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The season which has just ended has not been as successful as usual, from the inter-'Varsity viewpoint, but in pennant we have shown a great improvement.

All the inter-'Varsity team are "Meds.," and seven out of the eight in the two

"B" Pennant teams. We wonder why there is no inter-faculty tennis !

In the inter-'Varsity final Sydney beat , us by 13 rubbers to 8, mainly owing to their remarkably even team and a very high standard of tennis. We were without Fitts, who was unable to go, otherwise the result might have been dif- ferent. In Pennant, the "A" team won several matches, lying fifth out of nine clubs, which is very creditable, considering the high-class teams entered and the fact that our captain, McInnes, missed all but two of the singles, being away in Sydney competing against Stanford 'Varsity, of America. Turner also played against them for Australian Combined 'Varsities, and did well Fitte and Hallowes were invited, but unable to go.

In "B" Pennant, the "A" team did not win a match, while the "B" team have won their section, and should do well in the semi-finals.

Turner, in March, won the "Under 21 Champ.," thus retaining this cup at the University for its sixth successive year.

In this coming season we are faced with the loss of a number of our leading men, who hope to take out their degrees of M.B., B.S., but there are many pro- mising young players in their earlier years, and Med. can expect to bear most of the tennis for several more seasons.

'Varsity tournaments are nearing completion, Fitte having won his way into the final of the singles, Reed-Turner and Field-Mears into the semi-finals of the doubles. Last year's doubles was won by Baker-Wilson in good style.

There is plenty of enthusiasm, and competition will be keen this next season, so we may look forward to some interesting contests, and to a greater growth of tennis among Meds. in particular, and all students in general.

'title Club.

For the year the standard of the club's shooting has been, without doubt, equal to, if not higher than, it has ever been before.

Inter-'Varsity Match.

This was fired at Adelaide on 28th and 29th August, between teams from Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne. Several inter-'Varsity records were broken.

At 600 yards our team established a range record with 363 points. At the end of the first day's shooting, Melbourne, with 1090 points (equalling previous record), were leading Sydney by 5 points and Adelaide by 26 points. Sydney forged ahead at 700 yards, gaining 14 points on Melbourne. A strong swinging left wind made conditions difficult. At 800 yards, however, Melbourne again made a record score with 369 points, and reduced Sydney's lead to 3 points at the beginning of the last range. The match was undecided till the last Sydney- Melbourne pair had finished, the advantage frequently fluctuating, and eventually Sydney won a thrilling contest by the narrow margin of 5 points, with a score of 2107 points, from Melbourne 2102, and Adelaide 2016 points. The previous record aggregate of 2054 points under the same conditions was easily beaten by both Sydney and Melbourne. Scores :—Sydney, 2107 points ; Melbourne (F.

G. Sublet 278, A. H. Hinchley 271, G. R, Weir 264, J. R. Searls 264, C. W. Nye 264, N. J. Griffiths 259, N. B. White 258, H. G. Beattie 244), 2102; Adelaide, 2016. F. G. Sublet, who obtained top score for the match, shattered all previous individual efforts with 48, 48, 45, 44, 48, 45-278, and won the trophy (a silver cow-bell) presented by Professor E. le Gay Brereton, of Sydney.

Meds. again played a prominent part in the team, no fewer than eight of the twelve who went over being Meds. Charlie Nye again captained Melbourne, fired his sixth inter-'Varsity match, and his second for Combined Universities.

Newport White fired his fifth inter-'Varsity match.

Combined Universities v. S.A.

C. W. Nye, F. G. Sublet and A. H. Hinchley, and also N. B. White (as coach), took part in this match: The members of the combined team evidently felt the strain of too much shooting, as they did not do as well as was expected.

S.A. won by 73 points. •

The Adelaide University men were most hospitable to us.

Our departure from Adelaide was quite an event. Armed with a number of pale straw-coloured streamers, obtained from the Hotel Grosvenor, of about 100 yards long by 4 inches wide, decorated with cross rows of perforations spaced 6+ inches apart, our display as the train moved away from the station was much admired by the throng on the platform.

Imperial Universities' Rifle Match for shield (p200) was resumed this year.

Pennant Matches.

In the 1923-24 series, our team won the handicap pennant fired at 900 yards, and were second in the scratch event. C. W. Nye, N. B. White, W. P. Heslop, H. G. Beattie, F. G. Sublet and A. R. Haywood represented the club. Being unable to furnish a team during the Xmas holidays, we dropped out of the Aggregates.

Inter-Union Matches.

C. W. Nye, J. R. Searls and F. G. Sublet took part.

Northcote Cup (Inter-Faculty Contest).

Cup previously held by Engineers. Four teams competed. Medical No. 1 team (C. W. Nye, N. J. Griffiths, J. R. Searls, R. D. Smith and N. B. White), 438 points, won from Medical No. 2 team, second, 381 ; and Engineers, 368, third.

V.R.A. Medal.

J. R. Searls won the match, and was awarded a clasp, as he won the medal last year. C. W. Nye, runner-up, receives this year's medal.

Club Championship.

J. R. Searls is the club champion for the second year. His score this year of 534 points for twice over the six ranges displays remarkably consistent shoot- ing. To win both the V.R.A. medal match and the club championship for two years in succession is an excellent effort when the standard of marksmanship in the club is so high.

Handicap Trophy Shoots.

Dr. J. A. Clarebrough's trophy, 300 yards : Won by R. G. Worcester, 47 (6)-50.

THE SPECULUM: 165 Dr. J. A. Clarebrough's trophy, 600 yards : Won by A. R. Buchanan, 43 (8)-50.

A. R. Haywood's trophy, 700 yards : Won by F. G. Sublet, 46 (5)-50.

L. G. Griffiths' trophy, 800 and 900 yards : Won by G. R. Weir, 87 (12)-99.

Dr. A. C. Pedler's trophy for inter-'Varsity match practice : Won by F.

G. Sublet.

The paired teams' match for the President's (Dr. Frank Lind) trophy was postponed till 1925.

In club practice over the inter-'Varsity ranges prior to the inter-'Varsity match, F. G. Sublet made the magnificent score of 47, 47, 48, 46, 48, 45-281, and J. R. Searls, shooting in a No. 21 D.R.C.U. match, secured a 15-shot

"possible" at 500 yards—another magnificent effort.

Office-bearers for 1925 are :—President, Dr. Frank Lind ; vice-presidents, Prof. Payne, Drs. J. A. Clarebrough and A. C. Pedler, Messrs. P. AV. Ettelson, L. G Griffiths, W. P. Heslop and C. W. Nye ; captain, N. B. White ; hon. sec., F. G. Sublet ; asst. hon. sec., A. R. Haywood ; hon. treas., H. G. Beattie ; com- mittee, A. H. Hinchley, H. H. Stewart and G. R. Weir.

Practice and pennant matches are carried on as usual on Saturday after- noons at North Williamstown. See notice board at Club House. Full particu- lars and free railway vouchers may be had from the Hon. Secretaries.

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