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Dalam dokumen modul myob jsdg mgmp akt tng 2015 (Halaman 88-102)

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Petunjuk Umum :

1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk khusus pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang disediakan 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal secara seksama, sebelum anda menjawabnya.

3. Laporkan kepada pengawas bila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.

4. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum lembaran soal dan lembar jawaban diserahkan kepada pengawas

Mata Pelajaran : Kompetensi Kejuruan AK / MYOB Kode Soal : 6018

Kelas / Program : XI / Akuntansi

Hari / Tanggal : ……….., …. Juni 2013 W a k t u : 90 menit

1. Perintah untuk mengatur jenis pajak yang digunakan adalah … a. [Edit] => [Tax Codes]

b. [List] => [Tax Codes] c. [Setup] => [Tax Codes] d. [Setup] => [Preferences] e. [Tax Codes] => [Properties]

2. Perintah untuk membuat dokumen cadangan (backup) adalah … a. [Setup] => [Back Up…]

b. [Setup] => [Restore…] c. [File] => [Back Up…] d. [File] => [Restore…] e. [Setup] => [Preferences] 3. Isi sub menu [List] adalah …

a. Accounts, Cards, Items, Custom List, Identifers b. Accounts, Cards, Items, Preferences, Customise Forms c. Accounts, Cards, Items, Cascade, Refresh All

d. Accounts, Cards, Items, Card File, Time Billing

4. Perintah untuk menampilkan potongan dialog windows ini, adalah …

a. [File] => [Print] => [Inventory] => [Items List Sumary] b. [File] => [Print] => [Inventory] => [Items List Detail] c. [File] => [Print] => [Inventory] => [Items Register Sumary] d. [File] => [Print] => [Inventory] => [Items Register Detail] e. [File] => [Print] => [Inventory] => [Items Transactions] 5. Langkah untuk mengisi saldo neraca awal adalah ....

a. [Setup] => [Account Opening Balances] => [Balances] b. [Setup] => [Balances] => [Account Opening Balances] c. [Setup] => [Account Balances] = [Opening Balances] d. [Setup] => [Balances] => [Account => Opening Balances] e. [Setup] => [balances Account] => [Opening Balances]

6. Langkah untuk mengatur lingked akun pada piutang dagang adalah .... a. [Setup] => [Sales] => [Lingked Accounts]

b. [Setup] => [Lingked Sales] => [Accounts] c. [Setup] => [Lingked Accounts] => [Sales]

d. [Setup] => [Lingked Accounts] => [Sales Accounts] e. [Setup] => [Accounts Lingked] => [Sales Accounts] 7. Langkah Menampilkan daftar akun adalah ....

a. Command Centres => Account List => Accounts b. Lists => Accounts => Command Centres

c. Command Centres => Accounts => Account List d. Account List => Accounts => Command Centres e. Centres Command => List Accounts => Account

8. Langkah untuk mengatur lingked akun pada Hutang dagang adalah .... a. Setup => Purchases => Lingked Accounts

b. Setup => Lingked Purchases => Accounts c. Setup => Lingked Accounts => Purchases

d. Setup => Lingked Accounts => Purchases Accounts e. Setup => Accounts Lingked => Purchases Accounts 9. Perintah untuk mengatur pencetakan dokumen adalah …

a. [File] => [Print…]

b. [File] => [Print Setup…]

c. [Setup] => [Preferences]

d. [Setup] => [Print…]

10.Perintah untuk menampilkan potongan pertanyaan pengisian setup awal ini, adalah …

a. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts & Banking] b. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Banking & Accounts]

c. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Accounts & Banking Accounts] d. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Accounts & Banking]

e. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts & Banking Accounts] 11.Langkah untuk mengisi saldo awal Hutang Dagang adalah ....

a. Setup => Supplier Balances => Opening balances => Add sale b. Setup => Balances => Supplier balances => Add purchase c. Setup => Balances => Supplier balances => Add sale

d. Setup => Supplier balances => Opening balances => Add purchase e. Setup => Balances => Supplier => Add balances

