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B. Discussions

1. Types of ICT used in Lectures

According to Alkanel & Chouthaiwale (2018) in Alkaromah (2020: 124) ICT is divided into two types, namely Non-Web-Based Learning and Web-based Learning. In this study, the researchers found that the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi is currently using web learning to support lectures.

Learning English using web-based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is also known as distance learning. Learning is rarely far away applied by the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi because given the current conditions that do not allow online learning, so learning is carried out at each home by utilizing the use of web-based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a learning medium. implemented by the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, especially for 5th-semester students of English Education. Learning currently uses the Whatsapp Group application, Sutha Spidol, email, or zoom applications as learning media that


connects lecturers and students’. Lecturers deliver lecture material through the zoom application, then the lecturer gives assignments and assignments that will be collected by students through the Whatsapp Group application or e-mail, besides that students’ can also re-access the learning materials that have been previously delivered in the form of videos on the Sutha Spidol website.

2. Students' Perceptions about The Application of ICT in Learning English According to Konent Jaranigrat (2011:99) in Kodariah (2016:05), perception is the whole process of human consciousness in drawing in the surrounding environment. In this study, researchers divided 2 types of human perception according to Kodariah (2016: 05), namely as follows:

a. Perception of the physical environment

The perception of the physical environment is generally defined as the awareness of feelings about the environment and as the act of perceiving the environment by the senses in a different sense.

After conducting the research, the researcher concluded that some positive perceptions obtained from the results of the study meant that some students understood that the current conditions did not allow face-to-face learning so that learning was carried out at their respective homes by utilizing ICT learning media and research results It is found that students support and like learning by using ICT at this time.

In this study, researchers conducted interviews with several English education students in semester 5 of the State Islamic University of Sulthan


Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, this was done to find answers about student perceptions of the use of ICT in English learning.

Based on the results of an interview with Widia on November 12, 2020, it was explained that students already know about ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a medium for learning English at this time.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the 5th semester of English education students already knows about the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their learning medium at this time. Students also feel interested in taking part in learning.

This was conveyed by Siti Rahayu on November 12, 2020, in an interview which explained that students are interested in taking part in current learning, students also feel challenged by the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as the main learning medium at this time, because usually, students are already utilizing the internet network for their learning media, the use of ICT can also make learning very enjoyable.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students feel interested and challenged by current learning. Students are also accustomed to using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the benefit of learning, this was conveyed by Sherly on November 12, 2020, in her interview which explained that previously students had also used the internet network to find additional references in their learning.


From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the 5th-semester students of English education have used the internet as a means of finding their learning references. Students also feel helped by the presence of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

Based on the results of the interview with Adelia on November 12, 2020, it was explained that some students felt that taking advantage of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in English learning had made it easier for them to carry out learning activities at this time.

From the results of the interview, students felt helped by the existence of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), because their learning activities could run, even though in their current conditions. Also, the student learning process looks enthusiastic and likes the learning being taught, and continues to participate in learning activities. Students who have a feeling of pleasure or like the current learning, these students will receive material with feelings of liking and study the material without compulsion. This feeling of pleasure will influence students to be able to experiment, such as feeling pleasure and feeling happy about what they are learning.

The same thing was conveyed by Nur Aida on November 13, 2020, in an interview which explained that students felt that the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at this time, it could help the interaction between lecturers and students in learning activities, so that lecturers could explain learning material through various applications to students, then students can understand the explanation given by the lecturer.


From the results of the interview, by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), it can connect lecturers and students, so that the teaching and learning process continues. Students also become more independent in understanding lessons.

Based on the results of an interview with Ufi Fatmala on November 12, 2020, it was explained that through current learning, students can also learn independently such as by understanding material through English learning videos. Students can see repeatedly, observe, and study carefully.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that in the 5th semester of English education students can study independently at home by repeating the learning videos that have been given by the lecturer so that students can better absorb the material presented in video form.

In addition, by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students can still do the assignments given by the lecturer, this was conveyed by Ahmad Khusairi on November 13, 2020, in his interview which explained that learning today really makes it easy for lecturers and students for their limitations time. Learning that cannot be done face-to-face can be replaced with virtual learning as it is at this time so that less meeting time can be overcome by doing assignments and collecting them through the WhatsApp application or others.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that even with the limited time they have, students and lecturers can still learn, if the learning class is virtually limited in time, it can be replaced with various kinds of


assignments given by the lecturer, which will then be collected again by students through predefined applications.

