• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Themes and Significant Statements (ReassembledData)

No Themes Significant Statments

1 The respondents had lack of knowledge aboutScientific Approach

Sebenernya ngga terlalu tau sih Scientific Approach itu tu seperti apa soalnya uda lupa-lupa ingat juga waktu kemarin pelajaran soal itu. Kalau setau saya Scientific Approach tu digunakan di Kurikulum K.13. Terus informasi yang lain tentang itu ga begitu tau sih.

(Actually, I do not really know about Scientific Approach, what and how it looks like, because I forget about that topic. In my understanding, Scientific Approach is used in 2013 Curriculum. But, I do not really know the further information about it.)

Ya itu sudah diajari tentang Scientific Approach cuma ya masih terbatas juga sih pengetahuannya tentang Scientific Approach.

(Yes, I’ve been taught about Scientific Approach. But, my understanding on this topic is still limited.)

Ada sih kesulitan-kesulitan dalam menentukan kegiatan asosiasi itu yang cocok kaya apa, terus mencoba itu kaya gimana enaknya, kegiatan yang sesuai dengan mencoba dan bisa dilakukan dengan lancar kalau ngeliat kondisi anak-anaknya yang banyak dan susah diatur tu harus bikin kegiatan yang kaya apa. Jadi dituntut untuk kreatif.

(There are some difficulties in deciding the appropriate activities for associating step, then what I’m gonna do in trying step and also the appropriate activities for this step which can be done smoothly. I have to think about the activities that I’m gonna do when I’m facing the students who are difficult to be handled. So, I have to be creative.) Terus saya tuh juga masih bingung kalau dalam satu pengumunan itu ada yang bilang kalau Scientific Approach itu tiap tahap harus ada pada tiap pertemuan, tapi karena keadaan tadi, tiap pertemuan tuh hanya ada beberapa tahap tu lho yang terlaksana.

Sebenarnya saya tidak begitu paham tentang Scientific Approach, saya hanya mengetahui bahwa pendekatan ini digunakan pada K.13.

single step in Scientific Approach must be done in every meeting. But, because of that situation, there were only some steps which were done in every meeting.

Actually, I do not really understand about Scientific Approach. I just know that it is an approach which is used in 2013 Curriculum.)

sebenarnya kalau saya sih merasa agak masih kebingungan dengan Scientific Approach, karena Scientific Approach itu kan semua stepnya sudah ditentukan. Ada lima pendekatannya itu.

(Actually, I’m still confused with Scientific Approach because its steps have been decided. There are five approaches.)

Nah, sedangkan kegiatan yang saya buat itu kadang-kadang tidak sesuai dengan lima Approach itu, jadi lima step yang ada di approach itu, jadi kadang saya harus menambahkan kegiatan-kegiatan supaya bisa memenuhi lima step yang ada di Approach itu, walaupun kadang-kadang bukan yang inti dari apa yang mau saya aplikasikan di kelas.

(Whereas, sometimes, the activities that I designed were not fit with those five approaches. So, sometimes I had to add some other activities so that I could fulfill the five steps in Scientific Approach even if those activities were not the focus of what I want to implement in the class.)

Itu yang kadang-kadang rasanya lalu apakah memang harus semua step dilaksanakan dalam satu pertemuan atau dalam dua pertemuan? Atau dan harus dibagi rata dan diulang lagi?

(It makes me think about the steps, whether all of those steps have to be done in a meeting or two meetings. Another question is that should those steps be divided properly and repeated again?)

jadi untuk mengklasifikasi kegiatannya ke lima step itu yang menurut saya kadang-kadang susah.

(So, I think it’s hard to classify the activities in those five steps.)

bingungnya tu kalau antara satu kegiatan sama lain itu kadang belum bisa mbedain itu lho

(I was confused because sometimes I couldn’t differentiate between one activity to another.)

Misalnya kegiatan mengasosiasi sama mengeksplorasi itu aku bingung karenamengeksplorasi tu kadang yang antara dia, antara siswanya tu nyari dan mengembangkan

pengetahuan sendiri atau gimana gitu aku masih bingung antara dua kegiatan.

(As the example is in associating and exploring step. I was confused because I didn’t know whether in exploring step the students had to look for and develop the knowledge by themselves or not. I am still confused with those two steps.) Sebenernya intinya udah jelas, bikin siswanya jadi lebih aktif. Hanya saja karena di Kurikulum 2013 itu ada step-step yang harus diikuti oleh seorang guru jadi step-step-step-step itu aja yang bikin bingung, sebenernya kalau intinya Scientific Approach sendiri itu udah tahu cuma pas pelaksanaan step-stepnya itu aja yang masih bingung.

