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Australian Medical Journal: (April, 1888) - Digitised Collections


Academic year: 2023

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It is probable that many of the cases of known "suppurating" hydatids cured by puncture were in reality simply degenerated cysts. The patient was left to the nurse, who almost immediately determined that the patient was dying. Verco, slightly to the right of the midline; only three or four ounces were drawn off.


26, was injured in the Windsor rail accident; Was rendered completely unconscious for some time, and was unable toBe rendered completely unconscious for some time, and was unable to leave bed for six weeks.


Front room level; fundus and media absolutely normal; no trace of heading of the disc. Three months ago a sudden severe pain came in the right eye and extended around the right side of the head. Since then, the eserin has been continuously administered, and there has been no recurrence of the attachment. t.

The disease healed, leaving a dense white leukoma below and beyond the visual axis. The appearance of the discs strongly suggests double atrophy, but this assumption is not supported by a single significant fact. It seems most reasonable to suppose that the pallor of the discs may be the result of some old neurotic change.

I believe that the eye disease has not had a progressive form for a long time, and it is not related to the current condition of the patient. Due to deformity, the big toe was pushed far outward (or reacted inward) from the others, and the elasticity and mobility of the iskl1.


In many cases of hypertrophy the cause was obvious; but no explanation has yet been given of overgrowths such as t1-0 4. Similarly, warty discharges which have long been inert, or indolent weak ulcers which have been repeatedly irritated by. What then is the connection, if any, between an apparently causeless hypertrophy on the one hand, and a malignant growth like a sarcoma on the other. I The differences are clear.

In hypertrophy, all the tissues develop together in an orderly manner, in adult types of structure, without infiltration of one tissue into another or tendency to dissemination. In sarcoma there is only an enormous development of fetal elements of the connective tissue type, and there are the overriding tendencies to infiltration and spread. But when a part of the body, and it may be a very small part, without any demonstrable reason, grows continuously without relation to the development of the parts around it, we cannot but ask what are the pathological relations of this process to the disorderly infiltrating hyperplasia of malignant tumors.

I am convinced that malignancy is not a quality of constant intensity in any histological form of tumor, and that intermediate stages of development are found between granulation tissue and sarcoma, and between an irritable wart and epithelioma.


The next day went much the same way, and 18 hours before I saw him, he had a profuse bowel movement. In the right hip was a tumor the size of a large green walnut, which lay in a position on the outer side of the saphenous opening, its inner border slightly touching that opening. I may add that the patient spoke of occasional pain passing into the adductor aspect of the thigh, similar to that described as present in obturator hernia.

This may be regarded as a Richter's hernia, or one in which only a portion of the intestine has been strangulated, and there has consequently been no absolute obstruction. These herniae are generally femoral, and are often attended with the presence of a gland before the hernia. He saw a case of hydrocele complicated with hernia, in which tapping the hydrocele produced symptoms of strangulation.

The size of the intestine was much smaller than the size of a coat button. A portion of the intestine below the strangulation site was sometimes emptied immediately after the strangulation.


MOLONEY agreed with the principle of the rule, but thought it would be better to postpone the election of new members to the annual meeting. I would like the members of the committee to be senior doctors stationed at the Alfred and Melbourne hospitals. He submitted an amendment "to increase the number of committee members elected at the annual meeting from six to ten." No history could be obtained, as the friends who visited him knew little more of the English language than he himself.

Physical examination revealed no abnormalities in any of the organs; there was some edema around the ankles; the urine contained protein. About this time, the patient began to display one of the most constant symptoms seen in chyluria, namely, lethargy and depression; for hours he sat on the edge of his bed with his head between his hands, grumbling. JUSTICE WILLIAMS, in giving the reasons for his decision in the convenience now considered, usurped the functions of the physician and did not certainly assume office.