The same thing was conveyed by several other students. Based on the results of the interview with Regina on November 15, 2020, it was explained that utilizing the use of ICT in English learning can help students complete assignments given by lecturers more quickly and accurately. the use of ICT can also improve student learning performance, students will be more disciplined and more responsible in collecting assignments because given by the lecturer the time for collecting their assignments has been arranged. If students are late in submitting assignments, students will not get a dispensation from the lecturers. So that the use of ICT as a learning medium can encourage students to be more disciplined and on time in doing and collecting assignments.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the positive impact was felt by students with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students became more disciplined and on time in doing the assignments given by the lecturers.

Also, some students prefer current learning with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This was conveyed by Yossi on November 14, 2020, in his interview which explained that students tend to like assignments through learning at this time rather than learning in class because students have to appear directly in front of the class to deliver


assignments given by the lecturer. Students when delivering class lessons tend to face nervousness when appearing directly in front of the class.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that learning by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) brings benefits to students who are less confident about presenting their presentations in the classroom, because by studying at this time they are not worried about having to appear in front of the class.

Students also feel a big change in current learning, based on the results of an interview with Sri Rizki on November 16, 2020, explaining that many students are sometimes lacking or not focused on learning, feel bored and bored because learning is usually delivered directly, but with the current pandemic, campuses must take advantage of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for learning media, with the current use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) it is expected to increase student enthusiasm for learning so that student minds can be fresher, and can provide a relaxed and learning atmosphere not tense.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students feel a very big change in current learning, because some students who feel bored, get bored during face-to-face learning, do not feel the same thing anymore because of changes in current learning methods.

b. Human perception

Human perception is the process of capturing the sense of social objects and events that we experience in our environment. Each person has a


different picture of the reality around him. In other words, everyone has different perceptions of their social environment.

After conducting the research, the researcher concluded that some of the negative perceptions obtained from the results of the study meant that some students did not support and did not like learning using ICT at this time.

Apart from the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), it is very helpful for students as a medium of learning today. In conducting research, researchers also found various negative responses felt by 5th semester English education students in utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their current learning medium.

Based on the results of an interview with Audia on November 9, 2020, it was explained that according to students learning English with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at this time, became an obstacle for students because of the limited facilities and infrastructure owned by students such as limited internet access.

From the results of these interviews, the most important obstacle felt by students in utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their learning medium at this time was the limited internet access in the location where students lived, hampering their learning process.

In addition to limited internet access, students also prefer face-to-face learning, this was conveyed by Lilis on November 10, 2020, in her interview which explained that students prefer learning in classrooms with face-to-face


learning by utilizing the use of ICT in the classroom compared to utilizing the use of ICT as a medium of learning in their homes.

From the results of these interviews, it can be seen that students prefer direct learning in class because students are accustomed to face-to-face learning so that when they find new learning innovations such as at this time, students tend to be slow to understand their use and use.

Apart from being slow in understanding the use of ICT, students also felt that learning using ICT was not effective. Based on the results of an interview with Febri Romaini on November 11, 2020, it was explained that students felt that when learning was in class they could not understand the material presented directly by the lecturer, especially at times like this, students must study independently at home by only watching videos or lecturers' explanations. through virtual, students feel that the material presented cannot be understood.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students felt that during face-to-face learning they did not understand the material presented by the lecturer, especially at this time, students became very less understanding of the material explained by the lecturer virtually.

Also, students feel bored with learning by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This was conveyed by Ivan on November 13, 2020, in his interview which explained that students were bored with current learning, because students were only given a little


explanation about the learning material, but were given many tasks that had to be completed by students within a certain period of time.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students are bored with current learning because students get little explanation about the learning material, instead, they are given many assignments that require permission.



A. Conclusion

Based on finding and discussion in chapter IV, it can be concluded that:

1. The kinds of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) used by the State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi in lectures as a learning medium at this time are the Whatsap Group application, Sutha Spidol, email or zoom application.