(Actually, the main point is already clear enough which is to make the students be more active. But, 2013 Curriculum has some steps which have to be followed by the teacher, and those steps make me be confused. Actually, I have known the point of Scientific Approach, but in the implementation, I was still confused with the steps.) pertama saya kurang ngenal kelima kegiatan itu. (Firstly, I didn’t really familiar with those five steps.) Metode tersebut bisa diterapkan dan masalahnya hanya itu tadi.

(The method can be applied and the problem was just that one Scientific Approach is not a method but an


Masalah metode Scientific, dan pembuatan RPP dan sebagainya itu, tidak masalah bagi saya, atau mungkin saya belum menemui masalah di dalam metode tersebut karena saya belum 100% mempraktekkan metode tersebut karena kendala itu tadi.

(The thing about Scientific Approach, designing lesson plan, and the other were not a problem for me. Or maybe I haven’t found any problem related to that method because I havent’t implemented that method completely (100%) because of those obstacles.)

Untuk Kurikulum ini belum mempelajarinya karena kalau dulu waktu semasa kuliah ada sebuah mata kuliah namanya

Micro Teaching itu, disitu kita menggunakannya masih KTSP. Jadi Kurikulum 2013nya tergolong masih baru. (I hadn’t learned about this curriculum because when I was in Micro Teaching class, one of my courses in my campus, my friends and I still used KTSP. So, 2013 Curriculum was a kind of new curriculum for me.)

Di LPD sudah dipelajari kayaknya. Cuma untuk penerapan dan mengaplikasiannya belum, waktu itu kan ada kelas Micro Teaching, cuma waktu di Micro Teaching masih pakai KTSP.

(It seemed that I had already learned about it in LPD. But, I hadn’t learned about the implementation because in my Micro Teaching class we still used KTSP instead of 2013 Curriculum.)

Sebenarnya saya tidak begitu paham tentang Scientific Approach, saya hanya mengetahui bahwa pendekatan ini digunakan pada K.13 (Reflection)

(honestly, I don’t really understand about the concepts of Scientific Approach. the thing that Iknow is that this approach is used in 2013 Curriculum (Reflection)) 2 The respondents found lack of facilities when implementing Scientific Approach

akses buat nyari contoh di internet misalnya ke lab gitu tu aksesnya agak susah dan itu tadi takutnya malah siswanya nggak fokus kan karena internet, terus jadinya kayak tadi, saya berikan tugas kaya tadi.

(It’s difficult to find out the internet connection, for example in the laboratorium. Because of that problem, I think the students would not focus on the lesson. So, I gave those assignments.)

Kalau menurut saya di perpus itu juga tidak banyak buku-buku yang membantu, selain itu komputer di perpus juga hanya satu, jadi kebanyakan kegiatan itu, hampir semua kegiatan dilakukan di dalam kelas.

(I think most of the books in the library were not really helpful for the class’ activities. Besides, there was only a computer in the library. So, most of the activities were done in the classroom.)

Ke perpus gitu juga enggak, karena kondisi perpusnya juga waktu itu lagi renovasi jadi buku-buku pun ngga bisa dipinjem tu lho. Jadi nggak bisa.

(I didn’t go to the library when I was teaching because the library was underconstruction at that time. We couldn’t borrow the book, so I couldn’t teach there.)

itu kalau ke lab komputer enggak karena juga terbatas banget, mereka bisa nggunain lab komputer itu terbatas banget tu lho

(We didn’t go to computer laboratory because it was so finite. The students couldn’t use the computer laboratory freely.)

Kalau dari hal lain mungkin fasilitas sekolah mungkinya, perpustakaan itu, karena itu baru renovasi jadi nggak bisa dipake, terus lab. Komputer juga sangat terbatas sekali pemakaiannya gitu.

(The other thing was about school facilities. The library was underconstraction so it couldn’t be used. Then, the use of computer laboratory was also very limited.)

Seperti kelas yang tidak mumpuni dan fasilitas yang kurang. Seperti kalau kita mau menampilkan video, nah tapi di dalam kelas tidak mempunyai fasilitas proyektor, (For the example were the classroom condition which was not really good and the lack of facility. When I wanted to show a video, there was no projector in the classroom.) Kemudian, fasilitas di kelas itu tidak mumpuni dan tidak mendukung, nah jadi mau tidak mau kita harus mengganti metode-metode yang sesuai dengan Kutilas tersebut dengan model mengajar lawas itu lho mbak.

(Then, the classroom facility was not enough and it couldn’t support the classroom activities. So, the only choice was we had to change the methods which were appropriate with the quality there. It looked like the old-fashion teaching method.)

