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A N N U A L R E P O R T , 1905-1906.





I have t h e honour in accordance with Section: 27, of the University Act 1890 to submit to Your Excellency the following report of t h e proceeding's of the University during the past year:—


The University of Melbourne was established by an Act of the Parliament of Victoria, which received t h e Royal Assent on 22nd January, 1853. T h e . first Council was appointed by a proclamation- dated t h e 0th April of t h a t year. Thc foundation stone of the main building was laid on the 3rd January, 185-t, and t h e University was formally opened on 13tli April, 1855. Thc Fiftieth Anni- versary, postponed owing to t h e financial difficulties in which t h e University found itself in 1905, was celebrated in April of thc present year.

The celebrations, wliich lasted a week, included t h e Reception of Delegates and. presentation of addresses in thc Wilson Hall, and the Conferring of Degrees in the Exhibition Buildings, a t both of which your Excellency honoured the University with your presence; receptions given by the Government of Victoria, by t h e University in combination with-, the Trustees of t h e Public Library and National Gallery, by the Vice-Chancellor, arid by the past and present Women Students, a performance of the "Wasps"

of Aristophanes by t h e Students of tho University Colleges, a Students' Smoking Concert and Torchlight Procession, a Ball, and a Dinner given by t h e Graduates to the Visiting Delegates. Advantage was taken of tho presence of repre-



4 9 8 ANNUAL RBPORT, 1000-lOuO.

sentatives ot the other Universities of Australia and New Zealand to hold a conference at which a number of questions of common interest were discussed.

At tho Conferring of Degrees His Excellency Lord .Northcote, Governor-General of the Commonwealth, was adniitted to the degree of M.A. ad eundem. Special ad eundem degrees were also conferred on representatives of t h e Universities of Sydney, Adelaide, and Tasmania.

The following Universities and Colleges sent special representatives t o the celebration :—

Universities of Dorpat and St. Petersburg—

Professor Alexander Vasiljev.

University of Tokyo—

Professor Chiyomatsu Ishikawa, Ph.D.

University ot Sydney—

Sir Arthur Kenwick, B.A., M.D..Vice-Chancellor.

Professor T. W. E. David, B.A., F.R.S.

Professor Anderson Stuart, M.D., L.L.D.

University of Adelaide—

Professor Rennie, M.A., D.Sc.

University ot New Zealand—

Sir Robert Stout, K.C.M.G., Chancellor.

University of Tasmania—

Sir N. Elliott Lewis, M. A., B.C.L., Vice-Chancellor Victoria CoUege, Wellington—

C. P. Knight, LL.D.

The following were represented by Graduates resident in Australia:—

University of Cambridge—

His Grace The Archbishop of Melbourne, Henry Lowther Clarke, M.A., D.D.

University of Glasgow—

Professor M. MacCallum, M.A., LL.D.

Professor C. S. Carslaw, M.A., D.Sc.

University of Aberdeen—

John Garland, M.A., LL.D.

Royal College of Physicians—

H. Maudsley, M.D.


University of Edinburgh—

Professor Orme Masson, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.

University of Dublin—

Hon. W. H. Irvine, M.A., LL.D.

Alexander Leeper, M.A., LL.D.

British Museum—

Professor T. G. Tucker, M.A., Litt. D.

Dalhouaie College. Halifax—

F. J. A. McKittrick. B.Sc.

McGill Universitv, Montreal—

T. P . Strickland, M.Sc.

T. Tait.

University College, Loudon—

W . Sutherland, M.A.

Victoria University, Toronto—

W . H. FiWhett, LL.D.

Trinity College, Toronto—

The Very Rev. The Dean of Melbourne, G. 0 . Vance, M.A., D.D.

University of Toronto—

W. J. Cross, M.D.

University of London—

Professor W. A. Osborne. M.B., D.Sc.

University of Manchester—

A. Mica Smith, B.Sc.

Royal College of Science, London—

Professor Skeats, D.Sc.

University ot Pennsylvania—

W. On- Gray, D.D.S.

Cornell University—

.S. H . Barraclough, B . S c , M.M.E.

University of Birmingham—

The Right Kov. the Bishop of Newcastle, J. V.

Stretch, B.A., LL.B., D.D.

University of Liverpool—

A. T. Strong, M.A.

University College, Bangor—

E. Trenchmann, M.A., Ph.D.


5 0 0 ANNUAL URP.OUT, 1005:lrtOC..

University ot Leeds—

Mrs. W. A. Osborne, M.Sc.

University of Wales—

Rev. L. D. Bevan, LL.D.

His Excellency Ciord Chelmsford, who was appointed to represent the University ot Oxford, was prevented from, taking part in the ceremonies by illness.

