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Submitted to fulfill one the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Education Faculty of The State Islamic

University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi







iii Advisor I : Uyun Nafiah, MS, M,Pd.

Advisor II : Ayuliamita Abadi, M,Pd.

Adress : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University at Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

The Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi In Jambi

OFFICIAL NOTE Assalamu‟alaikum wr. wb.

After reading and making some necessary corrections, we agree that thesis entitled “Students 'Perception Toward The Use Of ICT (Information Communication Of Technology) In The English Teaching Learning” by Fitri Adilah TE.161723, English Education Program is approved for thesis defense as partial fulfillment of the requirements to obtain undergraduate degree (S.1) at English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

So, we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciate your attention.

May this thesis be of great benefits to the field of English Education.

Wassalamu‟alaikum wr. Wb

Advisor I Advisor II

Uyun Nafiah, MS, M,Pd. Ayuliamita Abadi, M,Pd.

NIP. 198806272015032006 NIP. 1986022020150322004






Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Muara Jambi 36363 ORGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT

I who signed below stated that the thesis that I arrange as a requirement to get under graduate degree which is entitled “Students 'Perception Toward The Use Of ICT (Information Communication Of Technology) In The English Teaching Learning” is originally and truly my own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of other people, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rules and ethics of scientific writing.

If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my own work or indicated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the consequences in accordance with rules and regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this statement I am in good health and mind.

Jambi, Mei 2021

Fitri Adilah TE.161723




In the name of Allah SWT who is most gracious and great merciful, who has given researchers compassion and blessings, health and the ability to complete the thesis. Prayers for Prophet Muhammad SAW came to completely change the world.

Special thanks to: My parents, my beloved father and mother, my brothers and my sisters who always gave I am eternal love, guidance, motivation, always pray for me support me to complete this thesis and be successful in the future, and to my friends a special thanks to all of you who always guide, always beside me when happy, sad and in all conditions.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support me wherever you are. May Allah SubhanahuWaTa'ala bless us. Aamiin.



اَم َو ۗ ا ًريِثَك ا ًرْيَخ َىِتوُأ ْدَقَف َةَمْك ِحْلٱ َتْؤُي نَم َو ۚ ُءٓاَشَي نَم َةَمْك ِحْلٱ ىِتْؤُي ِبََٰبْلَ ْلْٱ ۟اوُل ۟وُأ ٓ َّلَِّإ ُرَّكَّذَي

Artinya: “Allah menganugerahkan al hikmah (kefahaman yang dalam tentang Al- Quran dan As-Sunnah) kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Dan barangsiapa yang dianugerahi hikmah, ia benar-benar telah dianugerahi karunia yang banyak. Dan hanya orang-orang yang berakallah yang dapat mengambil pelajaran (dari firman Allah).” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:269)




Alhamdulillah, firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah SWT the greatest gratefulness for all the blessing and chances given so that I could finally finish this thesis as one of the requirements to get an undergraduate degree (S.1), secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to my prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed without the help, advice, and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity, the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude the following paties and their contribution:

1. Prof. Dr. Su‟aidi MA.Ph.D as the Rector of the State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlilah, M. Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of TheState Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. Risnita, M.Pd. as The Vicedem Academic Affair Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Dr. Najmul Hayat, S.Ag M. Pd.I as and The Vicedem of General Administration Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, and Dr. Yusria, S.Ag M.Ag asThe Vicedem of Students Affair Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Wahyuni fitria, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Chairperson of English Education Program.

5. Uyun Nafiah, MS, M, Pd. As advisor 1 and Ayuliamita Abadi, M, Pd. as advisor 2.



6. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sultha ThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

7. All lecturer of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge, sharing philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.

It is expected that this thesis will give a contribution to the Students of English Education Program, especially in the learning process. Then, the researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

For that reason, the researcher hope constructive critics and suggestion from readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Jambi, Mei 2021

Fitri Adilah TE.161723



Name : Fitri Adilah Departmen : English Education

Program Title : Students' Perception Toward The Use Of ICT (Information Communication Of Technology) In The English Teaching Learning

This study aims to determine what types of ICT are used by lectures and to determine students' perceptions of the application of ICT in learning English. This research is qualitative. Researchers were conducted at the Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi. The subjects in this study were students’ of the 5th semester of the English study program. The data was collected by interview, the researcher used the snowball sampling technique in conducting interviews. Researcher conducted interviews with 5th-semester students’ of the Department of English Education, State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The results showed the types of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) used in lectures as a learning medium at this time were the Whatsapp Group application, Sutha Spidol, email or zoom applications, and the positive perceptions of students’ about the application of ICT in English learning can be seen from students' interest in learning, students’ feel challenged by current learning, students are also used to using ICT, students also feel helped by the presence of ICT, students’ also become more independent in understanding lessons, students’ become more disciplined and punctual, but as for the negative perceptions obtained, it can be seen that the limited access to the internet in the location where students’ live hinders the learning process, students’ prefer direct learning in class because students are used to face-to-face learning, students’ tend to be slow in understanding their use and use.

Keywords: Students 'Perception, ICT, The English Teaching Learning



Nama : Fitri Adilah

Jurusan : Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Penggunaan TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis TIK apa yang digunakan oleh perkuliahan, dan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif.