Jadi memang banyak distraction yang mereka dapat, karena kebetulan sekolahnya itu sempit, nah jadi lalu lalang orang dan kebetulan sekolahnya tepat di pinggir jalan raya, jadi bising, dan siswa kebanyakan tidak bisa fokus dan tidak bisa mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan tenang (Because the school was quite constrained, there were many distractions that were faced by the students. There were many people who passed the classroom and it was quite noisy because the school was located in the side of the main way. So, most of the students couldn’t focus on and follow the lesson well.)

Cuma hambatannya tu sebenernya kemarin tu, di kelas A tu sempat ada anak yang ngrusakin LCD jadi kan saya ngasih video sama power point itu kan, jadi karena viewernya

nggak bisa kaena sobek ya jadinya makin lambat karena harus cari akses lain misalnya mengajak mereka ke lab komputer. Terus di lab komputer malah gak fokus ada yang main game di komputer kaya gitu.

(The obstacle was at that time, one of my students in class A broke the LCD so that I could not show them the video and power point slides. So, because of the broken viewer, my class was not effective. It run slower because I had to look for another way in conducting the class, asking them to go to the computer laboratorium foe example. Then, in computer laboratorium, most of the students could not focus in the lesson because they played the computer games.)

Kadang-kadang saya juga berniat untuk menggunakan teknologi tapi kadang-kadang sarana yang tersedia itu tidak cukup memadahi.

Iya perpus, terus kemudian di sekolah saya mengajar itu, di tempat saya PPL, sebenernya setiap kelas sudah punya proyektor, tapi kadang-kadang proyektornya itu tidak berfungsi, kemudian audio sih, lebih ke tata ruangnya sih yang kurang memadai, kalau audionya kurang memadai juga nanti akan menjadi kurang baik.

(Sometimes, I had thought in using technology, but the facility was not sufficient.

Yes, in the library. But then, in the school where I taught and had my school practice program, actually each of the classes had already ha the projector. But, sometimes it could not be used. The other things were the audio and the layout of the class which was not really sufficient. If the audio was not sufficient then it would influence the activities in the class.)

Minimnya fasilitas sekolah untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. (reflection)

(The lack of facility in order to support the teaching and learning process (reflection))

3 The respondents had misconception of Scientific Approach

Nanti kalau masih salah saya kasih feedback gitu dan nggak semua maju, cuma setengah dan tugasnya dikumpulkan.

(Later on, when the students still made mistakes, I would give feedbacks for them. Besides, not all of the students got the chance to perform their work in the class, only half of them. Then, the assignments would be submitted.) misconception of communicating stage

Biasanya ya saya kasih soal-soal singkat misalnya kaya matching, kaya gitu, terus misalnya nampilin soalnya itu di slide gitu kan terus saya balik lagi tanya ke mereka siapa yang berani jawab, sapa yang mau jawab, siapa yang bisa jawab gitu.

(Usually, I gave brief questions for the students, matching for example. Then, I showed the questions in the slides and I asked the students again who could answer those

questions.) misconception of collecting information stage

Ya biasanya kan habis mencoba gitu hasil dari pekerjaan mereka tu ditampilin dan dipresentasikan gitu, jadi kan saya tahu hasilnya dan saya bisa memberikan feedback dari hasil pekerjaan mereka.

(Usually, after trying activities, the students’ works would be showed and presented in the class. So, I could know the result and give the feedbacks based on their works.) misconception of collecting information or experimenting stage

Biasanya habis mencoba gitu hasil dari pekerjaan mereka tu ditampilin dan dipresentasikan gitu, jadi kan saya tahu hasilnya dan saya bisa memberikan feedback dari hasil pekerjaan mereka.

Tapi misalnya kalau pertemuan pertama ya saya bilang hari ini kita akan memasukki materi baru yaitu deskriptif teks kaya gitu.

(But, as the example, when it was a first meeting, I would tell the students that we would learn new topic, which was descriptive text for example.) misconception of

associating stage

Kalau mengasosiasi prosesnya kan habis saya nyuruh mereka bikin text descriptive, nah terus saya suruh mereka buat menandai adjective yang dipakai. Terus nanti mereka maju, terus menceritakan text descriptive mereka terus soal generic structurenya sama apa adjectivenya tadi.

(In association activities, after I asked the students to write a descriptive text, I asked them to label the adjectives in that text. Then, I asked them to showed their work in front of the class and told their friends about their own text and its generic structure and adjectives.) misconception of associating stage

Mengkomunikasikan biasanya sama mengasosiasi. Ya itu ya kayak ngasih feedback terus ya itu hanya kasih feedback terus biasanya ngasih kesimpulan. Kesimpulannya nanya mereka atau nyuruh mereka bikin apa gitu yang mencakup hal- hal yang tadi itu. Jadi seperti project, waktu itu buat deskripsi soal barang kesayangan mereka.