Addresses and congratulatory telegrams were received from the following Universities and Colleges -.—

Paris, Oxford, Cambridge, Montpelier, Toulouse, Siena, Rome, Grenoble, Pisa, Valladolid, Prague,.Leipzig, Glasgow, Freiburg, Tubingen, Aberdeen, Halle, Kl'migsberg, Jena, Oviedo, Leyden, Edinburgh, Grata, Dublin, Giessen, Dor- pat, Kiel, Lund, Innsbruck, Busaneon, Yale, Havana, Gottingen, Pennsylvania, Erlangen, British Museum, Oer- langen, Columbia, New Brunswick,. Budapcsth. Nancy, Palermo, Christiania, Glieut, LembCTg, Marseilles, Dal- housie College, Halifax. St. Petersburg, Mctiill, Toronto, Victoria College, Toronto, Trinity College, Toronto! Zurich, Kiev, Brussels, Louvaiii, University College, London, Berne, Athens, Minnesota, Royal College ot Science, London, Man- chester, Sydney, Laval, Loudon, Calcutta, Bombay, Chicago, Madras, Illinois, Cornell, Tokyo,Loland Stanford, Otago, University College, Auckland, University College, Christ- church, Victoria College, Wellington, Adelaide, Klaus- euburg, Birmingham, New Zealand, Sheffield, Liverpool, University College, Bangor, Leeds, Tasmania-, Sophia, and the Women's Pedagogic institute of St. Petersburg.


The new buildings rendered necessary by the institution of a School of Agriculture and t h c enlargement ot t h e Mining School -were begun in December, 1905, and are now in use, with the exception of .the Agricultural Chemistry Laboratories, the fittings of which are still incomplete. The buildings include a Mining School containing Lecture Rooms, Laboratories and Museum for Geology, Metallurgy, and Mining Engineering; au addition to the Biology School, providing Laboratory and other accommodation for the new department of Botany and for the Lecturer on Histology; additional Laboratories for Pathology and Bio- Chemistry, and new Laboratories for Agriculture and


Analytical Chemistry. Tho unused rooms at thc Bacterio- logical Laboratory have been fitted up, while the removal of the Metallurgical Department has provided room for the extension of the Senior Chemical Laboratory and the equipment of a small Laboratory for Physical Chemistry.

Tlie rooms vacated by the Geology department will provide a research laboratory for the Physics School and additional lecture rooms for t h e Arts School. A battery house has been built at the back of the new Mining School; but there are at present no funds for the purchase of mining machin- ery.

The division of the Chair of Anatomy and Physiology has called fresh attention to the necessity of increased accommodation for the Anatomy School, and plans have been prepared for the addition of a second story to tho present buildings at a cost of about .£4500.

The expansion of thc University and the establishment of new departments render it desirable to fit up the old Museum Building for the purposes of a Library, as was originally intended. This will involve the removal of (he Conservatorium of Music, and the provision of buildings better adapted for its purposes.


The new regulations for the Medical Curriculum, adopted in October, 1905, came into operation at the beginning of the present year.

The regulations substitute for the former five annual Examinations three Examinations, to be held at the end of the three main divisions of the course, and secure an increase in t h e length of the course by the institution of a fourth term of teaching in each year.

The requirements for the M.D. Examination have been made wider, so as demand a general knowledge of Medicine and a special knowledge of either Obstetrics, Gynecology, t h e Diseases of Children, or t h e Diseases of the Nervous System including Insanity.

Regulations have also been adopted for t h e institution of of a Diploma of Public Health.


5 0 2 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1906;.


The Regulations for Engineering courses have been revised in accordance with the recommendations ot t h e . Committee which inquired into tho matter in 190+, the entrance examination being brought into line with the requirements ot the Institution of Civil Engineers, tho standard of Mathematics throughout the course being raised, and t h e amount of practical work required in each year being increased. A new course in Mechanical Engin- eering is provided. The Electrical Engineering course remains suspended owing to want of funds for equipment and teaching staff, arrangements in the meantime being made by which students who have passed t h e first two years of t h e course in Melbourne, may be admitted ad eundem statum to the Third Year ot tho course at the University of Sydney.


Other Regulations passed during t h c year provide for the extension of the course for the Degree of Bachelor of Music to four years; the institution ot courses for a Diploma of Architecture, and a Diploma of Analytical Chemistry, tho affiliation of tho Australian College of Dentistry, an altera- tion in the tenure of Lecturers, and an extension of the system of Terra Examinations, which has now been fully tested by a three years' experiment.


The recent revival of University Sports, and the estab- lishment of a Sports Union led, at t h e beginning of 1905, to a petition of undergraduates asking t h a t the University should collect an annual teo from all male students for the upkeep of t h e Recreation Reserve, and the various Athletic Clubs. A regulation has been adopted to carry this pro- posal into effect, provision being made for any necessary exemptions, and the new system came into force a t t h e beginning of this year. The result has been soon in a great increase in the number ot men using the grounds, and t h e women students have petitioned for a similar system. The administration of the funds, and the the care of the Recre- ation Ground have been entrusted to a Committee on which the Council, the Staff, the Colleges, and the Undergraduates a r e represented.


During the year a new Cricket Pavilion has been erected on the grounds, t h e funds for which were partly raised by subscription and partly provided bv the University Cricket Club.


The Council has expressed to the Premier its gratification at the passing of the Act for the Registration of Schools and Teachers, wliich came into force at the beginning of 1906. It feels that this measure, which it has urged upon successive Governments for many years, wiU be of the greatest service to thc cause of education in Victoria.


To assist the Government in matters requiring expert scientific knowledge, and to consider all scientific questions ot common interest to the University and the-Government Departments, a permanent Advisory Committee has been formed from the heads ot Departments and the Science Professors of the University.


In 'accordance with the arrangement made with the Government iu 190-1, 21 now students nominated by the Director of Education have been admitted to the course for the Diploma ot Education without tec, making a total of -40 free students attending the two years of t h a t course.