Peneliti dilakukan di Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha saifuddin Jambi.

Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi Bahasa Inggris semester 5. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, peneliti menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dalam melakukan wawancara. Peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan mahasiswa semester 5 Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis-jenis TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) yang digunakan dalam perkuliahan sebagai media pembelajaran saat ini adalah aplikasi Whatsap Group, Sutha Spidol, aplikasi email atau zoom, dan adapun persepsi positif siswa tentang penerapan TIK dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dapat dilihat dari minat siswa dalam belajar, siswa merasa tertantang dengan pembelajaran saat ini, siswa juga terbiasa menggunakan TIK, mahasiswa juga merasa terbantu dengan adanya TIK, siswa juga menjadi lebih mandiri dalam memahami pelajaran. mahasiswa menjadi lebih disiplin dan tepat waktu, namun adapun persepsi negatif yang diperoleh yaitu dapat diketahui bahwa keterbatasan akses internet di lokasi tempat tinggal siswa menghambat proses belajarnya, siswa lebih menyukai pembelajaran langsung di kelas karena siswa terbiasa dengan pembelajaran tatap muka, siswa cenderung lambat dalam memahami penggunaan dan penggunaannya.

Kata kunci: Persepsi Mahasiswa, TIK, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris










MOTTO ... vii



ABSTRAK ... xi


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Formulation of Problem ... 3

C. The limitation of The Research ... 4

D. The Purpose of The Research ... 4

E. Signature of The Study ... 4


1. Definition of Perception ... 6

2. Type of Perception ... 8

3. Process of Perception ... 9

4. Definition of Information Communication Technology ... 11

5. Type of ICT ... 13

B. Review of Related Research ... 19

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Design of Research ... 22

B. Setting and Subject on The Research ... 22

C. Sorce of Data ... 23

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 23

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 24


B. Discussions ... 27




A. Conclusion ... 37 B. Suggestion ... 38 REFERENCES




A. Background of the Study

The era of globalization provides major changes in every aspect of life marked by increasing growth in Information Communication of Technology. The rapid growth has changed the patterns of communication and without national, borders or time and space. Related to the world of education today is used as a tool or aids that not only to transfer material but also to disseminate information about the material.

Types and functions of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) in learning very diverse, ranging from the use of Over Head Projektor (OHP), power point, email, games simulation, internet and Facebook. ICT is also used in accordance with functions and capacities in the learning process that is adapted to the syllabus and learning. ICT can be used as a learning media design emphasizing the delivery of information or content (material) online which is further known as a set of tools that can enrich the value of traditional learning (textbook), not replace the classical learning system , but strengthen the learning model through e-learning, provide information about the material, enrichment gives a very varied nuances of learning, depending on the form of content as well as the delivery of information or tools (in Indah, Husain, Heligo, 2018 : 176-189).

Theoretical nations of constructivist learning theory posit an idea that Information Communication Technology (ICT) can always provide technologies



for language learning. The increasing use of information and technology such as the use of internet, social networking, and web-based applications provides brand new opportunities for student to facilitate their learning. This study looked into students’ perspectives on the application of ICT in English language learning because there is escalating need to find out the students’ perspective in which their perspective play a significant role to frame the bodily process occurs in university settings (Yulian, Salam, Gatot).

Cahyono and Widiati (2007) state that English learning is important in the academic field and can be one of the solutions to their own problems explaining the internet that in learning English as a foreign language. And ICT is one of process to transfer of material and give more information through internet.

The use of ICT in the learning process is one of the media that can be used by lecturers. The use of ICT in learning is very important at this time with the rapid development of science and technology. By using ICT assistance, lecturers will be able to find out information developments in other areas so that they can support learning materials. Through ICT students will be able to obtain reference information related to lecture assignments and as additional learning materials.

Some of the benefits or uses of ICT in the field of education are very important, such as being able to increase education equality, facilitate and provide broad access to education, can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of management, management, and administration of educational institutions, can increase the professionalism of teachers in the field of education, and can improve the quality and quality of learning between teaching staff and students (Chodzirin, 2016).



Based on the results of observations made in the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, ICT is quite often used in the teaching and learning process. Especially in English Education Study Program, the lecturers usually use many kinds of ICT to deliver learning material. For instance, using an InFocus connector which connected to the lecturer computer in doing the presentation using a tape recorder to teach listening, using google classroom to build a discussion forum, using Spidol Sutha to teach during Covid-19 Pandemi, etc . However, in the current teaching and learning process, the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi is implementing a home teaching and learning system, so lecturers and students are required to make more use of internet-based ICT. This makes students, especially semester 5 majoring in English, whose current learning process has not been carried out well, one of the reasons is because of limited internet access.

Based on the results of an interview with one of the 5th-semester students majoring in English education in the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, it is explained that the use of internet-based ICT in the learning process greatly facilitates students and lecturers in the learning process, especially at this time the learning process is carried out at their homes. Respectively where the lecturer gives assignments via Whatsap Group, Spidol Sutha, email or the zoom application and students complete the assignment and send back the assignment via Whatsap Group, Spidol Sutha, or email. However, what is an obstacle for students at this time is the limited internet access in the location



where the students live makes the teaching and learning process provided by the lecturers to be hampered.