Undoubtedly, the severity of sentences is both, and should be, influenced by the record of the criminal; but in his case it was not the record of previous offenses that directly influenced the judge, but a consideration of the pace of the criminal's mind. In the words of the customary certificate, he was "a lunatic, and a proper person to be controlled.


H. Mollison was trator of Anatomy

The Annual Meeting of the Medical Students' Society was held on the 4th evening of the 12th Inst., at Melbourne Hospital, with Professor Allen as chairman. The annual report, which was quite long, dealt mainly with the work the Society had done for the benefit of the students during the past year. Describe the buttocks, diagnostic features, and clinical history of the various tumors, both idiopathic and congenital, that may occur in the scalp or vault of the skull.

A spare man, mt. 57, was admitted to the hospital with a strangulated femoral hernia on the left side, the size of a large walnut. Without difficulty the house surgeon reversed the main part of the extension and then applied an ice pack to the small piece that resisted his efforts. On the tenth day in the hospital the hernia became painful and the ice was completely discontinued; a week later an abscess is incised over the hernia seat, pus and feces go away.

On admission, there was a small, fresh puncture wound on the left side of the scalp, 2i cm above. A bare and rough 1515'4 was detected by the probe on the surface of the squamous 174°• The patient and his friends would not permit any further surgical intervention in the wound except the use of the probe.


  • Give the etiology, diagnosis, progress, terminations, and post-mortem appearances of fibroid phthisis
  • State the varieties, causes, and treatment of headache
  • What are the chief causes, symptoms, and treatment ascites1
  • Describe the treatment of sudden hiemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever

On the second day, his temperature rose to 102°C, he was irritable and complained of headaches. 3rd day. The temperature was lower, the pain persisted, he was dull and seemed rather stupid. 5th day. The temperature was normal, he was still dull and in pain, and he had several mild spasmodic twitches, especially on the right side of his face and right arm.


In a case of insanity what conditions would indicate clang to life ?

How do you distinguish between melancholia and hyl chondria ?


What are the functions of the following nerves :—Facial , glossopharyngeal, and spinal accessory ?

Give the origins, distribution, and functions of the cardiac nerves


The Patient n )w complains of swelling of the abdomen, with severe cutting pains in the back, groin and thighs. Comment on the matter, discuss the nature of the tumor or tumors felt, the cause of the symptoms complained of, the. Medical Staff, reports that at a meeting of the Staff it was decided "that it is objectionable that any individual member of the staff should be mentioned in the public press in connection with cases reported from this hospital." A report on the Nurses' Training School stated that since the opening of the school in December 1880, 76 nurses had been trained, of whom nine remain in the hospital; 128 families found nurses in private cases.

Medical Staff, and approved by the Committee that the opening of the Clinical School should take place on Monday, the 19th, at 9:30 a.m., Dr. Embling that the general sanitary condition of the hospital was good, the drainage worked perfectly and there had been no complaints during the quarter, except that the ventilation of the refractory ward was unsatisfactory. The issue of possible overcharging by members of the medical staff for operations on patients in the paying wards was presented to the Committee by Mr.

The following resolution was passed:-" That all surgeries not mentioned in 'the scale of fees for surgeries' shall be charged a fee to be determined by the. The new school of clinical instruction at Alfred Hospital was opened on Monday, the 19th ult., by the president of the llon.



On September 6, the Hospital Committee received a letter from Dr. Hayter with the following comparison of figures for all Australian capitals for the same period. Irel., and Thomas Rowan, M.D., as members of the Dental Board of Victoria have been accepted.

Allen, University of Melbourne; Dear James Campbell; Arthur Purssell Akehurst, Chairman of the Central Board of Health; Professor D. They will be quarantined for the usual period of 21 days from the last outbreak of the disease. A case of small-pox was reported at Manly on the evening of the 31st ult.

The property was immediately quarantined and the household members (10 people) were transferred to the quarantine station. Shields, from the Central Health Board, visited the patient and stated that it was a case of chickenpox.




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