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Dalam dokumen AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS (Halaman 171-183)

Teacher 1 Teacher II

B. Suggestions

Based on the results of the research above, the researcher proposes several suggestions. The researcher hopes that these suggestions can be useful, especially for English teachers, students, schools, and other researchers. They are as follows;

1. Teacher

The English teacher is imposing because he can create an English-speaking environment and come up with creative ways to teach English. It is necessary to progressively improve or enlarge students' abilities, especially speaking skills.

2. Students

Language learners seem skillful in speaking that they always use it in the classroom. They must maintain it as a habit and establish the responsibility, that language learners need not only to speak the language for purposeful learning but also for daily routines and daily life.

3. For Schools

The language learning environment in schools is quite supportive. However, it needs to be improved, especially for English learners. Students do need to have a conducive classroom as a regular place. It is expected to be able to create a classroom environment that is rich in creative learning tools or media. Schools can facilitate teachers in formulating strategies, such as internet quotas, easily accessible learning applications, and extensive internet learning resources. So teachers can improve their strategies including using techniques, methods, and media that will be implemented to students.

4. For future researchers,

This research still has some limitations. It is hoped that the next researcher can analyze this case more profoundly or analyze things that are not mentioned by

the researcher here. This research can also be a reference for other similar studies.


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Dalam dokumen AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS (Halaman 171-183)