Based on this explanation, the researcher is interested in taking a study entitled “Students 'Perception Toward The Use Of ICT (Information Communication Of Technology) In The English Teaching Learning”.

B. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher makes the formulation of the problems are arranged as follows:

1. What kinds of ICT are used by the lecture?

2. What is the students’ perception on the implementation of ICT in English teaching-learning?

C. The Limitation of The Research

It is important to make the limitation of problem, to avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem. In this study, the researcher only examined students' perceptions on the use of web-based ICT in learning English of student English education program 5th semesters.

D. The Purpose of the research The purpose of the research are:

1. To find out what kinds of ICT are used by the lecture.

2. To find out what is the students’ perception on the implementation of ICT in English teaching-learning.

E. Significance of the Study

The researcher expect that this study can be useful for :



1. The student

This research helps students’ motivation and learning outcomes. ICT can be used as ann alternative and innovative media for learning English. Students can use ICT for learning English material in simple, easy and quick way.

Student also can to be shared with others to help other students who may face difficulty in understanding the material.

2. The teacher

The researcher hope this research could be taken into consideration though insight English teacher in providing motivation and attention to student who have trouble learning difficulties within implementation of ICT in teaching and learning process. and teachers easy more to applied for students through teaching e-learning (ICT). also to help the teachers for lighten up the work in the teaching learning process. And can shorten the time and learning process more effectively.

3. The researcher

Hopefully this research can be useful to anyone reference in increasing the researcher knowledge to student’s perception in the implementation of ICT in the teaching and learning process and these studies are used as a vehicle to practice analyze some problems that occur in the field, so the researcher will have a sensitivity the problems related with the students perception in the implementation of ICT in student English education program at State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.



A. Theoretical study

In this chapter the researcher will elaborate about some theories connected to the thesis. Further description in this following:

1. Definition of Perception

Suratno and Aydawati (2016:181) state perception may be defined as a process of perceiving something as a result of a reaction to a stimulus on an individual person after having used his or her sensory to react to it and the result of which is an interpretation or identification of the perceived objects. Perception links the external stimuli with the perceived objects based on each individual person's experience that produces a unique meaning of the perceived objects. That perception serves as a process of organizing and interpreting stimuli in order to create a new meaning of the perceived objects. Perception is closely liked to beliefs since something is only considered right when it is perceived right as well.

Kodariah (2016: 05) state perception is the set of processes by which an individual becomes aware of and interprets information about the environment, perception refers to the way try to understand to world around us we gather information through our five sense organ. According term the perception used to express the of the experience of an object or something events experienced.

Perception is our experience of the information content this representation we can compare them with previous experience and how the way you notice or understand something using one of your senses.



According to Konent Jaranigrat (2011:99) as cited in Kodariah (2016: 05) perception is the whole process conscious human mind in drawing on the surrounding environment. Therefore, It can be summed that perception is the process of understanding the meaning to the stimulus obtained from the sensing of object, event, or relationship between symptoms which are then processed by brain process cognition start from perception.

Passer & Smith (2007) as excerpt in Manurung (2018: 33) perception means making sense of what our sense tells us in the active process of organizing this stimulus input and giving it meaning. Define in accordance with the opinion and view of someone. It means that perception is closely related to human psychology that defined as the consicious act of persons environment through physical sensation.

Angell (2015) as cited Sari (2016) state perception is the consciousness sense. In other words, perception is the way people think of something in their surroundings. A perception is formed starting from the eyes, then the eye catch stimuli and it produces physiological process to bring out perceptions. Perception cannot be deciced whether it is right or wrong. Each person has his or has right to have their perception as long as it can be meaningful.

Soemanto( 2009 : 8) as cited in Kodariah (2016) states that perception does not only happed in one time, but it can happen in the past, present and future.

He divides perception into three types the past, present and future perception. The past perception is a reaction to stimulus by developing personal impression oriented to the past observation. The last is future perception or initiative



perception. Future perception means a reaction to stimulus by developing personal impression oriented to the future observation.

According to Lindsay and Norman (1997) as cited in Su’adah (2015) said perception refer to the process by which someone interpret and organizes sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world. Perception is a process by which people exposes to a situation that is being stimuli, then they will interpret it meaningfully based on their previous experience. The process of taken sensory input and interpret it meaningfully also known as perception.

In accord with the theory above, perception is the act of compiling to recognize and interpret sensory information. In order to provide an overview and understanding of environment. And perception can be devided into the time orientation perception their are past, present and last future. And perception is one process of recognizing information and it is compared with previous memory which is stored in person’s brain.

2. Type of Perception

Kodariah (2016: 05) state that human perception is actually divided into two, namely the perception of the object (physical environment) and perception of human, perception of human often called social perception.

a. The perception of physical environment

The perception of physical environment is commonly been definet as awareness of feeling about the environtment and as the act of apprehending the environment by the senses. in the sanse that different. Because it is influenced by several factors. Among others :



1) Background experience 2) Cultural background 3) Background psychological

4) Background values beliefs, and expectation

5) Condition the tools factual senses in which the information is up to the person it is through that door

b. The perception of the human

Human perception is the process of capturing the sense of social object and events that we experience in our environment everyone has a different picture of the reality around him. In other word, every person has a different perception of their social environment.