Regulations have been adopted by which students of recognised Schools of Mines who have received instruction equivalent in character and amount to t h a t required in the University, may be admitted to Examination for the Diplomas in Mining and in Metallurgy and for Degrees in Engineering, on payment of about one-fifth of t h e yearly foe. The Schools ot Mines at Ballarat and Bendigo have applied for and received recognition under these regulations.

At t h e end of 1905 a Committee, representing the Uni- versity and the Working Men's College, was appointed to consider the question of the overlapping ot work at t h e two


5 0 4 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1906.

institutions. This Committee has now been made perman- ent, and is charged with the duty of considering all matters of common interest.


Tho land adjoining the Medical School, formerly reserved for a Military College in connection With the University, which was surrendered by the Commonwealth Defence Department in 1903 on the understanding t h a t it should be granted to the University, has been divided by the Govern- ment between t h e University and t h e Training College, t h e University obtaining the portion nearest the Medical School, containing an area of about two and a quarter acres. This will afford room for the ultimate expansion of the medical and scientific departments.


Dr. K. J. Bull, M.D., B.S., who since the resignation of Dr. Cherry has had charge ot the Bacteriological Labora- tory has been definitely appointed Director.

The continued inci'easc of thc work of the Laboratory has rendered necessary the appointment of an additional permanent demonstrator, Mr. 0 . A. Sayce being selected for the position.

During t h e year 1905, 3454 examinations of disease specimens for the Board of Health, thc Prahran City Council, the hospitals, and medical practitioners, were con- ducted in the Laboratory, the diseases including tubercu- losis, typhoid, diphtheria, plague, pneumonia, influenza, actinomycosis, leprosy, cerebrospinal and other forms of men- ingitis, tetanus, diarrhoea, and dysentery. The number of these examinations shows an increase of 20 per cent, on tho number of the previous year, and is three times as large as t h a t of the year after the foundation of Laboratory (1898).

For the Stock and Dairy branches of the Agricultural Department 124 specimens of animal diseases, chiefly anthrax and swine fever, were examined; together with samples of boue-meal, infected hay, water, milk, cream and butter. An increasing number of pure " s t a r t e r s " were supplied to butter and cheese factories w i t h excellent results, and " nitrogen-bacteria" were isolated for the first


time from lucerne nodules and supplied to thc Department for field experimentation. The usual examinations of water and sewage were made tor the Metropolitan Board of Works and the Melbourne City Council ; and sundry special investigations and researches were undertaken, especially in connection with blood-precipitins and

land anthrax.


• A Postgraduate Course of Lectures on "Antibodies iii tho Blood," given at the Bacteriological Laboratory by Dr.

Bull, was attended by 29 medical graduates.

Thc usual classes in Bacteriology for Butter Factory Managers were attended by 72 students.

The passing ot the Milk and Dairy Supervision Act has given rise to a demand for trained Supervisors. To meet this demand special classes have been organised in conjunction with the Agricultural Department, and 51 students have attended courses lasting over two terms, conducted by Professor Osborne, Dr. Bull, and Messrs. Cameron, Crowe, Carroll and Archer, ot t h e A gricultural Department.

During t h e year an Australasian Massage Association has been formed, which has drawn up a two years? course of training for intending Masseurs. 'Arrangements have been made for tho teaching ot the work in Anatomy and Physiology a t the University. Special Classes, attended by about 40 practising masseurs, arc now being conducted by Mr. J. G. Shcahan and Mr. H. M. Hewlett, who have been appointed Demonstrators of Anatomy and Physiology res- pectively.


At the Inter-University Conference held in connection with the Jubilee, a resolution was adopted in favour of co-operation between thc Universities of Australia and New Zealand in the conduct ot Public Examinations in Music.

It is hoped t h a t this co-operation may be arranged for at no very distant date. In the meantime a definite agreement has been made between the Universities of Melbourne and Adelaide w i t h the approval of the University of Tasmania for t h e conduct ot joint examinations in Victoria, South


50G ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1906.

Australia, West Australia and Tasmania. The new system will come into operation in 1907.


Sir John Madden and Sir Henry Wrixon have been re- elected Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor respectively for the year 190G.

Mr. E. H . Sugden, Dr. Leeper, Dr. Barrett, Sir John Madden, Dr. MaoFarland, and Dr. Marshall have been re-elected members of Council for a period of five years each.

Leave ot absence for three months, from the 1st October, 1905, was granted to Mr. McLcod, and for two months from the same date to Mr. Sachse. Dr. J. Williams received leave ot absence for six months from l l t h June, 1906,owing to illness.


Sir John Madden was granted twelve months' leave ot absence from the beginning ot March, 1906, to enable him to take a well-earned holiday. During his visit to Europe, he has received t h e title of G.C.M.G. from His Majesty the King, and the Degree of D.C.L. from the University of Oxford. Ho has been asked to represent the University at the Quator-Centenary of the University of Aberdeen in September of this year.


The division of t h e Chair of Anatomy aud Pathology wliich has long been desired by tho Council has been finally carried out. Professor Allen has taken thc position of Professor of Pathologv, tho now Professor of Anatomy being Dr. R J. A. Berry,"M.D., Ch.M., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.S.E., formerly Lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons, Edin- burgh.

Dr. A. J. Ewart, D . S c , Ph.D., F.L.S., formerly Deputy Professor of Botany at the University ot Birmingham, has been appointed Professor of Botany and Government Botanist in accordance with the arrangement made with the Government.

