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Internationalist Tennis Racket

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Boat Club.

The Inter-'Varsity Boat Race was held on the Yarra on Saturday, May 31st, 1924. Five crews took part, the University of Tasmania making its debut in inter-'Varsity rowing. A strong cross wind troubled the crews at the start, but did not prevent many hundreds of supporters thronging the good ship "Miner"

and the wharves near the finish. The race soon resolved itself into a struggle between Melbourne and Brisbane, the other crews being strung out well behind.

Melbourne led Brisbane all the way, but never by much more than a length.

With half a mile to go, Brisbane made a great effort, and Melbourne steered wide at the bend, lost some ground, but made a final effort, and passed the judge half a length to the good.

The Melbourne crew were :—Bow, E. W. Gault; 2, P. J. Abernethy ; 3, W.

J. Pannell ; 4, R. H. Hadley ; 5, H. M. L. Murray ; 6, 0. A. Yuncken ; 7, E. W.

Turner ; stroke, R. H. Keon-Cohen ; cox., E. W. Kyle ; coach, Charles Donald, Esq.

The crew thoroughly deserved their win, and they and their coach are to be congratulated.

The Old Blues' Cup was presented that evening at a dinner to the visiting crews at Scott's Hotel.

During Second Term a coaching roster was instituted, so that novices might have regular coaching from senior members of the club.

The Inter-Faculty Race was held on Friday, August 8th. The Science crew was victorious, defeating Medicals in their heat, and Law and Arts in the final.

Sir John Grice then presented the shield which bears his name to the winning stroke.

THE SPECULUM. 159 The M.U.B C. should be well to the fore at Henley. A Senior Eight, includ- ing six members of the winning inter-'Varsity crew, has great hopes of success in the Grand Challenge, while a Senior Four and three Maiden Eights are all expected to give a good account of themselves.

At the annual general meeting on Tuesday, October 14, the constitution of the club was brought up to date and revised, and the following office-bearers were elected :—Patron, Sir John Grice ; president, Dr. C. G. Shaw ; vice- presidents, Messrs. A. Spowers, C. Donald, F. B. Gamble, J. R. S. Cochrane, Prof. Skeats, Dr. K. Hadley ; captain, R. H. Hadley ; vice-captain, E. W. Gault;

hon. secretary, A. R. Buchanan ; hon. treasurer, D. T. Oxer.


Away back in those dim, dark ages of our early youth, when incontinence formed our major characteristic, we were, for the most part, members of one of those glorious institutions where the house system in sport held sway.

Do you remember, my brethren, the hectic excitement which bound you when your house came home with but a few points to spare in the inter-house con- tests ; the keenness with which you strove to get into the team, and the convic- tion that you held, if you were not a member of the school eighteen, that the house match was far more important to you than the inter-school matches, it held something intimately personal that the bigger match lacked? You remember?

Successfully overcoming the perils of childhood, you pass on to the "Shop," and suddenly all that enthusiasm which you exhibited at school is quenched by the in- hibition of exam. worry and so forth. Gradually, however, it is being realised that inter-faculty matches are the logical outcome, but there is still a long way to go before the interest taken in them parallels the interest in inter-house sport at school. The inter-faculty competition was brought to an early close this year by playing frequent Saturday morning matches. The Dentals, by defeating the Engineers, are the holders of the Spencer Cup for 1924.

The inter-collegiate contest proved to be one of extremes, the Trinity and Or- mond teams being very weak, while Newman and Queen's were decidedly the reverse. Fortunately the draw left the two stronger teams in the final match, which proved a most exciting contest. Newman held the lead in the first half, but in the second half it oscillated continually between the two teams. Finally, Queen's established a margin, which they held on to grimly, and won by 10 points.


This season has been quite a successful one for us, as, although we did not beat Sydney in the inter-'Varsity contests, we won the "A" grade premiership of the V.A.H.A.

Throughout the year marked enthusiasm was displayed by everyone, and as we only had three of last year's inter-'Varsity team back, it naturally took some time to build up a team. The "B" grade teams did quite well, and the "B2" team, under the captaincy of Alan Gilroy, were beaten by Brighton in a replayed final.

The "A" team defeated East Malvern in the final match, after a great game, by six goals to three. Everyone in the team played well in this game.

The inter-'Varsity contests were held this year in Sydney, and Queensland for the first time entered a team.

Thee fir


t game was played between Melbourne and Queensland, and resulted in a win for; our team by seven goals to one.

In our,game 'With Sydney a 'great exhibition of hockey was given by both sides. Sydney eventually won by three goals to one, after no side had Scored u0. to 15 minutes before the final :bell. Arthur Craig, Sydney's in- side left, reds the main cause of our downfall.

-- Sydney. defeated Queensland in the last game by six goals to five. We con- gratulate them heartily on their fine win. Queensland also deserve to be con- ,

gratulated on the fine performance they put up for a first appearance in inter- 'Varsity hockey. With a little more experience on their part things might have been different.

Jim Aitken and Glen Knight obtained places in the Victorian team which de- feated New South Wales by four goals to two. Our team also played the New South Wales eleven and drew with them.

In Sydney a Combined 'Varsities team played a New South Wales eleven.

Our repreSentatives were Jim Aitken, Frank Green, Glen Knight and Ian Wood.

The 'Varsities were defeated by eight goals to two.

Sydney gave us a wonderful time during our stay in Sydney, and enter- tained us most lavishly. We cannot hope to do as much for them next year, but we will do Our best.


The Lacrosse Club passed, through a very bright year, which will not he for- gotten by its members till their 'ShoP" dayS are very dim memories. By winning inter-'Varsity and being runners-up in the A, grade premiership of the Victorian Lacrosse - Association, the club has every reason to be proud of its doings, and a bright future awaits it.

The boys had a great time in Adelaide, and recovered slowly. The hospitality extended to them was of the warmest, both officially and privately.

A combined match, Melbourne and Adelaide Universities against South Aus- tralia, was also played, and the genial Melbourne skipper, "Doc". Wright, was ac corded the honour of the captaincy of the combined team, which won by eight goals • to four.,

. Melbourne players threw seven of the eight goals scored by Combined Uni- versities.

Dr. Wally Russell, Wright, and Jack Spencer were prominent members of the Victorian Interstate Lacrosse Team which defeated South Australia. This was particularly gratifying to the club. . .

Worcester, Harbison and Sicree are .other . Meds. who performed stoutly for the "A" teani.

It behoves any -other members of the faculty,. who require a real interest in life, to join 'up with the club and follow these .great exemplars. With the "B"

grade team we would welcome the appearance of more Meds. to participate in our gory struggles. Bnrns'and Mullens gave us good assistance here.

Reg. Worcester, the Hon. Secretary, is particularly deserving of praise for' his able services to the club.

. • For.1925 we welcome our new. President, Dr. Wally Russell, a Triple Blue:

His keen interest in the club as a playing member is of great value to us, and his experience supplies an element which is sometimes lacking in University clubs.

4-cylinder 14 40 h.p. 6-cylinder 24 60 h.p.

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6-cylinder 40/80 h.p.

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" DELAGE " CARS 106-8 Victoria St., Carlton

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