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11. GERMAN PART I Miss E. Ruff

сEнмлNiс sтvnïEs Books

Reading lists will be given in class.

EXAMINATION. One 3-hour paper.

172. EXPLORATION AND SETTLEMENT Dr. T. M. Perry, Dr. L. W. Brinkman

A course of lectures and seminars, equivalent to approximately three hours per week throughout the year, with written work.


An introductory study of the state of geographical knowledge in medieval and renaissance times and its development during the age of great maritime discoveries.

The exploration of the American and Australian continents. The effect on the new lands of the contemporaneous expansion of the European economies and of trans- oceanic trade and migration. The processes of "Western" colonization with particu- lar reference to the problem of new settlers in unfamiliar environments, their increas- ingly effective use of the land and its resources, the development of settlements with varying forms and functions, and the evolution of distinctive regional "cultural" land- scapes. A special study will be made of the settlement and development of parts of North America and Australia.


Book lists will be supplied in class.

EXAMINATION. One 3-hour paper.


Candidates are required to prepare a thesis on a subject approved by the head of the department. They will work under the supervision of a member of the depart- ment, to whom they should report regularly upon the progress of their work. .

An entry form for examination for higher degrees must be submitted to the Registrar.

Three copies of each thesis (quarto, typewritten, double-spaced) should be submitted, one of which will be deposited in the University Library.

Candidates may also be examined orally on the subject of the thesis.


(i) Phonetics, Dictation, Grammar, translation at sight, composition and coп- versation. ( One lecture, one tutorial. )

(ii) ( a) _ Introduction to the history of the German language. (

( b) Outlines of German history from 1740-1914. j one lecture) (iii) Study of selected works, prose and verse, illustrative of German literature,

history and civilization at specific periods. (Two lectures.)

With a view to the oral test students are required to study in detail ten of the prescribed poems and to concentrate, under the lecturer's guidance, on one drama or one prose work selected from the list prescribed for discussion.

The quality of the work of the candidate throughout the course will be taken into account at the annual examination.


( a ) Prescribed textbooks:

f*Frenzel, H. A., and E.—Daten deutscher Dichtung. Chronologischer Abriss der

deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Band I, II. ( Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, Munchen, 1962.)

f*Dickins, E. P.—German for Advanced Students. ( 0.U.P., 1963.)

*Russon, L. J.-Complete Germen Course for First Examinations. (Longmans,

London, 1955.)

f *Schulz-Griesbach .. Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. (Max Huber Verlag, Munchen, 1965.)

}*Brockhaus Illustrated Dictionary. German-English, English-German. (Pitman,

Lend., 1960.)

}Duden—Das Stilwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. ( Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, 1956.)

}Farrell, R. B.-A Dictionary of German Synonyms..(C.U.P. Latest ed.) f Wasserzieher, E.—Woher? ( Bonn, F. Diimmlers Verlag, 1959, or later ed.)

(A short etymological dictionary.)

*Deutschland erzählt. (ed. B. von Wiese. Fischer Taschenbuch No. 500, Frank- furt.)

} *Deutsche Landschaf ten. ( illustrated. ) ( ed., H. Kniibel, Harrap, 1962. )

}*Germany and. Surrounding Territories—A Map Survey. (Available from the Department. )

(b) Prescribed for discussion' in class:

}*Goethe, J. W.—Goethes Werke, Band I. (ed., E. Trunz, Christian Wegner Verlag, Hamburg, 1962 or later ed.)

*Goethe, J. W.-"Urfaust", 1775. (ed., Samnel, Macmillan, 1958.) '

*Goethe, J. W.—Goethe in Strаssburg und Wetzlar (1816). (ed., G. C. Houston, Blackwell. )

*Droste-Hülshoff, A.—Die Judenbuche. (1842.) (ed., J. R. Forster, Hanap, 1955.)

*Fontane, T. Irrungen _ Wirrun.gen. ( 1887. ) ( Ullstein Bücherei, No. 89.)

