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Academic year: 2023



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PRISTIA SIN. 11714202727



1444 H / 2023 M






PRISTIA SIN. 11714202727


Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of English Education





1444 H / 2023 M




Alhamdulillahhirobbil‟alamiin. In the name of Allah, the beneficent and the most merciful, praises belong to Allah Almighty. By His guidance and blessing, the researcher can complete this academic requirement to finish their bachelor degree. Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to the last messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Mr. Armawi and Mrs. Oktaviana, who always gave me uncountable love, care advice, fun, and supports. Thank you so much for your praying all days and all nights also for both material and spiritual to accomplish this thesis.

The researcher would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing the paper.

They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., the Vice Rector I, Dr. H.

Ma’ud Zein, M. Pd., as Vice Rector II, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M. Sc., Ph.

D, as Vice Rector III, and all staff. Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.Ag., the Vice of Dean I. Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., the Vice of



3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Department, who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing this thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd., the Secretary of English Education Department, for the guidance to the students.

5. Drs. Muhammad Syafi’i S, M.Pd, as my academic supervisor and all lecturers of the English Education Department who have given suggestions and motivations.

6. Rizki Amelia, M.Pd. is a great supervisor who has given correction, suggestion, support, advice, and invaluable suggestions in order to complete this thesis successful.

7. All lectures who have given the researcher their knowledge and information through the meeting in the class or personally.

8. My beloved family, especially my young brother Danu and my beloved aunty Merista, thank you for always giving support.

9. My best ever friends in English department Asmarani Saefiya, Rahayu Nengsi. S.Pd., Fitri Zulyanis, S.Pd., Fatmawati, Melinda Puspita, especially all of the member of B class and E class. Thank you for your advices.

10. My unforgettable friends Mahmudah, S.Pd., Titi Mulyanti, S.Pd., Nella Rahmadani S.Pd., and all my friends in Batam and Pekanbaru.



Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect, there are many weaknesses on this thesis. Therefore, critisim, comments, and suggestion are really appreciated to improve the thesis, May Allah Almighty, the lord of universe bless us all.

Pekanbaru, Desember 02, 2022



SIN 11714202727



Descriptive Text at the Eight Grade Students at Granada IIBS Batam

The purpose of this study was to find out the significant effect of using Photograph on students’ writing descrptive text. This research used quantitative method with quasi experimental design. The target population and sample of this study was the eight grade of students at Junior High School Granada IIBS Batam that consist of 39 students. In this research, written test was administered as an instrument for both experimental and control groups. The data data were obtained by using pre-test that was given to both group before the treatment and post-test was given after the treatment. The pre-test data and the post-test data of both group were analyzed by using descriptive stastistics and inferential stastistics. The research result show that there is significant effect in writing descriptive text who were taught using photograph. The data from written test were analyzed using statistic description. The findings were supported by the total score of the students’ writing score in pre-test which improved from 1380 in the pretest to 1553 in the posttest. Inconclusion, the result of using photograph improved students writing descriptive text significantly.



Pristia (2022) : Pengaruh Penggunaan Fotografi Terhadap Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menulis Teks Deskriptif oleh Siswa Kelas VIII di Sekolah SMP Granada IIBS Batam

yyTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang signifikan dalam penggunaan fotografi terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam menulis descrptif teks. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan design kuasi eksperimental. Populasi sasaran dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Granada IIBS Batam yang berjumlah 39 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini, tes tertulis telah disusun dalam sebuah instrumen untuk kedua kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan pre-test yang diberikan kepada kedua kelompok sebelum sebelum tindakan dan post-test diberikan setelah tindakan. Data pre-test dan data post-test dari kedua grup di analisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dalam menulis descriptif teks yang dijarkan menggunakan fotografi. Data hasil tes tertulis dianalisis dengan deskriptif statistik. Temuan ini didukung oleh total skor menulis siswa pada pre-test yang meningkat dari 1380 pada pre-test menjadi 1553 pada post-test. Kesimpulanna, Hasil penggunaan fotografi meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks dekskripsi siswa secara signifikan.