Both these gentlemen arrived, a t tho beginning of t h e year, and have entered on their work at the University.



Mr. A. C. H. Rothera, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., ot Em- manuel College, Cambridge, has been appointed to t h e new Lectureship in Bio-Chemistry, rendered necessary by tho establishment of a School ot Agriculture.

Dr. B. D. Steele, D.Sc Melb., formerly Demonstrator a t McGill University aud at Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, has been appointed Lecturer and Demonstrator of Chemistry.

The Lectureship in Architecture has been re-established, and Mr. Anketell Henderson, M.C.E., F.R.I.V.A., has been appointed to the position.

Mr. H. W. Allen, M.A., the Lecturer in Classics,obtained twelve months' leave of absence in December, 1905, Mr.

Edward W. Cornwall, B.A., being appointed acting Lecturer for 1906. Mr. Allen has since accepted the ])osition ot Vice- Master at Ormond College, aud has resigned his post at t h e University.

Dr. G. Rothwcll Adam, the Lecturer in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, obtained nine months' leave ot absence in December, 1905, Dr. Felix Meyer being appointed acting Lecturer for 1906.

The following Lecturers and Demonstrators have been appointed during the year :—


W. C. Mackenzie, M.D., B.S., F.R.C.S.

• Anatomy for M'assage Students—

S. G. Strahau, M.B., B.S.

Bacteriology—Assistant Demonstrator—

A. W. Adeney.

Logic—Evening Lecturer—

J. G. Latham, M.A Greek—Evening Lecturer—

E. D. Ulrich, M.A.

Physics—Junior Demonstrator—•

Kerr Grant, M.Sc.

W . M. Holmes, B . 4 .

Physiology—Honorary Demonstrator—

M. E. Lynch, M.B., B.S.


5 0 8 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1900.

A natomy—Honorary Demonstrators—

F. E. L. Lambert, M.D., M.S.

A. W. D. Robertson, M.B., B.S.

• J.'G. Sheahan, F.R.C.S.

D. A. Shields, M.D., B.S.

H. D. Stephens, M.D., M.S.

S. G. Strahan, M.B., B.S.


The following additiontil Examiners were appointed dur- ing the y e a r : •

1. Honorary Co-Examiners in Engineering School—

Mr. C. E. Oliver, Mr. J. Monash, Mr. D. Clark.

2. For Thesis for M.C.E. D e g r e e -

Mr. H. H. Schlapp, Mr. A. L. Mills.

3. For Medical Course.

Materia Medica—

Dr. F. Hobill Cole and Dr. Bennie.


Dr. Charles Bage.


Dr. Felix Meyer and Dr. Home.

Forensic Medicine—

Mr. G. C. Rennie, F.R.C.S.


Dr. Beattie Smith and Mr. W. E. Jones, M.R.C.S.


Dr. Maudsley. . S u r g e r y -

Mr. G. A. Syme, P.R.C;S.

4. For Examinations in Music—

Professor Ennis.

5. For Mollison Scholarship.


Dr. Richard Power.


Mr. N. M. Jaboor, B.A.


A N N U A L R E P O R T , ,1905-1900, 509 6. For Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Exami- nations, 1906:—

Subject English Geography History A r i t h m e t i c Algebra Geometry F r e n c h German Latin Greek Botany Drawing Chemistry Physiology ( J u n i o r ) Physics

Bookkeeping, etc.

S h o r t h a n d Typewriting

First E x a m i n e r Mr. W. L. P. Murdoch Prof. Skeats Prof. Elkington Mr. E. F. J . Love Prof. Nanson Mr. A. M. Nesbitt M. Maurice-Carton Mr. W. v. Dechend Mr. E. W. Cornwall Prof. T u c k e r Prof. E w a r t Mr. P . M. Carew-Smyth Dr. W. H. Green Mr. W. Fielder Mr. E. F . J . Love Mr. A. C. Morlcy Mr. E . T). L o u g h r a n Mr. C. L. H e w i t t

Second Examiner Mr. A. T. S t r o n g Mr, T. S. Hall Mr. J, A. A r t h u r Mr. 1!. J . A. R a m a r d Mr. A. M. Nesbitt • Mr. G. G u n d e r s e n . Mrs. E. Wood Mrs. E. Wood Prof. T u c k e r Mr. E . W. Cornwall M r J . S. H a r t Mr. J. T. Lup.soii Mr. A. H a r t Dr. ,1. F. Wilkinson Mr. R J . A, Barnard Mr. J . P. liainbi-idgc Mr. H . E . Wade Mr. A, C. Morley

For Senior Examinations onlvi

Subject Trigonometry Mechanics Geology Physiology Principles of Com

merce . Commercial Law- Banking a n d Ex-

c h a n g e

F i r s t E x a m i n e r Mr. R. J . A. B a r n a r d Mr. .1. H. Michell Prof. Skeats Prof. Osborne Mr. A. C. Morlcy Mr. J . E. Mackey Mr. C. I I . Davis

Second K.\aminer Mr. J. A, Gray Mr, R. J. A. B a r n a r d Mr. T. S. Hall Dr. Wilkinson Mr. J . A. A r t h u r Mr. A. C. Morley Mr. O. M. Williams


5 1 0 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1900.

V. F o r P r i m a r y Examination, J u n e , 1907.








& Writing- English Geography History A r i t h m e t i c Algebra Geometry F r e n c h G e n u a n Latin Greek E l e m e n t a r y

Physical Science Botany Drawing

First E x a m i n e r .