12.Langkah untuk mengisi saldo awal Piutang Dagang adalah .... a. Setup => Customer Balances => Opening balances => Add sale b. Setup => Balances => Customer Balances => Add sale

c. Setup => Balances => Customer => Add sale

d. Setup => Customer Balances => Opening Balances => Add purchase e. Setup => Balances => Customer Balances => Add purchase

13. Perintah untuk menampilkan pertanyaan pengisian setup awal ini, adalah …

a. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Purchases Accounts] b. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Purchases Accounts] c. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts Purchases] d. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Accounts Purchases] e. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts & Purchases] 14.Perintah untuk menampilkan daftar akun adalah

a. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Record Journal Entry] b. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transaction Journal] c. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transfer Money] d. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Accounts List] e. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [List Accounts]

15.Perintah untuk menampilkan jurnal umum (adjustment), adalah ... a. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Accounts List]

b. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Record Journal Entry] c. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transfer Money]

d. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [List Journal Transaction] e. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transaction Journal] 16.Perintah untuk mengentry jurnal pengeluaran kas, adalah ...

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Spend Money] b. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Bank Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Receive Money] d. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Transaction Journal] e. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Reconcile accounts] 17.Perintah untuk mengentry jurnal penerimaan kas, adalah ...

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Spend Money] b. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Receive Money] c. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Bank Register] d. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Transaction Journal] e. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Reconcile accounts] 18.Perintah untuk mengentryjurnal umum (Adjustment), adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Accounts List] b. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transaction Journal] c. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Record Journal Entry] d. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Transfer Money] e. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [List Accounts]

19.Perintah untuk menampilkan potongan pertanyaan pengisian setup awal ini, adalah…:

a. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Sales Accounts] b. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts Sales] c. [Setup] => [Accounts Linked] => [Accounts Sales] d. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Sales Accounts] e. [Setup] => [Linked Accounts] => [Accounts & Sales] 20.Isi sub menu [Command Centres] versi MYOB 18ED adalah …

a. Accounts, Banking, Sales, Time Billing, Purchases, Item List

b. Accounts, Banking, Sales, Time Billing, Purchases, Cards File, Items List

c. Accounts, Banking, Sales, Time Billing, Purchases, Cards File, Items List, Payroll d. Accounts, Banking, Sales, Time Billing, Purchases, Payroll, Items List, Cards File e. Accounts, Banking, Sales, Time Billing, Purchases, Payroll, Inventory, Card File

21.Perintah untuk Potongan pertanyaan pengisian setup awal ini, adalah …

a. [Setup] => [Account Opening Balances] => [Balances] b. [Setup] => [Account Balances] => [Opening Balances] c. [Setup] => [Balances] => [Account Opening Balances] d. [Setup] => [Balances] => [Account] => [opening balances] e. [Setup] => [Balances Account] => [Opening Balances] 22.Perintah untuk mengentry jurnal Penjualan, adalah ...

a. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Enter Sales] b. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Sales Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Receive Payments] d. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Print receipts] e. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Transaction Journal] 23.Perintah untuk menampilkan jurnal pengeluaran kas, adalah ...

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Spend Money] b. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Bank Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Transaction Journal] d. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Receive Money]

e. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [List Transaction Journal] 24.Perintah untuk mengentry rekonsiliasi bank, adalah ...

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Spend Money] b. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Bank Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Receive Money] d. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Transaction Journal] e. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Reconcile accounts] 25.Perintah untuk membuat daftar/ kartu pelanggan, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Supplier] => New b. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Employee] => New c. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Personal] => New d. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [New Log Entry] => New e. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Customer] => New

26.Perintah untuk mengentry pelunasan utang (bill), adalah … a. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Enter Purchases] b. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Pay Bills]

d. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Print Cheques] e. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Transaction Journal] 27.Perintah untuk mengentry pelunasan piutang (invoice), adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Enter Sales] b. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Sales Register] c. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Receive Payments] d. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Print receipts] e. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Transaction Journal]

28.Perintah untuk menampilkan daftar item barang (Jenis Jasa), adalah ... a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Count Inventory] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Set Item Prices] e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items List]

