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Design and Development of Hospital Management System


Academic year: 2023

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Hamidul Islam, ID No. Tajnuva Afrin Mohona, ID No. and Mehedi Hasan, ID No. of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University, have been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Natural Sciences and Information Technology Påskelilje International University. We hereby declare that this project has been carried out by us under the supervision of.

We also declare that neither this project nor any part of this project has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma. We would like to thank all participants in this project for their friendly cooperation and its successful implementation. Special thanks to the project leader Sharmin Akter, a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Daffodil International University.

Fahmida Afrin, Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University. Above all, we would like to thank all the members who always helped, advised and motivated us during the project, and also the employees and staff of the CSE Division of Daffodil International University. We did a lot of work for this project using atom where we loaded a web application which is very easy for the users and we created it in a very interesting way. When a user can find his primary treatments if he feels an emergency situation, he can get ambulance information on the same site.

If they find their symptoms severe from this site, they can visit the doctor.

Literature Review 2

All this information must be managed in an efficient and cost-effective manner, so that an institution's resources can be used effectively. The hospital management system will automate the management of the hospital making it more efficient and without mistakes.

Motivation 2

Objectives 2

Expected Outcomes 3

Proposed Solution 3-9

The user will be able to enter each page with login, and will be able to get help. Customers can enter the home page, blood, blog, blood, member and service by entering the web application. When they enter the homepage, they will be able to know about a smart way of hospital management approach, they will be able to search information about any treatment.

They will be able to find out about the regular Corona updates, such as how many people have been tested in a day, new people affected, how many deaths have occurred, how many have recovered, the total number of affected summers, the total number of test reports. On the web page, the user is first given the option to click there. A login interface will open. After registering the web application, they see our services and these are Health Blog, Blood Post, Member Assistance, Hospital Service, Ambulance, Covid-19.

If the user enters the blood option of the web application, he will see a list of blood types, where he can get help to get blood and also be a donor. They can post on the site and also get our blood, ambulance and hospital service. In the second chapter, we discuss various searches related to our work, tasks and results.

In the third chapter, we have given the proposed system requirements, business model, prerequisite, test structure, way to run.

Figure 1.1.2: Landing page
Figure 1.1.2: Landing page


Related Works 10

Comparative Studies 10-11

Challenges 11

Use case diagram shows high-level features and the relationship between actors and use case. Main Flow 1- There will be a registration button on the home page. 2- You need to click on the registration button. Security: In this web application, some user data is stored in the database.

If there is no internet and/or the program is running while the internet is running, access will no longer be possible as the connection will be disconnected. The scope and requirements of the project are determined at the beginning of the development process. Each iteration is considered a short "time frame" in the agile process model, typically lasting from one to four weeks.

The division of the entire project into smaller parts helps to minimize the project risk and reduce the overall requirement for the project's delivery time. We have worked with regard to the users' requirements, where we have worked based on their requirements. This is very important because it is what attracts the customer to the web application.

By creating this connection, all the inputs given in the web application will be stored in the database. If you search for something, it will search directly from the database and display it in the web application. If our project can be implemented properly, the whole hospital management system will be easy to manage and beneficial for both administrator and patients.

Given the COVID-19 situation, this will be very effective as there is less risk of meeting in person. In the current context, leaving the house is much more frightening, the Corona situation is getting worse day by day. It has also become very difficult to get counterfeit and all necessary primary treatments and also blood information on the same platform.

With this project we will be able to win by doing what we expect and always end up in a much better position. This web application is intended for the Internet only and does not have an Android/iOS version. Our features would not be possible without an internet connection.

Figure 3.1.1: Use Case Diagram
Figure 3.1.1: Use Case Diagram


Figure 1.1.1: Landing page
Figure 1.1.2: Landing page
Figure 1.1. 4: Log In
Figure 1.1.6: Our Service


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