ABSTRAK ... vii


... viii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 6

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 6

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 6

E. Objectives of the Research ... 7

F. Significance of the Research ... 7

G. Definition of the Key Terms ... 8


1. Definition of Writing ... 10

2. The Nature of Photograph ... 15

B. Relevant Research ... 20

C. Operational Concept ... 22

D. Assumption and Hypothesis ... 23


B. Time and location of the Research ... 25




A. Finding ... 31 B. Discussion ... 47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ... 49 B. Suggestion ... 50 REFERENCES






Table III.1 Table of Research Design ... 25

Table IV.1 Table the Score of Students Writing Descriptive Taught by Using Photograph ... 32

Table IV.2 Table the Score of Students Writing Descriptive Without Taught by Using Photograph ... 33

Table IV.3 Tables Frequency Distribution of Students’ Pre-Test Score of Experimental Class ... 34

Table IV.4 Table Precentage Experimental Class Pre-Test ... 35

Table IV.5 Table Statistical Description of Students’ Pre-Test Score ... 36

Table IV.6 Table Precentage Experimental Class Post-Test ... 37

Table IV.7 Table Frequency Distribution of Students’ Post-Test Score ... 38

Table IV.8 Table Statistical Description of Students’ Post-Test Score ... 38

Table IV.9 Table Frequency Distribution of Students’ Pre-Test Score Control Class ... 40

Table IV.10 Table Precentage Control Class Pre-Test ... 40

Table IV.11 Table Statistical Description of Students’ Pre-Test Score ... 41

Table IV.12 Table Frequency Distribution of the Students’ Post-Test Score . 42 Table IV.13 Table Statistic Description of the Students’ Post-Test Score ... 43

Table IV.14 Table Precentage Control Class Post-Test ... 44

Table IV.15 Table Test of Normality ... 45

Table IV.16 Table Independent Sample T-Test ... 46




Table IV.1 Chart Experimental Pre-Test Histogram ... 37

Table IV.2 Chart Post-Test Experimental Score Histogram ... 39

Table IV.3 Chart Control Class Pre-Test Histogram ... 42

Table IV.4 Chart Control Class Post-Test Histogram ... 44



LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Syllabus

Appendix 2 Lesson plan (RPP) Appendix 3 Instrument

Appendix 4 Students’ Answer

Appendix 5 Thesis Supervisior Activity Report Appendix 6 Recommendation Letters


1 A. Background of the Problem

Writing is one of the aspects of communication skills in written form.

According to Oshima and Hogue (1997), writing is particularly academic writing that is not easy. It takes study and practice to develop this skill. As we know that writing is a specific ability which helps writers to put their thought into words in a meaningful form and to mentally interact with the message. It needs some method include ability for the writers to express their opinion or thoughts clearly. By writing, people can tell their experience to other and share the information which other people may not know yet. In addition, for the students written is one most difficult skill in learning English.

The students as academic writers have to know the process of the organization of writing. The students should be able to describe the organization and forms from a paper, because writing involves creative process. Then, the student should be creative in using the technique of writing.

They should know and understand tostart writing, find several ideas, develop their ideas into paragraph, revise their writing and make the final writing as well as possible.

Currently, the Indonesian government imposed on the 2013 curriculum use. This curriculum is considered as the way getting closer to Indonesian moral value nowadays. Additionally, it highlights some points related to developing literacy. First, students should be familiar with organizing some



kinds of texts which are systematic, logic, and effective through the practice of creating the texts. Second, the rules of organizing texts are introduced to students so they are not confused in the process of making the texts. Third, students should be familiar too with expressing themselves and their knowledge by using the convinced language spontaneously. Then, the government adds some elements that can be guidance for teacher in conducting their class. These elements include the Core Competence (Kompetensi Inti) and Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar). These two elements cover some performances that the students should achieve and the material used. Based on 2013 curriculum, the seventh grade students in junior high school are required to achieve and to perform certain genre while studying English in class.

In the second year of Junior High School, the basic competency that should be achieved in the writing English subject is that the students have ability to develop and produce simply functional written text in the recount text, narrative text, and descriptive text. They can use right dictation, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and organization.

Granada International Islamic Boarding School, provided English as a compulsory subject for the students such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. The students of the school learn English two meeting a week for 45 minutes. According to curriculum 2013 (K13), the purposes of learning English is to develop the potential of the students to have communication competence in the interpersonal, and functional text by using English spoken


and written.

Based on the researcher’s interview with the English teachers at Junior High School Granada International Islamic Boarding School, minimum completeness criteria (KKM) in grade IX is 75. The phenomena showed that the students are not able to write the descriptive texts. The score in writing descriptive is at the average 70 and some of them got lower than 70. It seems that problem happened in this school was caused by inappropriate teaching strategy used by the teacher. In teaching and learning process, the teacher still used conventional method which was more focused on reading and speaking than writing and the teacher just focused on textbook. As the result, the students are not able to write the simple text that they produced from their handbook. The students are not able to exposes their ideas in limited time in the class.

Sometimes, the students felt bored, because their teacher just asked them in order to write the English text based on handbook without using teaching media in learning writing, especially in writing descriptive text. In addition, the students always faced problem in finding their idea to write, did not know what to do if they want to start their writing.

The researcher was interested to solve the problem by using Photograph.

