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(For possible combinations with this school see p. 251)

1. The course for the degree with Honours in the School of Germanic Studies comprises the following subjects:

(a) German Honours parts I, II, III, IV.

(b) Dutch Honours parts I, II, III, IV.


Course В Course C 1. Dutch I (Hon.)

2. German I (Hon.) 3. First additional


1. Dutch II (Hon.) 2. German II (Hon.) 3. Second additional


1. German I (Hon.) 2. Dutch I (Hon.) 3. First additional


1. German II (Hon.) 2. Dutch II (Hon.) 3. Second additional


Dutch III (Hon.) 1.

(including special literary study) Advanced Middle

Dutch Germanic OR


German III (Hon. ) omitting special literary study) 2. Dutch III (Hon.)

( omitting special literary study) 3. German Renaissance

and Baroque Texts OR

Advanced Middle Dutch

OR Germanic

Philology OR Swedish for

Honours students.


(c) German Renaissance and Baroque Texts.

Advanced Middle Dutch.

Germanic Philology.

Swedish for Honours students (Comparative Scandinavian Literature).

(d) Two additional subjects selected from the subjects for the Ordinary Degree or the Degree with Honours.

2. These subjects must be selected in accordance with one of the following patterns:

Course A First Year

L German I (Hon.) 2. Dutch I (Hon.) 3. First additional


Second Year

1. German II (Hon.') 2. Dutch II (Hon.) 3. Second additional


Third Year


German III (Hon.) 1.

(including special literary study)

2. German Renaissance 2.

and Baroque Texts OR Swedish for Honours


Fourth Year

1. German IV (Hon.) 1. Dutch IV (Hon.) 2. Germanic Philology 2. Advanced Middle

Dutch OR Germanic Philology Note:

Germanic Philology will be available in alternate years. In the year when it is not offered, German Renaissance and Baroque Texts, Advanced Middle Dutch and Swedish for Honours students will be available. Students in all courses may therefore take these subjects in either their Third or Fourth Year according to what is being.

offered in the particular year.

3. Viva Voce examinations will be held at the end of each year.

Students taking Course A will be examined at the annual examination at the end of the Second Year in Dutch II only, those taking Course B in German II only, and students in Course C will have no formal examination in either German II or Dutch II. Oral examinations, class tests and essays on the various aspects of Part II Honours Course will however be given.

1. German IV (Hоп. ) 2. Dutch IV (Hon.)

(omitting either the Dutch or German special subject).



The final examination


be held in two parts, part I at the end of the Third Year and part II at the end of the Fourth Year, and will comprise the following papers:

Final Honours part I at the end of Third


Course A Course B

(1) Stylistic Analysis and Essay. (1) Unseen Dutch translation.

(2) History of German Literature. (2) Dutch essay.

(3) Novel and Background to Modern Germany.

(4) A special literary study.

Examination by essay or viva voce.

}German Renaissance and Baroque Texts.

(3) Modern Dutch Literature.

(4) Advanced Middle Dutch Language and Literature.

(5) A special literary study.

Examination by essay and viva voce.


}Swedish for Honours students.

Course C

(1) Stýlistic Analysis and Essay.

(2) History of German Literature.

( 3 ) Novel and Background to Modern Germany.

(4) Unseen Dutch Translation.

(5) Dutch Essay.

(6) History of Dutch Literature.

(7) }German Renaissance and Baroque Texts.


}Advanced Middle Dutch Language and Literature.


}Swedish for Honours students.

OR fGermanic Philology.

Final Honours part II at the end of Fourth Year—

Course A Course B

(1) Special German subject, to be ( 1 ) Special Dutch subject, to be defined each year; examination defined each year; examination by essay and viva voce. by essay and viva voce.

(2) German texts for critical study. (2) Dutch texts for critical study.

( 3 ) ` f Germanic Philology. ( 3 ) fGermanic Philology.

Course C

( 1 ) German texts for critcial study.

(2) Dutch texts for critical study.