29.Tampilan potongan dialog windows ini setelah kita melakukan perintah …

a. [Setup] => [Back Up…]

b. [Setup] => [Restore…]

c. [File] => [Back Up…]

d. [File] => [Restore…]

e. [File] => [Exit]

30.Perintah untuk mengentry jurnal pembelian, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] b. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Enter Purchases] c. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Receive Payments] d. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Print Cheques] e. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Transaction Journal]

31.Perintah untuk membuat nama produk /items ( Jenis jasa atau layanan ), adalah … a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Set Item Prices]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items List] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Count Inventory] e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory]

32.Potongan Tampilan dialog window ini untuk penyesuaian hutang gaji, hasil jurnalnya adalah

a. GJ 30/04/2009 Gaji terutang per 30 April 2009

GJ000002 6-1800 Wages & Salaries Rp247.500,00

GJ000002 2-0300 Payroll Liabilities Rp 225.000,00

GJ000002 1-1900 Prepaid Tax Rp 22.500,00

b. GJ 30/04/2009 Gaji terutang per 30 April 2009

GJ000002 6-1800 Wages & Salaries Rp247.500,00 GJ000002 2-0300 Payroll Liabilities Rp 225.000,00

GJ000002 1-1900 Prepaid Tax Rp 22.500,00 c. GJ 30/04/2009 Gaji terutang per 30 April 2009

GJ000002 6-1800 Wages & Salaries Rp 225.000,00 GJ000002 2-0300 Payroll Liabilities Rp 225.000,00

d. GJ 30/04/2009 Gaji terutang per 30 April 2009

GJ000002 6-1800 Wages & Salaries Rp 225.000,00

GJ000002 2-0300 Payroll Liabilities Rp 225.000,00 e. GJ 30/04/2009 Gaji terutang per 30 April 2009

GJ000002 6-1800 Wages & Salaries Rp 225.000,00

GJ000002 2-0300 Cash in Bank Rp 225.000,00

33.Perintah untuk mengentry persediaan awal (Inventory), adalah … a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Enter Items]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Register Items e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Inventory Adjust]

34.Perintah untuk membuat nama produk (items)/ persediaan barang (Inventory), adalah … a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Set Item Prices]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items List] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Count Inventory] e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory]

35.Perintah untuk merakit (membuat paket) persediaan barang (Inventory), adalah ... a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Build Items]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Count Inventory] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register] e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Set Item Prices]

36.Perintah untuk membuat daftar/ kartu pelanggan, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Customer] b. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Supplier] c. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Employee] d. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Personal] e. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [New Log Entry] 37.Perintah untuk mengentry retur pembelian kredit, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Transaction Journal] b. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Record Journal Entry] c. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Register Purchases] d. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] e. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Enter Purchases]

38.Perintah untuk membuat nama produk /items ( Jenis jasa atau layanan ), adalah … a. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Set Item Prices]

b. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items List] c. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Items Register] d. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Count Inventory] e. [Command Centre] => [Inventory] => [Adjust Inventory] 39.Perintah untuk mengentry retur pembelian tunai, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Banking] => [Receive Money] b. [Command Centre] => [Accounts] => [Record Journal Entry] c. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Register Purchases] d. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] e. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Enter Purchases]

40.Perintah untuk memposting buku besar pembantu setelah mengentry retur pembelian, adalah a. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Enter Purchases Returns]

b. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] => [Returns & Credits] c. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Register Purchases] => [Returns & Debits] d. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Purchases Register] => [Returns & Debits] e. [Command Centre] => [Purchases] => [Register Purchases] => [Returns & Credits] 41.Perintah untuk mengedit jurnal penjualan, adalah …

a. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Enter Sales] b. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Receive Payments] c. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Print receipts] d. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Transaction Journal] e. [Command Centre] => [Sales] => [Preferences]

42. Potongan Tampilan ini untuk pengisian faktur penjualan, hasil jurnalnya adalah … a. SJ 13/04/2009 Sale; Soal PG 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 7.500,00 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 750,00 00000001 4-1100 Sales Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1320 VAT Collected Rp 750,00