*Mann, T.—Tonia Krijger. (1903). ( ed.. Wilkinson, Blackwell.)

*Kafka, F.—Das Urteil und andere Erzählungen. ( Fischer Taschenbuch No. 19, Frankfurt.)

*Brecht, B.—Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder. ( 1941 ). ed. H. F. Brookes and C. E. Fraenkel. ) ( Heinemann, Lind., 1960. )

*Duггenmatt, F.-Der Besuch der alien Dame. ( 1956 ). ( ed. P. K. Ackermann. ) ( Methuen, Lend., 1961.)

*Andersch, А.—Sansibar oder der letzte Grund. ( 1957. ) ( ed. W. G. Hesse, Hanap, Lind., 1964.)


Country students should get in touch with the head of the department of Germanic Studies at the beginning of the academic year. They are required to submit evidence of the progress of their work during the year, and should make every effort to discuss once a term in person their work with the lecturers in their respective subjects.

The department of Germanic Studies will offer advice and information of a general nature as to courses for external students.

t Tbе е books will be used in later years.


Written work ( translations and essays) sent to the department will be corrected and returned.`


Two 3-hour papers (the first on translation and composition, the second on prescribed authors; oral test of twenty minutes.

12. GERMAN PART II Dr. H. Maclean, Ir. H. J. Pott

A course of five lectures per week ( one of which is optional), with one tutorial class, throughout the year. There will also be an evening course.


(i) Course of lectures on History of German Literature from Aufidlirung to Romanticism ( two hours per week ), illustrated by texts.

(ii) Study of Goethe's


and Hofmannsthal's

Der Tor


der Tod


( iii) Advanced language study.

(iv) Course of lectures on Old and Middle High German Literature, 750-1350.

(One hour per week; optional for Pass students.)

With a view to the oral test each student is required to concentrate, under the lecturer's guidance, on two authors treated during the year.


(a) Vacation Reading:

Students are required to read during the preceding long vacation Goethе s


parts I and II, Lessings

Emilia Galotti, Goethe's Tasso

and Goethe's


Meisters Lehrjahre.

(b) Prescribed texts and textbеoks

*Goethe—Faust, parts I and II. (ed. Thomas, Reath; Trunz, Hamburg, Bůcher der neunzehn.)

*Hofmannsthal, H. von—Der Tor und

der Tod. (ed.

Gilbert, Blackwell.)

*Dickins, E. P.—German

for Advanced Students. ( O.U.P.,

1963.) ( See Part I.) f*Frenzel, H. A., and


Daten deutscher Dichtung. Band I, II. (Deutcher

Taschenbuchverlag, München, 1962.)

t*Raabe, P.—Einführung

in die Biicherkuп de

zur deutschen Literaturwissenschaft.

(Sámmlung Metzler, 1961. )


W.-Kleine deutsche Versschule. ( Franke,

Bern, 1960, or DALP Taschenbücher, Band 306.)

(c) Prescribed for discussion in class and tutorial:

*Lessing, G.

E.—Emilia Galotti.

( Reclam. No. 45, or any other edition.) Goethe, J. W.


Goethes Werke, Band I (see Part I).

*Goethe, J. W.


( 1790 ). ( Reclam. No. 85, or any other edition.)

*Goethe; J. W.


Meisters Lehrjahre (1796 ). ( Goldmann, No.

Goethe, J. W.




(1797 ). ( Reclam, No. 55, or any other edition.)

Samuel, R.





Dorothea. ( Studies

in German Literature, No. 4, Arnold, London, 1967.)


F.—Don Carlos.

(1787.). ( ВееІат. No. 38/38a.)





(1798.) Reclam. No. 41.)


F.—Selected Verse. (ed.,

M. Hamburger, Penguin, 1981.)


von Ofterdingen

(1800) etc. (Rowohlt Klassiker No. 130-1.).

*Kleist, H. von—Der zerbrochene


(1806 ). ( Reclam No. 91. )

*Hoffman, E. T.


goldene Topf (1814). Reclam, No. 101/02.) Brentano,




Reclam, No. 8869.)