Mr. A. H a r t Mr. W. Gillies Mr. J . A. Leach Mr. ,1. A. A r t h u r Mr. M. 1'. H a n s e n Mr. K. S. Cross M. Maurice-Carton Mrs. K. Wood Mr. H . C. Winneke Mr. E. 1>. Ulrich Mr. K e r r G r a n t

MJSH G. S w e e t

Mr. P.M. Carew S m y t h

Second Examiner.

Miss M..II. R o o t ' Mr. A. Fussell ' Mr. H. S. Summers;

* Mr. J . Sutherland ; Mr. It. F . Russell Mr. K. S. Cross Mr. Kerr G r a n t Mr. J . Sharpe Mr. J . Sharpe Mr. E. 1). Ulrich Mr. I I . C. Winneke Mr.H.K.McG.Walker

Miss J . White ' Mr. .). T. Lupson

The following were appointed Examiners for the Exainination held in June, 190IJ :—

English—Mr. J. Sutherland and Miss Enid Dei-ham.

German—Second, Miss Enid Derham.- Arithmetie—Second—Mr. R. ,1. A. Barnard.

20.—UNIVERSITY R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S . The following have been appointed representatives ot t h e University on public bodies : —

Council of t h e Working Men's College—

Professor Kernot.


Council of Lo^al Education—

Sir Henry Wrixon and Dr. Bride.

Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee—

Professor Lyle.

Teachers and Schools Registration Board — Dr. Leeper and Professor Spencer.


The annual prize of ,£100 founded in 1005 by Mr. David Syme for the best Thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded to E. H. Embley, M.D., Melbourne, for his. Theses on " The action ot anaesthetic quantities ot chloroform upon the blood-vessels of the bowels and kidneys," and on " The Pharmacology ot Ethyl Chloride."

There were sixteen competitors for the prize.


The money left to tho University by the late Reverend Dr. Kay has been devoted to tho establishment of two Scholarships of .£100 a year for two years in Anatomy and Geology, the scholars being required to act as demonstra- tors in their respective subjects. The first scholars are Arthur Morris, M.D. (Anatomy) and H. St. .1. Summers, B.Sc.



The Royal Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851 have extended for a second year the Research Scholarship, awarded to A. C. Gumming, D.Sc, who is now working under Professor Abegg at Breslau.

The Scholarship of 1906 has been awarded oh the nomina- tion of the University to J. M. Baldwin, M.A., who has elected to pursue his researches in Astrophysics at the Capo Town Observatory and afterwards a t t h e Observatory a t Potsdam.



ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1900.


The Rhodes Scholarship for I90(i was awarded by the Selection Committee to J. A. Soitz, B.C.E. (Ormond College).


During the year 28 graduates and research students have been engaged in scientific wort in the various laboratories, under the direction of tho Professors or Lecturers. Of these, twenty-one have been engaged in original research, viz., in Physiology 4, in Chemistry 4, in Biology 3, in Physics 3, in Bacteriology 3, in Anatomy 2, in Geology 2.


The following table shows the number of students attending lectures at the University during the year VMo (including Evening Lectures):—


A r t s - Science Law

Articled Clerks - Medicine Dentistry E n g i n e e r i n g E d u c a t i o n • - . -

Total -

41 12 21


73 o 24 50


8 S


20 5 11


51 1 17 5


• £ • ;

— 3 JZ a

22 5 7 17 51



108 I*, e*

_ -

6 9 42





— -



- - -


•r, a 9 '7it7i


- - -





— -

190 H o


45 20 208 77 53 61

747 •

The number attending Evening Lectures was 107, of whom 20 were free students. Tho number of women students was 131.


A N N U A L R K P O R T , 1905-1900. 5 1 3 27.—CONSERVATORIUM OP MUSIC.

The following table shows the number of students attend- ing the Conservatoriuiii of Music during the year 1905 :—


Decree of Mus. Ua<*.

Diploma in M Elsie - O t h e r S t u d e n t s


•s b . — e*

1 15


l a


o 13


"3 »J H X

X 11

12 13

"c H

4 39 54



The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who passed their respective Annual Examina- tions during the.past Academic Year is shown in the follow- i n g table :—


A r t s - Science Law - Medicine - E n g i n e e r i n g Music - E d u c a t i o n - D e n t i s t r y -

T o t a l -

First Year-

2D 12 11 46 14 13 32


167 Second Year.

23 4 . 10 42 12 14 3

108 Third Year.

21 5 8 40 6 10

- -

80 Fourth Year.

— -

7 30 10

- -



_ - -


- - -


*3 o H 73 21 30 195 41 37 35 1



514 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1900.

The following is the number ot those who passed exami- nations for Higher Degrees in the first term of 1906 :—

M.A., 2 ; D.Sc. 1; M.D., 12; M.C.E., 1.


The number ot degrees conferred and diplomas granted during the year 1905, including admissions ail eundem gradum, is given below :—

Bachelor of Arts - - - - 18

Bachelor of Science 5 Bachelor of Laws 0 Bachelor of Medicine - - - 28

Bachelor of Surgery - - - 27 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 5 Bachelor of Dental Surgery - - 1 Master of Arts - - - - 13

Master ot Science . . . i

Master of Laws . . . - 2 Master of Surgery - - - - 1 Doctor of Science - - - - 3 Doctor of Medicine - - - - 9 Diploma in Music - - - - 3


The number of candidates who presented themselves and who passed the Matriculation, Primary and Junior Com- mercial Examinations during t h e year 1905-0 is shown in t h e following table. Tho Junior Commercial Examination was help for the first time in December, 1905.