2. The students' perception on the implementation of ICT in English teaching-learning are divided into two parts, namely positive perceptions and negative perceptions. Positive perceptions can be seen in students' interest in learning English. In addition, students feel challenged by current learning. Previously students were also used to using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for learning purposes. Students also feel helped by the existence of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), because their learning activities can run, even in their current conditions. Students also become more independent in understanding lessons. With the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students become more disciplined and on time in doing the assignments given by the lecturer. Students also feel a very big change in current learning, because some students who feel bored, get bored during face-to-face learning, don't feel the same thing anymore because of changes in current learning methods. The negative perception of the


application of ICT in English learning can be that the limited internet access in the location of student residences hampers their learning process, this is an obstacle for students in utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their learning media at the time this. Also, students prefer direct learning in class because students are accustomed to face-to-face learning so that when they find new learning innovations like at this time, students tend to be slow to understand their use and use, and students also feel learning using ICT is not effective because at During face-to-face learning, they do not understand the material presented by the lecturer, especially at this time, students are very less understanding of the material explained by the lecturer virtually.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher proposes some suggestions for those who are involved in.

1. For students’

It is hoped that the 5th-semester students of English education at the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, who are currently utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a medium of learning at this time, can have awareness in using ICT to help them learn English, students are also expected more focused and interested in listening to the material presented by the lecturer in current learning so that students do not have difficulty digesting and understanding the learning material.


2. For lecturers

Before giving subject matter to students, the lecturer should carefully prepare what methods or learning media to use in the virtual classroom so that when the learning process takes place, the lecturer likes the methods and media taught by the teacher.


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Appendix 1

Interview Script 1. Do you know about ICT?

Answer: Yes, I do. That English learning is important in the academic field and can be one of the solutions to their own problems explaining the internet that in learning English as a foreign language. And ICT is one of process to transfer of material and give more information through internet.

2. How do you use the use of ICT (information communicationtechnology) in learning English?

Answer: That students are interested in taking part in current learning, students also feel challenged by the use of ICT (Information an Communication Technology) as the main learning medium at this time, because usually, students are already utilizing the internet network for their learning media, the use of ICT can also make learning very enjoyable.

3. How do you interact with the lecturer when using ICT (information technology communication) in learning English?

Answer: At this time, it could help the interaction between lecturers and students in learning activities, so that lecturers could explain learning material through various applications to students, then students can understand the explanation given by the lecturer.

4. Can you understand when the lecturer delivers the learning material?

Answer: I am not sure because students were only given a little explanation about the learning material.

5. Is learning with the use of ICT (information communication technology) in learning English easy for you?

Answer: Not too bad, , students can also learn independently such as by understanding material through English learning videos. Students can see repeatedly, observe, and study carefully.

6. Do you find it easy to learn in a classroom meeting using ICT?\

Answer: Yes, I do. English learning had made it easier for them to carry out learning activities at this time.

7. Do you feel that your ability to determine the ease of use of ICT is limited by your lack of experience?

Answer: Of course not, that previously students had also used the internet network to find additional references in their learning.

8. Is your homework by using ICT or assignments completed more quickly?

Answer: That utilizing the use of ICT in English learning can help students complete assignments given by lecturers more quickly and

accurately. If students are late in submitting assignments, students will not get a dispensation from the lecturers. So that the use of ICT as a learning medium can encourage students to be more

disciplined and on time in doing and collecting assignments.

9. will use ICT to improve your learning performance?

Answer: The use of ICT can also improve student learning performance, students will be more disciplined and more responsible

10. Will using ICT in your learning increase your productivity?

Answer: Yes, I will. The students like assignments through learning at this time rather than learning in class

11. whether using ICT will increase your effectiveness in learning?

Answer: Not too much increase my effectiveness, but ICT can help students complete assignments more quickly and accurately

12. Have you found benefits in using ICT as your learning?

Answer: Sometimes lacking or not focused on learning, feel bored and bored because learning is usually delivered directly, but with the current pandemic, campuses must take advantage of the use of ICT

(Information and Communication Technology) for learning media, with the current use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) it is expected to increase student enthusiasm for learning so that student minds can be fresher, and can provide a relaxed and learning atmosphere not tense.

13. Is using ICT (information communication technology) in learning English a good idea?

Answer: That’s a bad idea. that students were bored with current learning, because students were only given a little explanation about the learning material, but were given many tasks that had to be

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