It can help the students’ writing performance. The used of personal photograph could make the students had a clear and simple way in writing. Based on Daryanto (2010), photograph is kind of picture that can be shown into the real objects or the events of outside the class. Photograph also like pictures that have high artistic value which is colorful and importantly they are rich with



information. Morales (2003) defined photograph as individual or private picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light- sensitive material. Using photograph as media the students had something to do with their personal experience. They can describe person, place, or thing that their really like.

Using photograph in learning writing will bring much strength. Sieber (2012) stated that working with photograph adds layer of complexity to the lesson, because every photograph is created at one point of time, in particular place, of chosen subject, by a particular photographer, for a specific purpose, and using a particular technology. It means that photograph bring many things to be learn by the student. Moreover, photograph is full of context. Photograph brings the information of the place, time, culture and the others where the photo is taken to the students’ world. Photograph also encourages students to brainstorm words and ideas before they write it in more details. This means that from photograph students will have sense to think critically about the interpretation of image and write it in ideas. Applying the photoraph as the media for studying descriptive texts was believed could improve the students’

ability to write descriptive texts. This model is one of the effective learning models assumed suitable to apply for students’ writing descriptive text.

Although these solutions could help students to understand better, they needed a kind of supporting media which would give them a context to make them interested in writing. Consequently, the learning media which are the photographs are decided to use in this research. Photographs will represent


thousand words since one photograph will tell the students something related to the real object outside and will have instructions to study overdue it.

Considering the benefits mentioned, photographs are chosen to be one of media or technique in writing texts such as procedure, narrative, recount, and descriptive.

Regarding the use of personal photographs, all of the subjects stated that personal photographs were valuable sources to be used in writing because they could use the pictures they took to develop sentences and organize them chronologically. This is supported by Ahola (2004) that the photographs can help them to remember the details about people, places and event. Students will be easier to get and develop their idea in writing English by using photographs than the instructions and imagination without source of inspiration.

Considering the issues above, it is necessary to conduct a research study to improve students’ writing skill to the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam by using learning media. So, the researcher choosen this title “The Effect of Using Photograph on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam”.

The researcher hopes in using picture, students will be more motivated, relaxed and interested so that they can develop their writing.



B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the observation in the English teaching class and interview with the English teacher and students of Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam, there were some problems that could be identified during the process of teaching and learning writing. There are several problems: First, the students fell confused in getting ideas for writing. Because some students are not interesting in writing learning process, so that some of them felt difficult in finding ideas.

Second, the students still not confident in writing. Because some of the students felt afraid for writing because they were lack of vocabulary and grammar. The last problem is supporting media in the teaching and learning process of writing in the classroom were not have various enough. That are some problems that made the students felt lazy in learning English process especially in writing descriptive text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this study the method was applied in students and give some test to know the increasing of their ability in Writing Descriptive Text.

D. Formulation of the Problem

1. How is students’ writing descriptive text taught by using photograph at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam?

2. How is students’ writing descriptive text taught without using


photograph at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam?

3. Is there any significant effect taught by using a photograph to the students’ writing descriptive text at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam?

E. Objective of the Research

Generally, the study aimed to improve the students writing performance, especially it is too:

1. To find out the students’ writing descriptive text taught by using photograph at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam.

2. To find out students’ writing descriptive text taught without using photograph at seventh grade students at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam.

3. To find out whether there is or not a significant effect of using a photograph to the students’ writing descriptive text at Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam.

F. Significance of the Research 1. Theoretical Advantages

The study aims to provide insight into grammar, vocabulary and to improve the students’ writing skill especially in writing



descriptive text and to provide students with new media to attract interet in learning English, especially in the writing descriptive text at the eight grade students Junior High School IIBS Batam.

2. Practical Advantages

For the researcher, this research can be provide insight and knowladge in skills using media in writing.

For the English teacher in Junior High School Granada IIBS Batam, the research can be use as a source of information about ways to improve the students’ writing skills.

For the principle of Junior High School Batam IIBS, this research will help to improve her understanding of the EFL learning process. This understanding will encourage her to facilitate all efforts to improve the EFL learning process in the school.

The study can provide general knowladge about how to improve students’ writing skills especially in writing descriptive text.

Research result can also be used as a basis for further research.

G. Definition of the Key Term 1. Descriptive text

In this study refer to descriptive text. Descriptive text is kinds of text which described in details. According to Doddy et al (2008) Descriptive text has the social function to describe particular person, place, or things. So, the descriptive text is a text which has a function to describe about people, thing, place, animal and so on specifically involves


five sense. Then the readers can imagine the text was read and they will be gotten information from the text.

2. Photograph

Photograph is photo that the students’ have or take by their own.