3. Process of Perception

Forgus (1966) as cited Sari (2016) state a perception is a process of receiving information about the environment. In this study, a perception refers to the student’s opinion about their experience. A particular process is a step which is used by people to interpret information.

Perception is not happening directly. There some psychological processes in influencing a perception. Thoha (2009 : 8) as cited in Kodariah (2016: 06) state that there are four processes of perception, such as :

a. Stimulation

Kodariah (2016 : 07) said the first is stimulation process. It is the way when person feels and sees something, the situation of stimulation created by the environment around that individual where he/ she lives.



b. Registration

The second is registration process. It is the situation when stimulation comes to learn responses mentally and physically, that simpton is called registration. Registration is the physical and mental responses that happen directly when someone receives stimulation as much as possible.

c. Interpretation

The third is interpretation process. After all information has been accepted the next process will take important roles. Each learner has different process is influenced by motivation experience and personality of each learner. So that, each of them has his/her own interpretation. Therefore, naturally each individual has their own perception toward a thing or thing and also more factor to influence internal and external perception formers.

d. Feedback.

The last process of perception is give feedback , which the information is interpreted. As the result of interpretation, learner makes a reaction towards the stimulation. In this case, both negative and positive reactions could happen. It depends on many factors that influence the process of intreperception. If the reaction is negative, learner will have bad attitude toward that stimuli such as rejection, disagreement, prejudice or even a rebellion. On the other hand, if that learner has positive interpretation , she or he will have good manner or attitude towards the stimuli. They will accept and please or even respect to the stimulation that she perceives or interprets.



To summarize perception involves very complete process which is start from stimulation, stimulation can receive all of senses. Registration of the information about the stimulation, without registration we have not information about stimulation. Interpretation based on the in formation accepted and inner ability. And finally decision on the reaction of feed back towards the stimulation process.

4. Definition of Information Communication Technology ( ICT)

According to Lestari and Oktama (2013) as cited in Darimi, I (2017) information communication technology (ICT) is a program for assiting the manipulating and delivery of information. ICT is a large umbrella technology that includes all technical equipment for processing and conveying information. The origin of the word of technology comes from the Greece, technologia or tenhne which means expertise ang logia means knowledge. In a narrow sense, technology is something that refers to objects that are used to facilitate human activities such as tools and devices.

Alkaromah (2020:124) state ICT is defined as a sort of technological tools and resources used to communicate and create, store, and manage information. It includes some media used for supporting teaching and learning. Technologies are mentioned such as audio-visual tools, projectors, smart boards and various technologies for use in education, development. The application of ICT gives more opportunities for communication among learners: they can exchange information in real-time, they can participate in different projects, exchange emails, search for information, etc. by using the real material provided by the



internet it will have a better imminent whose language we study. Moreover, audio, video program of a particular lesson can provide students with extra opportunities to do meaningful language learning tasks. ICT has applied in education, are those technologies including computers, internet technologies. These technologies have been identified as an important tool for realizing a new standard of learner- centered education that better supports learners’ needs through differentiated and personalized instruction. The mechanism such as providing effective remediation, assessing learning are critical elements in digital technology that is able to support learner-centered teaching for different learners.

Read Bain (1937) as cited in Menarianri and Wibisono (2013) state technology includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons, instruments housing, clothing, communication and transporting devides and the skills by which we produce use them. In Merriem-webster technology is applied practical knowledge especially in a certain scope and abilities provided by applied practical knowledge.

According to Lucas (2000) information communication technology is all of technology that can be applied to send an information through electronic media.

Information technology a combination of computer technology composed of hardware and software for processing and also storing information communication technology for distributing information. So according to the experts above, information technology is one of tools to helping for all person and it is can use everywhere and anywhere.



Diat and Prasojo (2011) as cited in Budiman (2017) state Information Communication of Technology as follows; E-learning, information management, information technology, computer technology, management information system, internet, communication technology (mobile phone, wired and wireless technology), computer network technology, computer network security, database system. Thus it can be said that information technology is part of technology in which it implementation is interrelated whit one another.

5. Type of ICT

According to Alkanel&Chouthaiwale (2018) in Alkaromah (2020:124) ICT are divided into two types which are non-web-based and web-based learning.

1. Non-Web-based Learning

a. Radio and Television are useful tools of language learning. Both radio and television offer cheap access to rich programs. The immediacy of current affairs programs ensures that learners’ exposure to the language is up-to-date and embedded in the real world of native speakers. Tv provides a full audio-visual simulation, dynamic and attains a higher degree of realism. Tv gives linguistic expression along with the facial expression.

b. Films appeal to the pupils, heighten their interest, and held them in the retention of the learned materials. Films are profitably used to showcase the facts, action skills, and background information. The students of primary level get interested to know the functioning of the speech organs and the pronunciation. The students of higher levels are acquainted with classical and newly released plays and novels which have been filmed.



c. Language lab is one of the modern technological teaching aids. Language lab has multi-facets like students can listen to the audios and can understand the different accents used, the students are able to speak and even, they can record their voices. The students’ pronunciation level could be improvised by listening to the standardized materials. The language lab is exclusively result-oriented and it enriches the English language learning process. In the recent trends, not only the audios but videos, flash-based games, internet are also included in the lab materials.