(3 ) Special German or Dutch subject, as under courses A and B.

A thesis in German or Dutch of approximately 10,000 words based on independ- ent work during the preceding eight months will be submitted before the end of the third term on


subject approved by the heads of the German and Dutch sections of the School of Germanic Studies.

f These courses


be available in alternate years.


Admission to the higher years of the Honours Course is conditional upon satis- factory performance in the First Year and students must be approved by the Faculty



of Arts as candidates for the degree with Honours before entering the Second Year of the Honours School. The head of the Department of Germanic Studies will normally recommend such approval for candidates who have gained at least second class honours in German I and Dutch I. Other candidates who wish to continue in the Honours School should interview the head of the Department of Germanic Studies, who will be guided in his recommendations by the merits of the case.

A student who has completed the First Year of the course for the ordinary degree and has passed in German I_ and Dutch I, may, with the permission of the Faculty, enter the Honours School. Such a student must make special application to the Faculty through the Sub-Dean, and if permission is granted, the Faculty will prescribe what further work must be completed before the student is allowed to proceed to the final examination.

26-1. GERMAN PART I (Ions)

A course of five lectures per week, with tutorial classes, throughout the year.


As for the ordinary degree, together with a course on some aspects of the German classical drama from Lessing to Kleist.


As for the ordinary degree, together with the following prescribed textbooks:

*Lessing, G. E.—Nathan der Weise. (1779.) (ed. Peter Demetz, "Nathan der Weise": Deutung und Dokumentation, Ullsteinbuch No. 5025, Verlag Ull- stein, Frankfurt, 1966, contains a full text of play; or any other edition.) Lessing, G. E. Die Erziehung des Menschengeschlechts. (1780.) ( Issued by

the department of Germanic Studies. )

*Goethe—Iphigenie auf


(1787.) (ed., Jenkins, Nelson, 1958.)

Stahl, E. L.—Goethe: Iphigenie auf


(Studies in German Literature.

No. 7, Arnold, London, 1961.)

Euripides—Alcestis, Iphigenia in Tauris, etc. (Penguin), or Iphigenie bei den Teurem. (Reclam, No. 737.)

*Schiller—Wilhelm Tell. (1804.) (ed., Garland, Hanap, 1950, or any other edition. )

*Kleist, H. von—Prinz Friedrich von Homburg. (1810.) (ed. Samuel, Hanap, 1962.)

Schiller—Der Kampf mit dem Drachen. Ballade. (Issued by the department of Germanic Studies. )


Three 3-hour papers (the first and second as for the ordinary degree, the third on the additional authors prescribed for honours); oral test of twenty minutes.

26 - 2. GERMAN PART II ( Ions )

A course of six lectures per week, with one tutorial class, throughout the year.


As for the ordinary degree, Courses i-iii, together with Course iv and the study of Middle High German texts.


Asher, J. А. A Short Descriptive Grammar of


High German. (O.U.P., 1967.)

f *Lexer, M. Mittelhochdeutsches Taschenwörterbuch. (S. Hirzel, Stuttgart, latest ed.)

*Wehrli, M. Minnesang vom K

ůrenberger bis Wolfram. (Francke Verlag, Bern.)

*Walther von der Vogelweide—Gedichte. (ed., P. Wapnewski, Fischer Bücherei No. 732. )

*Gottfried von Strassburg—Tristan und 'so d. (ed., F. Ranke, Weidmann, Berlin- Frankfurt, latest ed.)

Weber, G.—Gottfried von Strassburg. (Sammlung Metzler, Stutt art, 1962.) Hatto, A. T.—Gottfried von Strassburg: Tristan. (Penguin, 1960.

*Die Osterspiele von Innsbruck und Muri. (Reclam. Nos. 8660/61.)




There will be no formal examination at the end of the Second Year. Class tests will be given on the above courses. Oral test of thirty minutes. Students taking course B will have to sit for the annual examination in German part II (pass).

f These books will be used in later years.

26-3. GERMAN PART III (Ions)