00000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 6.500,00

00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 6.500,00 b. SJ 13/04/2009 Sale; Soal PG 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 750,00 00000001 4-1100 Sales Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1320 VAT Collected Rp 750,00

00000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 6.500,00

00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 6.500,00 c. SJ 13/04/2009 Sale; Soal PG

00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 7.500,00

00000001 4-1100 Sales Rp 7.500,00

00000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 6.500,00

00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 6.500,00 d. SJ 13/04/2009 Sale; Soal PG 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 7.500,00 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 750,00 00000001 4-1100 Purchases Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1320 VAT Paid Rp 750,00

00000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 6.500,00

00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 6.500,00 e. SJ 13/04/2009 Sale; Soal PG 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 750,00 00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 7.500,00 00000001 2-1320 VAT Paid Rp 750,00

43. Potongan Tampilan ini untuk pengisian faktur pembelian, hasil jurnalnya adalah … a. PJ 10/04/2009 Purchase; Soal PG 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 65.000,00 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 6.500,00 00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1310 VAT Collected Rp 6.500,00 b. PJ 10/04/2009 Purchase; Soal PG 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 6.500,00 00000001 1-1500 Purchases Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1310 VAT Paid Rp 6.500,00 c. PJ 10/04/2009 Purchase; Soal PG 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 65.000,00 00000001 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 6.500,00 00000001 1-1500 Sales Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1310 VAT Collected Rp 6.500,00 d. PJ 10/04/2009 Purchase; Soal PG 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 6.500,00 00000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1310 VAT Paid Rp 6.500,00 e. PJ 10/04/2009 Purchase; Soal PG 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 65.000,00 00000001 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 6.500,00 00000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 65.000,00

44. Potongan Tampilan dialog window ini untuk pengeluaran kas kecil, hasil jurnalnya adalah …

a. CD 16/04/2009 Beli voucher

1 1-1200 Petty Cash Rp 10.500,00

1 6-1100 Telephone & Electricity e Rp 10.500,00 b. CD 16/04/2009 Beli voucher

1 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.500,00

1 6-1100 Telephone & Electricity e Rp 10.500,00 c. CD 16/04/2009 Beli voucher

1 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.500,00

1 6-1100 Telephone & Electricity e Rp 10.500,00 d. CD 16/04/2009 Beli voucher

1 1-1100 Beli voucher Rp 10.500,00

1 6-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.500,00

e. CD 16/04/2009 Beli voucher

1 1-1200 Petty Cash Rp 10.500,00

1 6-1100 Telephone & Electricity e Rp 10.500,00

45.Potongan tampilan ini untuk pengisian penerimaan kas dari Tn. Haryanto, jurnalnya adalah

a. CR 10/04/2009 Setoran Modal CR000001 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.000.000,00 CR000001 3-1100 Stock Capital Rp 10.000.000,00 b. CR 10/04/2009 Setoran Modal CR000001 1-1100 Setoran Modal Rp 10.000.000,00 CR000001 3-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.000.000,00

c. CR 10/04/2009 Setoran Modal CR000001 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 10.000.000,00 CR000001 3-1100 Stock Capital Rp 10.000.000,00 d. CR 10/04/2009 Setoran Modal CR000001 3-1200 Haryanto Capital Rp 10.000.000,00 CR000001 3-1100 Stock Capital Rp 10.000.000,00 e. CR 10/04/2009 Setoran Modal CR000001 3-1200 Haryanto Capital Rp 10.000.000,00 CR000001 3-1100 Stock Capital Rp 10.000.000,00

46.Untuk membuat daftar/ kartu pemasok, diawali dengan perintah a. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Customer] b. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Employee] c. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Supplier] d. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [Personal] e. [Command Centre] => [Card File] => [Cards List] => [New Log Entry]

47. Potongan Tampilan ini untuk penyesuaian penyusutan peralatan, hasil jurnalnya adalah …

a. GJ 30/04/2009 Penyusutan Peralatan

GJ000001 6-1500 Depreciation Expense Rp 7.500,00

GJ000001 1-3110 Equipment Accum Dep’n Rp 7.500,00 b. GJ 30/04/2009 Penyusutan Peralatan