Language lab creates an easy atmosphere than a traditional classroom.

d. Overhead Projectors, a conventional method of teaching is highly beneficial and an alternative to chalk and talk. The OHP consumes time by preparing the materials in advance, but this sort of multimedia ensures high-quality instruction. It is an important visual aid to display the context to the large class. OHP’s allows the teachers to use images, diagrams and it reduces the work of the teacher by drawing it on the blackboard. By using OHP’s more complicated sources can be brought into any classrooms and it is easy to use, versatile and it is easy for the students to take notes from it.

2. Web-based learning also called technology-based learning/distance learning/online education/e-learning is one of the fastest developing areas. It provides opportunities to create a well– designed, learner-centered, affordable, interactive, officiate, flexible e-learning environment. Some of the common technologies available for the promotion of education are as follows:



a. YouTube is a platform where you find and share authentic video material which can also be used in your classroom. Wikipedia says: “YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload and share videos, and view them in MPEG-4 format.

b. E-mail, the students can correspond with native speakers of the target language using email by creating a personal email account (g-mail, yahoo, Hotmail, etc) which is free. The students can mail their homework to the teachers concerned and get it corrected in turn. The teacher can also provide revisions, feedback, suggestions for the betterment of every work and send them back.

c. Blog is a personal or professional journal frequently updated for public consumption. The blogs enable uploading and linking the files which is very much suited to serve as online personal journals for students.

Blogging becomes communicative and interactive when participants assume multiple roles in the writing process, as readers/reviewers who respond to other writers‟ posts, and as writers-readers who, returning to their own posts, react to criticism of their own posts. The readers in turn can comment on what they read, although blogs can be placed in secured environments as well.

d. Skype, every internet service has audio functions and technological instruments like laptops with cameras. The students could communicate with their teachers and friends who are far away. Likewise, they could



very well communicate with the speakers of the native language and get their pronunciation checked so as to improve their speaking.

e. Mobile Learning, learners can search for new words using the dictionary options in mobile phones and enrich their vocabulary. They may verify the spelling, pronunciation, and usage of the specific word they searched for. Moreover, they can use the Short Message Service to send queries to their instructors and get their doubts cleared.

f. Ipods, one of the multimedia devices, enhance the users to generate, deliver, exchange texts, image, audio, and video scripts as per the requirement. The teachers send text messages and the students can read and answer them. In addition to this, students can record and listen to their speeches, poems, news, short stories, etc. Thus, iPods give a chance to the learners of English to improve their listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and also writing.

Information technology (ICT) is all about the helping person in make, change, save, communication or spreads information. IT brings together high- speed computing and communication for all in the world. And IT can use as media in the English teaching learning for the teachers and students give information. Technology refers to tools and machines that can be used to solve problems in the real world and can also be simple tools.

1. Kind of technology

Nursamsu and Kusnafizal (2017) state that an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a large umbrella terminology that



includes all technical equipment for processing and conveying information.

ICT covers two aspects, namely information technology and communication technology. Information technology includes all matters and communication related to the process, as a tool of use and aids information, manipulating, management. while communication technology is everything related to use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another. Therefore, information and communication technology contains a broad understanding that is all activities with management, related to manipulating, transferring information between media. the term ICT emerged after the combination of computer technology (both hardware and software).Technology includes two (2) aspects: Information Technology and Communication Technology.

a. Information Technology

Information Technology is covering all matters relating to the process of use as a tool for manipulating and management of information. So information technology is only for the processing technology.

b. Communication Technology

Communication Technology is all things related to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another. In this case communication technology is the tool to use information technology.

Information and Communication Technology an inseparable solid which contains a broad understanding of all activities related to the process, manipulating, management, and transferring information between media.



Media or a tool used to transfer data both to obtain information and provide information to other and can be used for communication tools both one away and two directions.

2. Media of Technology

Hartoyo (2008) as cited in Budiman, A.M. (2012) state there are four Media used in information and communication of technology among others:

First, Interactive Multimedia. Second, Television.Third, Computer. Fourth, sound system.

a. Interactive Multimedia

Interactive Multimedia help make it easier to combine several media including text, graphics, audio, video and animation. To become a program application. Multimedia can usually be found on the website.

b. Television (TV)

Television is a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting, them by radio or other means and displaying them electronically on the screen.

c. Computer

Computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information data and performing a sequence of logical operation in accordance with a predetermined but variable set of proceduralinstruction program to produce a result in the form of information or signal.

d. Sound System



Sound system that can be found into one part of a computer device.

Sound system there are incorporated laptop besides that there is also a separate device.