Matriculation, December, 1905 Matriculation, May, 1900 Primary Examination, June, 1906 Junior Commercial Examination, 1905

° v.

3i "

* l -

= 3 S

1184 764 497 84

l i s 1 1

t * CJ

*5 3 "S 5 J = a

852 002 440 43

T3 rt



£ c Z.

327 224 159 12



The following table shows the number of candidates who entered for the Examinations in Music conducted by the Conservatorium Examination Board during the year 1905-6:-

September, 1905 - May, 1906 -


943 253 --


646 142 Total - 1196 - 788 32.—BENEFACTIONS.

The Council desires to acknowledge tho following dona- tions received during t h e year ;—

Physiological Laboratory Equipment—

Dr. J. W. Barrett, Electric Projection Lantern, Tongc's Laryngoscopic Apparatus.

Dr. E. H. Embley, JE25.

Dr. R. Tate Sutherland, £n.

Geological Museum—

Geological Survey ot Great Britain, Maps and Books.

Messrs. Bewick, Moreing and Co., Specimens.

Mr. J. R. Godfrey, loan of Broken Hill Specimens.

Botanical Laboratory—

Professor Ewart, Collection of Botanical Slides.

Classical Lecture Room—

The G. & C. Merriam Co., Pictures.

Anatomical Department—

Friends of late Dr. Goodall, Clock.

Music Library—

Managers of Marshall-Hall Orchestral Concerts, Orchestral Music.

Prizes a t Public Examinations—

University French Club, French, .£4.

Netherlands Chamber of Commerce for Australasia, Dutch, £ 2 2s.

Mr. J . Chaloyer, French, £ 2 .

Deutsche!- Schulverein von Victoria, German, £ 3 3s.

Mr. R. J. Larking, Spanish, £ 2 2s.

3 3 A


5 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT, 1905-1900.

Prizes tor Anatomy—

Mr. W. Kent Hughes, M.R.C.S., .£4 4s.

I have t h e honour to be.


Your Excellency's most obedient Servant, H. J. WRIXON,

Vice-Cha nceilor.

1st October, igo6.


1905. R E C E I P T S . i>ec. 30. To G o v e r n m e n t G r a n t s


L e c t u r e s ..£10,618 Degrees

Certificates Alatric. Exams.

Primary Exam.

Annual Kxam.

School Inwpec tion

821 404 4 3267 Ifi

89 2 3D3 10


Sale of Calendars a n d Examina- tion Papers . . Uaetie I n t e r e s t -

103 10 2 298 0 9




£37.056 0



4 0




1905. E X P E N D I T U R E . J a n . 1. Bv Balance

Dec. HO. By Salaries .. £25,583 Less charged to

Conaerv. a/c £100, Cons. E. IJ. a/c, £75 175 House Allowances

Kxaminers' Fees Exam. Expenses . . Dxam. Papers

Exhibitions a n d Scholarships Books

A p p a r a t u s .. £1185 Less received from

Appeal F u n d £225 5 0

4 P o s t . O r a d . £14 17/2 239 17 Dissections

F u r n i t u r e I n s u r a n c e s Grounds

Cleaning and Incidentals . . Gas

W a t e r a n d Sanitary Wood and Coal

Stamps—Postage and Duty C o m m e n c e m e n t ..


Printing—including Calendar Advertising

Repairs . ' .. £078 Less charged Cons. a/c. 100 Special Jubilee Vote Balance

19 0



0 2

3 0


£3642 0

25,508 5 333 6

!)4S 10 286 0 188 12 1072 0

505 13

945 6 427 10 194 11 135 18 26 11 86 13 306 0

71 4 23 6 59 IS 15 19 168 18 265 11 8 14 678 19 14 18 1141 13 37,056 4


11 8


8 3 0 0

10 4 10 r, 6 10 6 3 2 6 8 10 11 8 0 4 7




o "3


a o o c


o u.


Examined a n d found correct,

J . 11. B R U F O R D , A u d i t o r General.


STATEMENT o/ R E C E I P T S and E X P E N D I T U R E of the CONSERVATORIUM of MUSIC for the Year, 1906.

R E C E I P T S . 1906.

Dec. 30. To F e e s -

L e c t u r e s . . . . £2106 E n t r a n c e Exbitions. 10 Certificate . . 1 Hire of Music

Balance . .

6 9 1

3 6 0

— £2117 8 204

£2330 15 4



« e



1905.' J a n . Deo.



E X P E N D I T U R E . By Balance . .

,, Salaries—

T e a c h i n g Staff £1624 16 Secretarial . . 100 0 Librarian . . 20 0 A t t e n d a n t . . 26 0 H o n o r a r i u m t o

Director 162 15 R e n t

Concert a n d Orchestral Ex penses

P r i n t i n g

Stationery a n d Postage Advertising . H i r e . T u n i n g , a n d R e p a i r s P u r c h a s e of Music Incidentals . . G a s . . F u r n i t u r e E x a m i n e r ' s F e e

Less Transfer from Conserva t o r i u m Exainination Board

£341 19 11 6

0 0 0 1

183*1 11 6 100 0 0 36 17 10 13 11 0 19 6 10 8 16 0 38 19 9 1 19 6 0 17 9 4 19 6 1 12 6 10 10 0

£22,413 2 1 82 15 1

£23K0 7 0 O l 00



"0 5S IB D O








Examined and found correct,

J. H. BRUFORD, Auditor General.


BOARD ACCOUNT for the Year, 1906.