GJ000001 6-1500 Depreciation Expense Rp 7.500,00

GJ000001 1-3110 Expense Vayable Rp 7.500,00

c. GJ 30/04/2009 Penyusutan Peralatan

GJ000001 6-1500 Depreciation Expense Rp 8.250,00

GJ000001 1-3110 Equipment Accum Dep’n Rp 7.500,00

GJ000001 2-1310 VAT Paid Rp 750,00

d. GJ 30/04/2009 Penyusutan Peralatan

GJ000001 6-1500 Depreciation Expense Rp 8.250,00 GJ000001 1-3110 Equipment Accum Dep’n Rp 7.500,00

GJ000001 2-1310 VAT Paid Rp 750,00 e. GJ 30/04/2009 Penyusutan Peralatan

GJ000001 6-1500 Depreciation Expense Rp 7.500,00 GJ000001 1-3110 Equipment Accum Dep’n Rp 7.500,00

48.Potongan Tampilan dialog window ini untuk penyesuaian barang dagang yang rusak, hasil jurnalnya adalah …

a. IJ 16/04/2009

IJ000001 6-1400 Spolage Expense Rp 650,00 IJ000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00

b. IJ 16/04/2009

IJ000001 6-1400 Spolage Expense Rp 650,00

IJ000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00 c. IJ 16/04/2009

IJ000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 650,00

IJ000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00 d. IJ 16/04/2009

IJ000001 5-1100 Cost of Goods Sold Rp 650,00 IJ000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00

e. IJ 16/04/2009

IJ000001 5-1100 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00 IJ000001 1-1500 Merchandise Inventory Rp 650,00

49.Potongan Tampilan dialog window ini untuk penerimaan piutang (Receive Payments), hasil jurnalnya adalah … a. CR 16/04/2009 Payment; Soal PG CR000002 1-1100 Trade Creditors Rp 8.250,00 CR000002 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 8.250,00 b. CR 16/04/2009 Payment; Soal PG CR000002 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 8.250,00 CR000002 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 8.250,00 c. CR 16/04/2009 Payment; Soal PG CR000002 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 8.250,00 CR000002 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 8.250,00 d. CR 16/04/2009 Payment; Soal PG CR000002 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 8.250,00 CR000002 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp 8.250,00 e. CR 16/04/2009 Payment; Soal PG CR000002 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp 8.250,00 CR000002 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp 8.250,00

50 Potongan Tampilan dialog window ini untuk pembayaran hutang (Pay Bills), hasil jurnalnya adalah … a. CD 16/04/2009 Soal PG 5 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp250.000,00 5 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp250.000,00 b. CD 16/04/2009 Soal PG 5 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp250.000,00 5 2-1200 Trade Creditors Rp250.000,00 c. CD 16/04/2009 Soal PG 5 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp250.000,00 5 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp250.000,00 d. CD 16/04/2009 Soal PG 5 1-1100 Cash in Bank Rp250.000,00 5 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp250.000,00 e. CD 16/04/2009 Soal PG 5 1-1100 Trade Creditors Rp250.000,00 5 1-1300 Trade Debtors Rp250.000,00

Kunci Jawaban Soal

Mata Pelajaran : Kompetensi Kejuruan/ Komputer Akuntansi

Kode Soal : 6018

Kelas / Program : XI / Akuntansi

Hari / Tanggal : ………, ……Juni 2013

No. Kunci No. Kunci No. Kunci No. Kunci No. Kunci

1. B 11. B 21. C 31. B 41. D 2. C 12. C 22. A 32. D 42. A 3. A 13. A 23. C 33. B 43. D 4. D 14. D 24. E 34. B 44. E 5. B 15. E 25. E 35. A 45. A 6. D 16. A 26. C 36. A 46. C 7. C 17. B 27. C 37. E 47. A 8. D 18. C 28. E 38. B 48. B 9. B 19. D 29. E 39. E 49. D 10. E 20. E 30. B 40. D 50. B

Dalam dokumen modul myob jsdg mgmp akt tng 2015 (Halaman 88-102)

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