B. Review of Related Research

Students' perception toward the use of ICT in the learning has been analyzed by other researchers from several universities and institutions. There are some research stories related to the Students' perception, they are:

1. Anisa Husni Alkaromah, EndangFauziati and Abdul Asib (2020) with the research title Students’ Perception on the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools in English Language Teaching. The pedagogies of English teaching are rapidly changing due to the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT). According to curriculum 2013 ICT is an essential component that should be integrated in each subject including English. It can be expected that it is essential for teacher to use ICT in the teaching and learning process in order to help students to achieve high quality of English subject. To know the ICT role in the classroom so that this study was conducted to investigate senior high school students’ perception toward ICT usage in the EFL classroom. There are two students from public school participated in Surakarta. This research design was qualitative method with a case study approach to determine students’ perception and their experience in using ICT. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The result indicated that the students perceived ICT usage and perceived access to ICT. Although the students use ICT and access it in the classroom, the



domination of the level is at substitution and augmentation. These two levels are called enhancement. The findings reveal the usage of ICT in the EFL classroom. The students are reflected only be able to use basic function in a limited of mobile application with only little change and improvement.

2. Antonius Suratno and Emilia NinikAydawati (2016) with the research title Exploring Students’ Perception And ICT Use In Indonesian High Schools.

The recent spread of technological innovation along with the sophistication of the ICT gadgets have shapped and transformed the realm of learning and teaching including in that of English Language. Alongside, ICT has become more and more inextricable part of human businesses and put a higher level of demand for technological literacy in the part of English learners in order for them to be convident in the digital era membership and participation. This study surveyed 400 high school students as regards: (a) their ICT gadgets perceived ownership; (b) their day-to-day outside and in-school use and; (c) their activities using ICT gadgets for English learning. Findings from the descriptive analyses of the mixed-method study, disclose the positive perception about the gadget ownership. Interestingly, the current study also discovers that there has been a mismatch between the positively perceived ownership of the ICT gadgets and the real day-to-day use as facilitative media for learning, in particular as a useful aids for English language learning.

Focusing on the result discussion, issues with regard to discrepancies in the provision of infrastructures and the lack of the support system by school institutions emerge from the FGD analysis highlighting the importance for all



decision makers, school institutions, and teachers to consciously start doing something about it. By highlighting the pivotal role of the technology, the researcher suggested a real action for responding to the call for a change in both policy makers and institutonal levels to start integrating the technology into the school curricula.

Based on these previous studies, the similarities and differences made by the author with the research conducted by the first study were in the first study both discussed the perceptions of the use of ICT in teaching English, the difference is that in this study it discusses the role of ICT while in research that is conducted by the author discussing the types of ICT used by lecturers to teach, besides that the difference lies in the research subject, in the first study it discusses the perceptions of high school students in Surakarta, while the research conducted by the author discusses the perceptions of students at the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. In the second study, both discuss the perception of the use of ICT, the difference lies in the research subject, in this second study discusses the perceptions of students in senior high school, while the research conducted by the author discusses the perceptions of students at the University.



This research is qualitative research. According to Sugiyono (2019), qualitative data is in the form of word schemes and images. To be more specific, the type of this research was mostly descriptive qualitative research. Sugiyono (2019 state that the descriptive analysis method is the statistic used to analyze data by describing or describing the collected data as is without the intention of making generalized conclusions or generalizations.

This research pays close attention to every salient phenomenon that occurs during the investigation. The researcher tries to provide an adequate description of the factual data of the phenomenon and provides a logical and rational interpretation based on the relevant theories. Researchers investigated students' perceptions of the use of ICT in English language learning, especially internet- based ICT. Then, the researcher also analyzed the types of ICT and student perceptions of the use of ICT in learning.

B. Setting and subject of the research The location of this research :

The researcher setting the location in this research in JL. Ma Bulian KM.16. Jambi-Riau. No Simpang Sungai Duren. Jaluko Sub-Distric, Muara Jambi Distric especially in State Islamic University Sultan Thatasaiffudin Jambi city.

The subject in this research is student English program 5th semester in the State



Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. There are four (4) classes; A, B, C and D. There are 108 students as participant in this research.

C. Source of Data

In research, the data source is the subject from which the data is found.

According to Sugiyono (2019) Data is raw material that needs to be processed to produce information, both qualitative and quantitative data that show facts. On the other hand, data is material information about the object of study something.

Data can be obtained by interviews, etc. Sources of data in qualitative research are words and actions, others are summation documents, etc. The data in this study can be obtained from observations by looking at the learning process in the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and interviews were conducted with 5th semester students and documentation.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Without a data, the researcher cannot do the research. To get the data, researcher uses a technique or more. Sugiyono (2019) stated that the data collection technique is the most strategic step in a study because the main objective of the research is to get accurate data, so that without knowing the data collection technique the researcher will not get data that meets the set standards.

In this study, researcher used snowball sampling techniques in conducting interviews. According to Sekaran (2006) Convenience sampling revers to the collection the information from members of population who are conveniently available to provide it. Researchers chose Convenience sampling because in determining the sample, the researcher is first of all only determine one or two



people but because the data obtained is felt not complete, the researcher are looking for other people to complement the data.

In collecting data for this study, the authors used the following methods:

1. Observation

Observation is the activity of loading research on an object. When viewed in the process of implementing the data, observation is divided into participants (Sugiyono, 2019). The method used in this research is by making direct observations of the object then the results of these observations are written in a note. As for what becomes the object of observation in this study is about student perceptions of the use of ICT (information communication of technology) in teaching English.