J a n , 1. To Balance Dec. 30. ,, Fees . .


. . £272 0 1 844 17 3

£1116 17 4 1905.

Dec. 30.

E X P E N D I T U R E . By Scholarships

Examiners' Fees Secretarial—Office

,, Organising Organising Expenses . . Travelling E x p e n s e s . . Examination Expenses P r i n t i n g


Postage a n d Stationery Editing — Preliminary

Miisic Book Transfer t o t h e Conserv

of Music Account . Balance

.. £ 6 3 16 0 . 328 8 3 . 75 0 0 . 37 10 0 95 15 6 . 44 4 9 . 16 2 10 . 78 2 0 IS 2 5 . 33 13 0 Grade

. 10 0 0 789 15 3 atorium

. . 82 16 1 872 10 4 . 244 7 0

£1116 17 4


Examined and found correct,

J. II. BRUFORD, -di«ii'(or General.


B 'A

i-3 O


o o o d rz i-3


S T A T K M E N T of R E C E I P T S a n d E X P E N D I T U R E of the B A C T E R I O L O G I C A L F U N D for the Y e a r , 1005.

Ol to O


J a n . 1. To Dec. 30. ,,

R E C E I P T S . Balance

D e p a r t m e n t of

I'lllilii- Health £250 u 0 M. » .M. Hoard of

Works .. ISO 12 0 llept. of Agric. . 187 10 0 Dcpt. of Agri-

cnltiEro: Factory

Managers' Classes 144 IS 0 .Melb. City foum.il ilO ll 0 Moll). Children's

Hospital 20 0 0 I'l-ahran City Council 20 0 0 E x a m i n a t i o n s of

Specimen* .. 20 10 0 Donations—Mr. .1.

W. Barrett a n d

111'. W. E. l.ll'r 15 15 II SS9

£965 1 7

E X P E N D I T U R E . 1906.

Dec. 30. By S a l a r i e s . . . £810' 8 2 Less charged to

General Account .. 200 0 0 Salaries Factory Managers' Classes A p p a r a t u s , .Material,

e t c . . 139 9 8 Less charged to

General A c c o u n t .. 50 0 0 Coal

Telephone ...


010 60

89 12 9 771 183 R 0

9 10 0 8 12

o 0

10 s

0 8 11



' j i




a: •J,



-i o



E x a m i n e d and found c o r r e c t ,

.1. II. B R U F O R D , A u d i t o r General.



Dec. 30.

R E C E I P T S . T o Transfer to T r u s t

Account for

Syme Prize ..£3034 16 4 G r i m w a d e Prize . . 1006 2 I) C h a m b e r of Com-

merce Exhibition 1060 13 0 Madden Exhibition 638 11 0 I'avne Exhibition 400 0 0 Cash spent on Mr. Mills' Prize

for Metallurgy

Fittings, Pathological Museum A p p a r a t u s —

.Medical School . . 112 3 7 Classical Dept. .. 100 0 11 Chemistry „ . . 60 0 0 Geological ,, .. 25 0 0 Natural Philosophy

D e p a r t m e n t .. 50 0 0 F u r n i t u r e , E n g i n e e r i n g Dept.

Cash, as per 1904 .Statement, h a n d e d over to l i o n . Trea- s u r e r Universitv F u n d

• £0140 1 4 10 0 183 15

337 8


Fixed Deposit Receipts Cash a t Bank

300 0 0 0979 0 11 3760 0 0

976 18 9

£11,706 8 8 1905.

J a n . 1.

Dec. 30.

E X P E N D I T U R E . By Balance

,, Cash received from Hon.

T r e a s u r e r Uni-

versity Fund £10,744 11 8 I n t e r e s t received

from a m o u n t s placed on fixed

Deposit . . 74 5 0

10,813 10 8

£11,706 8 8 - 3 >

M 2j

•4 O


o o o



Examined a n d found correct,

J . H. B R U F O R D , A u d i t o r O e n t r a l . Ol to


STATEMENT of the DEFICIENCY ACCOUNT to the 30(A December, 1905.

Ol t o to

Jan. 1. To Bank Overdraft .. .. £14,295 12 7 Dec. 30. ,, Bank Charge for Keeping


Dec. 30. By Balance Bank Overdraft... £14,290 2 7 Account . . 0 10 0

£14,290 2 7 £14,290 2

E x a m i n e d a n d found correct,

15/8/00. J . 11. B R U F O R D , Auditor. General.

S T A T E M E N T of R E C E I P T S a n d E X P E N D I T U R E of the S P E C I A L A P P A R A T U S A C C O U N T f o r the Year, 1905.

R E C E I P T S . 1906.

J a n . 1. To Balance . . .. . . £2000 0 0

£2000 0 0

E X P E N D I T U R E . 1905.

Dee. 30. By A p p a r a t u s . . ... 212 18 B a l a n c e . . .. . . 1787 1

£2000 0 7

11 1 0


•A g o >

-4 a


to rs

o •t

16/8/00. Examined and found correct,

J. H. BRUFORD, Auditor General.


and FITTINGS ACCOUNT for the Year, 1905.



