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Time and location of the Research


B. Time and location of the Research

This research was conducted from august to october 2022 at the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School, Kesturi Street, Nongsa, Batu Besar, Batam.


C. Subject and Object of the research

Subject of this research was the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam. Meanwhile, the object of this research wa s focused on the students’ writing descriptive text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research

Best (1981) states that a population is any group of individuals that have one or more characteristics in common that are of interest to the researcher. So, the population of this research was the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam in the academic year 2022/2023. There was 2 (two) classes consisted of 39.

According to Syafi’i, (2017) the sample is the population or subjects chosen and decided in your research project as the data or information sources that you need. Based on the total population, the researcher took the sample by using total sampling technique. Total sampling is a sampling technique when all members of the population are used as sample (Sugiono, 2016). Therefore, the researcher took all the population as the sample by using the total sampling technique. in this research the researcher took A class as experimental class and B class as control class the reason why the researcher took A class as an experimental because A class more active then B class. So, the researcher used A class as experimental class. The experimental class was taught using photograph while the control class was taught using traditional technique.

E. Technique of the Data Collection

The data were collected by test, using pre-test and post-test. According to Brown (2003) test means a method to measure a persons ability, knowladge, or performence in a particular domain. Pre-test was given to the students in the begining of the research. Then, the post-test was given to the students at the end of the research. The procedures of collecting data are as follows:

1. Test

In this research, the researcher used test. According to Brown (2003) test is a method of determaining a apersons’ ability, knowlagde, or performence in a specific topic. Writing test was given in this research , it is devided into two categories, pre-test and pos-test. The technique used to measure students’ writing skills and the researcher applied the techniques of data collection, they are as follows:



The researcher conducted the pre-test before the experiment.

This score of this test reflect the students’ writing descriptive text before they are taught use photographs as teaching media. The students were given a pre-test consist of writing test to measure the students’ writing ability before the learning teaching process or treatment is done. The researcher provided 45 minutes for the students to working their assignment. The researcher score on the students’

answer on test gone.


After giving a pre-test, the researcher treated the experimental class. The researcher was given the treatment for one time, each meeting ran for 90 minutes. In experimental class, the researcher will use Photographs Media. The Experimental class uses photographs as teaching media. The procedure of the experimental are The researcher explained 15 minutes about descriptive paragraphs through photographs to the students. Then researcher showed photographs in the white-board and the students pay attention to the photos carefully.

The researcher was given a direction for 10 minutes by describing what the students are going to do about photographs on the paper. The students were given 45 minutes to train in making descriptive paragraphs based on photographs on the white-board. The last researcher was evaluated the material before closing the learning teaching process as well as the students will be given opportunity to ask about the material for 10 minutes.



After giving the treatment of the experimental class, the students were given photographs on the white-board. The students made descriptive paragraphs by describing the photographs in the paper with their own words. Then, the researcher was given score to the students’ result test.

Collected data was the most important step in conducted the research, before conducted the real test, the researcher was conducted try

out and then analyzed the test to get its validity, reliability, difficulty of level and discriminating power of each them of the test. In this research, the test used instrument to collect the data.

2. Validity

According to Hughes (1995) as cited in Siddiek (2010), test is said valid if it measures accurately what it intends to measure Then, Brown (1996) as cited in (Siddiek, 2010) stated that validity is traditionally subdivided into three categories: content, criterion-related, and construct validity. Content validity includes any validity strategies that focus on the content of the test. So, in this research, the researcher used content validity. According to Sugiyono (2013) in Amsori (2021), content validity testing can be done by comparing the contents of the instrument with the subject matter that has been taught.

So, the researcher created the test based on appropriate material, that was easy to comprehend or suitable for a student’s level. In this research, the researcher used the material test based on the students have learned. It was a descriptive text. So, the supervisor checked and validated the test as the researchers’ supervisor.

3. Reability

Creswell (2012) pointed out that reliability means that scores from an instrument are stable and consistent. To analyze the instrument of the data, the researcher checked and analyzed the test and to avoid bias; the researcher used two raters. According to Brown (2004), Intra-rater


reliability is a common occurrence for classroom teachers because of unclear scoring types, fatigue, bias toward particular “good” and “bad”

students, or simple carelessness. So, in this research, Mrs. Kurnia Budiyanti, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the first rater and Mr. Rizky Gushendra M.Ed., as the second rater. After the data were checked and analyzed by the rater, the researcher collected the data and classified it into some types of errors.

F. Technique of Data Analysis 1. Normality of the Data

Before analyzing the data by using paired sample test, the researcher had to found the normality test of the data. Normality test of the data was analyzed by using SPSS 23 version.

2. Analysis of the Data

To find out whether there was a significant difference or not, the researcher used paired sample t-test by using SPSS 23 version. Paired sample t-test was used to find out the average value of students’ writing descriptive text before and after taught by using Photograph.



A. Conclussion

This research was done to find out the effect of using photograph on students’ writing descriptive text at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam. It can be seen from the data analysis that the use of photograph in writing descriptive text gave the effect in learning process. The different result from the students taught by the photograph and without taught by photograph is 7.55. It’s mean using photograph in writing descriptive text is more effective. So, the researcher concluded this research as follow:

1. The students’ writing descriptive text taught by using using photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam was categorized into good category, this is evidenced by the mean of post-test (77.65).

2. The students’ writing descriptive text taught without using photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam was categorized into enough category, this is evidenced by the mean of pre-test (70.10).

3. Based on the Independent sample t test, it can be concluded that the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected, while the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. It is found that there is a significant effect between students’

writing descriptive text taught by using photograph and without using


photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam. And then, effect size for this research is in strong effect.

B. Suggestion

Considering the effect of using photograph on students’ writing descriptive text, the researcher would like to give some suggestions especially to the teacher and students as follows:

1. Suggestion for the teacher

a. It is recommended to the teacher to use the photograph as the picture media in the teaching and learning process, especially in teaching writing.

b. The teacher should be creative to improve the students’ writing descriptive text by using another technique or strategy.

2. Suggestion for the student

a. The students should pay more attention to the lesson explained by the teacher.

b. The students must work together with the teacher to succeed in various techniques given by the teacher to improve reading comprehension such as photograph as picture media and various other techniques.

3. Suggestion for the researher

a. Further researchers may conduct this technique on higher levels of students. It can be applied to Islamic senior high school or university students.

b. The further researcher can use photograph in another English skill, for example, speaking skill, etc.


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