2. Interview

The interviews were held by the researcher for getting needed information which distributes with the students’ perception toward using ICT web-based tools and non-web-based tools. Semi-structured interviews and transcribed digital recordings were done. The interviews are designed as primary data to obtains students’ perceptions toward using ICT web-based-tools and non- web-based tools and factor influenced their perception. In this study, researchers conducted interviews with 5th semester students of the Department of English Education, State University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Interview guidelines using interviews modified from research by Anisa Husni Alkaromah.



E. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Sugiyono, data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcript, field notes and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them to enable you to present what you have discovered to others. The stages of data analysis began with data reduction, data presentation, verification, and drawing conclusions.

The research data is tested using an interactive model as suggested by Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2019). First, data collection through interviews is carried out. Second, data collection is reduced by selecting it, selecting the main data, and removing irrelevant data. Previously presented data in the form of word descriptions, and finally drawing conclusions. The data is verified and used as the main conclusion to answer the research questions.





This chapter presents the findings and discussion of what types of ICT are used in lectures and students' perceptions of the application of ICT in English teaching learning of students' English education program5th semesters State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

A. Findings

Based on the results of previous observations, researchers found web based types of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) used by lecturers in providing learning to students’, especially learning English for 5th- semester students’ of English Education at the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Given conditions that are not conducive at this time that requires learning to be carried out in their respective homes, meaning that learning is not carried out in the classroom as in previous learning, now learning is not done face-to-face, so lecturers use various types of web-based technology as learning media to deliver learning material, namely by utilizing the internet network in the process of learning English, because this makes it very easy for lecturers and students’ to carry out learning. Currently, lecturers take advantage of the use of various types of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) such as the WhatsApp Group application, Sutha Spidol, email, or zoom applications.



All forms of application are used by lecturers and students’ to support learning activities, lecturers deliver lecture learning material through the zoom application which will be attended by all students’ who take part in learning in the class, and then the lecturer assigns assignments to students’ via the WhatsApp Group application, then students’ will collect assignments given by lecturers through the same application, namely WhatsApp Group, several lecturers use e- mail to collect student assignments. Students’ can also see learning materials that have previously been delivered by lecturers in the form of videos available on the Sutha Spidol website, Sutha Spidol is one of the online learning sites owned by the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Sutha Spidol was created to support learning activities, given the conditions that made it impossible to hold face-to-face learning, therefore Sutha Spidol was created to support students' online learning activities.

After the research was carried out, the researcher found various students' perceptions about the application of ICT in learning English. After implementing ICT in learning activities at the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi today, some students argue that the use of ICT is very helpful for lecturers and students in learning in the current situation besides that it can be seen from the interest of students to take part in learning English, students also become more independent in understanding lessons. With the utilization of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students become more disciplined and on time in doing the assignments given by the lecturer. However, learning with the use of ICT becomes an obstacle for most students, because the



limited facilities and infrastructure such as limited internet access in the location where students live hampers their learning process. Besides, students prefer direct learning in class because students are accustomed to face-to-face learning, students also tend to be slow to understand its use and use, and students also feel learning using ICT is ineffective because at face-to-face learning they don't understand the material. delivered by the lecturer, especially at this time, students became very less understanding of the material explained by the lecturer virtually.

B. Discussions

1. Types of ICT used in Lectures

According to Alkanel & Chouthaiwale (2018) in Alkaromah (2020: 124) ICT is divided into two types, namely Non-Web-Based Learning and Web-based Learning. In this study, the researchers found that the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi is currently using web learning to support lectures.

Learning English using web-based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is also known as distance learning. Learning is rarely far away applied by the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi because given the current conditions that do not allow online learning, so learning is carried out at each home by utilizing the use of web-based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a learning medium. implemented by the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, especially for 5th-semester students of English Education. Learning currently uses the Whatsapp Group application, Sutha Spidol, email, or zoom applications as learning media that



connects lecturers and students’. Lecturers deliver lecture material through the zoom application, then the lecturer gives assignments and assignments that will be collected by students through the Whatsapp Group application or e-mail, besides that students’ can also re-access the learning materials that have been previously delivered in the form of videos on the Sutha Spidol website.

2. Students' Perceptions about The Application of ICT in Learning English According to Konent Jaranigrat (2011:99) in Kodariah (2016:05), perception is the whole process of human consciousness in drawing in the surrounding environment. In this study, researchers divided 2 types of human perception according to Kodariah (2016: 05), namely as follows:

a. Perception of the physical environment

The perception of the physical environment is generally defined as the awareness of feelings about the environment and as the act of perceiving the environment by the senses in a different sense.

After conducting the research, the researcher concluded that some positive perceptions obtained from the results of the study meant that some students understood that the current conditions did not allow face-to-face learning so that learning was carried out at their respective homes by utilizing ICT learning media and research results It is found that students support and like learning by using ICT at this time.

In this study, researchers conducted interviews with several English education students in semester 5 of the State Islamic University of Sulthan



Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, this was done to find answers about student perceptions of the use of ICT in English learning.