Photograph is also a visual media for students in the teaching and learning process. According Azoulay (2010) photograph is term of the inside and outside organized and embodied by the camera-those standing in front of the camera and behind it the moment the photograph is taken, and inside and outside the frame at the moment of photograph is viewed. It concluded that a photographs is a picture of person or scene in printed form that captured in past event and recorded by someone that related with that picture. Picture is interesting because of full of colors; students will interest to learn when they use picture that full of colors. In this research, photograph can help students to interpret and remember the images from text book. In using photograph, the students will have chance to think critically about the interpretation of the events in images and to write about those ideas.




A. Theoritical Framework 1. Writing Skill

Writing is one of the English skills that must be mastered by student to complete learning process. In the academic and professional worlds, writing is very important (Lane & Lange, 1993). For all writers in these situations, native and nonnative speakers alike, content and language control are important. Among the four skills, speaking and writing are communicative acts which upon an awareness of social relationship and social expectation. The speaker or writer then proceeds to select ways of speaking or writing which are appropriate and specific to particular situation (Hughey, Jane, etc, 1983). We created ourselves by words. One of the productive skills is writing, difficult to be mastered by the students, because it consists of the rules of English writing grammatically. The students also have to know about the structure of the English writing and the choice of words that are used in the writing. Oshima and Hogue (1997) stated that writing is never a one-step action, it is an ongoing creative act.

Referring to some definitions above, the researcher concluded that writing is one way of communicating what we want to communicate in words and by writing people can understand.


Purpose of Writing

Purpose of Writing according to Dietsch (2005), there are three purposes of writing that describe the kinds of students writing; informative, expressive and persuasive.

1) Informative writing is intended to give information, ideas, knowledge or directions. Example of informative writing includes describing events or experiences, analyzing concept, speculating on causes and effect and developing new ideas or relationship.

2) Expressive writing is intended to express the writer feelings, experience and opinion. This type of writing also has the purpose to entertain the reader. Example of expressive writing includes poems, diaries, journal writing, and fiction.

3) Persuasive writing has purpose to persuade and convince the reader that it is factual and reliable. This type of writing includes evaluation of a book, movie, consumer product, or controversial issues.

Based on the explanation above, the researchers decide what the primary purpose before writing something. They have to focus on the purpose of their writing since this will affect what language they choose and how they use it. When they have determined their purpose, they know what kind of information they need, how they want to organize and develop that information.



Aspect of Writing

Brown and Bailey (2004) classifies the aspect of writinginto five categories. The firs is content. Content refers to the essence of writing, the experience of main idea. It’s identified by seeing the topic sentence. The topic sentence should reflect the entire of the paragraph and express the main idea. Second is vocabulary skill. Vocabulary refers to the words or selection those are suitable with the content. It can be classified by seeing the word choice or diction to convey ideas to the reader. Third is grammar skill. Grammar refers to the use of syntactical pattern and the correct grammatical form. It is identified from the construction of well-formed sentences. Forth is organization skill. It is refers to de ideas that stick together so that ideas run smoothly within the paraghraph. The last is mechanics. Mechanics of writing are critical parts of learning to write.

Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has the social function to describe particular person, place, or things (Doddy, 2008). Descriptive text is kinds of text which described in details. Based on the generic structure, descriptive text is divided into three parts. The first part is identification or participation which begins to identify the phenomenon to be described. The next part is the descriptions of particular person, place or things. It is also focused on specific participants including


parts, qualities and characteristics of person or something that is described. The last is closure or summary of something that is described. The lexicon grammatical features of descriptive are noun, adjectives, noun phrase, present tense or past tense. If something described is exist until now use present tense but if something described is pass away or no longer exist use past tense. There are some aspects that have to be evaluated in order get good Descriptive writing such as contents, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics (Heaton, 1998). Contents refer to the subject mastery being described or written. Organization refers to students’ idea and details of descriptive structure to introduce the characterization. Vocabulary refers to the usage of the correct words function to express idea in composing a paragraph (adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs).

Oshima and Hogue (1997) stated that descriptive appeals to the senses, so it tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/or sound. The reader can imagine the object, place, or person in his or her mind. Wishon & Burks (1980) stated that descriptive is a text that helps the reader, through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or an emotion.

Referring decide that identification can be used as topic sentence of the paragraph. After stating the identification, the writer has to provide some descriptions so that the reader will be able to picture the idea.



Decsribing a process not only explain how something is done, but also explain why it is done and what is needed to complete the process.

1. Describing and even

To describe an event, a writer should be able to memorize and remember what happen in the event. Supposed the writer will write about Tsunami that is happen in Japan. In this case, she/ he has to explain all details related to the event, so that the readers can imagine the real situation and condition.