*Eichendorff, J.—Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (1826). (Reclam, No. 2354 or any other edition.)

Eichendorff, J.—Gedichte. (Reclam, No. 7925/25А. )


H. Die

romantische Schule. (Reclam. Nos. 8163-65, or any other full edition. )

t This will be used in German part III also.



(d) A list of books recommended for further reading will be distributed by the Department.


Country students are required to submit evidence of the progress of their work during the year and should make every effort to discuss once a term in person their work with the lecturers in their respective subjects.


Two 3-hour papers (the first on


I and II including translation into Eng


lish, the second on literature including prescribed authors); oral test of twenty min- utes.

13. GERMAN PART III Dr. H. Wiemann, Mr. H. Hesse.

A course of five lectures per week, with one tutorial class, throughout the year.

Students who wish to study Middle High German texts may attend the relevant course for part II (hons ). Evening courses will be given.


(i) Course of lectures on History of German Literature from 1830 ( two hours per week), illustrated by texts.

(ii) Study of the German novel from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.


) Background to modern Germany. .


iv) Advanced language studies, including stylistic analysis.

With a view to the oral test each student is required to concentrate, under the lecturer's guidance, on one lyrical poet of the period mentioned, one novel or work prescribed for discussion, and one work of literary criticism.


(a) Vacation reading:

Students are required to read during the preceding long vacation Kelleř s




Stifter's Hochwald, Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks and as many as possible of the other novels mentioned under (d ).

(b) Prescribed textbooks:

*Frenzel, H. A., and


Daten deutscher Dichtung.

( See

Part II.)

*Raabe, P.—Einführung

in die

Bücherkunde zur deutschen Literaturwissenschaft.

( Sammlung Metzler, 1961.)

*Schneider—Deutsche Kunstprosa.


Quelle und Meyer, Leipzig, 1928.) ( Available from the department.)

*Кетkhоff, E.

L.—Kleine deutsche



Francke Taschenbücher No. 364,' Bern, 1962.)

(c) The following works will form the basis of the course on History of German Literature

( see

above syllabus (i)) :

*Grillparzer, F. Der Traum ein Leben. (1834.) ( Reclam. No. 4385.) Mörike,

E.—Cedichte (1838) .

(Reclam No. 7661.)


G.—Dantons Tod.

(1835.) ( Reclam. No. 6060.)


G.—Woyzeck; Leone



(1836.) ( Reclam. No. 7733.)


F. Maria Magdalene.

(1844.) ( Reclam. No. 3173.)


F. Herodes

und Mariamne. (1849.) ( Reclam. No. 3188.)

*Meyer, C.




Mönchs. (Reclam. No. 6950/51.)

*Storm, Th.—Harts und

Heinz Kirch. (1882.)

( Reclam. No. 6035. )

*Hauptmann, Gerhart—Die


(1892.) (Ullstein-Bücher Sоndeгrеihe, ed., Hans Schwab-Felisch, 1963. )

*Hauptmann, Gerhart—Der Biberpelz. (1893.) (Schiiningh, Paderborn.)

*Rilke, R.








(Im Insel


Verlag, Frankfurt.)

*Hofmannstal, Hugo


Dramen. (1893-1899.) ( Grossband, No. 750.) 102


(Insel-Bücherei. Im Insel Verlag.) ( Enthaltend:


Tod des Titian, Der Tor und der Tod, Idylle, Der weisse Fächer, Der Kaiser und die Hexe, Das kleine Welttheater, Die Frau im Fenster, Das Bergwerk zu Falun.)

*Mann, T.—Der Tod in Venedig. (1913.) ( Fischer-Bücherei, No. 54, Frankfurt.)

*Мапп, T.—Mario und der Zauberer. (1930.) ( Reclam. No. 8200, Leipzig.)

*Pinthus, К.—Menschheitsdämmerung, Ein Dokument des Expressionismus.

( Rowohlt Taschenbücher, No. 55/58.)