Based on the results of an interview with Widia on November 12, 2020, it was explained that students already know about ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as a medium for learning English at this time.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the 5th semester of English education students already knows about the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their learning medium at this time. Students also feel interested in taking part in learning.

This was conveyed by Siti Rahayu on November 12, 2020, in an interview which explained that students are interested in taking part in current learning, students also feel challenged by the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as the main learning medium at this time, because usually, students are already utilizing the internet network for their learning media, the use of ICT can also make learning very enjoyable.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students feel interested and challenged by current learning. Students are also accustomed to using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for the benefit of learning, this was conveyed by Sherly on November 12, 2020, in her interview which explained that previously students had also used the internet network to find additional references in their learning.



From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the 5th-semester students of English education have used the internet as a means of finding their learning references. Students also feel helped by the presence of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

Based on the results of the interview with Adelia on November 12, 2020, it was explained that some students felt that taking advantage of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in English learning had made it easier for them to carry out learning activities at this time.

From the results of the interview, students felt helped by the existence of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), because their learning activities could run, even though in their current conditions. Also, the student learning process looks enthusiastic and likes the learning being taught, and continues to participate in learning activities. Students who have a feeling of pleasure or like the current learning, these students will receive material with feelings of liking and study the material without compulsion. This feeling of pleasure will influence students to be able to experiment, such as feeling pleasure and feeling happy about what they are learning.

The same thing was conveyed by Nur Aida on November 13, 2020, in an interview which explained that students felt that the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at this time, it could help the interaction between lecturers and students in learning activities, so that lecturers could explain learning material through various applications to students, then students can understand the explanation given by the lecturer.



From the results of the interview, by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), it can connect lecturers and students, so that the teaching and learning process continues. Students also become more independent in understanding lessons.

Based on the results of an interview with Ufi Fatmala on November 12, 2020, it was explained that through current learning, students can also learn independently such as by understanding material through English learning videos. Students can see repeatedly, observe, and study carefully.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that in the 5th semester of English education students can study independently at home by repeating the learning videos that have been given by the lecturer so that students can better absorb the material presented in video form.

In addition, by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students can still do the assignments given by the lecturer, this was conveyed by Ahmad Khusairi on November 13, 2020, in his interview which explained that learning today really makes it easy for lecturers and students for their limitations time. Learning that cannot be done face-to-face can be replaced with virtual learning as it is at this time so that less meeting time can be overcome by doing assignments and collecting them through the WhatsApp application or others.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that even with the limited time they have, students and lecturers can still learn, if the learning class is virtually limited in time, it can be replaced with various kinds of



assignments given by the lecturer, which will then be collected again by students through predefined applications.

The same thing was conveyed by several other students. Based on the results of the interview with Regina on November 15, 2020, it was explained that utilizing the use of ICT in English learning can help students complete assignments given by lecturers more quickly and accurately. the use of ICT can also improve student learning performance, students will be more disciplined and more responsible in collecting assignments because given by the lecturer the time for collecting their assignments has been arranged. If students are late in submitting assignments, students will not get a dispensation from the lecturers. So that the use of ICT as a learning medium can encourage students to be more disciplined and on time in doing and collecting assignments.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that the positive impact was felt by students with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), students became more disciplined and on time in doing the assignments given by the lecturers.

Also, some students prefer current learning with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). This was conveyed by Yossi on November 14, 2020, in his interview which explained that students tend to like assignments through learning at this time rather than learning in class because students have to appear directly in front of the class to deliver



assignments given by the lecturer. Students when delivering class lessons tend to face nervousness when appearing directly in front of the class.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that learning by utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) brings benefits to students who are less confident about presenting their presentations in the classroom, because by studying at this time they are not worried about having to appear in front of the class.

Students also feel a big change in current learning, based on the results of an interview with Sri Rizki on November 16, 2020, explaining that many students are sometimes lacking or not focused on learning, feel bored and bored because learning is usually delivered directly, but with the current pandemic, campuses must take advantage of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for learning media, with the current use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) it is expected to increase student enthusiasm for learning so that student minds can be fresher, and can provide a relaxed and learning atmosphere not tense.

From the results of the interview, it can be seen that students feel a very big change in current learning, because some students who feel bored, get bored during face-to-face learning, do not feel the same thing anymore because of changes in current learning methods.

b. Human perception

Human perception is the process of capturing the sense of social objects and events that we experience in our environment. Each person has a



different picture of the reality around him. In other words, everyone has different perceptions of their social environment.

After conducting the research, the researcher concluded that some of the negative perceptions obtained from the results of the study meant that some students did not support and did not like learning using ICT at this time.

Apart from the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology), it is very helpful for students as a medium of learning today. In conducting research, researchers also found various negative responses felt by 5th semester English education students in utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their current learning medium.

Based on the results of an interview with Audia on November 9, 2020, it was explained that according to students learning English with the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at this time, became an obstacle for students because of the limited facilities and infrastructure owned by students such as limited internet access.

From the results of these interviews, the most important obstacle felt by students in utilizing the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their learning medium at this time was the limited internet access in the location where students lived, hampering their learning process.

In addition to limited internet access, students also prefer face-to-face learning, this was conveyed by Lilis on November 10, 2020, in her interview which explained that students prefer learning in classrooms with face-to-face


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