2. Describing a personality

In describing a person, the first thing that we do is recognizing his/her individual charateristic. We need to describe people occurs fairly areas of physical attribute (hair, eyes), emotional (warm, nervous), moral attributes (greedy, honest, worthy, trust), and intellectual (cleverness, perception).

3. Describing a place

Presenting something concret is the way to describe place, for example: a home, a hospital and school.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Based on Mulyono (2009) the generic structure of descriptive paragraph consists of the identification that identifies the phenomenon and description that describes the parts, the qualities, and the


characteristic of the phenomenon. According to Luber (2014) the generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.

Identification introduces to the subject of the description. Description gives details of characteristic features, such as qualities, size, physical appearance, ability, habit, etc. Referring decide that identification can be used as topic sentence of the paragraph. After stating the identification, the writer has to provide some descriptions so that the reader will be able to picture the idea.

2. Photograph in Teaching

Photograph is a visual media for students in the teaching and learning process. Photograph also some with pictures that have high artistic value which is colorful and importantly they are rich with information. Hamilton (2014) states that in our daily life, the advent of social networking media such as Facebook, Flicker, Instagram, also the increasing using of smart phone technology, digital images produced still photography. The photographs can become one of the instructional visual aids in learning writing. The use of photographs aims to help teacher in giving the students support during writing, since they can be used as ways to generate the ideas in writing. Usually, photographs surely can help the students remember the detail about people, places, and events; they capture anything such as the characterizations, the appearances, and the sequences of events.



According Azoulay (2010) photograph is term of the inside and outside organized and embodied by the camera-those standing in front of the camera and behind it the moment the photograph is taken, and inside and outside the frame at the moment of photograph is viewed. It concluded that a photographs is a picture of person or scene in printed form that captured in past event and recorded by someone that related with that picture. Sieber (2012) stated that working with photograph adds layer of complexity to the lesson, because every photograph is created at one point of time, in particular place, of chosen subject, by a particular photographer, for a specific purpose, and using a particular technology. It means that photograph bring many thing to be learn by the student. Moreover, photograph is full of context. Photograph brings the information of the place, time, culture and the others where the photo is taken to the students’


In addition, Rieger (1996) in Hamilton (2014) argues that a highly suitable means of documenting process is done by photography as the taking photograph actions can be done faster and the detailed even the immediate description can be got easily. Then as the instructional media, pictures have some roles as proposed by Latuheru (1988) in Saadiyah (2010), they are stated as follows:

1) It will attract and increase students’ attention.

2) It will help them to handle with the difference of the students experiences due to differences in their social and economic backgrounds.


3) It will provide learning experiences that may be difficult to get in any other way.

4) It will help to arrange the experience which the students acquire systematically for promoting their cognitive development.

5) It will help students’ ability to do self-learning based on their cognitive development.

6) It will decrease verbalism (using verbal language whether oral or written in the learning process).

Photographs are designed in colourful even attractive as the stimulant for students in the class situation. The function of photographs aims not only to bring images in reality but also to become fun element in class. There are some reasons why these media is suitable for the language teaching since they give motivation and draw attention from learners. They also provide a sense of context of the language with a specific reference and stimulus.

The Advantages of Photograph

According to Sudjana (2005), the advantages of using photograph as media in teaching are first, to motivate and attract students to learn. Picture is interesting because of full of colors; students will interesting to learn when they use picture that full of colors. Second, photograph can help students in developing language skills and writing.

Picture is full of information such as vocabulary and ideas. So, photograph can help students in developing their vocabulary and express



their ideas. The last is Personal Photograph can help students to interpret and remember the images from text book. In using personal photograph, the students will have chance to think critically about the interpretation of the events in images and to write about those ideas.

Writing Descriptive Text Using Photograph

To make teaching learning process in the classroom interesting, the teacher should apply a teaching media. Most of students can easily bored which might lead them to feel the difficulty to understand English lessons. Therefore, the teacher has to find out a media which are suitable to apply in teaching English, especially writing descriptive text. It helps the students to get rid of their boredom and solve problems in learning.

Jonathan (2009) stated that the media that we use to present our practice activities should be capable of providing the same condition as described in our object. In accordance with the idea, the researcher applied photograph as a media to make students understand easily. Photograph can explain many things which might lead the students in developing their idea before started writing. Photograph can help the teacher to introduce a new teaching point in materials and find interesting way of getting the student to write themselves.

According to Hidayati, Apriliaswati, and Wardah (2015) in the procedures of teaching descriptive text by using photograph, the researcher designed the teaching based on the process of main elements of writing and the generic structure of descriptive text namely planning,


drafting, editing and final version. Planning is the students stick their photograph that they have brought on a paper which teacher has given.