(Communicating activities is usually done together with associating. The example is like giving feedbacks for the students and then stating the conclusion. For the

conclusion, teacher may ask the students or asked them to make any projects which were related to the topic. The example of the project is I asked them to make a description about their favorite things at that time.) misconception of associating stage

Saya kurang tegas sama mereka terus suara saya kurang keras, kemudian kurang kreatif dalam membuat kegiatan. Jadi mungkin mereka ngobrol sana sini tuh karena

mungkin kegiatannya mungkin kurang menarik bagi mereka seperti itu.

(I was not really firm to them. Besides, my voice volume was not loud enough. Moreover, I was not really creative in designing activities. So, one of the reasons why students tended to be busy with themselves was maybe because the acivities were not really interesting for them.)

misconception of Scientific Approach principles

Mengeksplorasi biasanya mengerjakan soal sih kalau saya. Biasanya sih kalau saya mengerjakan soal atau diskusi-diskusi dengan teman lalu kerja kelompok.

(Usually I asked the students to do some exercises in exploration process. I asked them to do the exercises or have discussion with friends and followed by group discussion.) misconception of experimenting or collecting information stage

..jadi saya usahakan atau seminimal mungkin mereka menggunakan HP. Jadi informasinya dari saya. Kebanyakan sumber informasinya itu dari saya.

(I tried to minimize the use of cell phone. So, mostly, I was the source of knowledge.) misconception of

experimenting or collecting information stage

Jadi biasanya saya minta mereka untuk membuat sesuatu seperti project. Misalnya membuat teks atau misalnya

menyusun sesuatu.

(Usually, I asked them to make a project. As the example is making text or arranging something.) misconception of communicating stage

kebanyakan yang bertanya gurunya sih, bukan siswanya gitu. Jadi kayak kalau mbalikin role biar mereka yang nanya tu itu yang susah.

(Teacher asked the students most of the time, not the students who asked the teacher. So, it was difficult to make the students asked something.) misconception of

questioning stage

kalau eksplorasi gitu diawal-awal sudah ada diskusi

tentang materinya kan, udah dijelasin, saya njelasin mereka kadang-kadang juga nanya, nah di pas penjelasan itu kadang mereka juga nanya

(In exploring step, there had been a discussion about the material in the beginning. I had explained to the students and they usually asked some questions related to the material when I was explaining.) misconception of collecting information or stage

Di tahap mengasosiasi sebernernya aku agak bingung sih di sini, itu mengasosiasi tu ngapain tu lho, antara

mengasosiasi memperbanyak informasi atau apa ya. Kegiatannya seperti mbahas soal yang sudah dikerjakan. (I was little bit confused with associating step, what can we do in this step. It was confusing whether I had to enlarge the information or any other activities. The activity was just like discussing the tasks which had been done before.) misconception of associating stage

Jadi kita cuma ngasih materi, kalau ada yang bingung ditanyakan, kalau nggak ada yang bingung kita kasih soal, kemudian dalam soal itu, menurut saya pribadi, sudah bisa menilai bahwa siswa tersebut sudah mampu atau tidak dalam materi ini.

(So, we (teacher) just gave the material, and the students could ask the teacher when they were confused on some matters. If there was no student who was confused with the material, the teacher could give the tasks. Then, I think, we could assess whether the students had already understood the material or not based on the tasks.) misconception of Scientific Approach principles

setelah mengamati siswa membaca dan siswa mencoba memahami materi dengan diri sendiri, saya menanyakan garis besar inti materinya itu apa. Kemudian, saya juga menanyakan kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi

(After observing step, the students read and tried to understand the material by themselves. I only asked the main point of the material. Then, I asked the difficulties which were faced by the students.) misconception of associating stage

Untuk proses selanjutnya biasanya saya mengasih, memberi soal-soal yang bersangkutan dengan materi, vocabulary tetep karena menurut saya itu penting gitu. Kemudian, kalau materi seperti materi ekspression gitu saya menyuruh mereka membuat role playa atau dialog kecil. Mereka juga aktif ngomong itu lho, nggak cuma baca, nggak cuma ndengerin, tapi mereka juga berperan aktif untuk ngomong. Satu dua kelas sudah bisa sebagian, tetapi, beberapa kelas masih sulit untuk diajak ee belajar menggunakan metode role play. Seperti itu.

(For the next step, I usually gave some questions or tasks which were related to the topic. Still, I also focused on the vocabulary because I thought that was an important part for the students. Then, if the material was about

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