,000 Error 6 2,000 0,333

Total 8 113,740

S = 0,5774 R-Sq = 98,24% R-Sq(adj) = 97,66%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

Level N Mean StDev ---+---+---+---+-

TP1 3 51,267 0,929 (--*--) TP2 3 57,467 0,306 (--*--) TP3 3 59,567 0,208 (--*---) ---+---+---+---+- 52,5 55,0 57,5 60,0 Pooled StDev = 0,577 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of Kode sampel Individual confidence level = 97,80% Kode sampel = TP1 subtracted from: Kode sampel Lower Center Upper +---+---+---+---

TP2 4,753 6,200 7,647 (---*---)

TP3 6,853 8,300 9,747 (---*---)


-3,5 0,0 3,5 7,0 Kode sampel = TP2 subtracted from: Kode sampel Lower Center Upper +---+---+---+---

TP3 0,653 2,100 3,547 (---*---)

+---+---+---+--- -3,5 0,0 3,5 7,0

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