The first, students to do is drafting. Drafting is the students began to make an outline based on their photograph. The second, the students to do editing. Editing (reflecting and revising) is the students accomplished their writing and showed it to other people (teacher and students) and the other students asked to check their writing by giving comment by answering the following questions such as, does the paragraph have identification?, does the paragraph consist of at least three character traits?, does the paragraph use appropriate grammar (present tense)?, the last does the paragraph use right mechanics (capital letter, punctuation, and spelling). Finally, the students complete their final version based on the other student’s suggestions.

Teaching writing through photograph as a media can be good option, including descriptive text. According to Sudjana et al (2005), there are some benefits in teaching through photograph as a media as follows: (1) Photograph can motivate, pay attention, and take part students in teaching learning process; (2) Photograph can help student in developing language skills, art activities, and statement of creative story telling, dramatization, reading, writing, painting, and drawing; (3) Photograph can help students to interpret and remember the content of reading material from text-books.



B. Relevant Research

There are some relevant studies which show the benefit in using photographs to improve writing ability. The first one is a study by Youra (2009). He gives the evidence through his project Writing to photography/photography to writing. He stated that photography could become a positive aid to the students when exploring new possibilities in their writing. This opinion comes from the result of his project which aims to develop writing through photography. He found that students gave comments and actions reflected when they began to see photography as rhetoric, as language, and to see the relation between photographic and verbal expression.

Moreover their concept of literacy would develop and would encourage them to explore new possibilities on their writing.

The second, Kellner (2009) in his project Using photography to inspire writing found the benefit of using photograph in teaching. As the result of his project, he urges the teacher could use photographs in teaching writing as using photograph will help the students overcome their problem in writing.

These photographs also turn into powerful teaching aids which inspire students all levels in expository and creative compositions.

The third study is presented by Indah (2010) entitled Improving Writing Recount Text by Using Photographs: A Case Study of the Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Batangan Pati in The Academic Year of 2009/2010. She used photographs as media in improving the students writing especially when they produced recount text. As her research was categorized


as case study, she used photographs as media in her treatment to the experimental class. The result showed that the experimental class had improved their writing recount text more than the control class which did not get the photographs treatment.

Based on the relevant studies explained above, it can be concluded that the similarity between some studies mentioned early and this research are using photographs as the media to enhance students‟ writing performance in certain genre texts. Photographs are expected to make students particularly in generating ideas spontaneously and giving motivation to make them become more confident when they produce certain genre texts. Meanwhile, there are some differences also between some studies mentioned early and this research.

They are the use of these photographs indifferent level and purposes, the type of research, and the type of photographs chosen. Some studies used photographs in higher level such as in criticizing and inspiring to make paragraphs. Then, the type of some studies are experimental and action research in the higher class level. Later, the photographic photographs are chosen in some studies. The photographic photographs aim to ask the viewer in interpreting messages implicitly and explicitly.

In this research study, the photographs will use to enhance the students’ writing dscriptive text in lower level which is the seventh grade students of Junior High School. The photographs chosen closed to the teenagers’ life such as the family and the idol. They used photographs to start their early simple writing composition which was describing someone. The



photographs had a role as their scaffolding to produce their simple description texts.

C. Operational Concept

1. The Procedure of Teaching Writing by using Photograph (X)

According to Harmer in Febriana (2019) the steps of teaching writing by using photographs media as follows:

a. Introducing the media and the procedure on how to implement the media in teaching and learning process.

b. Asking the students to observe the photographs.

c. Leading the students to brainstorm their ideas based on visual clues on the photographs.

d. Assigning the students to make an outline on a piece of paper. In this case, the students can make a list of all the events.

e. Asking the students to discuss about their experience based on their first draft

f. Informing the students that they may change their draft by adding or erasing some point based on the previous revision.

g. Assigning the students to start writing their descriptive text based on the final draft by using appropriate generic structure.

h. Asking the students to submit their final composition.

2. The Indicator of Writing Descriptive Text (Y) The component of writing by Jacob at al (1981):

a. The students are able to write the main idea in their writing (Content)


b. The students are able to write based on the organizational structure correctly (Organization)

c. The students are able to write appropriate vocabulary in writing (Vocabulary)

d. The students are able to write with correct grammatical and syntatic pattern (Language Use)

e. The students are able to arranging letters, words senencses (Mechanics)

D. Assumption and Hypothesis 1. Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that the use of the photographs technique can improve students’ writing descriptive text.

2. Hypothesis

a. Null Hypothesis (Ho) there is significant effect on students’ writing descriptive text by using photograph as media at the eight grade students of Junior High School Granada International Islamic Boarding School the Academic Year of 2022/2023.

b. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) there is no significant effect in students’

writing descriptive text by using photograph as media at eight grade students of Junior High School Granada International Islamic Boarding School the Academic Year of 2022/2023.