Jan. 1. To Balance

Deposit on Contracts

£0000 0 0 95 0 0

£6095 0 0



Dee. 30. Bv Buildings and Fittings .. £1C04 10 8 Balance ., . . 4490 3 4

15/8/06. Examined and found correct,

J. II. BRUFORD, Auditor General.

STATEMENT of RECEIPTS .(• E X P E N D I T U R E of the SUSPENSE ACCOUNT fur the. Year, 1906.


J a n . 1.

Dee. 30.

R E C E I P T S . To BalaEice

Lecture Fees, 1900

. . £960 13 10 23 14 0

£979 7 10 1906.

Dec. 30.


Lorcto Convent;

Examiners' Fees,

&c ..£9 18 0 P.O. French Course 0 5 6

Balance .,

£10 3 0 969 4 4

£979 7 10 ,o a

o c

in H


Examined and found correct,

J. II. BRUFORD, Auditor General.

Oi l.O W


S T A T E M E N T of T R U S T F U N D S B A L A N C E S a t 30th December, 1905. O i

t o

D e e . 3 0 , 1 9 0 5 . A r g u s B a r r y B e a n e y B o w e n

. C h . of C o m m e r c e . . D i x s o n

D w i g h t G r i m w a d e . . H a s t i e H i g g i n s H o w i t t K a y K e r n o t . M a c B a i n M a d d e n M o l l i s o n O r m o n d C h a i r O r m o n d S c h o l a r s h i p P a y n e

S h a k e s p e a r e S t a w e l l S u t h e r l a n d S y m e W i l s o n W r i g h t

W y s e l a s k i e - C l a s s i c s

I n v e s t i n e n t i .

£ 1 8 2 0 2 1 4 2 0 8 1 1 5 1 0 4 5 1 1 , 9 0 0

•1985 1 1 2 5 13,(i'l0 1 0 0 0 2 6 1 1 677 3 0 7 2 8SI1 7 1 0 5 7 9 0 2 1 , 2 0 5 0 3 4 3 4 6 0 1 5 6 7 1 2 4 9 1 0 5 3 2 0 0 164 1 0 9 S 1 9 6 2 E n g . C o n . H i s t o r y 1 9 7 0 M a t h s .

M o d . L a n g u a g e s N a t . S c . P o l . E c o n . W r i x o n

1 9 0 0 1 9 7 0 1 9 0 0 19711 0 1 0 T o t a l . . £ 1 0 0 , 0 4 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 (I II II 0 0 II 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 1 9

II 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 9 0 II 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9

B a n k C r .

£ 3 6 1 8 0 11 7 2 3

2 19 3 0 4 HIS 14

7 2 19 16 1 9 5481.1 7

14 19 3 8 1 3 1 0 3 14 14 1 5 0 3 2 1 2

1 7 6 7 1 2 y 8 4 4 2 11

2 17 1 9 2

3 5 17 2 8 1

•J 12 S 2 1 6 2 S 2 3 1 2

£ 0 4 2 7 1 9 o 5 9 6 0 1 4 8 o 8 5 7 5 9 5

1 0 11 10 1 0 7 6 0 7 1 3 1 3 1


B a n k D r .

£ 2 3 1 0 9 2 2 5 3 0

2 0 7

£ 2 6 0 14 4

T o t a l .

£ 1 8 5 0 I S 2 21 4 3 4 0 117 1 0 8 1 1 2 , 1 5 8 6 0 5 7 1 1 4 1 1 9 , 0 8 0 1014 2 0 4 9 5 8 7 8 3 0 8 7 8 9 2 731 ' 5 7 7 2 2 , 1 0 3 9 6 5 1 9 4 0 2 1 6 7 5 1291 107 3 2 1 9 157 1 1 1 5 1 9 7 0 1 9 7 3 1 9 6 S 1 9 8 0 1 9 0 8 1973 0 0 7

£ 1 1 2 , 8 2 6 11 5

3 9 1 9 6 4 6 14 1 19 4 19 8 7 2 19 8 1 3 5 14 7 15 2 3 9 2 6 9 3 17 0 7 1 9 0 4 11 1 1 1 0 17 10 2 7 6 6 2 0 1 7 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 12 1 1 9 5 6 4

S m n m a r y of I n v e s t m e n t s , etc- Dec. 30. 1005.

M . & M . B , o f W . D e b s . £ 4 1 Vict. Gov. Stock Vict. Gov. Debs.

Vict. Sav. Bank Debs.

Queensland Gov. Debs.


P r o p e r t i e s Hank Deposits, e t c . . . Promissory Notes Cash—Hastie a/c, Cr.

T r u s t u/c, Cr.

.Mollison a/c, Dr. 'I'.i 10 . 4 1 , 2 3 0 0

3 5 , 3 9 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 7 5 0 0 0 100 0 5 8 0 0 0 2 9 3 0 0 1 1 , 4 9 6 19

2 0 0 0

£ 5 4 S 0 7 714 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 9 0 2 2

£ 1 0 0 , 6 4 7 1 9

n o o

£112,825 6 4


E x a m i n e d a n d found c o r r e c t ,

J . I I . B R U F O R D , A u d i t o r G e n e r a l .


Library Digitised Collections


University of Melbourne Title:

University of Melbourne Calendar 1907 Date:


Persistent Link:

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