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Dalam dokumen bankreport annual report 2017 120 (Halaman 51-53)

Weakness Opportunity Strategi

Proses penambahan setoran modal yang cukup panjang dan memakan waktu.

The process of paid in capital deposit is quite long and time consuming.

Meningkatnya kesadaran Pemerintah Daerah akan strategisnya peran Bank SulutGo serta komitmen setoran modal tahun 2016.

Increased awareness of the strategic role of Local Government will Bank SulutGo as well as the commitment of paid in capital year 2016.

Meningkatkan kunjungan Direksi ke Pemda pemegang saham & kerjasama dalam kegiatan yang memberi nilai tambah bagi kedua belah pihak, serta sosialisasi beneiditas setoran modal ke Bank SulutGo.

Increase the BOD visit to LG of shareholders and co-operation in activities that provide added value for both parties, as well as the socialization of capital contributions beneit to the Bank SulutGo.

- Komposisi kredit produktif masih dibawah 5% dari portofolio kredit.

- Kurangnya tenaga analis kredit produktif yang professional.

- The composition of productive loan is still below 5% of the loan portfolio.

- Lack of productive loan analysts professional.

Kemudahan akses mendapatkan informasi postur APBD Pemda Provinsi & Kab/Kota.

Ease of access to information posture Provincial & Municipal / Regency Government Budgets.

Meningkatkan komposisi kredit produktif melalui :

l Peningkatan kuantitas analis kredit, dengan memanfaatkan kelebihan pegawai pada unit kerja lain.

l Peningkatan kualitas melalui workshop analisis kredit yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kultur dan metode yang diterapkan Bank SulutGo.

Improve the composition of a productive loan through:

l Increasing the quantity of credit analysts, by using the advantages of employees in other work units.

l Increasing the quality through proper credit analysis workshop and in accordance with the culture and methods applied Bank SulutGo.

Ketergantungan pada Dana Pemda yang masih cukup tinggi, serta komposisi dana mahal yang masih mendominasi.

Reliance on local government funds that are still quite high, and the composition of expensive funds still dominate.

Keberhasilan mengelola dana

Sinode GMIM, jadi pendorong untuk meningkatkan kerjasama serupa dengan lembaga keagamaan & kemasyarakatan lainnya.

The success of managing funds

Synod GMIM, so driving to improve similar cooperation with religious institutions and other community,

Menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga keagamaan & kemasyarakatan lainnya.

Collaborated with religious and other community institutions.

Produk Dana yang kurang variatif dibandingkan dengan bank pesaing. Masih rendahnya pangsa pasar dana murah.

Fund products are less varied compared to competitor banks.

Low market share of low-cost funds.

Adanya peluang meningkatkan pangsa pasar simpanan berbiaya murah.

Opportunities to increase market share of low cost deposits.

Meningkatkan variasi produk & promosi untuk memanfaatkan pangsa pasar tabungan yang masih cukup besar.

Increase product variety and promotions to take advantage of the market share of savings is still quite large.

Kurangnya kesadaran seluruh pegawai akan Budaya Eisien. Cost of fund masih cukup tinggi.

Lack of awareness of all employees of Eicient Culture. The cost of funds is still quite high.

Pemanfaatan instrumeninstrumen pasar uang dan pasar modal untuk meningkatkan pendapatan selain dari bunga kredit.

Utilization of the money market instruments and capital markets to increase revenue other than lending.

Meningkatkan budaya eisien, menekan cost of fund, memanfaatkan instrumen pasar uang dan pasar modal untuk meningkatkan laba perusahaan.

Fostering a culture of eicient, reduce cost of funds, taking advantage of money market instruments and capital markets to increase proits.

Weakness Opportunity Strategi Audit rating masih berlaku di Kantor

Cabang, belum mengakomodasi unit kerja di Kantor Pusat.

The rating audit is still valid at the Branch Oice, not yet accommodating the work unit in the Head Oice.

Menyusun dan menetapkan audit rating unit kerja Kantor Pusat.

Prepare and deine audit rating of the Head Oice work unit.

Proses penilaian risiko di cabang masih memiliki kelemahan.

The risk assessment process at the branch still has weaknesses.

Meningkatkan kapasitas analis risiko cabang.

Increase the capacity of branch risk analysts.

Belum adanya Grand Design Pengembangan Jaringan.

There is no Grand Design Network Development yet.

Mempersiapkan Grand Design pengembangan jaringan untuk 5 (lima) tahun ke depan (bagian dari Corporate Plan)

Preparing Grand Design of network development for ive (5) years ahead (part of the Corporate Plan)

Terdapat kelemahan-kelemahan dalam; pelaksanaan kredit bisnis dan konsumer, pengelolaan SID, administrasi kredit ekstrakomptabel & administrasi pembentukan CKPN.

There are inner weaknesses; Implementation of business and consumer loans, SID management, extracomptables credit administration & administrative formation of CKPN.

Memperbaiki kelemahan pelaksanaan kredit bisnis dan konsumer dan administrasinya melalui penyempurnaan SOP & BPP .

Improve the weakness of business and consumer loan and administration through improvement of SOP & BPP.

Kelemahan dalam proses pengangkatan/ rekrutmen, promosi, pemberian tunjangan & pengenaan sanksi pegawai. Kelemahan pengelolaan biaya perjalanan dinas.

Weakness in the process of appointment / recruitment, promotion, administration of employee beneits and the imposition of sanctions. The weakness of the management of travel expenses.

Memperbaiki proses pengangkatan/ rekrutmen, promosi, pemberian tunjangan & pengenaan sanksi pegawai serta biaya perjalanan dinas agar objektif dan sesuai kemampuan perusahaan

Improve the process of appointment / recruitment, promotion, allowances and sanctioning oicials and travel expenses to be objective and the corresponding ability of the company

Kelemahan dalam penerapan manajemen risiko, pengadaan dan pengembangan yang berhubungan dengan pihak ketiga, dan kebijakan dalam pengamanan Teknologi Informasi.

Weaknesses in the implementation of risk management, procurement and development related to the third party, and policies in the security technology Information.

Meningkatkan manajemen risiko yang terkait dengan pengadaan & pengembangan yang berhubungan dgn pihak ketiga serta kebijakan dalam pengamanan Teknologi Informasi.

Improve risk management related to procurement & development related to third parties as well as policies in securing Information Technology.

Dalam dokumen bankreport annual report 2017 120 (Halaman 51-53)

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