A. Research Design

The researcher used quantitative research as the design to measure the frequency of each form of error made by the students. According to Gay, Mills and Airasian (2012), quantitative research is the collection and analysis of numerical data to describe, explain, predict, or control phenomena of interest. Then, Arikunto (2006) in Fitria (2020) also stated that a quantitative approach is an approach that demands to use the numeric, begin from the collection of the data, interpretation of data, presentation of the data and also the result.

This study focused on finding out the effect of photoraph in teaching writing. The purpose of this research was to determine whether students who are taught to use photograph was produced a better writing performance than those who were not. To reach the purpose, an experimental design was used which is referred to as true-experimental design. The aim of experimental research is not only to collect and to describe data but also to find out the cause and effect (Ross, Morrison & Lowther, 2005). Therefore, experimental research must seek to find any interaction between the variables. Creswell (2012) mentioned that there are three kinds of experimental design; true, quasi, and pre-experimental research. This research was pre-experimental design was choosen in this research because the researcher want to establised possible cause and effect between dependent and independent variable. The researcher


assigned groups into experimental and control classes, administers a pre-test to both groups, and conduct the treatments (photograph) with the experimental group only, finally administers a post-test to assess the differences between the two groups (experimental and control) There were two variables in this research, the first was the Photograph (X), and the second was the Students’

Writing Descriptive Text (Y). This research used a control and an experimental class.

The design which Cohen (2007) mentioned, can be seen in the table below:

Table III.1

Table of Research Design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Class O1 X O2

Control Class O3 - O4


O1: Pre-test for experimental group O2: Post-test for experimental group X: Treatment

O3: Pre-test for control group O4: Post- test for control group

B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was conducted from august to october 2022 at the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School, Kesturi Street, Nongsa, Batu Besar, Batam.



C. Subject and Object of the research

Subject of this research was the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam. Meanwhile, the object of this research wa s focused on the students’ writing descriptive text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research

Best (1981) states that a population is any group of individuals that have one or more characteristics in common that are of interest to the researcher. So, the population of this research was the Eight Grade Students Junior High School of Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam in the academic year 2022/2023. There was 2 (two) classes consisted of 39.

According to Syafi’i, (2017) the sample is the population or subjects chosen and decided in your research project as the data or information sources that you need. Based on the total population, the researcher took the sample by using total sampling technique. Total sampling is a sampling technique when all members of the population are used as sample (Sugiono, 2016). Therefore, the researcher took all the population as the sample by using the total sampling technique. in this research the researcher took A class as experimental class and B class as control class the reason why the researcher took A class as an experimental because A class more active then B class. So, the researcher used A class as experimental class. The experimental class was taught using photograph while the control class was taught using traditional technique.


E. Technique of the Data Collection

The data were collected by test, using pre-test and post-test. According to Brown (2003) test means a method to measure a persons ability, knowladge, or performence in a particular domain. Pre-test was given to the students in the begining of the research. Then, the post-test was given to the students at the end of the research. The procedures of collecting data are as follows:

1. Test

In this research, the researcher used test. According to Brown (2003) test is a method of determaining a apersons’ ability, knowlagde, or performence in a specific topic. Writing test was given in this research , it is devided into two categories, pre-test and pos-test. The technique used to measure students’ writing skills and the researcher applied the techniques of data collection, they are as follows:



The researcher conducted the pre-test before the experiment.

This score of this test reflect the students’ writing descriptive text before they are taught use photographs as teaching media. The students were given a pre-test consist of writing test to measure the students’ writing ability before the learning teaching process or treatment is done. The researcher provided 45 minutes for the students to working their assignment. The researcher score on the students’

answer on test gone.



After giving a pre-test, the researcher treated the experimental class. The researcher was given the treatment for one time, each meeting ran for 90 minutes. In experimental class, the researcher will use Photographs Media. The Experimental class uses photographs as teaching media. The procedure of the experimental are The researcher explained 15 minutes about descriptive paragraphs through photographs to the students. Then researcher showed photographs in the white-board and the students pay attention to the photos carefully.

The researcher was given a direction for 10 minutes by describing what the students are going to do about photographs on the paper. The students were given 45 minutes to train in making descriptive paragraphs based on photographs on the white-board. The last researcher was evaluated the material before closing the learning teaching process as well as the students will be given opportunity to ask about the material for 10 minutes.



After giving the treatment of the experimental class, the students were given photographs on the white-board. The students made descriptive paragraphs by describing the photographs in the paper with their own words. Then, the researcher was given score to the students’ result test.

