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78 Swanston-st., Melb•

Dalam dokumen Speculum - Digitised Collections (Halaman 56-59)

Claude Greer married.

Oliver in town from Quambatook, in the Mallee.

Opie insurancing round Bendigo.

Ossy Joynt and Jack Ward A.M.P.-ing in Queensland.

Mark Ley at Mansfield.

Tut Looney taking the Governor-General to Japan.

Garnet Deravin—Japan, Chingtu.

" Tiny " Wilson locuming for Jack Gordon.

Morty Nesbit locuming at Alfred.

Oldham—Lesident Alfred Hospital.

Charlie ackay just back from insurance trip to Queensland' Wants th ids'.

Joe Sw ham at Launceston.

Teddy T hite at Warrnambool.

Spring at St. Vincent's.

M.D.—R. L. Forsyth, L. S. Latham, J. R. Lee, H. 0' Turnbull.


Miss Annie Robertson in partnership with Dr. Davies at Lock - hart. Great business as an oculist.

Miss De Garis, M.D.—Muttahurra, Queensland.

Miss Good—Queen Victoria Hospital.

Miss Henry—Davenport, Tasmania.

Miss A dela Williams in town from Muttaburra for a holiday' Miss Fitzgerald still at Infectious Diseases.

Miss Laura Weir going to Springsure Hospital, Queensland.

Miss Edelsten engaged to a Queensland magnate. Con- gratulations.

W. Watson & Sons

p the LARGEST & BEST Asserted Stock of

Microscopes & Apparatus


Instruments made by their osvo London Firm, Leitz, Beck, and other Noted Makers.

Speciality 1-12th Immersion Objective°

for Bacteriology, £4 Ss., and £13 Ss.


Ma.Y, 1907. THE



Undertaker : " Will you have trimmings on the coffin, mum?"

Widow : "

Not me ; it

was trimming that killed him."

Undertaker : " What trimmings ?"

Widow : " Delirium trimmings."

, A Bishop was visiting a patient in a lunatic asylum whom he 4ad known under happier circumstances, and after some con- versation, and in order to

test him,

he asked him his name.

" Julius C


sar," was the prompt reply.

Rather disconcerted, his lordship became more general in his reluarks but eventually tried his friend with the same question.

Napoleon Bonaparte," he said, to the Bishop's astonishment.

" But," said the prelate, " just now you said you were Julius


sar, ,,

„ Yes, I grant you that," replied the patient, impressively, but by different mothers."


I.—Surgery. Enter lady with doctor.

Lady : " Yes, doctor, I want you to vaccinate me on the leg, a'I don't want my


spoiled for evening dress."

Doctor : " As you please, madam ; calf's lymph should take Fell



H.—Ladies' sitting-room : lady seated. Enter servant.

Servant : "

The doctor just


up to

say he

couldn't come


imself e

hilt is sending his assistant.

Knock. Enter piano tuner.

Piano Tuner : " Good morning, madam."




a beautiful

leg) : " Oh,

I'm so pleased you

ha ve

come. I was


quite tired of waiting. Will you 'art now ? (Will you do it

here ?)

Exit piano tuner.

t° follow in his father's

footsteps ?"

b Well, not

exactly. He is going to be a doctor, but he wants to become a naval surgeon."


Maloney : " Well, upon my life, what little/ things they specialis e in nowadays !"

by observahp tion, ysician

experiment must be a and



ent of nature,




d has

touseful work



by his power of inspiring confidence and giving advice than by i drugs. He does more preventatively than curetively. Is rp,_ere

a surgical parallel ?"—Extract from a Fourth Year lady's

' zierapeutic Notes.

Christian Scientist to young patient : " Well, my dear young friend, what do you complain of ?"

Young Patient : " I've got a pain in the stomick."

(Christian Scientist : " No, my boy, you have no pain: it doesn't exist ; you only think you have pain. One grain of faith and you would be as well as I am."

Young Patient : " That's all right for you; but I've go t inside information." Physician, after consultation : I must congratulate you mos t heartily."

Patient (smiling) : " Thank you, doctor. Am I recovering a t last ?" Physician: " Not exactly that ; but on consultation we find that your case is entirely unique, and we have decided to giv e your name to the disease, if our diagnosis is confirmed at the autopsy."


(To the Editor of the Speculum.)

Sir,—I wish to bring under the notice of the M.S.S. Com - mittee and the authorities of the Hospital the facilities the St u- dent has for clinical investigation. He wishes, say, to examin e a urine. Half a dozen test tubes are in the stand in the war': Two of them have been used by the man who got there fir"'"

and are consequently dirty. Two are broken. He uses the re"

maining two, and wishes to use a third. He tramps down th e ward to the bathroom to clean those he has used, and finds t patient in the bath and the door locked. Now, Sir, why cann ° 9 a bucket and a large vessel with a tap be provided at the table' Perhaps he wants to examine some blood. If he has his Or hmmocytometer, he's lucky. If not, he hunts round the hospita l ' pounces on one at last which belongs to an honorary, and filw e no cover-glass. The count is postponed again. At one time was foolish enough to bring to the Hospital some slides an d cover-glasses of his own. These have been " borrowed " for Wa r , use. He buys some more, and keeps them in his pocket. Tiler'

King David and King Solomon Lived merry, merry lives ; With their many, many concubines,

And many, many wives ; But when old age crept on them,

With its many, many qualms, King Solomon wrote the Proverbs

And King David wrote the Psalms.

is, perhaps, no room at the Hospital where the student can keep his microscope, stains and instruments. There is, it is true, a sort of a laboratory as far away from the wards as possible, but then it is " sweetly " situated next to the mortuary. The student has just lately listened to a lecture by Dr. Springthorpe on How to Work." He tries to work, but the authorities will not help, and yet he is supposed to be, Yours, etc.,


Answers to Correspondents.

" Sleeping Out," " The Bells of Heaven," " A Medical Legend," " Pharmaceutical Love Scenes," " An Exhortation,"

and other items of interest are held over through lack of space.


This year a departure has been made from the usual custom.

A Speculum Committee has been appointed to manage the jour- nal, and the Editor will be pleased if contributions are given to any of the following Committee: —G. Lamble, H. J. Gray, I.

Jones, J. C. Campbell, P. Florance, F. Hayes, and G. Shelton (Editor).

Medical Students.

, Please note that BRUCK'S is the Best House in Australia for Instruments,

Books, Anatomical and Microscopical Appliances, Surgical


nstruments, Stethoscopes, Half Skeletons, Disarticulated Skulls, etc., & c.

, Medical Students are treated most liberally and charged Wholesale Prices for everything ; therefore, it will be to their


wn advantage, before buying their Books and Instruments else- Where, to consult Mr. Bruck's Special Price for Medical Students, Which may be had on application to


Dalam dokumen Speculum - Digitised Collections (Halaman 56-59)

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