(d) The following works will form the basis of the course on the German novel

( see above syllabus (ii))

*Ке11cт, G.—Der gтiine Heinrich ( 1855/1880 ). ( Goldmains Gelbe Taschen- bücher, Nos. 778-780.)


A. Der

Hochwald. (1842.) Der Waldsteig. (1845.) ( Rowohlts Klassiker, No. 126.)



Stopfkuchen (1891). ( Rowohlts Rotations Romane, No. 100.)

*Fontane, T.—Effi Briest. (1894.)



Buddenbrooks (1901). ( Fischer Bücherei, Exempla Classica, No. 13.

*Kafka, F.—Der Prozess ( 1925 ). ( Fischer Bücherei, Exempla Classica, No. 3.

*Böll, H.

Billard um halbzeh


( 1959 ). ( Kiepenheuer und Witsch, Köln. )

*Johnson, U.—Mutmassungen über Jakob ( 1959 ). ( Fischer Bücherei, No. 457.) EXTERNAL STUDIES

Country students are required to submit evidence of the progress of their work during the year and should make every effort to discuss once a term in person their work with the lecturers in their respective subjects.


Three 3-hour papers (the first: Stylistic analysis and Essay; the second: History of German Literature; the third: Novel and Background to Modern Germany). Oral test of twenty minutes.

14. DUTCH PART Professor J. Smit, Mr. G. Verheyden

A course of four lectures per week, together with one tutorial class, throughout the year.


(i) Pronunciation, grammar and idiom.

(ii) Translation into English and into Dutch.

( iii) Conversation and discussion of prescribed texts.

(iv) Outline of Dutch history and civilization.

The course is planned to attain a standard comparable with that of other First. Year language subjects, but in its early stages it is adapted to the needs of those previously unacquainted with the language. Such students must get in touch with the head of the department during the preceding long vacation, and are strongly advised to attend the four weeks' summer course in February, 1967.

With a view to the oral test, each student is required to concentrate, under the lecturer's guidance, on three works selected from the list under (c ).

Students are advised to attend the introductory course of lectures on structure and history of the Germanic Languages in German part I (first term only). (See section (ii ) (a) of syllabus of German part I.)

The quality of the work of the candidate throughout the year will be taken into acØt at the annual examination.


(a) Prescribed textbooks:

*Smit, J., and Meijer, R. P.—Dutch Grammar and Reader. ( M.U.P., 1963.) Buiskool, H. E.—Korte Samenvatting van de Spellingvoorschriften 1955.

('s Gravenhage, Martinus Nyhoff, 1955.)

*Renier, F. C: Dutch-English and English-Dutch Dictionary. (Routledge and Kegan Paul.) ( For students taking part I only.)

*ten Bruggencate-Broers—English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary. (Wolters, Groningen.) ( For students taking the whole course.)

or Broers-Smit—English-Dutch and Dutch-English Dictionary. (Wolters, Gronîu-

gen. )



*Schöffer, I.-А Short History of the Netherlands. ( Amsterdam, 1956.) ( b ) Prescribed texts:

Material for translation will be provided by the department.

(c) Students are required to read three of the following books:

Elsschot, W.-Pensioen. ( Any edition. )

van het Reve, G. K.—De ondergang van de familie Boslowits. (Any edition.) Alberts, A: De Eilanden. ( Amsterdam, 1954.)

Dermoűt, 1.—De tienduizend dingen. ( Amsterdam, 1955.) Koolhaas, A.—Poging tot instinct. (Amsterdam, 1956. )

Koolhaas, A. Vergeet niet de leeuwen te aaien. ( Amsterdam, 1957.) van het Reve, G. K. Werther Nieland. ( Any ed. )

den Doolaard, A. De Druivenplukkers. ( Querido, Amsterdam.)

Bomans, G.—De Avonturen van Bill Clifford. (Amsterdam-Brussel, 1948.) Rakker, P.-Jeugd in de Pijp. (Amsterdam, 1946.)