Collected data was the most important step in conducted the research, before conducted the real test, the researcher was conducted try


out and then analyzed the test to get its validity, reliability, difficulty of level and discriminating power of each them of the test. In this research, the test used instrument to collect the data.

2. Validity

According to Hughes (1995) as cited in Siddiek (2010), test is said valid if it measures accurately what it intends to measure Then, Brown (1996) as cited in (Siddiek, 2010) stated that validity is traditionally subdivided into three categories: content, criterion-related, and construct validity. Content validity includes any validity strategies that focus on the content of the test. So, in this research, the researcher used content validity. According to Sugiyono (2013) in Amsori (2021), content validity testing can be done by comparing the contents of the instrument with the subject matter that has been taught.

So, the researcher created the test based on appropriate material, that was easy to comprehend or suitable for a student’s level. In this research, the researcher used the material test based on the students have learned. It was a descriptive text. So, the supervisor checked and validated the test as the researchers’ supervisor.

3. Reability

Creswell (2012) pointed out that reliability means that scores from an instrument are stable and consistent. To analyze the instrument of the data, the researcher checked and analyzed the test and to avoid bias; the researcher used two raters. According to Brown (2004), Intra-rater



reliability is a common occurrence for classroom teachers because of unclear scoring types, fatigue, bias toward particular “good” and “bad”

students, or simple carelessness. So, in this research, Mrs. Kurnia Budiyanti, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the first rater and Mr. Rizky Gushendra M.Ed., as the second rater. After the data were checked and analyzed by the rater, the researcher collected the data and classified it into some types of errors.

F. Technique of Data Analysis 1. Normality of the Data

Before analyzing the data by using paired sample test, the researcher had to found the normality test of the data. Normality test of the data was analyzed by using SPSS 23 version.

2. Analysis of the Data

To find out whether there was a significant difference or not, the researcher used paired sample t-test by using SPSS 23 version. Paired sample t-test was used to find out the average value of students’ writing descriptive text before and after taught by using Photograph.




A. Conclussion

This research was done to find out the effect of using photograph on students’ writing descriptive text at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam. It can be seen from the data analysis that the use of photograph in writing descriptive text gave the effect in learning process. The different result from the students taught by the photograph and without taught by photograph is 7.55. It’s mean using photograph in writing descriptive text is more effective. So, the researcher concluded this research as follow:

1. The students’ writing descriptive text taught by using using photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam was categorized into good category, this is evidenced by the mean of post-test (77.65).

2. The students’ writing descriptive text taught without using photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam was categorized into enough category, this is evidenced by the mean of pre-test (70.10).

3. Based on the Independent sample t test, it can be concluded that the null hypotheses (Ho) is rejected, while the alternative hypotheses (Ha) is accepted. It is found that there is a significant effect between students’

writing descriptive text taught by using photograph and without using



photograph at the eight grade students at junior high school of Granada IIBS Batam. And then, effect size for this research is in strong effect.

B. Suggestion

Considering the effect of using photograph on students’ writing descriptive text, the researcher would like to give some suggestions especially to the teacher and students as follows:

1. Suggestion for the teacher

a. It is recommended to the teacher to use the photograph as the picture media in the teaching and learning process, especially in teaching writing.

b. The teacher should be creative to improve the students’ writing descriptive text by using another technique or strategy.

2. Suggestion for the student

a. The students should pay more attention to the lesson explained by the teacher.

b. The students must work together with the teacher to succeed in various techniques given by the teacher to improve reading comprehension such as photograph as picture media and various other techniques.

3. Suggestion for the researher

a. Further researchers may conduct this technique on higher levels of students. It can be applied to Islamic senior high school or university students.


b. The further researcher can use photograph in another English skill, for example, speaking skill, etc.



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Pristia is the first daughter of Mr. Armawi and Mrs.

Oktaviana. She was born in Paya Lombang, October 10th 1997. She lives at Kenanga Street, Garuda Sakti KM 1. In 2009 she graduated from SDN 023 Kasang Bangsawan Muda.

In 2012, she finished her study at Al-Majidiyah Islamic Boarding School Bagan Batu, and continued to KMI Darussalam Gontor for Girl Jawa Timur. She graduated from KMI Darussalam Gontor for Girl Jawa Timur in 2016.

In 2017, she was accepted to become one of student in English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN SUSKA Riau. On July unti September 2020, she was doing KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) program in Desa Kualu, Kubang Raya. Then, she was doing field teacher practice (PPL) program at SMAN 6 Pekanbaru on October until December 2020. To fulfil requerements for undergraduated degree in English Education, she conducted the research on August unti September 2022 by the thesis entitled “The Effect of Photograps on Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at Eight Grade of Junior High School Granada IIBS Batam”.


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