Haase, H.—Oeroeg. ( Amsterdam, 1949.) ( d) Recommended for reference:.

Geyl, P.—The Revolt of the Netherlands. ( London, Williams & Norgate, 1945.) Renier, G. H.—The Dutch Nation. ( Allen & Unwin. )

Landheer, B. (ed.)—The Netherlands. ( California Press, 1943.) Vlekke, B. H. M. Evolution of the Dutch Nation. ( New York, 1945.) Stapel, F. W. De Oostindische Compagnie en Australië. (Amsterdam, 1937.) EXTERNAL STUDIES. See the regulations set out at the end of German part I.


Two 3-hour papers ( the first on translation and grammar, the second on pre- scribed texts, composition and history ); oral test of fifteen minutes; dictation.

15. DUTCH PART II Dr. R. P. Meijer

A course of four lectures per week, with one tutorial class, throughout the year.


(i) Grammar and idiom.

(ii) Translation of advanced texts into English and into Dutch. Composition.

( iii) Conversation and discussion of prescribed texts.

(iv) Outline of Dutch literary history.


(a) Prescribed textbooks:

As for Dutch part I and

*Elsschot, Willem—Villa des Roses. (Any edition.)

*Hildebrand—Camera Obscura. ( Any edition. )

*de Vooys, C. G. N. Нistorische Schets van de Nederlandse Letterkunde. (ed.

Wolters, Groningen.)

(b) Students are required to read three of the following books:

Debrot, C.—Mijn Zuster de Negerin. (Any edition.) van der Leeuw, A. Ik en mijn Speelman. (Any edition.)

de Vries, T.—Het Eiland van de Zwarte Godin. ( den Haag, 1955.) Carmiggelt, S.—Honderd Dwaasheden. ( Amsterdam, 1948.) Carmiggelt, S.-Tussen Mal en Dwaas. (Amsterdam, 1949.) Couperus, L.—De Stille Kracht. ( Any edition.)

Last, J. Huis zonder Vensters. (in: Acht Werken, Amsterdam.) de Wit. A.-Orpheus in de Dessa. (Any edition.)

Heiman, A. De Stille Plantage. ( Any edition.)

Wolff-Bekker, E., and Deken, A.—Sara Burgerhart. ( Wereldbibliotheek, Amster Buskeu, Huet, C. Het Land van Rembrandt. ( Elsevier, Haarlem.)

Bontekoe—IourØI. ( Dietse Letteren, Meulenhoff, Amsterdam.) van Schendel, A. De Waterman. (Any edition.)

Nieuwenhuys, R.—Bij het scheiden van de markt. (Amsterdam, 1960.)

*Кооlhаas, A.—Er zit geen spek in de val. (Amsterdam, 1958.)


*Mahieu, Vincent—riles. ( Den Haag, 1960.)

*Vestdijk, S. De Koperen Tuin. ( Den Haag, 1950.)

*Vestdijk, S.—St. Sebastiaan. ( Den Haag, 1948.)

*Holsbergen, J.


Handschoenen van het Verraad. ( Amsterdam, 1958.) (e) Recommended for reference (available in the general or departmental

libraries) :

Brandt Corstius, J. C: Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Letterkunde. ( Spec- trum, Zeist, 1959.)

Haantjes, J., and Smit, W. A. P.—Panorama der Nederlandse Letteren. (Amster- dam, 1948.)

Knùvelder, G.—Beklopt handboek tot de Geschiedenis der Nederlandse Letter- kunde. ('s-Hertogenbosch, 1962.)

Knuvelder, G.— Handboek tot de Geschiedenis der Nederlandse Letterkunde.

4 vols. ('s-Hertogenbosch.)

Greshoff, 3.—Harvest of the Lowlands. (New York, 1945.) Barnouw, A. J.—Coming After. (New Brunswick, 1948.) Lyrical Holland. (Amsterdam-Groningen, 1954.) EXAMINATION

Two 3-hour papers (the first on translation and the essay, the second on Dutch literature); oral test of fifteen minutes.